Life of a Fool (London Brothers Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Life of a Fool (London Brothers Book 2)
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Then, I moved my hand further down, to the tight pucker of
her ass.  She didn’t fight me or even flinch.  No, instead she shifted and
opened herself up for me.  “Legs, have you ever…”

“No, Jace.”  She was quick to answer my question, and I was
grateful for her answer.

“Okay.”  I brought my hand back up and started down her
legs.  I moved back to the side of the bathtub, lathered my hands, and one at a
time, I lifted her long legs and cleaned them from the inside of her thigh down
to her foot.  She laughed a little as I tickled the back of her knees and
bottom of her feet. “Be still.”

“Not fair.”  She moaned.

“Shh, I don’t want to spank you right now.”  I carefully ran
my fingers up and down her folds, pretending to clean her, but neither of us
cared about that.  I leaned in and kissed her lips.  “I can’t wait to take you
again, to mark you.  When can I, baby?  Tell me it’s soon.”

“Yes, Jace.  Soon.  And I want that too.”  Her wet hand came
up out of the water and cupped my face.  “I never knew I could need someone so
much.  Why did it take me so long to see this—to see us?”

“I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter anymore.  We’re
together now.”  I kissed her again, my tongue taking control of the kiss.  “Let’s
get you out.” 

I stood to get her a towel, then held out my hands to help
steady Lori Ann as she climbed out of the bathtub.  I unfolded the large white
towel and first dried her arms and chest, then knelt down to dry her pussy and
between her legs.  “You’re spoiling me, you know.”

“Good,” was all I said.  I wrapped her in the towel, and we
walked back into the bedroom.  It was late afternoon and I needed to tell her
about our evening visitors, but not before I laid her down on the bed and
rubbed lotion on her skin.  I’d decided the oils could wait for later when we
could really enjoy them. 

“Legs?”  I said quietly as I sat next to her and squeezed
more lotion into my hands before stroking up and down her long legs.

“Yeah?”  She was lying on her back, watching me, the towel
still wrapped around her breasts.  I wanted desperately to remove it, but
decided to wait until I talked to her about Antonio.

“Craig and Keri are coming by in a little while.  He wants
to talk about some new developments in what’s happening.”

“Okay.”  She tried to sit up to look at me, but only made it
halfway before wincing and lying back down. “What’s going on?”

“Looks like Antonio and a few men are snooping around San

I heard a loud gasp and saw the fear in her eyes.  “What?”

“It’s okay.  I have a guy I trust watching things.  I’m sure
that is what Craig wants to talk about tonight.  Let’s just hear what he has to
say and go from there.  Okay?”

“Sure.”  Lori Ann’s eyes were filled with terror.  I could
see she wanted to run, but didn’t have the physical strength to do it.  I felt
helpless in how to combat that kind of fear, except to just stay close and try
to reassure her I wouldn’t leave her alone and vulnerable.

I crawled up next to her body and held her close.  “Please
don’t worry.  I’ll make sure you’re safe.”  I kissed her forehead as she
snuggled her face into my chest.

“He’ll kill me, Jace,” she sobbed.  “If he finds out about
this baby, it will be even worse.”

“I know.  But I will never let him hurt you again.  Please
just trust me.” 

“I’m trying, but he has his ways.  I’ve seen them
firsthand.  He can steal anyone or anything.  Please don’t let him steal me.” 

“I won’t, Legs.  I promise.” 

We lay there for a long time, just holding on tight—afraid
of what might happen.  I didn’t know this guy well enough to be able to predict
his moves, but I knew plenty of assholes like him.  So, it was time Craig and I
came up with plan that would save us all. 


Chapter 17
Lori Ann

I didn’t know what to think about everything.  Craig and
Keri showed up at our townhouse just a few hours later and basically told me
the same thing Jason had earlier.  Antonio and a few guys were snooping around
San Diego and would most likely figure out we had headed to Denver.  I knew by
the conversations we were having that the little dinner meeting was to figure
out if I was going to run or not.  Truthfully, I’d thought a lot about it, but
knew I wouldn’t get very far alone.  I told them such and could see the relief
wash over their faces.  “So, now what?”

“We wait.  Keep John snooping around and keeping tabs on
Antonio and his guys.  I don’t want to drag you all over the country for no
reason.  He may never figure out where we are.  What do you think, Craig?” 
Jason was so sure about stay in Denver.  I had to trust that was best, but it
was so hard not to follow my gut and run. 

“I agree.  Staying here, continuing with the security we
have in place, is the best thing.” 

“What security?”  Now, I was freaking out a little. 

“Nothing too big, Legs.  Just some friends of Craig’s that
are helping out…watching our place at night.”  Jason leaned over to me and
kissed my forehead. 

“Oh, okay.” 

“They are doing it for us because that’s what we do, Lori
Ann.  We’re all cops, have people we love and care about, and when someone is
in trouble, we help out.  These guys get it.  So, the second I asked if anyone
was willing to help out, the whole station practically volunteered.”  Craig
winked at me, and it made me smile. 

“Thank you,” I whispered.

“Hey, they were more than happy to help, especially when I
told them all about your husband.”  I noticed Jason’s face fall when Craig said
the word “husband.”

“Well, I’d like to meet some of them, say thank you if that’s
okay.”  I looked to Jason for an answer. 

“I’ll introduce a few of them tomorrow.  We’re trying not to
point them out, make targets out of them, or alarm the other people living
here.  So, we need to be discreet.”


The rest of the evening was
spent getting to know Keri.  I felt bad taking up everyone’s time, but she was
incredibly understanding and gracious.  Needless to say, I liked her a lot and
thought she was perfect for Craig.  Her laid-back, artistic side mellowed the
hard-ass cop persona that Craig sported most of the time.  It was
understandable, but seeing him laugh and love on Keri made my heart swell with
pride and love for my friend.  He was a good man, and I was happy for him.


A week had gone by since the dinner with Craig and Keri. 
Jason was constantly at my side, catering to my needs and helping me to heal. 
As far as I knew, there hadn’t been any other developments with Antonio.  I was
sure Jason would tell me, so I put it out of my mind the best I could and
concentrated on us.  We were still going slow after the bleeding incident, but
I was getting impatient and was sure he was too.  As close I felt to Jason, I
was craving more intimacy.  I wanted him inside me again—desperately.

We hadn’t really talked much more about the baby, and I was
thankful.  I still didn’t know how I felt about everything.  I knew in my heart
that my baby was an innocent bystander.  But as the days went by and I thought
back on how and when I might have gotten pregnant, I knew…without a doubt…that
he/she was conceived out of anger and violence.  Antonio hadn’t made love to me
in more than a year.  He took.  He claimed.  He punished.  And he hadn’t cared
one bit if I wanted it or not.  So, my heart was split into pieces…sadness,
hate, guilt, and love.  I didn’t know how to separate the feelings and sort
through them yet, so I ignored everything.  I had a feeling Jason was doing the
same.  He never pushed to know more, but I was sure it was eating him alive.

So far, I’d met six different guys that were trading off
nights outside our townhouse.  It was weird because I would’ve never picked
these guys out as fellow cops.  They were pretty young and hot…not that cops
weren’t hot, it was just unexpected to see so many young guys willing to do the
job.  Jason quickly pointed out that they were probably doing it to suck up to
Craig, who was much higher on the food chain than they were.  It made me laugh
to think of these guys pulling this kind of duty just to impress Craig, but
whatever.  I was thankful, nonetheless.

By the following weekend, things hadn’t changed.  I was
feeling so much better, and most of my bruises had healed.  I was due for
another check-up with my new doctor that Monday morning.  I was ready.  I
wanted to be cleared to have sex.  Jason and I were on pins and needles about
that one question, although we’d kept ourselves plenty entertained in the

We’d formed a habit of having breakfast together on the
balcony, which seemed to always lead to a full make-out session that had to be
taken inside.  I was quickly learning all the names of my security team as I
took them coffee or pastries each morning.  Jason would practically growl at me
for doing it, too.  “Stop flirting with the hired help!  Those boys are
practically panting and coming in their Geranimals every time they get a
glimpse of you.”

“Oh, stop.  They are not!”  I laughed.  “Geranimals…how old
are you?” 

“Whatever.  Just stop.  I don’t like the way they look at
you, and I’d hate to have to beat the shit out of Craig’s lap dogs.”  I kept
laughing, but his face was dead serious…which made me laugh harder, despite the
slight pain in my ribs.

“Okay, you have to stop making me laugh.”  I turned to look
at Jason just as he stalked to me and grabbed me around the waist, pulling me
tight against his naked chest. 

“I’m not joking.  Do I look like I’m kidding about this?”  I
studied his face for just a second and could see that yes, he was serious, but
the heavy lust in his eyes gave away that he was mostly turned on.

I reached up with my right hand and cupped his face, still
trying to hold in my laughter.  “Jace.  I see you’re not kidding and it really
bothers you that I’m sweet to those fellas out there, but, baby, they are
protecting me…us, for nothing.  I want to be kind to them.  Besides, I sure do
love that look you have in your eyes right now.  You want me, don’t you?”

“Hell, yes.  I always want you, Legs.  That’s not the point.”

I kissed his lips, stopping his temper tantrum.  His grip on
me tightened slightly as his tongue pushed into my mouth and he took over the
kiss.  His warm, minty taste and overbearing love had me pushing my hips
against his erection.  I couldn’t wait to make love to him again.  “Jace, I
need you so much.”

“I know.  I feel the same way.  God, I hope your doctor says
it’s okay because I’m not sure I can hold out much longer.  I need to be inside
my girl.”


Jason slowly walked me to the couch and lay me down, but not
before stripping my pink tank top off and sliding my panties and black Nike
shorts down my legs.  “And not wearing a bra when you go out there…hell, no.” 
He bent his head and sucked one nipple into his mouth, while his other hand
pinched and twisted the other.  I arched my back toward his mouth.  “Jace…feels
so good.”

“Tastes good,” he mumbled as he removed his mouth for just a

“Tell me what you are going to do to me when the doc releases
me.”  The words just flowed right out of my mouth.  I’d been thinking about it,
but hadn’t said them out loud.

Jason must have been surprised too because he let go of my
nipple with a “pop” and looked right into my eyes, his mouth curled into a smile. 
“I love that you just said that.  You are so sexy, baby.”  He placed a soft
kiss on each nipple, causing them to ache with need.  “I’m going to tie your
hands to that headboard in there…or at least the one not in a cast…and oil
every part of your body, teasing you as I rub every spot until you scream my
name.”  He kissed down my stomach, lingering for just a minute around where the
baby was before continuing until he licked and kissed the outside of my folds. 
“Then, as you’re coming down from your orgasm, I’m going to climb onto your
body and push my cock into this beautiful, pink pussy and make slow, tortuous
love to you until we both collapse.” 

By the time he finished, I was so horny I didn’t know what
to do with myself.  “Jace, don’t leave me like this.  I need release.”

“Shh…I know.”  He carefully licked my folds again and pushed
his tongue in just enough to touch my clit.  I jerked up at the feel, but Jason
laid his hand on my stomach and kept me still as I reached my good hand into
his hair and gripped it to hold him in place.

“Feels so good.”  It didn’t take long for my orgasm to
vibrate through my body.  I moaned and screamed Jason’s name and may have
called him a few other god-like names in the process. 

When I could catch my breath, he looked up at me and said, “Do
you have any idea how much I love you, how sexy you are?”

“Hmm,” was all I could say.

He smiled and made his way to my face.  “You are my
beautiful, sexy girl.  God, I’m so lucky I finally have you.” 

“I love you, too.  Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For waiting for me to see it, for loving me all this time,
for saving me and for making me brave, but most of all for giving me the best
orgasms ever.”  I grinned and wiggled my eyebrows, eliciting a loud, boisterous
laugh from Jason. 

“Well, you’re welcome.  Right back at you, Legs.”  He kissed
me, and I could taste myself on his lips.  I loved it.  It was sexy as hell for
Jason to still have
on his lips.  “I think we need to get some
clothes back on you.”  He reached down and slid my panties and shorts back into
place before helping me to sit up and pull my tank top over my head. 

“Do we have any plans today?”  I asked.

“Why?  What were you wanting to do…other than the obvious.” 

I punched his arm and laughed.  “I don’t know.  I’m just
sort of tired of being trapped here all the time.  We’ve been her for almost
three weeks now, and I’ve hardly been out of the house.  Take me somewhere

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