Read Lie to Me Online

Authors: Gracen Miller

Tags: #genetic engineering, #dystopian romance, #new adult romance, #lost love, #cyberpunk, #end of world, #science fiction, #science fiction romance, #Fantasy, #new beginnings, #Contemporary Romance, #apocalypse, #cyberpunk romance, #dystopian, #dystopian fantasy

Lie to Me (47 page)

BOOK: Lie to Me
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“There’s my good sunshine,
submitting to her man,” he said against her clit as he pressed two fingers into her channel, working them in and out slowly, until she took them to the knuckle.

She lifted her head to watch him as he sucked on her clit and fucked her with his fingers. “I’ll keep being your good sunshine if you’ll stop talking and make me come.”

“Bad sunshine.” Stone gave her clitoris a nip, and she gasped at the slight sting.

Eyes wide, shock swirling through her, she gaped at him.

“I don’t want you to come. Not yet.” He removed his fingers and pulled her off the rock into the water.

Kella wheezed when the cold liquid enveloped her. Stone chuckled and spun her around, putting her back to his chest. Her hair was shoved over her shoulder, and then his teeth scraped along the back of her neck. The hard length of his dick nudged at her backside. She hoped he’d put it to good use soon.

He placed his lips against her ear and said, “Find the rock shelf below the water’s surface and stand on it.”

Kella followed his instructions. The naturally forming rock shelf elevated her enough that only her thighs down remained submerged. Stone palmed a butt cheek and stroked. “Beautiful.”

He removed his hand and licked her flesh, slipping his hand between her legs. She adjusted her stance, giving him better access, and he slid two fingers into her, pumped them in an unhurried manner.

Shivering at the dual temperatures, his fingers managed to work her into a different frenzied heat in little time.

“Place your hands on the rock in front of you.”

Kella glanced at Stone. She’d done the doggy sex position once before and hated it, but mostly because she’d felt humiliated and without any control.

“What’s your hesitation, sunshine?” He ran his tongue along the seam of her ass.

.” Had anyone else touched her that way she’d have been mortified, but with Stone it was insanely hot.

Requiring no further prodding, she trusted him completely with her body and leaned forward, securing her palms on the rock she’d just been sitting on. Exposed and on display, she closed her eyes as if that would reduce her uncertainty.

“Sweet Jesus, sunshine, I can’t tell you what having you bend to my will in this position does to me.” He caught her unawares and licked through her folds. Her breath caught in her throat as he said, “My cock is dying to be inside you.”

Without any warning, his fingers curled around her thighs to anchor her into position and he dove tongue-first into her pussy. Her eyes snapped open, the luminosity from the natural setting giving the atmosphere ethereal undertones.

Her breaths fell in hard pants, but the noise of the waterfall masked them from Stone’s ears. At least she thought they would and that pleased her because she was so close to coming.
So close.
After dancing all night with him, he’d gotten her so worked up, and she
the release.

He ceased his oral assault without warning, and Kella groaned. She could feel his smile against her vaginal lips. “You got close to climaxing faster in this position.”

How’d he know?

A light, teasing stroke along the outside of her labia provided enough sensation to frustrate her further. “I think my sunshine likes this position.”

“I need you, Stone.”

“Sunshine, I will
need you.” Stone grabbed her and pulled her into the water, turning her to face him.

The cool water contrasted against the heat of his chest. Their mouths meshed together, tongues mating in a ritual she understood. Kella wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms about his shoulders.

The rushing waterfall combined with the cavern steeped in shadows and radiant light, had her feeling insulated from the world. Like only the two of them existed in the universe.

He dragged his mouth down her throat and sucked on her collarbone. Kella took a page out of his book and wound her fingers in his hair and jerked his head back so she could scrape her teeth along his neck. She ended with giving him a bite.

“I thought you were going to take me doggy style,” she said while flicking her tongue over the abused flesh where she’d bitten him.

“Was.” His palms glided down her back to clutch the rounded globes of her bottom in his hands. “You weren’t totally into it. When we play, make love, or fuck I want you one hundred percent involved.”

Intellectually she’d known this was how he felt, so why’d his confession warm her heart? “I love you, husband.”

“Love you, wife.” The smooch he gave her meant business, had her core clenching and her thighs tightening around him. “So people come here to marry?”

“Mmhm...” Not the topic she wanted to discuss. All she really wanted was for him to sink himself deep inside her and make her
feel good

“Is there anything special they do to make their marriage official?”

“I don’t know. They’re usually private because they’re consummated here.” Fiddling with the short strands of his hair, she peered at him. The glowing water on his features revealed him enough she could read his expression. “You asking me to marry you again, pretty boy?”

“I’d marry you a thousand times if that’s what you wanted, but we’ve never had an official ceremony, so it’s not
.” One of his hands shifted lower, curling beneath her ass to swirl his finger against the entrance to her wet and swollen channel. She bit the inside of her cheek to halt her frustrated groan, needing, wanting more than he gave her. “I claimed you, gave you no choice. I want a ritual to make our marriage official. My heart is already yours, that’s enough for me for now. I’ll wait a lifetime or two until you decide I’m the one for you.”

Kella moaned as he dipped his finger into her, an unhurried insertion that had her lowering her forehead to rest against his. She cupped his face, and their gazes locked. “Quit teasing. I want your dick inside me.”

His eyes widened at her dirty talk, and she thought his breath caught, but couldn’t be certain over the waterfall’s noise. Stone used his hold on her ass to lift her up and position the head of his cock against her opening.

She dropped her head back as his crown breached her entrance. Stone didn’t take his time like he’d insisted last night. Once his head was snug inside her channel, he pulled her down onto his dick in one solid stroke until their pelvises met.

So good

Stone throbbed inside her, holding her motionless. Kella lifted her head to peer at him. Some unnamed emotion lingered in his eyes. This wasn’t just sex for him or for her, but a commitment regardless of words unspoken. In her heart they were one, bound by love, and she wanted to show him how much he meant to her because she hadn’t been real clear about her change of heart or her devotion to him.

“I, Mackella Starke Emmerson, take you, Stone Emmerson, to be my husband, lawfully wedded,” she whispered against his lips, while holding his gaze.

My Kella
,” he growled. “I want you to mean it because you want it, not because I do.”

“I mean every word I’m saying.” She castigated his interruption by giving him a sharp tug on his hair. “You’re stuck with me, pretty boy, stuck until the day we die. Stuck even when you want to choke my stubbornness out of me.”

“Don’t you know I love your stubbornness?”


He smiled. “What changed your mind?”

“Nothing.” She shook her head. “That’s not true. Mostly everything. I realized I was being stubborn. Being in love with you is a gift. If I walk away from that just for the sake of independence, or a warped sense of protecting you from the danger you already face, I’ve not really won anything, but cheated us both.”

Holding her gaze, Stone began to rock her on his dick. “I, Regent Stone Emmerson, take you, my Kella, my sunshine, to be the wife of my heart.”

She melted at his words. “You’re my heart too,” she said, dragging her fingers through his wet locks. “I vow before God, the universe, and my X-Ds friends to be your faithful and pain in the ass wife.”

A slight grin tilted one corner of his mouth, the only confirmation she received that he’d heard the ‘pain in the ass wife’ part. “That sounds terribly formal, sunshine.”

“They’re the vows of our ancients.” Or a modified version of what she could remember of the elders’ wedding vows. She’d found a book of vows in a dig. Fascinated by the wording and the meaning behind them, she’d read it from cover to cover. There was eloquence in the text, and she’d sworn she’d never utter them to anyone because the promise was also binding. But not just that, it was an oath that came not only from the heart but the soul too. “You’re the husband of my heart too, my breath, my physical representation of my love. No contract you place before me can guarantee that. But I promise you right here, right now, with the cosmos as my witness, that I am yours to have and to hold through the good times, and the bad, through sickness and in health, and through all the uncertainties of our future, and all the X-Diplomats trials that will come to our table. I will never leave you again, and never doubt you again. Everything I have, everything I am, I give to you. I swear to cherish and support you for all of our lives...until death parts us. I think that last part’s a little—or a lot—off, and I added some stuff so—”

Stone cut her off with a kiss, his grip tightening on her, as his hips moved a little faster. “I am yours, Mackella Emmerson, and you are mine. You’re my heart, my soul, and without you I am nothing. A hollow shell of the man I wanted to be, but couldn’t find the direction I should take until you showed me. No man can take our love from us.”

Fingers pinched into her skin when he pulled her down roughly, and she took all of him deep, so damned deep. Kella panted at the heat of him inside her, the fullness of his penetration, and the way his sweet words affected her. Their intimacy of before paled in comparison to the vows they made while his thrusts somehow seemed designed to consummate their vows.

“Stone,” she whimpered as her clitoris dragged against his pelvis. “I’m so close.”

His raspy breath pelted her face, but they remained joined from forehead down to their intimate union, him grinding against her clit with each drive in and out. Their gazes linked because in that moment all that mattered to her was Stone and the vows they’d made. Their commitment to one another.

Heat spiraled from her core. Stone must’ve sensed the approach of her climax because he adjusted her just slightly so his pelvic bone hit her clit with a hard scrape rather than the light ones she’d been getting. It was the change she needed. She combusted, her cries echoing back to them as she melted against him, pleasure ripping through her. His movements increased, sloshing water all around them, and lengthening her enjoyment. Another climax snuck up on her, and all she could do was cling to him and ride out the bliss.

Stone groaned, the hot splash of his seed further evidence of his own orgasm. Afterward, they remained in position for a long while, their breathing slowing over time.

“I don’t have the eloquence of your words, but every vow you made, I cherish them, my Kella, and I vow them to you, as well.” His voice sounded hoarse. “Always and forever. My Kella, my sunshine, my heart, and my universe, all that I am because of your beautiful soul.”



tone approached Kella from behind, wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed his family sigil tattooed on her neck. Weeks had passed since she’d given herself to him in the glowing water, making vows that meant more to him than any contract he could ever ask her to sign. These vows came from her heart and not from any obligation. And he still wondered when he’d wake from the best dream he’d ever had.

In the last several weeks, he’d been back home a dozen times, grown more disgusted by his father’s wicked dealings, and fortified his defenses. Dutch helped with the electronic side of things, and he and James beefed up his soldiers, hiring another twenty assassins. He just hoped he paid well enough to buy their loyalty.

Kella had joined him for a few home visits. She’d been a hit among his people, especially the dregs, but it was obvious she felt more comfortable among them too. The children of course adored her, and even some of the spooners opened up to her.

The X-Diplomats had agreed that
the remaining X-gene clinics should be destroyed across the planet. All twenty clinics had to go, including his, just in case. They’d all be chipped with a vanity chip—except for Kella because Dutch worked her magic and reinstated his sunshine’s V-chip and except for Dutch because she did all her magic from the safety of the silos—but Stone, Reaper, James and Creed would all have one. Their appearance would be altered, a new identity for each Quadrant they’d set the EMP blast in. A few days later they’d teleport to another Quad, set another EMP blast, until each one was delivered, and they’d discharge them all at the same time. Hitting the remaining seventeen workable clinics at once would send a huge statement. It would also give the appearance of having a larger force than they actually possessed. They all figured more would come on board after the attack. None that weren’t originals would be trustworthy. Any of them could be spies. Even those already part of the X-Ds could be bought. All except for the core group because their fight was personal, a vendetta that could only be appeased by taking down the system that wronged them.

At least he hoped he could trust the core group. Jesus, he hoped, because by believing in them he entrusted them with Kella’s life.

While Dutch prepared for the X-gene clinic hit, the rest of them worked on pinpointing an exact mission to deal with Jones. They were scheduled to meet in an hour to strategize. Stone was antsy, but he also enjoyed his honeymoon with Kella. The laid-back lifestyle he lived at the silos afforded them lots of time to fuck and make love...yeah, they were different. One he showed her how much he loved her, the other he took her as dirty as he could without pushing too many hard limits.

BOOK: Lie to Me
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