Lily's Cowboys (18 page)

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Authors: S. E. Smith


BOOK: Lily's Cowboys
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You dolt! Watch what you say.” Brad growled. “Lily, we’re taking some of the kids in town on a hay ride and wondered if you would like to go. They’re going to be singing Christmas carols and drinking hot chocolate.”

Lily’s eyes lit up. “Oh yes, thank you. I’d love to go. I need to grab my jacket and some warmer boots. Oh, I need to tell Ed as well.”

I’ll tell Ed. You get your stuff. We’ll meet you outside.” Brad said.

Lily rushed through the house grabbing her heavy jacket and pulled on an extra pair of socks before shoving her feet into her boots. She was so excited. She hadn’t been on a hay ride since she was little and that was a very long time ago. Rushing out, she locked the door and practically jumped into Brad’s waiting arms.

Oh, thank you for thinking of me.” Lily said breathlessly.

Brad stared down into Lily’s flushed face and couldn’t resist dropping a light kiss on her lips. “Anytime, Lily.” Lily blushed and smiled.

Come on you two or we’re going to be late.” Harold said from the driver’s seat. Lily climbed in the middle between the two men and buckled up. She giggled with excitement as they pulled away.

Pour me another one.” Caleb growled holding his glass out for another beer.

So, what do we do? We’ve been sitting here for half the day and still haven’t come to a decision.” Allen said. He had switched to coffee an hour before thinking at least one of them needed to be sober enough to drive home. He looked up when the door opened to the bar and Matt Holden walked in. Matt saw them and headed straight for their table frowning.

What are all three of you doing here?” He demanded pulling out a chair and sitting down. “Why aren’t one of you watching over Lily?”

Caleb scowled at Matt. “Do you know how old she is?” He slurred. “She’s fucking jailbait.”

Matt looked at Caleb before turning to stare at Ethan and Allen. He took a drink and waited a moment before asking, “How do you figure she’s jailbait?”

Caleb glared at Matt and took another deep swig of his beer. Ethan sighed deeply before replying, “She’s seventeen, Matt.”

Is she?” Matt asked calmly.

You’ve seen her. What do you think?” Ethan demanded.

Well, if she is the same Lily O’Donnell from all the reports I have and she sure as hell looks like her, I’d figure she looks pretty damn good for her age.” Matt said as he poured more beer into his glass.

What do you mean she looks pretty damn good?” Caleb asked. “What are you doing looking at her? She’s ours, god dam-m-mit. Keep your fucking eyes off her.”

Matt laughed and held up his hands in surrender. “Calm down, Caleb. Damn. You asked me my opinion and legally I’m giving it to you. If she is the same Lily O’Donnell who went missing all those years ago, and I’m not saying she is, then by my calculations she is well over the age of consent.”

How do you figure that?” Ethan asked.

Legally you go by the date she was born. If she was born before nineteen ninety-four she is not jailbait.” Matt said with a twinkle in his eye. “You do have to admit she does look good for her age, though.”

Damn.” Allen said as he sat for a moment. “He’s right.”

Caleb leaned forward slamming his hands down on the table, “Well, why the hell didn’t we think of that earlier?”

Lily did.” Ethan replied. “She tried telling us in the kitchen only we weren’t listening. We couldn’t see beyond her outer appearance.”

Caleb stood unsteadily. “Well, shit a brick. Let’s go home then.”

Matt stood up and grabbed Caleb by the arm and forced him to sit back down. “I think you need to sober up a little first before you head home. I don’t think Lily would be happy to see you drunk. Lynn, bring a pot of coffee.”

Chapter 14

What the fuck do you mean she’s not here?” Allen roared at Ed. It had taken almost another two hours to sober Caleb and Ethan up enough to drive home. Matt had talked about the leads they were following from the camping gear they had found at the old homestead. It looked like a man by the name of Peter Canton had purchased the items in Jackson a month and a half before. They had traced him through his credit card. So far, though, they hadn’t had any luck on locating him. They also couldn’t figure out why he was after Lily. All three of them had been quiet on the drive home. When they had pulled up and discovered the house dark and silent they had panicked until Ed had come out of the office in the barn to let them know Brad and Harold had taken off with Lily several hours ago.

Where the fuck did they take her? I called the bunkhouse and the men there didn’t know. I’ve called Brad and Harold’s cell phones and didn’t get an answer either.” Allen said frustrated.

It was almost two hours later before they heard a truck coming down the drive. Ethan looked out the window. The men had gotten cleaned up, were totally sober, and madder than hell. They had called Brad and Harold’s cell phones again and again without getting an answer. They were to the point they were going to call Matt and have him call out a search party. Ethan looked over his shoulder as Caleb and Allen came to watch as the truck pulled up. The light in the cab came on and they watched with growing anger as Lily laughed and gave Harold a kiss on his cheek before sliding out of the cab and right into Brad’s arms. Allen and Caleb both took off for the door when they saw Brad lean down and gently kiss Lily on the lips.

Aw, fuck.” Ethan said quietly. He could feel his blood beginning to boil.

Allen and Caleb fought over the door trying to get it opened. It slammed back against the wall as Caleb finally wrenched it from Allen’s hand. Both men were standing on the porch with clinched fists watching as Brad led Lily up to it.

Where the fuck have you been? We’ve been calling you for the past two hours.” Allen said through clinched teeth.

Allen, your language.” Lily admonished. “Brad and Harold took me on a hay ride and I had a wonderful time. Not that it is any of your business.” She added as she came up to them. Turning, she smiled at Brad again. “Thank you again for a wonderful evening.”

Our pleasure, Lily. Night.” Brad said with a smirk at Allen and Caleb. “See you tomorrow.”

Allen and Caleb glared at Brad before turning to follow Lily into the house. She took off her jacket, and gloves hanging them on the hat rack to dry before taking off her boots and setting them aside. Ethan stood in the living room with his arms folded across his chest.

Just how much pleasure did you give them, Lily?” Caleb asked darkly.

Lily turned narrowed eyes on Caleb, before shrugging her shoulders, “I really don’t think it is any of your concern. I’m tired. I think I’ll turn in for the night.” She said as she started to move toward the kitchen.

Lily, Caleb asked you a question. I would like to know the answer to it as well.” Ethan said quietly.

Lily turned and looked at all three men. “You made your feelings perfectly clear when you took off this morning leaving me alone. Obviously you don’t care about me the way I thought you did. So as far as I am concerned what I do in my spare time is none of your business!” She finished hotly.

She had no idea how beautiful she looked standing there with her eyes flashing and her face flushed. Turning to go into the kitchen she let out a squeal when Allen grabbed her from behind. He swung her around and kissed her deeply.

Tell me I don’t care about you. You are ours, Lily.” Allen said. “Now, answer Caleb, baby, because we are fixing to show you just how much you are.”

Lily’s breath caught in her throat as she stared up into Allen’s dark eyes. “They just took me on a hay ride with the kids in town. We sang Christmas carols and drank hot chocolate. They were perfect gentlemen.”

Allen slid his hand down Lily’s back to cup her ass pulling it against him. “Tonight is my turn, Lily. I want you, baby. I want to fuck your beautiful ass.” Allen whispered against her ear as he pressed her tightly against him. “All three of us are going to take you at the same time, baby. We’re going to show you just how much we love you and want you.”

Lily shivered as she felt Caleb and Ethan come up behind her. Caleb tilted her head back and kissed her before Ethan turned her face to his. Lily was on fire. Allen nodded to Ethan before he pulled away.

Lily, go up to the master bedroom and get in the shower. Ethan is going to help you. Caleb and I’ll be up shortly.” Lily gasped as Ethan picked her up and started walking toward the staircase. She trembled as she looked over Ethan’s shoulder and into Allen’s and Caleb’s eyes. They held a promise she had only dreamed about. Burying her face in Ethan’s neck she couldn’t suppress the growing moisture between her legs.

Ethan carried Lily into the master bathroom and set her down gently. Moving back he folded his arms across his chest. “Strip.” He said harshly.

Lily’s head jerked up to stare at Ethan. She could tell he was still angry. “Ethan?” She asked uncertainly.

Strip, Lily. I want to see you naked.” Lily nodded as she unbuttoned her blouse. She let it slide down her arms where it fell to the floor at her feet. Next, she undid the buttons of her jeans pushing them until they pooled at her feet. She had taken her boots off inside the door so all she had on were her socks. She used the toe from each foot to help pull them off and stepped out of them until she was standing in just her bra and panties.

Ethan sucked in a breath, “Damn, Lily. You are so beautiful.”

Lily laughed softly, “You know between you, Allen, and Caleb all my cursing jars are going to be overflowing.”

Ethan just grinned at her wickedly. “Take off your bra and panties. I want you in the shower. We’re going to watch you as your shower.”

Lily’s body flushed with desire. They wanted to watch her shower, did they? Well, she would show them just how good a shower could be. Turning her back to him, she looked over her shoulder as she unhooked the front clasp on her bra and let it fall away. Hooking her fingers in the waist band of her panties, she slid them slowly down her hips wiggling her ass just enough to get them to fall the rest of the way. She smiled to herself when she heard Ethan’s breathing getting heavier.

Shit.” Caleb said from the doorway. Lily looked over her shoulder as she stepped into the shower to see Allen and Caleb standing behind Ethan. Lily slid the clear glass door shut behind her and turned on first one then the other shower head so the water fell like rain over her. She undid her braid and ran her fingers through her hair so it flowed down her back. Raising her arms above her head she closed her eyes and tilted her face back letting the water pour over her in glistening trails turning to give the men a side view of her full breasts and flat stomach. The water felt like it was making love to her skin as it ran in rivets now over her beaded nipples, drops hanging from them before running further down. Lily reached over and pick up the bar of soap and wash cloth. She began lathering herself running her hands over her arms, up her flat stomach to cup her breasts then letting her hands slide down between her legs. She was so hot she was already swollen with need. She moaned as she ran her soapy hands over her swollen mound wishing it was one of her men washing her.

Allen couldn’t stand it any longer. He had already unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off by the time the water started. When Lily had turned sideways it was too much. He was pulling his pants off and heading for the shower by the time she had the soap in her hand. Ethan and Caleb nodded at him and headed for the bedroom. They had a special punishment for Lily waiting. She needed to learn she was theirs. Lily moaned when she felt Allen’s callused hands rub over the soft skin of her hips. She started to lean back against him but he took her arms and placed them against the wall of the shower.

Stay like that.” He whispered. Lily let her head drop forward as she felt him take the wash cloth out of her hand. He slowly began washing her. She bit back a moan as his hands slid over her breasts rubbing the soft cloth over her engorged nipples. Biting her lip, it took every ounce of will power not to turn in his arms and press herself against him. His hands slid further down between her legs. Pushing on them until they spread wide open for him he washed her taking his time before moving down her leg. He gently picked up one foot and washed it before rinsing it and setting it down and doing the same to the other foot. Lily shivered when she felt him press a kiss to the inside of her ankle. He was killing her one slow stroke at a time. No longer able to hold back the moans she wiggled as he moved further up her leg.

Lean further back and spread your legs wider for me.” Allen said softly against her ear. Lily leaned even further back and spread her legs. She gasped as Allen ran the wash cloth between the cheeks of her ass stroking her tight ring with his finger

This is mine. I watched as Caleb took your virgin pussy and it turned me on. I watched while Ethan took your virgin mouth and it turned me on even more. Tonight, they are going to watch while I take your virgin ass, Lily. Tonight you are going to belong to all three of us.”

Lily panted at the image Allen was painting. To belong to all three of them totally, unconditionally was more than she could ever hope for. Allen reached over and turned off the water. Opening the door to the shower he grabbed a large towel and wrapped it around her.

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