Life is Sweet (32 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Bass

BOOK: Life is Sweet
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While I was writing this book, my sister Suzanne Bass was invaluable to me. Not only did she answer my horse questions, she was also the one who introduced me to Leesburg, Virginia. Though I hope I captured a little of the town's charm, most of the specific places mentioned in the story are made up and any mistakes that might have slipped in concerning the area are entirely my own.
As usual, I owe a heap of gratitude to Annelise Robey and the rest of the crew at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, and also to my editor, John Scognamiglio, and all the great people at Kensington Publishing. Working with wonderful people is one of life's joys.
Thanks to Joe, for his patience, proofreading, and incredible cooking.
Finally, a special shout-out to my mom, Patsy Bass, for all the birthday cakes. I haven't tasted the strawberry cake mentioned in the book for over thirty years, but I still dream about it.
Elizabeth Bass
About This Guide
The suggested questions are included
to enhance your group's reading of
Elizabeth Bass's
Life Is Sweet.
Discussion Questions
Becca is a former television child star and she carries a lot of emotional baggage from her experience in Hollywood. Do you think she is overly sensitive when it comes to fans and nostalgia? Is she right to be wary of the public?
Were there any child actors you particularly liked? Do you enjoy “Whatever Happened To?” stories?
Before the book begins, Becca has tossed a dart at a map, moved across the country, and started a bakery. Have you ever dreamed of uprooting your life and opening your own business? If so, where would you go, and what kind of business do you dream of starting?
Becca impetuously helps a stranger by offering him a job. Do you think she was right to do this?
Did you have an inkling of Walt's true identity? What would you do if a long-lost relative arrived on your doorstep?
Did you sympathize with Walt's motive to find his daughter? Since he had been absent from his daughter's life, do you think he should have left her alone, or do you believe he has a chance to redeem himself as a father even at this late date?
Becca feels friction with her friends at various points during the book. Do you feel that they behave fairly with each other? Should Becca and Pam have mentioned Nicole to Erin?
Thoughts of her old frenemy Abby Wooten haunt Becca. Do you think this affects how she interacts with her current friends? Do you think Becca behaves badly when she meets Abby again?
Organ donation is an issue in the book. Have you ever considered becoming an organ donor? Do you think Matthew does the right thing in the story?
The disintegration of Nicole and Matthew's relationship is central to the story, and it's complicated by the fact Olivia likes Matthew so much. What did you think of Matthew and Olivia's friendship? Did Nicole make a mistake in allowing her daughter to develop a bond with her boyfriend when she knew that she didn't want to marry Matthew?
Do you watch reality shows? Which are your favorites? Would you ever want to be a contestant on one?
Becca discusses her love of her mother's strawberry cake, and the powerful sense-memory it evokes in her. Is there any comfort food that can bring back a specific person or time in your life?
KENSINGTON BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018
Copyright © 2014 by Elizabeth Bass
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
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eISBN-13: 978-0-7582-8145-6
eISBN-10: 0-7582-8145-5
First Kensington Electronic Edition: October 2014
ISBN: 978-0-7582-8144-9
First Kensington Trade Paperback Printing: October 2014

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