Like Slow Sweet Molasses (24 page)

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kept mum that her father’s situation was the reason she’d not be in town,
though, she wouldn’t be in Chicago, either. Her eyes shifted nervously as
Chance propped one bent knee on the bed and studied her. She sat, barely
breathing, as his long fingers massaged along her neck. The direction of his
thoughts was too obvious.

never meant to hurt you, Angel.”

use of her new nickname warmed her all over. Yet, the allegiance made after
this incident did nothing to erase the suspicious seeds planted by Jason during
his unsolicited phone call. Her hand snared his to lay it palm down on the bed
between them. Here was the man who challenged her to unlock the chains around
her heart and let him in. He stood at the entrance knocking without successful
entry. Angela wanted to let go of her hesitancy to believe he had feelings for
her. But, Jason’s accusation only fueled the fire of deception lurking in her
mistrust of him.

know why you’re really here,” she blurted out causing his eyes to narrow just a
smidgen. “How much did they offer you, Chance?”

stared in stunned silence.

that look an admission of guilt?
“Don’t look as if you have no idea what I’m talking about.”

didn’t offer me a bribe to bring you home, Angela,” he defended.

not talking about Daddy. I know about the deal between you and the
Harperiskis,” she accused.

left the bed with a headshake.

can’t deny it, can you?”

can’t deny that your fath—”

was a donor,” she dodged the use of the word “father” in reference to Philip
Haperiski, “nothing more.”

started again. “Angela, I’m here for one reason and one reason only. You,” he
articulated. “Yes, he alluded to a monetary reward if I used my influence on
you in his behalf.”

me to listen to another word you have to say.” She scooted to the edge, popped
to her feet, prancing by him in outrage.

told him it would be a cold day in hell before I said one word to you for him.”
Chance squared his shoulders to take her wrath as he stood right at her back.
“I can protect you, somewhat, from them, Angel. I’m of no use when it comes to
the numerous ways I could lose you to peanut allergies. That was also a part of
my night terror.”

turned him down?” Her trust-o-meter rose.

he was a bad song on the radio.” He placed his hands on her shoulders. “You
accused me of dishonesty, Angela. The honest truth—I’m afraid of losing you.”

know that feeling, too.”

steered her to stand in front of the full-length mirror in the corner. “What do
you see?” It was a rhetorical question he answered before she got the chance.
“Our outer coverings in no way preclude us from sharing an emotional
connection, Angela.”

again, noted the contrast of his hands to her skin. Sparks surged where he
touched her.

asked, “Can we call a truce and pick up where we agreed to date exclusively?”

still demand to know if you’re injured or hurt in any way, Chance. Don’t
blind-side me, again by slipping out of town.”

promise to keep you posted whenever I must leave on business and not just
disappear into the blue. Okay?”

I’m to be a cop’s girlfriend I suppose I’ve got to develop a thick skin.”

Angel, don’t do that. I want you just the way you are.”

know what I mean,” she contested his interpretation. “I won’t promise not to
worry, Chance. I’d be lying if I agreed to that.”

we can do is live for today and hope for tomorrow.” His breath singed the skin
of her neck and she swiveled towards him appreciating the sensation. “I have
high hopes for our tomorrows, Angela.”

do you forgive me for what I said to Dom?”

shouldn’t,” he dropped the bombshell on her. “But, in your defense,” he
chuckled now, “I wish you could’ve seen his face as he broke out of that

worked?” she asked giddily.

“Like a charm,” he agreed.

your expense.” She kissed him into forgiving her, blurting out impulsively as
she lingered on his mouth, “I love you, Chance.”

held their breaths. Her hand blotted her mouth as she tried to lasso the words
from the air.

you sure?” he asked, joyously slipping her hand down from her face. “Because…I
swear on my life, I love you, too, Angela.” He stole another kiss.

thoughts crept up and out of her mouth. “I must be losing my mind.”

know. I’m crazy about you, too.”

cuddling gave her reason to dream. Reality’s ugly head reared to swallow hope
alive. “You’re—”

he filled in the word evident by her demeanor. “Yes, tell me something I don’t
know, Angela. Like where is it written that people of different races are
forbidden, in this day and age, to fall in love?”

out there in the real world every day, Chance, dealing with society’s slanted
views. Sometimes the price for what we want is too exorbitant.”

get the feeling that’s only part of the roadblock you’re throwing up. Go on.
Let me have it, Angela.”

She disengaged from him but remained within reach. “Not only are you
white—you’re a white cop.”


you know the history behind black people and white authority.”

God,” he strangled in amazement. “Don’t tell me you buy into that today.”

every encounter doesn’t end tragically. Nevertheless, if you watch the news
these days you’ll see those instances are more prevalent than probably
reported. It’s already reported that hate crimes are on the rise since the ’08

you can’t love me because I’m white and a cop whom you’ve found guilty by
assumed association.”

cheeks flushed. “I don’t usually care what others think. Somehow, this is
not…usual to me.”

afraid. I get that.” Chance brushed her arm lightly. “Don’t douse our love
based on others’ opinions. Give our love wings to soar, Angel.” He leaned ever
so slightly towards her. “For that’s what I see in our future nothing but the
wild blue yonder.” His lips tasted the flavor of hers.

kiss brought about hot, lusty changes in their bodies. Changes seen in the
mirror’s reflection of them. Changes he brought to her attention as he wrapped
her up from behind, probing for her permission to take their relationship to
the next level. Changes she saw as the material of her nightshirt peaked before
her very eyes.

thrill of new love shone on their faces as they plowed ahead, uninhibited, making
a daring fall to the mattress on the way to new lofty heights. The air suddenly
deflated Chance’s balloon as he remarked gloomily, “I’m not prepared.”

high, not so easily punctured for she hovered above reality, a joyous testament
to his expertise as he continued his exploration of her body, gradually shrank
under the pressure of his voice as he sorrowfully repeated his discovery. “No,
Chance,” she moaned. “Tell me it isn’t so.” The crackle of electricity and
spires of color behind her closed lids refused to dissipate.

declined to let up on his assault resolute in his desire to satisfy her
burgeoning need. One of them would go hungry tonight. And it would not be
Angela. “Just lie back and relax, Angel.” She took his words to heart as was
evident in her aching sigh of pleasure. “I’ll take care of everything,” he


Chapter Fifteen


was never so welcomed as after the subsequent rounds of tumultuous honey
searches experienced last night or more embraced than after satisfying a long
ignored natural thirst. Most of Angela and Chance’s early morning had them
exploring new territory in their act of discovery. Now, all talked out and
mildly satiated, they spooned in their groove spot in the middle of the bed,
her head on his outstretched arm that held her hand. Both lay in deep
contentment, eyes shut, even breaths and absolutely immobile to keep from
awakening the other. Secret smiles indicated sleepy time was about to give way
to more innovative techniques as they strived to get better acquainted. The
quest to learn what was pleasurable goaded them to seek out the other’s tiniest
idiosyncrasies, exploit them, which consequently, sent them in the vicinity of
another heavenly realm until such time of actual intimacy.


light from outside slashed a line on the wall as it peeked through the
partially opened curtain. This time they slept in a cocoon as if awaiting
metamorphosis until disturbed by Chance’s persistently ringing cell. He had no
idea why the call hadn’t gone to voicemail after the third ring. Really, he
didn’t care because Angela’s soft body felt too good to release. So, he didn’t

might be important,” she sighed sleepily. And just as suddenly wailed, “Daddy!”
Angela kicked the covers away, indifferent to the freezing temperature that
coated her naked body.

Angel,” he comforted. “If Connie couldn’t get your cell I’m sure she would’ve
called the house number.” That seemed to make sense to her for she sank back
into his arms, surprising him with the act.

communicator thudded across the nightstand drumming in the fact he was being
summoned. This was after the second and third calls went unheeded. He scooted
closer to Angela who then flipped to face him all gooey-eyed and supple.

must be important.”

is more important than what I’m presently doing.”

force will always be with you, Skywalker,” she cracked at his profession.
“Answer your call.”

check messages.” He struck a bargain, sealing it with a toe-curling kiss.

like the taste of that.” Angela lay in the crook of his arm as he possessively
refused her action to free him and confiscated the device with an over-her-body
stretch. Using a one-fisted grip, he attacked the touch screen like a pro.

hugged her all the while listening with every fiber of his being. Her astute
observation that his world turned topsy-turvy was reinforced in the lurch made
to collect his boxers…the sinewy muscles rippling along his back…and the
subsequent way he stalked from the room t-shirt in hand, all without a word of
explanation to her.

strange as she deemed the action, considering the intimacy previously shared,
he apparently had no qualms about how she perceived the move. Angela lay
listening to him tapping the device. Her ears intercepted bits and pieces of
his hushed conversation. Tidbits too personal sounding to her.

timing, Tina.” Chance let her rant up to telling him the purpose for her call.
Running out of patience, he barked, “Get to the point. I’m in the middle of
something.” More silence to allow her to get his bashing out of the way and
Chance tried to cajole her into revealing the reason she called. “You know I’ll
do whatever it takes.”

crawled quietly from the bed to search the darkness for her sleepwear. The
feelings running rampart felt much like the earth abruptly disintegrating under
her feet. She knew impact would be a killer. She sidled past him on her way to
lick her wounds in private. Only his hand on her forearm stayed her. “Chance,
please,” she wheezed humiliated.

snappy release allowed him to slip his tee over his head. Angela’s move came
too late for she was once again his prisoner. She stood mortified. His
conversation never ceased.

you can belittle my parenting skills later. For now, tell me what Kelsy’s done
to force you to break your silent treatment?” He heard Angela’s sigh of relief
and searched her eyes in the dimness as details froze the phone to his hand.

seen that look of fright on his face one time before—when he thought she’d die
from her allergic reaction. He released her to pace the hallway pausing long
enough to ram his fist into the wall. Chance flagged her off when she attempted
to soothe his throbbing hand, using the same one to tousle his dark hair.

did you last see her?” He shook the pain away. “Does she have cash or a credit

got the gist of his troubles.

Tina! My other line is ringing!” Chance slapped her on hold to brusquely answer
the new call. “Kelsy?” An empty hope sounded in his voice. “It’s Kelsy!” he
said excitedly to Angela who gave him a timid smile. “Baby, are you alright?”

voice droned on as Angela, choosing to make herself ready for immediate
departure for the airport, burglarized his private conversations. She tiptoed
to place a supportive kiss on his cheek and left him to the business at hand of
gleaning the information needed to formulate his plan of attack. Her traipse
through the kitchen lasted long enough to start the coffee brewing as she now
stood poised at the shower hearing music in the beat of the running water in
the enclosure.

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