Life of Elizabeth I (91 page)

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Authors: Alison Weir

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Removed Picture captions:

Elizabeth I at her accession 
'An air of dignified majesty pervades all her actions.'

Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, attr. to Steven van Meulen 'Lord Robert does whatever he likes with affairs.' William Cecil, Lord Burghley

'No prince in Europe hath such a counsellor.' 
Lord Darnley and Mary Queen of Scots

'The Queen of Scots is a dangerous person.' 
Philip II of Spain and Mary

'Sometimes it is necessary for princes to do what displeases them.'

Lettice Knollys, Countess of Leicester 
'One of the best-looking ladies of the court.'

Sir Christopher Hatton by Nicholas Hilliard 'One of the goodliest personages of England.'

Sir Francis Walsingham by John de Critz the Elder He set himself 'to break the neck of all dangerous practices'

Francis, Duke of Alencon 
'He seemed to grow daily more handsome.'

Sir Philip Sidney 
'That inconsiderate fellow, Sidney'

Sir Francis Drake 
'Drake! I would be revenged on the King of Spain.'

Sir Walter Raleigh 
'The best-hated man of the world.' 

Elizabeth I; The Armada Portrait 
'She is our God in Earth.'

Sir Robert Cecil 
'The greatest councillor of England.' 

Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex 
'He carries his love and his hatred on his forehead.'

James VI of Scotland and I of England 
'Succession? Who is he that dares meddle with it?'

Elizabeth I in old age 
'There is no contentment to a young mind in an old body'

end of captions.

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