Light from Her Mirror (Mirrors Don't Lie Book 3) (22 page)

BOOK: Light from Her Mirror (Mirrors Don't Lie Book 3)
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you think that’s a possibility?” Even Makenna could hear the hopefulness in her
voice. The sound took both sisters by surprise.

shrugged. “I have no idea anymore. Maybe the Captain was just trying to trick
me, thinking I was holding out on telling them where our father really is. Or
maybe he has some reason to believe our father truly was forced into creating
and carrying out the scam.” Her voice turned hard. Cold. “I don’t know and I
don’t care. As far as I’m concerned, Joseph Mandarino deserves any and all
punishment they can heap upon him. Even if he was forced into the scheme with
Modern Power, no one forced him into lying to me all those years about our
mother. If he ever surfaces again, he doesn’t have to worry about what the
mafia might do. He needs to worry about what I might do.”

reached for her sister’s hand. “Don’t say something you might regret.”

is not remembering my own mother. What I
is the
fifteen sad, loveless, miserable years I suffered, believing
that woman
was my mother!” Kenzie jumped up from the table and paced the narrow confines
of the dining area, now fully agitated. “I regret many things, but wishing our
father bodily harm is not one of them!”

sound of the doorbell was almost a welcomed relief. Kenzie stalked to the door
and looked through the peephole, ready to turn away any unwanted guests or
their ever-present security detail. She faltered when she saw Craven on the
other side of the door. A confrontation with him was the last thing she needed
right now.

smile on her face was forced as she gathered her courage and swung the door

His voice was low-key, as if he feared his unannounced appearance might not be

didn’t call,” she chastised immediately. “When did you get to town?”

got here.” He hung back in the hallway, but his hungry eyes took in the sight
of her, telling her without words that he came here the moment his plane

on in.” She waved him inside, suddenly nervous. “We were just eating. Would you
care to join us?”

don’t want to interrupt…” Ever the gentleman, he hesitated as he stepped over
the threshold.

spicy cologne he always wore crowded around her senses and made her think of
cinnamon rolls. Cinnamon rolls made her think of how close she had come to confusing
physical attraction with love; she had thought herself a tiny bit in love with
Craven, after all. But any thoughts of love made her think of Travis, and there
was nothing tiny or halfway about her feelings for him. Thinking of Travis gave
her courage.

a laugh, Kenzie pulled Craven further inside the apartment and assured him,
“Believe me, any interruption is welcome. Makenna cooked.”

the dining area, her sister called, “I heard that!”

I could take you two ladies out for dinner,” he suggested gallantly.

anyway, but it’s been a pretty rough week. I don’t think either one of us is up
to going out tonight.” In her own way, she was mourning her sister’s breakup,
too. She was genuinely fond of Hardin and knew how happy he made her twin. The
two of them not being together was just wrong.

night, perhaps?” he asked hopefully.

came out of the dining room, spoke to Craven for a few moments, then excused
herself before disappearing into her room. Drawing a deep breath of courage,
Kenzie invited Craven to join her on the couch.

didn’t comment about tomorrow night,” he noted when she settled at the edge of
the sofa, a bit further away than she normally sat.

don’t think tomorrow night’s going to be much better, either.” She was thinking
about the press conference, but Craven misinterpreted.

beside her, his blue eyes turned murky. “You’ve had time to make a decision, I
take it.”

doesn’t have anything to do with us. I can’t go into the details, but after
tomorrow, a lot of things are going to change.”

brow puckered. “I don’t follow.”

know.” She heaved a deep sigh. “I shouldn’t have said anything, but I don’t
want to see you blind-sided. I certainly don’t want to see you hurt. I think of
you as a dear and trusted friend, Craven. I wish I could tell you more, but I
shouldn’t have said this much. Just know that I’ll be here for you, if you need
a friend.” She touched his hand, her eyes troubled.

not sure what worries me more,” he said, brow still crinkled, “your ominous
tone about tomorrow, or that dreaded use of the word ‘friend’. Neither bodes
well, does it?”

she could answer, the telephone rang. “I’m sorry, but I should get this,” she
murmured. “I’m sure you could tell something was wrong with Makenna. She and
Hardin broke up, and I know she doesn’t feel like answering the phone. Excuse
me for a second.” She grabbed her phone and glanced at the caller I.D., not
recognizing the number.



Travis’s warm greeting filled her ear, relief flooded through her body. If he
was calling, he was safe. Even as she jumped off the couch, she breathed his
name. “Travis! Are you all right? Are you safe? Where are you?”

low chuckle seeped through her like sweet wine, turning her warm and making her
tingle in all the best places. She forgot all about the other man sitting just
a few feet away, his heart breaking at the undisguised love in her voice as she
spoke to the Ranger.

question at a time, darlin’, one question at a time. I’m fine, I’m safe, I’ve
just got a second to spare. I’m calling from a gas station, so don’t try to
call back. I just wanted to let you know things are going good here.”

been so worried about you!”

been worried about you, too. Are you behaving like I asked you to?”

she hedged. “What have you heard?” she asked suspiciously.

I’m deep undercover. That’s why I’m asking.”

I tell you the truth, we’ll just argue.” Before he could protest, she hurried
on. “I just want to know when you’ll be through with this mission.”

think we’re getting close. A few more days and I should have everything I

closed her eyes with relief. “He hasn’t recognized you, then?”

I tell you the truth, you’ll just worry.” He turned her words back on her, but
there was a touch of warm humor in his voice.

gasped aloud. “How can you joke about this! If something should happen to you…”
She shuddered, unable to complete the horrific thought.

going to happen to me, darlin’,” he assured her. “Look, I gotta go. I shouldn’t
have risked calling you, but I promised I would try.”

are you in danger?” Her voice became shrill.

fine, darlin’. I just called to say -” He hesitated, his voice filling with a
rare uncertainty. He cleared his throat nervously, but she could hear the
delicious warmth in his tone. His voice was low and thick with emotion as he
finished somewhat awkwardly, “Heart and soul, darlin’. Heart and soul.”

unsaid words hung in the air between them deliciously, teasing Kenzie with
their zest.

too, Travis,” she whispered. “Heart and soul.” She sniffed away a lonely tear
before adding almost frantically, as if the words made all the difference
between life and death, “Be safe!”

too, darlin’.”

held on to the phone long after he disconnected, savoring the sweet echo of his
Heart and soul
. So much more original and eloquent than ‘I love
you’. Every bit as powerful.

forgot she had an audience until Craven quietly cleared his throat. She whirled
around, her eyes wide.

Craven!” she cried in something akin to horror at her own thoughtlessness. “I-I

his head, he held up a hand to stop her words. “Don’t,” he said. His voice was
soft but firm. Definitely sad. “Just … don’t.”

so sorry, Craven,” she whispered. “I do care for you, truly I do.”

you love him.”

was no denying the obvious. With a simple nod, she whispered, “Yes.”

dropped tear-filled eyes to her hands while he took a moment to gather himself.
When he spoke, his voice came out a bit muffled, but strong. “So, my friend,
what is this about tomorrow?”

uh-” Too rattled to think clearly, Kenzie rubbed her forehead and tried to
concentrate. “You’ll know soon enough. Just know that if you need to talk, I’ll
be here for you.”

slapped his hands to his knees and pushed himself off the couch. “And on that
very ambiguous note, I think I should go.”

sorry, Craven. About everything.”

am, too, Kenzie. I was hoping…” He let his words trail off. After the slightest
hesitation, he leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll talk to you
tomorrow.” His voice was slightly unsteady, just as Kenzie’s legs were as she
walked him to the door.

-” She called his name as he stepped out the door, but there was really nothing
more to say. He stopped at the sound of her voice, but he did not turn around
to face her. He never saw the tears that streamed down her face.

never saw the tears that swam in his eyes.

a slight pause, he continued down the hall.



Chapter Twenty-Five


after one o’clock the next day, the United States Attorney General stood before
a national news conference and informed the public that formal charges had been
filed against some of the country’s top leaders — two Senators, two
Congressmen, and one Federal Judge. Interspersed with the politicians were
three powerful businessmen, including an influential DC millionaire and two men
with known ties to the Italian mafia.

wide variety of charges covered everything from obstruction of justice and
abuse of power to fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering. An assortment of
other accusations muddied the flow of political fall-out.

from covering the story themselves, Kenzie and Makenna listened as the rest of
the news media went wild. Rumors about the mysterious Joseph Mandarino were
already rampant; the sisters dreaded when their connection to him was revealed
and the spotlight thrust upon them. The overload of speculation and news
reports was so overwhelming, that soon they turned off the television and shut
down their computers.

was their comfort. Makenna paid the delivery boy, just as Kenzie was hanging up
the phone. “Pizza’s here,” she announced.

delish. I’m starved.”

from your hour-long call, I take it that Craven is not handling this well.”

devastated. A couple of those men were his mentors. He feels totally betrayed
and is completely disillusioned with politics right now.”

can imagine. Especially when the mastermind behind the entire scheme was his
own co-worker and staff member. Too bad Bernard Franks was killed before he had
to pay for what he’d done.”

gave an unladylike snort. “He definitely deserved worse than a mere bullet in
the forehead.”

bit into a slice of supreme pizza, the first real food she had truly eaten in
days. “So how is your friend the Senator taking all this? They may not have
pressed charges against him, but he’s looking rather foolish right now, having
something like that happen right under his nose without him even knowing it.”

he’s not my friend,” Kenzie denied with exaggerated innocence, holding up her
hands as if to distance herself.

bought you a car,” Makenna smirked.

too,” she shot back.

stuck out her tongue, to which Kenzie pulled a silly face. They were still
laughing when the doorbell rang.

on earth…?” They were not expecting any guests.

it’s my Mom,” Makenna suggested.

to the door, Kenzie licked pizza sauce from her fingertips as she walked over
and peered through the peephole. “Oh. My. God.” Even whispered, the shock was
audible in her voice. “It’s her.”


turned back toward her sister with a stricken expression upon her face, shaking
her dark curls in denial. Makenna was already up and rounding the table. “No,”
Kenzie hissed. “The-The woman from New Hampshire. The one in the Prada shoes.”

gasped. “What-What is she doing
?” Even in a whisper, the words were

Convention,” Kenzie murmured, piecing scattered thoughts together in her head.
She was a politician, after all, with ties to the Convention. And to the

time, their visitor rapped on the door. 

do we do?” Kenzie whispered frantically. Her eyes darted about the room, unconsciously
searching for a place to hide.

grabbed her phone. “Which officer is on duty tonight?” 

Deputy Larza.”

could call him and make sure she cleared credentials. That she’s not… armed or
something.” Makenna’s fingers trembled as she scrolled through the names on her

need. He’s at the door.” Kenzie could see the officer through the tiny portal,
watched him raise his large hand just before the doorbell rang again, followed
by a strong rap.

Miss Reese? Miss Reagan? This is Deputy Larza. You have a visitor, ladies.”

a wary look with her sister, Kenzie gave a helpless shrug and slowly opened the

ma’am, Miss Reagan.” The Travis County Deputy tipped his hat to the two women
crowded around the opening. “This nice lady has asked to speak with you, if
you’re willing.”

clearly hesitated. “I-I suppose.”

It was
not the most gracious of invitations, but the sisters stood back to allow the
older woman to step over the threshold. She hovered just inside the door.

be out here in the hall if you need me,” the Deputy assured them.

awkward silence filled the air as the women stared at one another. When they
did speak, it was all at once.

afraid we don’t -” Makenna began.

know you are wondering -” from the woman.

was more blunt. “Who are you?”

sisters stared expectantly at their uninvited guest, waiting for her answer.
When she drew in a deep breath and repeated her introduction, her cultured
voice warbled with nerves. “I know you are both wondering who I am and why I’m
here.” Even though she was already inside the apartment, good breeding demanded
she ask. “May I come in?”

answer, both twins simultaneously used exaggerated hand gestures to usher her

see you still work in tandem.” The older woman eyed their gestures with

and Makenna exchanged a baffled look. “You know us?” Kenzie asked.


Kenzie demanded, shutting the door behind her, “
are you?”

odd look touched the woman’s face, almost one of pain. “I couldn’t expect you
to remember,” she murmured. “You were just babies the last time I saw you, not
even three yet.” The older woman’s gaze flickered to the living area behind
them. “May we sit for a moment?”

as Kenzie took the request under cool deliberation, Makenna played the part of
hostess. When her twin invited the woman to have a seat, Kenzie had little
choice but to follow behind. She took the armchair as the other two women
settled on either end of the sofa.

close, their visitor was obviously older than the sisters had originally
guessed. Although probably in her late sixties or early seventies, the woman
possessed an ageless beauty. She was as tall as either twin, her body straight
and graceful. Silver strands threaded throughout her chestnut hair, where an
intricate ruby-studded gold clasp held it into a neat, loose chignon near the
base of her neck. Her wardrobe was simple but chic, a fashionable navy dress
accented with matching red leather belt, purse and shoes. All bore a designer
label. More rubies glittered from around her neck and ear lobes, completing her

seated, Kenzie cut straight to the chase. “Why were you following us in New
Hampshire?” The woman arched a manicured brow at the accusation but did not
interrupt as Kenzie continued. “We know you came to the cabin. What did you

stole over their guest’s features. “You were there?”

The question is, why were you?”

wanted to see it again,” she said simply.

ignored the distraction of the word ‘again’. She kept her voice hard and cold.
“Even if it meant breaking and entering?”

not breaking and entering if you have a key,” the woman protested quietly.

pulled the words from Makenna. “Why-Why do you have a key to our house?”

soft smile touched the woman’s handsome face. It changed her entire appearance,
making her look more approachable. It also made something about her gently
lined face look familiar. Both sisters were trying to place where they knew her
from, even as she answered, “Because, my dear, it was my house first.”

eyed her suspiciously. “Exactly what are you saying?” 

lived there once upon a time. It was my honeymoon cottage, in fact.” She smiled
again, as if reminiscing. “My husband built it for me when we first married.”

doesn’t explain who you are or why you were following us in New Hampshire. Why
you are now here in Texas. At our apartment.”

of answering directly, she murmured, “After seeing you two in town that day, I
really shouldn’t be surprised to hear you were at the cabin. But the old place
still looked deserted from the outside… I went up to the door, but a noise
frightened me away.” She gave an apologetic half-smile. “I thought it might be

same shiver of revulsion that rippled through her slender frame echoed through
Makenna’s. Rolling her eyes at their dual dramatics, Kenzie kept her voice
firm. “If you don’t explain who you are and why you’re here, we are going to
insist that you leave.”

“I understand,
dear. Of course.” The woman took a deep breath of courage and blew it slowly
out. Just as Kenzie decided the woman was a delusional drama queen, she made a
stunning announcement.

here because I, my dears, am your grandmother.”


BOOK: Light from Her Mirror (Mirrors Don't Lie Book 3)
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