Licentious (9 page)

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Authors: Jen Cousineau

BOOK: Licentious
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“I’m sorry
. It was a pub crawl.” She smiles, unaffected by his change in attitude. “I had a lot to drink, and a hangover from hell the next day to prove it.”

“Wow. And here
thought we actually had something.” He shakes his head.

“It was
night!” She laughs appalled. “You can’t possibly know that after only one night.”

“Yeah, whatever. Forget you,” he mutters as he turns around going back to where his buddies are doubling over with laughter at their table.

We all just stare at her. Her cheeks now rosy, unsure if that’s from the scene that just played out or from the alcohol. “Sorry about that.” She smiles.

“So you’re a whore?” Tommy smiles.

“No,” she counters, squaring her shoulders as if she’s about to go in battle. “I’m a woman in my late twenties who’s single. I have a healthy sexual appetite. As with
appetite, it needs to be fed from time to time. Just like any man can do as he pleases, so can I.” She sends him a smile that drips with sarcasm.

“Tommy,” Uncle Jack warns, “
are you
going to learn how to treat a woman? This is why you are single!” He taps his hands on the table at the word ‘this.’


“We respect women. We cherish women. I expect you to learn the ways, or it will be
who is disrespected,” he growls.

“Joey, I wonder if you can help me
.” Dad changes the subject.

“I can try,
sir,” she responds turning her attention from Tommy to Dad. “What is that you need help with?”

“My daughter, Maria, she’s about your age. She’s getting married in a few months, and well, as she is as beautiful to me as she was the day she was born

does not feel it. I want my baby girl to
beautiful, special, especially on her wedding day,” he tells her, hope blooming in his eyes. “Maria’s always been curvier, softer than our younger daughters, and I know that it’s been a struggle for her since her teen years, and the way my wife cooks, it doesn’t exactly help.”

“Why doesn’t she feel special,” Joey asks intrigued
as she stares straight at Dad.

“She’s a bit…” he pauses struggling for the right word.

“Softer,” I add for him. “Don’t get me wrong, my sister is as beautiful as they come, but she’s self-conscious of the extra… softness?” I say more as a question than a statement. Unsure if ‘softness’ was really the correct way to describe it.

“I see,” she nods
, “and does Maria
to be helped?”

“She’s done those damn fad diets, cleanses, even starving herself when she was younger. The pressure on women today is downright cruel,” Dad states frustratingly
as his brows pinch together. “She’s been looking at wedding dresses for months, and still has yet to purchase one because she doesn’t feel good when she has one on. I want my baby’s smile to light up the room because she
beautiful.” He stares off into space with a smile filling his face.

“I’d love to help her. I have to be honest,
though. We have quite a hefty wait list for people to be trained by Cameryn and me. So it would have to be scheduled around my schedule versus hers, unfortunately.” She smiles regretfully.

“As long as we’re clear that,
will not be training her,” I add as I throw a scowl in Cameryn’s direction. I don’t like him. Arrogant prick.

She laughs
. “Understood. When would you like to start?”

“Tomorrow?” Dad asks.

“Hmm,” she purrs. I would love for a chance to make her purr in other forms. “I could do eight tomorrow morning. Can she meet me at the studio?”

“I’d actually prefer it to be at our house,” Dad counter offers. “We do have a full fitness area
that I’m sure you could utilize. More so than any of the women who begged for us to create it.” He chuckles.

“Of course, I think we could make that work. That’d actually be better, because then I can show her the proper techniques on all the machines for when she’s doing it by herself
.” She smiles.


Chapter Thirteen



Just before I was about to make my exit from their table, Addison comes up, drunk as shit.

“Hey! Jooeey!” she slurs as she bumps into the table, causing her to giggle.

“Oh, my God. Addison,” I suppress a laugh at her inebriated state
, “how did you get so hammered so quick?”

Cameryn’s ppiisseed at you,” she coos as she points a wiggling finger in my face.

Batting her finger away, I tell her, “He has
no reason to be. He’s not my damn keeper.”

“Yep,” she says, popping
her lips on the ‘p’. “I want to celebrate. And you ditched me for the thugs,” she starts to laugh hysterically, holding her belly.

“Addison!” I scold her, my eyes growing wide.

“I’m kidding!” She laughs. “Hey, fellas.” She smiles at the four of them and she winks at Tommy. I can’t help smile. She was on a mission to have hot sex tonight. Tommy is quite attractive—at least until he opens his mouth.

“This is my
best friend, Addison. Addison, this is Frank, Jack, Alé, and Tommy,” I smile as I introduce Miss Drunk-ass to them all.

“You’re yummy,” she says to
Alé. Turning to Tommy, she allows her eyes to move slowly up and down before smiling wide, “and yoou look gooood enough to eat!”

“Oh, boy,” I
say before slamming the rest of my drink.

“Shots! We are
cellllebratting!” Addison calls out.

“Addison, we should probably get going,” I tell her as nicely as possible
as I start to slide out of the booth. Suddenly, Cameryn appears next to Addison, blocking my exit.

“I don’t
tink soo!” she laughs before scooting in close next to Tommy.

“Are you about done yet, Jo?” Cameryn
states coolly, his arms crossed over this chest, a scowl on his face.

“Rude much?” I spit out at him. “Meet the father of our new client, Maria,” I gesture toward Frank. “This is Frank. Frank, this is my business partner, Cameryn
.” I gesture toward Cameron. I can hear Cam muttering
under his breath.

It’s nice to meet you, Cameryn
.” Frank extends his hand, face emotionless, and voice as cool as ice.

Cameryn clears his throat before shaking his hand. “Hi,” he nods. “Jo, I think we should call it a night,” he lowers is voice as he dips down to me ear. I really can’t stand how he always thinks he knows better than I do on what it is I should be doing.
take care of myself. I don’t need
to speak for me or to order me around.
control me.

I keep my voice pleasant, a polite smile on my face as I pull back slightly and nod. “Sure, have a good night, Cameryn.”

“But—I…” he frowns.

“I’m going to stay and look after Addison. You should go, being you don’t want to be around
and all,” sarcasm drips in my voice before laughing. “We’re fine, Cam! I’m cutting drunk-ass over here off after this drink,” I tell him.

All right. I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asks with a hesitant smile on his face.

.” I quickly smile at him. “Goodnight.”

.” He nods before turning and walking away from the table. I look back and connect eyes with Alé. One thick, black brow is quirked up, a mischievous smile tilting at the edges of his mouth. Eyes that light me on fire inside.
God, I need to get laid
. I quickly look away to see that Addison is petting Tommy while he is whispering into her ear, and I can’t help but roll my eyes as a twinge of jealousy filters through me. Right when I’m thinking about leaving, the server comes over with a round of drinks and shots for everyone.

“Yeah! Shots!” Addison screeches happily.

“Yeah, just what you need,” I quip.

“Ah, let her have a little fun, Joey,”
Frank waves his hand dismissing the drunkenness. “She’s celebrating.” He turns and winks at me before laughing. Shrugging, I laugh right along with him. Then I reach and grab my shot glass and lift it in the air.

“Salute!” Frank says.

“Salute!” We all follow before swallowing the amber liquid of tequila.




I can hear my phone buzzing from not too far away. The thought of moving makes me want to throw up, internally groaning that I apparently drank too much last night. Thinking of last night, I search and search my mind for how it ended and I draw a blank.
Do I dare open my eyes?
Forcing myself to peek an eye open, I see that it’s just breaking daylight. Just enough light coming through the window to allow me to see white walls, light oak furniture, and things scattered throughout. Looking down, I see a darker colored blanket covering me, and it appears to have some checked design on it. Lifting the covers up, I see that I still have my shirt on, but am naked from the waist down.
Well, I said I needed to get laid
, I internally smile as I focus in on all of my muscles screaming with happy pains.
So apparently, it rocked. Awesome.

Looking over, I see a head full of dark black hair and a set of tanned broad shoulders with a tattoo of
a large cross with angel wings coming from behind it. I move closer to check out the detailing, but it’s not light enough yet.

I hear my phone buzz again, and
I slowly roll over to find it before it wakes up
it is lying next to me. I find my jeans over the side of the bed resting on the floor. Fumbling through my pockets, I find my phone, slip it out and turn the screen on. 5:03 A.M. The large envelope icon fills the screen indicating that I have unread messages. Clicking it open, I see I have four messages, all from Cameryn.
Fuck that
. I’m too tired and hung over to care right now. I slip my phone back into my jeans before sliding out of bed as quietly as possible. I quickly try to gather my things, but I can’t find my panties anywhere. I don’t want to turn on a light because I’d rather make a clean getaway.
Fuck it.
I skip the panties and throw on my jeans. Carrying my heels and clutch in my hands, I tip-toe out of the room.

Slowly closing the door behind me, I turn
into an expansive open floor loft. Brick walls, concrete floor, open ceiling.
It must cost a fortune to heat in the winter

I see a red metal door and nearly charge for it. Cracking it open, I see that it’s a hallway to a large
staircase that must lead to the exit.
Thank God




I have to admit, I was slightly jealous of the loft. I would love a place like that, but if I’m honest with myself, I don’t need much. I work, I volunteer at random places every once in a while, and I read. I’m a sucker for a good smut book. From time to time, I go out and get shitty drunk, and then forget about life.

Walking into my small space, I look around at the tidy and cozy living room, galley
kitchen, and small dining area.
. A basic grey couch, black coffee table, a matching end-table, and TV console decorates the living room with a few odd and end trinkets scattered throughout. A round black dining table fills the eating area and my white kitchen only sports a coffee maker on the counter. I don’t need much of anything else.

I walk through the living room, down the small
hallway and into my bedroom. I strip my clothes, throwing them into my laundry basket that rests on the floor in my closet. Heading to the bathroom, I turn the shower on and step in, allowing the hot water to relieve some of the delightful soreness. As the water cascades around me, my core stirs with an achy need. My vag is sore, causing me to wonder just how
last night really was.

My mind fills with fantasies of
Alé’s mouth and hands gliding over me. My hands roaming over his taught muscles, my tongue tasting the slight sheen of sweat covering his skin. His large hands slowly making their way from my hips up my stomach. One settles at my breast while the other continues its journey up to the back of my neck, stopping at the base of my hair, wrapping it around his fist, and yanking back, causing my chin to tip up, exposing my neck for his mouth.

My hands roam
on their own accord, slipping in between my wet heat. The pads of my fingers teasing my clit before delving deep inside. A moan escapes my throat as I imagine Alé pushing me against the cool tile of the shower. His mouth claims mine before dropping to his knees, my leg finding its home over his shoulder. His tongue goes to work licking and sucking my clit with just the perfect amount of pressure. His experienced hands caress my breasts, rolling my nipples in between his fingertips.

My muscles tense
and small shudders begin to etch their way through me. My eyes open to meet Alé’s, only to be greeted by the sight of numerous scars covering my stomach. My orgasm disintegrates instantly with the slap of reality forcing its way through. I quickly withdraw my hands as if my skin burns at the touch. I raise my hand up and slap the tile hard in aggravation before I can think twice about it.




Pulling up to the address Frank gave me, my mouth gapes open in awe. They don’t live in a mansion, but it’s obvious to the eye that they clearly have money. The landscaping is breathtaking with pines and maples creating a veil of privacy. The stamped concrete completes the simplicity perfectly. The house is a bluish-grey with black trim and shutters, and appears so tall and long that I can’t even begin to imagine what they possibly could own to fill such a space. A red door completes the package.

I wonder how they decorate the house during the Christmas season. I bet it’s even more beautiful than it appears right now. I can imagine a giant wreath hanging against the red door. White twinkling lights hung strategically
and shimmering through fresh fallen snow. The thought makes my heart ache. Jealousy twinges deep in my gut as I think about them spending the holidays as a perfect, close-knit, loving family in a perfect fucking house.

My eye catches movement on the left side of the house
pulling me from my pity party. Averting my gaze to get a better look, I take in the man who gives Adonis a run for his money. His muscles are rippling out of his tight back muscle tee. Tattoos cover his arms. Light, worn denim jeans are pulled tight against his muscular thighs. A scowl is worn openly on his face while dark shades conceal his dangerous dark eyes.



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