Lies Lovers Tell (21 page)

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Authors: Zuri Day

BOOK: Lies Lovers Tell
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“I feel it too. When we were at his home, there were a couple times he looked a certain way and made me uncomfortable. Like you, I can’t explain it, and the possible connection to Tony is rather interesting….”

“Do you know if Tony is involved in gangs?”

Maya nodded yes.

“Something’s been brewing in the hood for a couple weeks, something that may involve a high-level figure in the world of real estate. I have somebody working for me on the inside, a Crip. I sure hope this Tony isn’t involved in an ill-planned, ill-advised plot.”

Maya thought of her brother and hoped he wasn’t involved either. But he and Tony had been hanging together since their time in jail. It was time for her to have another talk with her brother. “More tea?”

“No, thank you. I know you’d probably like to turn in, so…I guess I’ll be going.”

Maya stood and gathered the teacups. She walked into the kitchen, placed them in the sink, and was once again startled by Sean’s close proximity. “Stop sneaking up on me! I didn’t hear you—”

The rest of Maya’s words were swallowed up by Sean’s lips on hers, his tongue action shooting fire straight to her belly. He ran his hands up and down the soft T-shirt fabric, cupping Maya’s round buttocks and grinding his hardness into her. They began to converse, between kisses.

“Sean, I really don’t think we should.”

“I don’t either.”

“You know I want to just be friends for the next couple weeks.”

“I know.”

“I’m not sure I can trust you to stop if you stay.”

“Right, can anyone ever be totally trusted?”

“Probably not.”

“So you want me to leave?”

Maya looked deep into Sean’s hopeful eyes, a hope and desire that were mirrored in her own. “No,” was her whispered response.

It was all Sean needed to hear. He swooped her up and headed out of the kitchen. “Where?”


Sean carried Maya upstairs and laid her on the bed. He quickly stripped off his clothes. Maya adored him with her eyes. He knelt down beside her. “I didn’t bring condoms,” he whispered.

“I have some,” she replied. She pulled his head toward her and kissed him passionately. Without breaking their bond, Sean climbed on top of her. Only then did he allow his lips to leave her mouth to trail elsewhere: temples, eyelids, tip of her nose. He nibbled her ear before gliding his tongue down the length of her cheek, placing butterfly kisses along her throat. The oversized T-shirt worked to Sean’s advantage; it came off with one quick pull over her head. The draw-string pants were equally respondent to his desires to have her naked. Once this was accomplished, he continued his oral assault, spending considerable time at each nipple, along her navel, a spot he knew was sensitive, and along the inner sides of her thighs. He purposely ignored her paradise, wanting to save the best for last, and continued the journey down to her toes, lavishly sucking each member, while simultaneously adding the pleasures of a foot massage.

Maya squirmed and tossed, her kitty crying for attention. She placed her hands on Sean’s head, encouraging it upward from the underside of her knee, where again he’d found a sensitive spot and tongued the crevice expertly.

After what seemed an eternity, he rose and slowly parted her legs. Maya moaned in expectation. Sean kissed her feminine flower, and then blew gently. Her nub hardened in response. He kissed her again, deeper, longer this time. Maya’s thrashing became more pronounced, her moans louder. Sean continued, alternating between fast and slow licks, long and short. He continued until Maya thought she would die from ecstasy. Just when she reached the pinnacle, and was cascading in the waves of her first orgasm in weeks, he plunged deeply, fully into her, not waiting to set up an intense pace. He withdrew almost completely out of her and then plunged in again, and again, turning her on her side and continuing the dance. Maya matched his rhythm, equaled his intensity. Sean couldn’t go deep enough inside her; for Maya, she could not kiss him hard enough. Theirs was a thirst that could not be quenched, but still they kept trying. Into various positions, in different rooms, until night became morning, they tried. Finally, as the dawn said its good morning, they fell back on Maya’s bed, totally exhausted, totally sated. Maya rolled over and curled up in Sean’s arms. He relished the feel of her head on his shoulder, his leg thrown protectively over hers. Maya tried to be angry at herself for breaking her own promise, but she couldn’t. Sean had put a smile on her face that guilt could not wipe off.


Sean tweaked Maya’s butt playfully as they walked into the Ritz. After sleeping in late, Sean talked Maya into joining him for brunch. They both felt light and carefree, the intense lovemaking providing the stress relief they both needed.

“We should have played,” Maya pleaded. “I know I would have beaten you if we’d played one game, even half a game. My brother is the king of pool players. I learned from the best.”

“The best of what was available to you,” Sean countered. “But when the best of the best plays the best, you’ll see that there are varying levels of greatness.”

Maya pushed Sean in mock disgust. “Oh, please, spare me.” They both laughed as they entered the restaurant, so engrossed with each other that they almost ran directly into Joseph Rosenthal and an associate Maya didn’t know, coming from the opposite direction.

“Sean!” Joseph said, extending his hand toward Sean while never taking his eyes off Maya. “This is a surprise.”

“It is indeed,” Sean countered, shaking Joseph’s hand. Noticing his blatant stare, Sean added, “Joseph, Maya Jamison. Maya, Joseph Rosenthal with the Rosenthal Group.”

“It’s a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Rosenthal. You may not remember but we met about a year ago. I’m Zeke Brennan’s assistant.”

“I thought you looked familiar. But something’s different. That’s it, you’ve changed your hair.”

“Very keen observation, Mr. Rosenthal. You’re right, chopped it right off.”

“It’s a very flattering cut,” Joseph said, although his eyes had already left her face to travel the length of her body and back. Only then did he seem to remember he wasn’t alone. He introduced the man next to him as an associate before asking Sean and Maya to join them for brunch.

“Certainly,” Sean answered for both of them. He gave Maya’s hand a little squeeze as the waitress showed them to a table with an ocean view.

The four engaged in small talk until the orders had been taken. Then, not to Sean’s surprise, Joseph began a campaign to get Maya on his team.

“I could use a savvy assistant like you,” Joseph said, “smart, beautiful, ambitious. But I’d do more than give you a salary. I’d give you a percentage of everything I made.”

Maya’s expression said she was duly impressed.

“A small percentage to be sure, but I believe in sharing my wealth with those who are loyal to me.”

Joseph was probably hoping Sean would miss the near sneer he tossed in his direction, but Sean caught it. He didn’t miss much.

“I am loyal,” Maya said. “But I also know that one has to go where the opportunity is.”

“That’s it exactly.” He turned to Mark. “Smart girl, huh?”

“Well, I tell you what,” Joseph continued. “I’ve got it on good authority that the Angel’s Way project is as good as mine. We’ll be increasing our workforce when that happens. I’d like to talk to you about working with me, Maya. I think I could make excellent use of your…assets…and in the process, make you a very rich woman.”

Sean wanted to punch Joseph in the face. Instead he placed a possessive arm around Maya. “Did you hear that, sweetness? He thinks he can make better use of your assets than Zeke Brennan.”

Maya followed the subtle taunt. “Actually,” she said as she cupped Sean’s cheek and kissed him lightly on the mouth, “you’ve been making pretty good use of my assets yourself.” She turned to Joseph. “I’d be very open to talking about a position at your company, where I could put my business administration and sales education and experience to work.” She grinned suggestively, almost laughing out loud at the way Joseph ogled her. Nothing made a woman more attractive than for a man to know she was already taken. Feeling the animosity Joseph had for Sean, and knowing how he felt about Zeke, made Maya’s desire to yank his chain a bit irresistible. “If B&A gets it, however, I’d have to keep being a Brennan babe.”

“Speaking of your boss, I hear his wife is having her annual benefit on Saturday, the one for the orphans and other poor children in Afghanistan. A good cause, supported by a good lady.”

“Will you by any chance be gracing us with your presence, Mr. Rosenthal?”

“No, but Mark here, he’ll be there.”

Maya discreetly touched her knee to Sean’s. They both felt the same thing. Something was up.

“Just keep your cool,” Sean told Maya as they walked to the elevator. “We’re probably thinking the same thing. Just like right now Joseph is probably straining his eye sockets to see if we get into the elevator together. Let’s not disappoint him.”

“Sean, really, I probably should go home. Next week is going to be crazy busy and—”

“You don’t have to stay.” Sean gave her a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Just go up with me to get Joseph going. I’ll change my clothes and take you home.”

Maya knew that once Sean took off his clothes, hers would follow. But what was a woman to do? She’d tried to get him to take her home. Sometimes it was best to just go with the flow. Kitty readily agreed.

They were all over each other as soon as the elevator doors closed. Maya wondered how she could ever have thought to give his luscious lips up and Sean wondered how he’d survived without regular grips of Maya’s behind. They were hot and ready for round two as Sean swiped his card in the hotel’s key slot.

“After you, my queen,” he whispered in his British Sam Walters voice.

“Yessuh,” Maya replied softly, Martha in an instant.

Kisses silenced them as they entered the suite. They hugged and turned the corner arm in arm: to find a beautiful, naked woman sitting cross-legged in Sean’s bed.

Maya jumped back, shocked beyond words.

Sean raced forward. “What the hell?”

Tangier grabbed the comforter and hurried to cover her nakedness. She recovered first. “Darling, didn’t you get my message that I was returning this morning?”

Maya raced toward the door.

“Maya, wait.”

She ran faster, almost made it to the elevator before Sean caught her. “Maya, I swear on my life, I don’t know how that woman got into my room.”

“You want to protect me, keep me safe? You told me you loved me. And all this time she’s been here. Save it, Sean.”

“Maya, don’t let her do this. It’s what she wants. I don’t know how she got in my room, but I’m going to find out. Come with me.”


“Because I want you to hear the truth. That bitch is going to pay for breaking into my room!” Sean knew this might be the last time Maya listened, so he continued to talk. “No, she left, went back to London. When she wouldn’t stop calling me, I told her about you. And that it was over between me and her. I’m sure she’s hoping to come between us, separate us, just as she almost did the other time she came. But you’re stronger than she is, Maya; you’re not the type to run away. Stand with me baby, and I guarantee she’ll never bother us again.”

Maya’s breath was shallow and rapid. She gave Sean a curt nod and followed him back to the suite.

This time he made a noise when he came through the door.

“Oh, thank God. The little tramp is gone and you’ve come to your senses. I ordered up some—” Tangier stopped short at the sight of Maya, standing all of her five feet five inches next to Sean.

“Maya, dial hotel security.”

Tangier’s eyes dripped venom in Maya’s direction. “Are the women in Los Angeles so desperate? He’s practically my husband, you know.” Tangier wrapped the silk kimono robe around her body a little tighter, but not before exposing a generous left boob.

Maya turned and walked to the phone. She requested the head of security in a voice that brooked no argument from the person on the other end of the line, and one that surprised Tangier. She’d never considered having a worthy opponent.

“Fine, I see you’re going to be difficult,” she said, deciding a change of tactic was in order.

“I’m tired of putting up with all these women,” she said to Sean, even as she quickly slipped out of the kimono and pulled on a vibrant blue sheath dress. She reached for the card to her room, on the nightstand beside her. It was the only thing she’d brought with her as she’d meticulously planned a way to finagle her way past the weekend maid with arrogant claims of being his wife and threats of having her fired for questioning her right to be in the room.

Tangier gathered herself to her full five feet nine inches and prepared to sweep past Sean in a dramatic exit.

He grabbed her arm forcefully. “You’re not going anywhere.”

“Let go of my arm, Sean.”

Sean did so, even as he positioned himself in front of the door. “Maya, this is Tangier, my friend with benefits for the past two years, until I met you. She came to the States unannounced and I told her in no uncertain terms that I did not want her here. I reiterated that in a phone conversation a couple weeks ago, one in which I told her our relationship, such as it was, was over. The behavior you’re seeing exhibited right now is one of the reasons why.”

Tangier turned to Maya. “You can’t possibly believe such bullshit. We’re practically married. He pulls this stunt every time he has an assignment out of town. Who was it in South Africa, Sean? Helena? What about San Francisco? I think her name was Maven.”

Tangier saw Maya’s resolve waver and pressed on. “I’m the only woman for Sean, always have been, always will be. I’m the yin to his yang, the pea to his pod, the up to his down. Women like you come and go, but I’m always the one left standing.”

Her speech was punctuated by a knock on the door. “Security.”

Sean’s smile was lethal as he turned to answer the door. “We’ll see who’s left standing in just a few minutes.”

“Mr. Wynn, sir, how may we help you?”

“You may help me by explaining how someone not on record, nor guest list, nor anything else was let into my room. This woman is trespassing and may have committed robbery. Not only do I want the police called, but I am going to hold your establishment accountable for anything missing.”

The blond-haired officer’s face turned beet red. “Why, Mr. Wynn,” he sputtered, looking from Sean to Maya to Tangier. “I—I—we’ll get to the bottom of this. This woman is not supposed to be here?” he asked, pointing to Tangier.

“She is trespassing, in my room illegally, and someone from your hotel allowed that to happen. I want to know how!” Sean allowed his voice to rise for affect, before walking over to Maya. Tangier started toward the door. “She is not to leave this room,” he said to the guard, who promptly stepped in front of the door, effectively blocking Tangier’s getaway. “My fiancée and I were returning from a wonderful night together, only to walk in and find my ex sprawled buck naked in my bed. Is that the way you treat your special guests, Mr….”

“Mr. McVee, sir, and no, no, I can assure you…one moment.” The security guard barked a series of orders into his cell phone.

“I want the police called,” Sean continued calmly. “Once you verify that what I’m saying is true, I intend to file charges.”

“You can’t be serious,” Tangier exclaimed, realizing that her plan to one-up Sean’s new woman was going horribly awry. “Look, it’s obvious you intend to keep lying, to not acknowledge what we have. Fine, just let me go.”

“I tried to do that but you refused,” Sean answered. “This time, I’m calling for backup.”

Forty-five minutes and a police statement later, a tearful Tangier was led away in handcuffs. The charges were unlawful entry of an establishment and attempted robbery. Sean knew he would drop the charges in exchange for a restraining order and Tangier’s one-way ticket back to London, under police escort if necessary. Having her arrested might have seemed harsh, but jail for the twenty-four hours it would take to have his attorney draw up release papers would show her better than he could tell her: Leave—me—the—fuck—

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