Licorice Whips (24 page)

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Authors: Bridget Midway

BOOK: Licorice Whips
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Before Sweet answered, he helped Nikla out of her coat. Then he lifted her in his arms and carried her to her bedroom. “There is nothing wrong with you.” He placed her on her bed. “Let me guess what goes on in your life. You have a lot of responsibility and you feel stressed, right?”

“You don’t have to guess. My father owns a business and he wants me to give up my job and work there with him. I do what I can to support him, but he pressures me way more than he pressures my brother, who had to join the military just to get away from him.”

Sweet sat on the edge of her bed and removed his boots.

“I have a co-worker who always pawns off her work on me and I feel obligated to do it because I can’t stand for people to be disappointed. I hate disappointing anyone.”

Sweet recognized her need to please early. To hear her admit it calmed a bit of his fears. “You are a lot stronger than you think. I don’t mean just physically strong. Do you know what kind of guts it takes for someone to be nude in a strange place and have someone discipline them? Every time I’m with you, you amaze me. You’re willing to try something new and different.”

“And you?”

Sweet took off his t-shirt before undoing his jeans. “You’re making me trust. I haven’t trusted a woman in a long time.”

“Did a woman cheat on you, too?”

Sweet pulled down Nikla’s panties. “In a way. I thought we were exclusive as far as me being her Dom. I found out that she’d been playing with every Dom and Domme who didn’t know I had owned her. It didn’t help that we were together intimately as well. To find out she’d given other Doms hand jobs and blow jobs didn’t sit well with me.” He reached under her back and unfastened her bra. “I can’t take someone who isn’t on the same page as me.”

“Are we on the same page?” She smiled.

“I think we’re in the same book. Maybe in the same chapter.” Sweet pressed his body on top of hers.

“I know what you do. I know you have a brother. And I know what you want to do.”

“Do you?” He kissed her soft enough to take her breath. Sweet heard her gasping when he pulled back.

“I mean as far as your business. I don’t know much more about you. How old are you?”

Sweet kissed her chin. “I’m thirty-two.”

“What’s your favorite color?” Nikla arched her back as he continued kissing down her neck.


Nikla lifted her head. “Really?”

“What can I say? Prince had it right. Purple means passion.” Sweet loved smelling Nikla. Her jasmine scent sent him over the moon. “What else?” She had him open enough to confess a lot of things.

Sweet never thought he would have talked about Melinda with Nikla.

“When did you lose your virginity?” Nikla spread her legs and allowed Sweet to scoot down her body.

At her breasts, he massaged one as he licked her nipple. “When I was twenty.”

“Now you’re teasing me.”

“Late bloomer.” Sweet moved his mouth over to her other nipple and licked it. She tasted like honey. He wouldn’t need the caramel to sweeten her body.

“Why did you start so late?”

Sweet continued kissing down her midsection. When he got to her navel, he inserted his tongue.

Nikla jumped and ran her fingers through his hair.

“Believe it or not, not a lot of women find bookish nerds who like cooking attractive. I hadn’t found my place in the BDSM world until about that time. Women found the confidence attractive.”

Sweet moved down the bed so that his head hovered over her smooth pussy.

“And your favorite food?” With full expectation in her eyes, Nikla peered down at Sweet.

“I like to eat a lot of things.”

Before he could elaborate, Sweet parted her pussy lips and licked her from the bottom of her pussy opening to her clit. He loved listening to her moan just as much as he craved tasting her.

Sweet’s imagination didn’t disappoint him. Her nectar tasted sweeter than anything he’d ever use in any of his candy recipes. He pressed his tongue against her hardened nub, then flicked it over it. Her breath caught each time he touched her clit.

Sweet felt prickles go over his entire body. Nikla smelled of jasmine doused in sea water. He couldn’t get enough of her salty goodness.

Nikla brought her knees up, then wrapped her legs around his body. That didn’t stop Sweet from devouring her pussy. He slipped his tongue inside of her.


Sweet raised his head. “I love hearing you curse.”

He continued licking and loving her core until he felt her body wracked with tremors. He knew he had her close.

“Please tell me you have condoms.” Sweet should have known better than to leave the house without some with him, especially since he knew he would be with Nikla.

He’d tried convincing himself that he could be strong enough not to break his rule. Whenever he got around Nikla, he forgot about everything.

“Under the vibrator.” Nikla reached her hand back, but Sweet moved much faster.

He jumped off the bed and pulled the drawer open. As she said, a string of condoms lay underneath the vibrator he’d stumbled on before. Sweet opened a package and rolled the rubber onto his erection.

“I want you on top.” Sweet got on his back.

“Yes, Sir.” Nikla straddled his midsection.

As she held onto his cock, Nikla stared into his eyes.

“Don’t you stop looking at me.” Sweet needed to feel a connection with the woman who had somehow stolen his heart.

Nikla lowered herself onto his cock and gripped his chest. “Shit! So hard and—damn!”

“That’s it, Sugar Baby.” Sweet held onto her hips.

Her hips gyrated, grinding on top of him, moving Sweet’s cock in and out of her and making him feel like a king. She kept her stare on him as she kept her undulations going.

“You feel so good inside of me.”

Sweet brought his hands up and filled them with her perfect, brown orbs. When he pinched her nipples, Nikla froze. She cursed through her gritted teeth.

“Don’t hold back. Come. Show me.”

Nikla swayed her hips faster and faster. A light sheen of sweat covered her body. Sweet could stay like this forever.

Nikla held Sweet’s hands against her chest as she came with a scream. For her sake, Sweet hoped she had soundproof apartment walls, especially since he had more to give her.

Sweet sat up and held Nikla around her waist. He turned over to put her on her back. When she grabbed his shoulders, he took her hands and pressed them to the mattress.

“You drive me crazy.” Sweet drove deep inside her.

“God! Don’t stop.” She wrapped her legs around him, rubbing her leg up and down over his ass.

Nikla curved her hips up to allow Sweet to plunge deeper. “Tell me what you want.”

“Will you do it? All of it?” Sweet increased his thrusts. Her tight, hot inner walls pulled him in and blew his mind.

Nikla nodded. “Anything.”

“Even give up the suite?”

Nikla’s eyes widened. “You son-of-a-bitch!”

To silence her, Sweet smothered her mouth with kisses. When he pulled back from her, he said, “Even pissed off you’re sexy.”

Sweet continued moving in and out of her until he felt his body shaking.

“Let my hands go.”

Sweet shook his head. “If you touch me, I’m going to explode.”

“Please! Let me go.”

“No!” He did let her hands go, but then sat up on his knees and put her legs over his shoulders.

Nikla sat up and managed to grab his shoulders. “Never fuck with a yoga instructor.”

She sat on his lap and rotated her hips. When she kissed him and ran her fingers through his hair, he couldn’t take it.

Sweet grabbed her around her waist and drove in so deep, he thought he would lose his mind. As he came down from his orgasmic high he said, “We need to revise our agreement.”

“Why can’t we just keep going the way we have been?” Nikla smoothed her hand down the side of Sweet’s face.

He captured her hand in his. “Because in a couple of weeks, things are going to change between us.”

“Great. Then let’s do what we want. I’ll continue to learn from you until a decision has been made. We’ll continue to have sex until that point. Once a decision has been made, we’ll stop. You’ll go your way and I’ll go mine. Deal?”

Sweet cupped her ass in his hands as he held her. “Will you be able to walk away? I’m not sure I can.”

Nikla got quiet. She wrapped her arms around him like this could be the last time she would see him. “Stay with me tonight. Please.”

Sweet held her. For now, he would have her.




Chapter Seventeen



Nikla stared at the man who took up a great portion of her bed. She didn’t mind giving up a bit of comfort for the sexy giant. Sweet slept on his back with his arm over his eyes. One foot kicked out from under the covers. His other arm wrapped around her waist. Every time Nikla tried pulling away, Sweet would pull her in close in an automatic reflex.

She glanced behind her at the mess on the floor. Not that she minded the strewn clothes. She wanted an item out of Sweet’s pants: his wallet. Nikla didn’t want his money. She wanted to see his real name on his driver’s license. It would have been nice to see where he lived.

Nikla tried pulling out of Sweet’s grip again.

“Where are you going?” Sweet asked in a sleepy tone. He kept his eyes closed.

“I have to ask you permission to go to the bathroom?” Nikla put her hand on his bare chest.

Sweet opened his eyes and stared at her.

The hypnotic green color rendered her speechless every time she stared into them.

“I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe I can make that a rule along with some others.” He rolled her onto her back and pressed his lips against hers.

For as big as he was and for being a Dominant, Sweet possessed a delicate touch. He knew how to handle a woman’s body.

“What other rules?” Nikla rubbed her hand up his arm. For as long as she could have him, she loved looking at and touching his body.

“If you really want to be my submissive, I want you to greet me in a certain way.” He rolled off her. “Stand up.”

Nikla sat up and then stood. Now being nude in front of him didn’t bother her. The way Sweet stared at her, she couldn’t believe she ever let it bother her. The seriousness of Sweet’s face straightened her playful attitude.

“When I wake up in the morning or when I first walk into the room, I want you to kiss me on both cheeks.”

“Face or butt?” When Sweet didn’t break a smile, Nikla straightened up. “Kisses on your face. Go on.”

“Then kiss me on the lips. After that, stand with your hands behind your back.”

“Like I’m standing at attention?”

Sweet moved toward the edge of the bed. “Kind of.” Then he stood.

“I don’t like that part.” Nikla shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest.

“And why is that?”

“My dad. He used to make me and my brother stand with our backs against the wall and he would inspect us at the beginning of the day and before we went to bed.”

“As a Dom, I could use that information to make you do that.” Sweet stood in front of her.

“I thought you said a good Dom listened to his submissives.”

“You didn’t let me finish. I want the kisses, then get on your knees.” He moved in closer. “Start.”

Nikla got up on her toes and kissed his one cheek. A sandpaper grit covered his face. The spiny texture felt prickly against her lips, and she loved it. She kissed his other cheek. When Nikla went in for his lips, she framed his face in her hands and brushed her lips against his. She sank in, tasting the brininess of his mouth.

When she broke from the kiss and attempted to lower herself to her knees, Sweet stopped her. “Well done. Don’t go down on your knees. I don’t know if I could take that so early in the morning.”

Nikla gazed down at his dick and saw what morning lust had done to him. She smiled as she reconnected her gaze to his.

“Another thing that I want. I want you naked all the time.”

“Even if we go out to dinner?” Nikla thought about her statement. “We haven’t had a real date.”

Sweet thought about her proclamation. “You’re right. Our first get together was business. Last night was–”

“Also business.” When Nikla saw his confused expression, she clarified. “At the club. You were supposed to be teaching me about being a submissive. I would say that that counts as business.”

Nikla looked around Sweet at the digital clock next to her bed. “Oh, no. I need to get ready for work.”

Sweet peered behind her. “Yeah, me, too. You take the bathroom first. I’ll make breakfast.”

Nikla knew the man knew how to cook. She also knew the man didn’t mind using sugar, but still managed to look wonderful.

“No, you go in first and I’ll make you breakfast.” She tried aiming him toward her bathroom.

“Why won’t you let me cook for you?”

Nikla paused before answering. “I don’t have the best relationships with food. I used to use it to mask a lot of my feelings.”

“Can’t tell that now.”

“I know. I worked my behind off, literally, to get this body. I changed my diet and I exercise all the time. I eat a specific diet every day. I don’t want to deviate from it.”

“What do you think will happen if you stray from the norm?” Sweet approached her again.

“I will gain weight again. I’ve worked hard to take control of my body.”

“Now I want to control it.” Sweet pulled her into his arms.

Nikla tried pushing back from him. “If you don’t think that that makes me nervous, you’re crazy.”

The stubborn man refused to let her go. “And yet you still come to me. You still listen. You still obey.”

She didn’t know how to answer that. After a little contemplation, she said, “I think the difference is that I have a choice. I choose to submit.”

Admitting that out loud rendered her speechless.

“I’m going to give you a diet each day.” As soon as Nikla started to open her mouth to object, he continued. “I won’t give you anything out of the norm. Nothing fattening.”

“Nothing with refined sugar.”

“Tell me what you eat now. As my submissive, I want you to turn everything over to me. I’ll control what you eat and drink every day. I want to even decide what you wear. The only thing you’ll have to think about is what to do at work.”

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