Linden: Rocking Pleasure: New Adult College Romance (Coral Gables Series Book 3) (20 page)

BOOK: Linden: Rocking Pleasure: New Adult College Romance (Coral Gables Series Book 3)
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Thanks, Officer,” I mumble, grab Linden’s hand, and pull him after me, heading for the street.

He laughs softly. “That was my very first brush with the law.”

Same here.” I smile.

Linden puts an arm around me. “What now?”

I promised Cami we’d come back.”

Then let’s go back.”


Where have you been?” Hailey calls out impatiently when Linden and I approach the bar.

We had a little run-in with the cops,” I explain, still feeling amused.


I shrug and grin up at Linden, who tries to stifle his laughter.

What exactly were you doing to raise the attention of the police?” Delsin asks with a knowing smile.

I merely shrug again and mirror his grin.

Aha … smutty things,” he concludes, turning back to Cami.

We did
do anything smutty … We merely cuddled,” I state, because I don’t want them to think I’m a cheap slut who has sex on the beach. I would never have let it go that far.

Cami flashes me an inquisitive glance. She wants to know what exactly we’ve been doing, so I blow her a kiss. She nods quickly and gives me a thumbs-up. Linden orders drinks for both of us while I’m busy with my non-verbal conversation.

Delsin watches us with mounting confusion. “Do you really understand each other, or are you just messing with my brain?”

We do,” Cami and I say simultaneously.

Will you call me tomorrow?” Cami asks me.

Could we postpone that till Monday?” I plead. “I have this pressing date with my lecture notes tomorrow.”

All right.”

Dale comes over and leans in toward me. “Thally, I just wanted to say I’m sorry … in case I appeared jealous earlier.”

I look at her and shake my head. “Hey, I would react the same way if my boyfriend was dancing like that with another girl.”

So you’re not annoyed?” she presses.

I shake my head more vehemently. “No, of course not. But there’s no need to be jealous of me. All I want from Ave is a dance now and then. I’m not so sure about Hailey, though,” I add with a wink.

Dale looks over to where Hailey is drinking, and snorts. “She’s got Logan.”

And I’m just kidding.” I giggle.

She boxes my arm. “Sometimes you’re really mean.”

I know, but y’all love me anyway.”

Linden hands me a glass with blue liquid in it. It’s a cocktail, I can see and smell that, but I don’t know what kind. “What is it?”

Swimming Pool.”

We clink glasses, and I take a sip as I look into his eyes. “This is tasty, too.”

I would never offer you anything bad.”

Who knows that for sure?” I tease.

I notice that Dale is staring at him. “I feel silly,” she says, “but could I have your autograph?”

How cute!
She’s asking Linden for an autograph.

I’ll give it to Thally later, okay? I didn’t bring anything that I could sign, let alone a pen,” Linden says apologetically.

Okay. Thank you.”

And there’s no need to feel silly. I get asked by much older women in much weirder situations.”

Dale blushes and runs back to Ave, who’s throwing daggers at Linden with his eyes. But then he sees me watching him and smiles. I make a dismissive gesture and stick my tongue out at him.

I’m getting tired, starting to feel the exertion of skating all day. If I want to feel rested tomorrow, I should be on my way soon, or else I’ll stay in bed until noon again. I finish my cocktail and place the empty glass on the bar. “Guys, don’t be mad at me, but I’m exhausted. I think I’ll go home.”

Already? It’s barely midnight,” Cami complains.

And I’m tired as a dog, honey,” I reply.

Let’s have one more dance before you go,” Linden says, already pulling me toward the dance floor.

song,” I say.

This one doesn’t count,” he barters. “It’s almost over.”

As we dance, I’m sure all my friends can see that there’s something going on between us. Linden keeps breathing soft kisses on my forehead, the tip of my nose, and my lips. And I enjoy being showered like that.

I forget the time and lose myself in the music and his touch—until Delsin comes over to us. “One last dance has become three hours. Cami’s tired, so I’m taking her home now. I’ll see you in class.”

I pull away from Linden and join Delsin to go say good night to my friends. “I think I’m going to leave as well. I don’t want to stay if y’all are going home.”

You spent the entire night with Linden,” Cami says accusingly.

Really?” I say, feeling hurt. “You want to play the jealous best friend now just because I had a great time?”

I have every reason. I organized this party and you didn’t spend any of it with us.”

I roll my eyes and lean forward to give her a peck on the cheek. “See you, Cami. Sleep tight.” It’s hard not to sound irritated, but I don’t care. She was the one who pestered me to see him again.

I grab my purse from a stool, wave goodbye at the rest of the bunch, and leave the club not even thinking about Linden. I’m too annoyed by this end to a wonderful evening, like a discordant note that mars the whole song.

When I’m outside, I call a taxi. But suddenly a dark, familiar limousine stops at the curb in front of me. “Can I take you home?” Linden asks, pushing the back door open.

I smile and get in. “You didn’t drive here?”

No, I was expecting to drink. I never drive after drinking. I don’t want to endanger anyone.”

I nod as the car starts rolling. “Thank you for taking me home,” I say softly.

Linden pulls me into his arms. “I’d much rather take you home with me. To my place.”


Does that mean you want to stay overnight?” he asks, puzzled.

Do you want me to?”

Absolutely,” he says, leaning toward the front of the car. “Grayston, we’re going to my house. Miss Leroux will sleep in the guest room.”

I look at him, perplexed.

The staff doesn’t need to know I’m taking you to my bedroom.” He grins.

Oh.” I smile.
Sweet Jesus, I’m about to spend the night in Linden’s bedroom.
I’m not going to sleep
him, but I long to fall asleep and wake up in a man’s arms. It’s been too long.

As soon as we look into each other’s eyes, Linden lifts my chin with his finger and kisses me. I’ve never been kissed with so much passion, not by Damon, nor by Colton, nor any of my flings. I return the kiss with as much hunger as I feel coming from him.

I have no idea how he did it, but suddenly I’m lying on my back in the backseat, and he’s above me. He starts to unbutton my blouse, but I stop him.

The chauffeur,” I pant.

The partition is up,” he whispers.

I can see the desire in his eyes, and it’s answered by a tingling sensation in my nether regions. “Linden, I … I want to, but we shouldn’t do this. Not in the limousine.”

His expression becomes confused for a moment, but then he sobers up and buttons my blouse again. It’s unbelievable how fast he is with the tiny buttons. Even I can’t get them into their buttonholes that fast. He sits up as if nothing happened. I can see his jaw work, and then suddenly he hits his own leg with his fist.

I flinch. “What’s wrong?”

He shakes his head before looking at me. “I screwed up again. I keep pressing you. You must think I’m some horny pervert.”

I put a hand on his arm. “No, I don’t think anything of the sort. I would like to sleep with you, but … we don’t really know each other yet … somehow … ” I sigh. “Oh, I don’t know! But I don’t want to sleep with you in the car, I know that much.”

His expression softens. “And you don’t think badly of me now?”

No. Why would I?” I ask softly.

You tell me,” he murmurs.

I lean in and breathe a kiss on the corner of his mouth. “Don’t worry so much.”

Okay,” he sighs.

I snuggle up to him and close my eyes. It’s cute that he’s immediately self-conscious when I stop him. Still, I resolve to stick to my decision and not sleep with him tonight. I hope.

I would love to, because he awakens this strong desire within me, an unfamiliar feeling, or at least a long-forgotten one. I know you can’t fall in love with someone after meeting them just twice, but I’m starting to believe I’m headed down that road. Especially if he keeps going after me like this.

I don’t know how long we’ve been riding when Linden pokes me gently. “Are you awake?”

Yes, I am,” I reply, opening my eyes again.

We’re here.” He smiles.

We get out, and he leads me into the house. We walk right up the stairs and into his bedroom, but instead of making any further moves to seduce me, he fetches a t-shirt and boxers from his closet. “I don’t expect you to want to sleep naked, so … here.” He hands me the clothes. “The bathroom is right behind this door. Let me get you a toothbrush.”

I thank him and walk into the adjacent bathroom.

Linden places a toothbrush on the rim of the sink before getting out towels from a cabinet. He hesitates and shifts his weight. “I don’t have shower gel for women, but I guess mine will work.”

I smile at him. “Everything’s fine. I’ll survive.”

Okay. I … I’ll wait outside,” he mumbles, retreating.

When I hear a muffled crash, I turn around. He rubs his shoulder and makes a face, and I can’t help laughing.

The door frame suddenly got in my way,” he explains sheepishly, before finally leaving me alone and closing the door.

I undress and take a quick shower, then put on his tee and boxers. I brush my hair with the brush I keep in my handbag. Despite today’s elaborate hairdo, I always keep a brush and a hairband in my purse, even back when I had the bob cut.

A glance at my phone tells me I’ve spent almost half an hour in here, so I grab my stuff and leave the bathroom. “I-I’m done.” It comes out as a stammer when I glimpse Linden by the window wearing nothing but briefs. The muscles on his back are impressive, and his butt looks hard and fabulous. I can’t express how much I would love to touch his skin right now.

He turns around and gestures to the bed. “Why don’t you lie down? I’m going to hop in the bathroom now.”

Where can I leave my clothes?” I ask, trying to look into his face and not at his athletic torso.

I’ll show you.” He comes very close and takes my hand.

We go back into the bathroom, where he shows me a rack next to the tall laundry basket. I hang my clothes over it to air. “I’ll leave you alone now,” I say, but he’s still holding on to my hand, cocking his head to one side now.

I’m happy you’re here.”

I can’t produce more than a shy smile in reply. I slowly pull my hand from his and return to the bedroom. It would be helpful to know which side of the bed he prefers. Maybe he’s a sprawler. With a sigh, I pull back the sheets and feel with my hand for an indentation in the mattress. Yep, definitely on the right side. I lie down on the left. I pull the sheets over my body and nestle into the mattress.

When Linden returns, he smiles. “I expected you to steal my side.”

I didn’t want to take your spot. It’s enough if I steal your sheets, don’t you think?” I giggle.

Linden lies down next to me. “I won’t let you steal anything.” Then he switches off the light, and I suddenly feel his lips brush my cheek. “Sweet dreams, Thally.”

Sweet dreams, Linden,” I whisper, turning to lie on my side so I’m facing him.

He pulls me into his arms and strokes the back of my neck. With a luxurious sigh, I close my eyes. His lips caress my forehead and then he kisses it, while his hand cups my cheek. I lift my head a little so I can see him better, which isn’t easy in the dim light from the window.

Tell me something else about you,” he murmurs.

What do you want to know?”

Who was your first boyfriend? Why did you break up? What was high school like?” he lists.

How about we take turns?” I suggest. “I tell you something, then you tell me something … ”


My first boyfriend was Gerard Tanner. We got together when I was fifteen, and we broke up when I was seventeen, because he wanted to take the next step and I didn’t.”

My first girlfriend was Amy O’Neill, and I was sixteen. She was a cheerleader, and she preferred the star football player over me, so after six months, we broke up.”

I nod slowly. “My second boyfriend was Damon Peterson. He and I got together after Gerard and I broke up. I was ready to take the next step with him, but we broke up when it was clear I was going to college in Miami. He didn’t want a long-distance relationship.”

BOOK: Linden: Rocking Pleasure: New Adult College Romance (Coral Gables Series Book 3)
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