Lillian's Light Horseman (30 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Hill

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Lillian's Light Horseman
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“It doesn’t hurt. It looks worse than it feels,” she assured him.

He bent his head and planted soft kisses around the bruising on each of her thighs. He was appalled at the discomfort she must have suffered, particularly as the saddle she used was a stockman’s saddle and definitely not designed for the smaller, female form.

She undulated her hips. “Please, William.”

He dipped his head and inhaled her feminine scent, his mouth watering with his need to taste her. He cupped her knees and spread her legs wide, wanting to take things slowly and needing to draw out his own anticipation to touch her. The firelight flickered across the plump, wet folds of her sex, making it glisten enticingly. He used his thumbs to spread her lips then bent his head and licked her thoroughly and slowly through her center. She tasted divine, tangy, with a hint of apples. Fuck, he loved the soap she used. He’d have to ensure that she had a lifetime supply. He licked her again, lapping up her juices. She moaned and pumped her hips up, thrusting against his mouth. He speared his tongue into her hot, slick channel and used his thumb against her clitoris, massaging the taut little bud until she was panting and mewling.

.” She gasped and gripped his hair, tugging his head closer against her.

Her skin was hot to the touch, burning up with the warmth from the fire and the lust that he was arousing in her. He grasped her thighs gently and pushed them farther apart. He locked his lips over her center and sucked, locating her clitoris with his tongue and tweaking the bundle of nerves as he thrust a finger inside her and massaged her front vaginal wall. She stiffened beneath him then cried out. His mouth flooded with her delicious juices and he sucked the pulses from her body as she trembled against his face.

Fuck, he was so hard his cock could cut glass. He needed to be inside her, couldn’t wait any longer.

He shuffled back to undress, wanting nothing but the feel of Lillian’s soft, naked flesh against his firmness.

He gazed at her a moment, drinking in the vision of satiated loveliness. She was flushed and glassy-eyed, her shapely legs spread open and offering an invitation to heaven.

He could hold back no longer. He lined his cock up with her entrance and thrust into her hard and fast, burying himself to the hilt in her moist, swollen flesh. She cried out and dug her nails into his shoulders. He stilled for a moment, reveling in the feel of her gripping him like a fist.

“I’m going to move,” he said, his voice tight with restraint. “Are you okay?”

“Fine. Yes, please move.” Lillian wriggled beneath him, gyrating her hips.

William supported himself on his elbows and pulled all the way out, brushing his cock on the outer lips of her pussy and spreading her moisture across her clit. He hovered there, rubbing the little nub with the thick crown of his cock, back and forth, dragging along her nerve endings and making her shudder beneath him.

. Her responsiveness constantly astounded and delighted him. She was sexuality and sensuality personified, wrapped up in one delicious, feminine package.

He tucked his elbows tight to her sides and dipped his head to her neck, latching onto the sensitive skin, sucking and nibbling. She arched beneath him and moaned his name, her voice broken and ragged.

He drove his cock back into her slick channel and started a pounding rhythm, his pelvis smacking against hers as he suckled and nipped her neck. Lust coiled down his spine and his balls tightened. He could tell that she was close. Her insides clenched and gripped him and little tremors erupted through her to massage his shaft. He swept his hand between their writhing bodies and found her clit, tweaking it to bring her closer to release.

She whimpered, dug her nails into his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist, gripping him tightly as she pumped her hips up to meet his thrusts.

“Come on, Lilly. Let go already!”

He felt her stiffen then shudder. Her pussy pulsed rhythmically in orgasm, milking his cock and sending him so close to the edge of that wonderful abyss. But he wanted to claim her, to mark her as his.

“I’m coming inside you,” he ground between clenched teeth. “Let me know now if you don’t want that.”

She arched her back, mashing her breasts against his chest. “Please,” she begged. “I want it.”

He groaned loudly, her sweet assent sending him over the edge, and he thrust hard twice, shooting his seed deep inside her, his own release racing through him like a freight train.

He rolled off her, ensuring Lilly was closest to the fire, and lay on his back, breathing heavily. He turned to his side and propped his head on one hand, gazing down at her. She eventually opened her eyes and blinked lazily at him.

“And she’s back.” He chuckled and grazed his free hand down her arm.

She blushed prettily then frowned. “William, why didn’t you want to—?”

He cut her off with a peck to her lips. “I know. I didn’t withdraw.” He continued to caress her arm lightly. “I should have, but I didn’t want to. You’re mine, Lilly, and I’m yours if you’ll have me. Coming so close to losing you has made me reassess some things.”

He tugged the blanket over them, tucking it securely around her body. “I want to make you mine in every way, so we belong to each other officially. But first I need some answers from Margaret Dawson and her father. It’s only fair that you hear the truth, and not just from my lips.”

She caressed his face. “I believe you, William. You don’t need to prove anything to me.”

He sighed and grasped her hand, turning it and placing a kiss on her palm. “Thank you, my sweet. But I need to get to the bottom of it. I won’t have rumors and unfounded stories floating around. Sleep now. We’ll talk more on it in the morning.”

He lay next to her and drew her close to his body, spooning her, nestling his cock against her lush arse. The fire would last until morning warming Lillian’s front while his body protected her back.

He buried his face in her hair and inhaled her scent, relieved and comforted as he hadn’t been since she’d left. He hadn’t realized just how desperate he’d been for her until he’d held her in his arms again. One thing was crystal clear to him—he’d never be complete without her by his side.


Chapter Thirty-Nine




Lillian’s heart warmed when they eventually rode up to the homestead. It wasn’t that long ago that she’d thought she’d never see it or its inhabitants again. It literally was a feeling of coming home. Emotion and anticipation overwhelmed her when she saw Mrs. Thompson and the children.

The children, having seen their approach, ran up the long drive to meet them.

William vaulted down from Victory and strode over to them, swinging Clara up onto his shoulder and taking Edward by the hand. They laughed hysterically and chattered non-stop, demanding to know everything that had happened since William had left.

“Father, you brought Lillian home,” Edward exclaimed happily.

“I did, indeed. I told you that I would,” William responded, leaning down so that Clara could scramble onto Lillian’s horse. Lillian grasped the little girl around the waist and settled her firmly on the saddle in front of her. “Hello, darling,” she said into her ear.

Clara grinned and turned her head for a kiss.

“And hello to you, Master Edward,” Lillian greeted the little boy with mock seriousness.

“We missed you,” Edward said, allowing his father to swing him onto the back of Victory.

Tears gathered in Lillian’s eyes. “I missed you too.” She couldn’t believe she’d willingly left these sweet little children. She felt particularly guilty given that they’d lost their mother not too long ago. William had assured her that the children thought she’d gone to visit a friend and that he had left to retrieve her, but still she felt incredibly remorseful.

They set off once more down the drive toward the house, the children chattering happily and informing them of everything that had occurred in their absence.

When they approached the homestead, Mrs. Thompson was waiting on the front verandah. Lillian felt a spark of anxiety at seeing the housekeeper. What would she think of her abrupt departure? Would she be disappointed in her for causing William so much distress? Did she know what had happened,
she’d left? Lillian studied the older woman as they drew closer and was relieved to see no obvious look of ill will in her expression.

“I have a hearty lamb stew simmering. You must both be famished,” Mrs. Thompson, informed them when they were within hearing distance.

William leaped easily from his saddle and helped the children down from each horse. “Thank you, Millie. I’ll have Stan come and look after the horses. We’ll be in, in a moment.”

The housekeeper scurried inside with Edward and Clara close on her heels as William assisted Lillian from her horse. He grasped her around the waist and swung her from the saddle, allowing her body to slide slowly down his.

“Welcome home,” he whispered in her ear.

Lillian melted against him, relief and happiness coursing through her. “It’s so good to be back. William, I’m sorry for…”

He touched a finger to her lips. “Hush. Don’t apologize anymore. What’s done is done and thankfully we have you back now, where you belong.”

“Is Mrs. Thompson aware of why I left?”

“She doesn’t know the details, but she doesn’t judge. She loves you and she’ll understand that something must have happened to send you away. I’ll tell her what she should know and keep the sordid specifics out of it.”

Lillian breathed a sigh of relief. She loved and respected the housekeeper and would hate to think that the cruel story concocted by the Dawsons would interfere with their relationship.

After freshening up, they enjoyed a lovely meal of lamb stew. Once the children were in bed, William explained to Mrs. Thompson the basic details behind Lillian’s leaving. Understandably the housekeeper was shocked, then furious to the point of demanding to confront the Dawsons herself.

“That won’t be necessary, Millie,” William replied grimly. “Although I do appreciate the sentiment. Lillian and I will be heading over there first thing in the morning. I’m determined to get to the bottom of it, so we can move on with no threat of unwelcome repercussions.”

William turned toward Lillian and took her hand in his. “We’ll be moving on together, Millie. Lillian belongs here. This is her home, if she’ll accept it—and me.”

Mrs. Thompson clapped her hands and shrieked in glee, immediately jumping from her chair and enfolding Lillian in a close embrace. “I’m so happy for you both,” she said through tears of joy. “I can’t imagine two people better suited to be together.”

Lillian laughed and hugged her back, pleased beyond words that the older woman would accept her so readily into their family.

“Now,” William announced. “I think Lillian needs to bathe and sleep in a comfortable bed. We’ll be leaving early tomorrow.”

They said their goodnights and William escorted Lillian to her room. “You need to rest tonight, sweetheart,” he advised and kissed her chastely on the cheek. “Sleep well and I’ll see you in the morning.”

Alone in her room, Lillian contemplated the events of the past few days and couldn’t quite believe that she was back. Her heart warmed at the feeling of belonging and love that radiated from everyone. But there was one thing that confused and worried her. While William had intimated in every way possible that he loved her and wanted to be with her, he hadn’t actually asked her anything. He’d basically told Mrs. Thompson that Lillian would be staying and that this was her home but he hadn’t officially asked her to marry him. He hadn’t yet asked her to become Mrs. Cartwright and she was unsure if he ever would.


Chapter Forty




Lillian had relished the opportunity of washing the red earth from her hair and body. She’d been tired the previous evening but hadn’t been able to stand the thought of going to bed coated liberally in the outback, so she’d taken the time to give herself a thorough sponge bath.

Earlier that morning, she’d slipped downstairs and shampooed her hair over the tub in the washroom, ensuring to lather and scrub her scalp liberally, determined to rid herself of the ocher-colored dust that had permeated her very being. Now, for the first time in days, she actually felt clean.

“Lilly, are you awake?”

She opened the door to William and smiled. He was freshly shaven and smelled deliciously masculine—a combination of spice and the outdoors. He’d dressed in a crisp blue linen shirt, left open at the neck, and dark gray trousers. It wasn’t his usual working attire but it was more casual than a suit and made him look dashing yet restrained.

Unsure what to wear to an outing like the one they were just about to embark upon, Lillian had decided on a light cotton and lace dress in a pale floral print that hung to her calves. She’d pinned her damp hair into a mass of curls atop her head and powdered her face lightly, applying a pale pink shade to her lips.

“You look beautiful,” William murmured, raking his gaze over her body appreciatively.

“Thank you, but I don’t know if it’s exactly appropriate for our visit this morning.”

He grimaced. “I’m hoping that the unpleasantness will be over and done with quickly. Then I have a surprise for you.”

She raised an eyebrow in inquiry. “A surprise?”

“Just wait and see.” He smiled mysteriously and held his hand out for her. “Come.”


* * * *


As the Dawson property came into sight, Lillian’s belly quivered with nervous tension. She glanced at William and the hard set of his jaw told her that he wasn’t looking forward to the impending confrontation any more than she was.

William turned onto the long driveway and slowed down, coming to a stop not far from the house’s entrance.

Apart from the dinner dance she’d attended not long after she arrived in Australia, this was the first time she’d been to the property. She looked around, unsurprised that the house and the immediate surroundings were not dissimilar to those of Mulga Creek.

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