Lights to My Siren (4 page)

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Authors: Lani Lynn Vale

BOOK: Lights to My Siren
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His smile said that I wasn’t effective in hiding the undies, nor the blush that now burned all the brighter.

“You forgot your cup.” Sebastian said as he settled the hat firmly on his head.

My heart wept when I realized he wouldn’t be letting me keep it. Not that he should. It was his hat after all, but I somehow felt that I had a claim to it. That it should be mine now.

“Shit.” I said as I put Katy down on her feet, bent back in, rested one knee on the seat, and reached across the car for the sippy cup that had started it all. Too late, I realized that I’d flashed him...yet again. Jesus Christ, what was wrong with me today?

“Alright, girl. Let’s go inside.” I said, smoothing my skirt down, and reaching for Katy’s hand.

Sebastian stepped in line beside us as we made our way to the front door. Katy spoke nonstop while I stayed silent. I continued to take inconspicuous peaks at the man at my side, and liked what I saw.

He was really tall, with long legs that kept up with our quick pace with ease. He was in much the same as he was the first time I’d seen him, only this time instead of a black t-shirt under his leather vest, he was wearing a white one. His jeans and boots were the same as well.

His hair was shorter than the last time I’d seen him. He must buzz it once it reached a certain length, because now I couldn’t even make out the color where before I’d seen that it was a dark brown. His eyes were still the same honey brown, but with the sun setting as it was and shining in his eyes, it almost made them look like melted chocolate.

“Your sun burn looks nice.” Sebastian teased, as he held the door open for the two of us.

I looked down at my shoulders that peaked out from under the black halter-top I had on, and blushed. My skin looked horrible. The day after I’d worked on the deck, it’d been bright red. The following days it turned into a nice golden brown, but then started to peel and flake off as usual. Even after rubbing lotion on my shoulders, I could still see the peeling.

“Yeah, it hurt like a bi- I mean mother the next day.” I confirmed.

He chuckled, but refrained from saying ‘
I told you so

I spotted the big group at the back of the restaurant that was reserved for large parties. The only two seats left were facing each other, which meant that Sebastian and I were very close.

“You made it!” Winter said as she got up from her spot and squatted down next to Katy. “Hello, Katy girl. How are you?”

Katy was dressed in her usual of tight skinny jeans, mono-colored t-shirt, and cowboy boots. The outfit was easy, which was a necessity for a single man living with a young girl. Katy was lucky to be dressed most days. I was the one to buy and dress Katy in her first skirt.

Katy didn’t have eyes for Winter though, her eyes were all for Max who was sitting down at the very end. Before Baylee could stop her, Katy leapt up on her chair, stepped onto the table, and made her way down to Max, expertly avoiding each plate and drink along the way.

Max was another member of Free. He, like the others of the Free family, had served in the army. Katerina was born under harsh circumstances, and it made me happy that Katerina and Luke were loved here. Max, in particular, was a favorite of Katerina’s; they shared a special bond from the day that she was born.

Katy’s mother was killed by an ex member of the team that the men of Free had been a part of. Katy’s mom was, what you could call, promiscuous. I only had the pleasure of meeting Leah Water’s once, and that was by pure accident. I’d walked into my brother’s home to water his plants, as I usually did every other day, to find my brother letting Leah out of his apartment from what I’d guessed was a one night stand.

From what Luke had explained to me, it’d been a one-time only thing, and he hadn’t spoken to her again. Nor had he heard from her again. It wasn’t until the police notified him that he had a daughter, and that the mother was killed that Luke was even aware he
a daughter. That Leah had even been pregnant in the first place.

From that day forward, Luke had changed. He’d been extremely grateful to Max though, since he’d visited his daughter every day until he’d been able to come home from Iraq.

Max laughed as Katerina launched herself into his arms.

He caught her expertly, and the smile that overtook my face nearly hurt. I was happy that Katy had so many wonderful people in her life.

“Your daughter is cute.” Sebastian’s rough voice said from in front of me.

My head turned to regard Sebastian, who looked....blank. I would almost call it mad, but his body language didn’t look mad, and he was fine just a second ago.

“Oh, she’s not my daughter. She’s Luke’s daughter.” I smiled at him.

His scowl became ferocious. “Who’s Luke?”

The question was so sudden, so snappish, that I didn’t answer him, confused by the barked question.

Winter laughed. “Luke Roberts, silly. You know, the police officer?”

“You belong to a cop?” Sebastian asked, exhaling slowly.

My brows furrowed at Sebastian’s rough tone. “No...he’s my brother.”

Sebastian’s face changed. One second he was scowling, and the next he was relaxed. “Good.”

My gaze went from Sebastian’s now blank one to Winter’s sly smiling one. “What?” I asked the other woman.

“Nothing. I’m going back to my seat. You have fun up here.” She said cryptically, before squeezing in between the chair and the wall to go back to her seat.

I sat awkwardly for a few moments, wondering what the hell to say after Sebastian’s probing questions, but he rectified my unease by asking me about the menu.

“What are you having?” Sebastian’s deep voice asked.

I looked up at Sebastian, studying his face while he looked at the menu. His eyes didn’t stop reading, but I knew he was aware of my perusal. Which might have been why he was doing it, knowing that he’d freaked me out earlier.

His hat was pulled down low, but I could still see his eyes, and the longer I studied him, the brighter they seemed to get.

When his eyes finally caught mine, he asked, “Well?”

I jolted. “Uhh, I haven’t even looked.”

Looking down, I snatched my own menu from the table, thanked God that I took medication that allowed me to read the menu now, and decided on a burger right in time for the waitress to arrive at my side, wanting to know my order.

The server didn’t even acknowledge me. Her eyes were all for the beautiful specimen of a man that was in front of me. “And what can I get you, miss?”

I suppressed the smile that tried to break free, and ordered a burger.

“What two sides?” She asked.

“Fries and a side salad.” I answered, beginning to get annoyed with the woman’s lack of manners.


Her eyes were still on Sebastian, who was beginning to look amused at my annoyance with the woman.

Instead of answering, I waited until the rude waitress looked at me before answering. “I would like a sweet tea, please. The little girl down on the end,” I said pointing at Max and Katy. “Would like a corndog platter with a sweet tea.”

She smiled sourly at me before turning her gaze back to Sebastian. “And for you?”

“I’ll have the same as her. Only I don’t want lettuce or mustard.” He answered, not even giving her his eyes. Instead, they stayed on me, and my face started to flush.

Elliott, the comedian of the Free group, laughed.

Elliott was the type of man you would consider the class clown. Despite the humor, he also had one hell of an intensity about him. He came off as the joker, but if you watched his eyes, you could tell that he was also hyperaware of his surroundings. He was the shortest and smallest of the group, but that didn’t mean he was a runt by any means. At 5’11 and two hundred pounds, he reminded me of a runner or a swimmer; even a surfer with his shaggy blonde hair.

“Oh, man,” he wheezed. “You are so fucked.”

My eyes traveled from Sebastian’s amused ones to Elliott’s mirthful ones. What the hell were those two talking about?

“Don’t worry about them, honey. How was work today?” Blaine, Elliott’s wife, asked me.

Blaine was just Blaine. No words could really describe her. She was cute. Like a fairy. She was what I pictured Katy growing up to look like.

She was on the small side; okay, more like the tiny side, since she was about four inches shorter Elliot and skinny as a wisp. Her hair was blonde and styled to perfection, and her cute little floral patterned dress fit her perfectly.

She was also the first one to welcome me into the Free group of women, and I counted Blaine as one of my closest friends.



I watched as the woman, Baylee, tried her hardest to figure out just what Elliott, the little weasel dick, was talking about, and failed. She looked overtly confused, and it amused me to watch the wheels turning in her head.

And what a gorgeous head it was.

She was around five and a half feet, about one hundred and thirty pounds, and smoking hot. She was the exact type of woman that I’d always been attracted to, yet never dated because they had an air about them that clearly said,
‘Relationship only material.’

However, I was willing to make an exception, for once. The woman had an ass that could make a grown man cry and those muscular thighs of hers, the ones I’d seen in nothing but tiny fucking skirts and shorts, just begged to be pressed close to her chest while I fucked the ever-loving shit out of her.

Her hair was dirty blonde and hung down to about mid back in soft waves. It was the perfect length for me to sink my big hands into, and yank back while I took her from behind. The bangs at the front were parted and off to the side, tucked neatly behind each ear. Each time she spoke or moved her head, they would slip from behind her ear, and my fingers itched to brush the strands back into place with a ferociousness that surprised me.

She was wearing a black halter-top, a tight blue jean skirt, and sparkly flip-flops that fit her personality perfectly.

Don’t let me forget those bright fucking yellow panties that molded to her ass like a second skin underneath that skirt, either.

When I’d seen her in the car, ass in the air, cursing as she tried to make her way out of the backseat, I’d nearly come in my pants like a pubescent little kid.

I had complete control over my body. That included my dick. I came when I wanted, and how I wanted. No excuses. For the woman currently speaking sweetly to Blaine, the weasel dick’s wife, to produce that sort of reaction in me was a bombshell to say the least.

Hell, even when the woman had walked in on me taking a piss, my dick had been so hard that I’d had to stop peeing so I didn’t miss the fucking bowl.

Earlier, when I’d asked about the little girl, and then the man the girl belonged to, I’d been like a feral dog with the last piece of meat. Hell, I’d barely been able to keep myself seated. What I really wanted to do was shout out, ‘
She’s mine, fuckers
.’ Yet, I’d managed to stay seated and watched Elliott out of the corner of my eye, smiling like a fucking cat that ate the goddamn canary.

Oh, and let’s not forget to mention the fact that Luke Roberts was her brother. Luke and I have not seen eye to eye since we’d met about three years ago, when I’d been in an accident that had taken the life of my child’s mother.

The accident had been totally and completely fucked up.

I’d been following Max’s wife, Payton, when she’d left to go to work. Payton was a cute, spunky little thing that I thought was cute as hell. Although I’d never fuck her, I liked her personality, and the way she kept Max on his toes.

Why was I following her? I couldn’t fucking tell you. My father had a fucked up sense of smell that always told him when trouble was afoot and surrounding his kids. I’d been following Payton because one of the other members of the club had lost her, and I’d picked her up on a side street where I was meeting my ex, Lindsey, for lunch to discuss our situation involving our son.

I’d tried to just leave, but the woman refused, even going as far as to jump on the back of my bike, holding on with everything she was worth.

I’d never given her a ride before. I’d never given
a ride before. I had a rule that if I was going to ride, it was going to be alone. Except, I’d allowed her to ride. Even though every cell in my body urged me not to. Look how that ended.

That act had cost her her life.

I’d only thought the ride would be just to the street and back so I could keep an eye on Payton’s car. When the prospect who’d been following Payton finally made his appearance, I’d gone through the intersection, passing Payton’s car, and was hit broadside, throwing both Lindsey and myself from the bike.

Lindsey had been dead on impact. It was only the quick work of Payton and Gabe, another member of Free, which kept my son from dying right along with Lindsey.

I hadn’t been as badly hurt, but the two collapsed lungs had fucked with my heart, and I was in the hospital for over two weeks, and couldn’t see my son.

A few days later when I’d found out that the same bitch was in the hospital two doors down from me, I’d taken care of the loose end.

Let’s just say that she was no longer a problem after that.

That’s where Luke had appeared in my life, asking questions, and poking his nose where it didn’t belong.

So, in all, Baylee spelled trouble, with a capital T.

Did that stop me, though?

Hell no.

“So where’re you from?” I asked Baylee, interrupting her conversation about shoes with Blaine.

Baylee’s eyes traveled to mine slowly, and then she smiled. “Caspar, Wyoming. You?”

“Texas. Galveston.” I answered immediately.

My explanation sounded abrupt, but I couldn’t get my fucking tongue to work right. Closing my eyes and forcing myself to stop acting like a blushing bride, I took a drink of my beer and moved my eyes to Baylee’s full lips.

Fuck, but then I started imagining her with those beautiful Cupid ’s bow lips wrapped around my hard cock, touching the base of my dick as I plowed deep down her pretty little throat.

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