Lies of a Real Housewife (32 page)

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Authors: Angela Stanton

BOOK: Lies of a Real Housewife
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and stood over her dead body.

Phaedra stole my moment. That was my moment. I was supposed

to be there standing over my mother. Not Phaedra, damn it! As I continued to watch the show week after week, I realized that Phaedra never ever had a care in the wor
ld for my children or for me. She used me, and she had used my life as a stepping-stone for her own personal greed and gain. She’s such

a greedy bi**h!

Every time the show aired, I was sure to tune in so I could listen

closely to her opening statement
“I’m the ultimate southern belle. I always get what I want!”
This was Phaedra’s whole demeanor. She believed that everyone and everything served only beneath her. This all opened my eyes and led me to my realization. That was exactly how she viewed me. I was beneath her. I was a dummy, and an ignorant fool that would never realize what hit

me. You got me good Phaedra, just like Curtis had gotten my mother!

The more I watched the show, the angrier I became, and the more

counseling I needed. I was about to
check myself into a mental hospital when I watched the episode of her giving birth to her baby. I couldn’t help it. I started having flashbacks, and going to that dark place. I vividly remembered the day I gave birth to my baby, handcuffed to a bed. Phaedra had her family there with all the cameras and the producers of the show there to support her. I had nothing and no one there to support me. This just wasn’t fair! Not on

any level!

The episode when the forgotten member of Destiny’s child strolled

o Phaedra’s office crying about how she had been to jail, and just wanted to get her life together. Phaedra actually had the audacity to cry. Are you serious right now Phaedra? Then she said she had the golden touch, and promised that young lady she would assist her in getting her life together. Oh my God!

That was just too much for me to handle.

Then there was the episode when she left her baby for the first time

to return to work and she cried. How about you walk a day in my shoes, and let’s see how ma
ny tears you shed? My newborn baby was taken from me

moments after she was born, and where were you then Ms. Phaedra Parks?

Ms. King had to console me! Lord, help me, PLEASE! My battle

wasn’t over… It was years later, and I was still fighting for my life. I had been framed like Roger Rabbit! That was one of my favorite movies as a kid. I watched it over and over, but never once did I imagine that it would happen to me. It was taking ever
ything in my power to keep me from popping up on Phaedra’s doorstep. No lie, especially when I thought of her standing in my spot disrespecting my mother’s remains. In my mind, it was as if she had walked straight up to the casket, and spat right in my mother’s face. When I thought about everything I had lost, everything she had taken from me. That was my breaking point. I couldn’t take it! I had to pull myself together and

write it out.

Phaedra, I knew you would be reading this book along with million

of other people throughout the world. I want all of you to know that this was not done out of vengeance, but solely based on justice. Justice, the thing that

America was founded on, and God said vengeance is His. Enough said.

Phaedra was a genius at creating illusions. She masterminded the

perfect crime against the Federal Government, and everybody involved served time in prison, except her. No, she never put a gun to my head. She never made me do anything. I accepted my faults and I paid my debt to society, but what about how she used me, and destroyed my life? At the time of our campaign of crimes, she was a sworn officer of the law. She had taken an

oath to uphold a certain standard.

She knew exactly what would happen if I were to ever get caught. Phaedra Parks just didn’t care. She had me working during my pregnancies without regards to my children’s well being or mine. Phaedra never cared or considered how they would end up. Why would she help everyone rebuild his or her life, but not  reach out to help me? My life had been destroyed, and she

played a major role in the destruction.

I called her when my children and I were living in the homeless

shelter. I reached out to her on several occasions and she never once lifted a finger to help us.
I have one question for Phaedra. My mind really remains boggled and I need to know the reason you were at my mother’s funeral,

when I now know you obviously didn’t care?

Well, I shouldn’t expect an honest answer, but I know the truth. It

was only Phaedr
a’s ploy to make sure I never implicated her in any of the crimes she masterminded. It was a tactic she used to persuade me that she was a true friend and was indeed on my side. But what type of monster finds

joy in other people’s pain?

I called just about every attorney in the city of Atlanta pleading my

case. I knew I could get her in a civil suit, but every attorney claimed that the statute of limitations would hurt my case. I didn’t buy that. I knew the truth. All of a sudden that secret society amon
gst lawyers actually did exist. The one Phaedra told me she would use if I ever got caught. It was meant to only

worked for her, and was never intended for me.

I couldn’t begin to tell you how many attorneys I took my case to be-

cause I wanted to expose Phaedra for who she really was. I even reached out to Goldie Taylor, this time I went in depth about my prior relationship with
Phaedra. I told her about this new manuscript I had completed and asked her if she could help me. She explained that she had just attended Phaedra’s wedding, and that I would never make it as a writer. Five minutes later, I received

a telephone call from Apollo. Goldie must have given my number to him and Phaedra. I had just changed it the day before, and besides my husband, Goldie was the first person I had given my new number.

Apollo was interested in making things ‘go away’. Our conversation

was short and brief. I felt that if anyone should be calling me, it should be Phaedra Parks! I had no desire to speak with Apollo. He found that out when I hung up in his face. At that moment I started to wonder if Phaedra was the real reason
Goldie had dropped me a few years back after she had promised to function as my literary agent.

Shocked but not surprised by Goldie’s actions, I kept pressing. A

few days later, I spoke with a reputable attorney who was a friend of my great friend. He told me to file a complaint with someone at the state bar of Georgia. I filed a complaint. It was about thirty-three pages long and took them six weeks to arrive at a decision.  My complaint was dismissed. They made reference, as everyone else had done, that there was a statute of limitations. Legally there was nothing to be done.

During this time I began receiving prank calls to my home, prank

calls from DFACS, claiming that my children were being abused, and threats were being made against my life. I had awakened a sleeping demon. It was on again, the battle of Armageddon, the fight for my life.

Phaedra Parks broke several rules governed by the State Bar of


Rule 1.2 Scope of representation
: From the website of the State Bar

of Georgia, states
that: A lawyer shall not counsel a client to engage in conduct that the lawyer knows is criminal or fraudulent, nor knowingly assist a client in such conduct, but a lawyer may discuss the legal consequences of any proposed course of conduct with a client, and may counsel or assist a client to make a good faith effort to determine the validity, scope, meaning or

application of the law.

Rule 4.1 Truthfulness in Statements to others
: A lawyer is required

to be truthful when dealing with others on a client’s
behalf, but generally has no affirmative duty to inform an opposing party of relevant facts. A misrepresentation can occur if the lawyer incorporates or affirms a statement of another person that the lawyer knows is false. Misrepresentations can also

ur by failure to act.

And most profoundly:

:  It shall be a violation of the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct for a lawyer to:

Violate or attempt to violate the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another;

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