Lexie (15 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Dean

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Lexie
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“You didn’t find out anything about the adoption, did you?” She might not agree with his actions, but if he’d already done the work, she wanted to know.

“I tried, but the adoption records are sealed, especially for people outside the parents and child. In your case, children.”

She was disappointed, but she wasn’t surprised. She hadn’t gotten anywhere in her searches either, the few she’d attempted.

“But we’ll keep trying.” He stroked her hips in a soothing manner. “Like I told you, we’re going to figure this out together.”



She was naked underneath that sexy dress.

Few things surprised Cam anymore but, when he woke up early the next morning, two things caught him unprepared. First, he and Lexie had slept together on another sofa. He didn’t remember falling asleep, but here they were, stretched out together on the cushions with her soft weight pressing down upon him.

It was a close fit, and he inhaled deeply, feeling his body respond. She was sprawled over him like a sweet-smelling blanket. Her head rested against his shoulder and her hair draped silkily over his arm. Her breasts were plumped against his chest and their legs were tangled. The position allowed his morning erection to tuck up against the niche at the top of those sleek legs, and he’d instinctively cupped her backside to keep her in place.

That’s where the second surprise came in. Shock, really. Somehow over the night his hands had snuck up under her dress. That didn’t throw him, but what he’d discovered did. All he felt was skin. Smooth, velvety, bare skin.

He flexed his fingers, exploring more just to make sure. She felt like heaven, yet there was no mistake about it. There wasn’t a stitch of material covering her.

Prim and proper Lexie Underhill was going commando.

Cam’s cock surged, pressing hard against the zipper of his pants. He stroked the soft globes of her ass, unable to help himself. She was sound asleep and non-resisting. As he caressed her, she stretched almost like a kitten with pleasure. It drew a groan from deep in his chest.

No wonder she’d been so jumpy last night. She must have borrowed the dress from her sister. Did Roxie not own any underwear?

Who cared? It was Lexie he had splayed out all over him.

For once, Cam let himself go. It was early morning, barely light outside. There were no deadlines and no drama. There was just him and the woman of his fantasies.

He rolled his hips up towards her, and even in sleep a soft sound of pleasure left her lips. She snuggled closer, and his fingers bit into her firm flesh. He wanted to unzip his pants and slide into her heat. He’d make love to her long and slow as the sun rose.

Inexorably, he stroked his fingers towards the crevice between the two mounds. She’d be hotter there. Farther down, would she be wet?

Cam cursed into the dim light. As tempting as it was to touch her there, he wanted to see her face when he did it. He wanted to see her eyes go wide, her cheeks flush and her mouth part with pleasure.

Blowing out a breath, he stared at the ceiling. His hard-on was raging, but he’d pushed her too fast already. She was only now starting to talk to him.

And he’d told her things he’d never told anyone before.

He contemplated that as he explored the spot where her pert little butt turned into smooth leg. He’d wanted her from the start. He’d taken one look at her and had needed her in his bed, but it was turning into something more. She roused his protective side. He felt the deep-seated need to protect her from her family, her sister and even him.

He glanced at the clock on her DVD player and sighed. Speaking of protecting her, he should go if he was going to get cleaned up and back in time for the big introduction. He didn’t know how this would play out, but he was going to be there for her when it did.

Carefully, he rolled the two of them on the sofa. Taking the opportunity, he kissed her forehead and her cheek and finally her lips. Even in sleep, they clung to his. When he felt his cock start to throb, he made himself pull back.

“Ah, Sexy Lexie.” Determinedly, he pulled down her skirt, covering her.

The woman was going to be the death of him.

Careful not to wake her, he extricated himself from her and their tight sleeping arrangement. Standing over the sofa, he looked down at her. Beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous.

Raking a hand through his hair, he rounded the sofa. He was heading for the front door when he passed by her kitchen table. He stopped when he spotted her purse.

She’d tried to be sly when they’d walked into the place last night, but there was something under that purse that she didn’t want him to see. He was bastard enough to want to know what it was.

Picking up the leather bag, he set it aside. Underneath it, he found papers. Notes, he saw when he looked more closely. He pushed through the stack, skimming her familiar handwriting.

It was the proposal he’d spent most of the day reading and tweaking, only these scribblings went deeper. They were the supporting documentation for many of the assumptions she’d made, and they got his creative juices flowing all over again.

He glanced over his shoulder quickly when she shifted on the couch. He waited for a moment, but she just settled back down into place. His jaw hardened as he looked again at the papers.

Beautiful and brainy.

Catching up the ones that intrigued him the most, he folded them and slid them into his back pocket. The others, he put back where he found them. He gritted his teeth as he headed for the door. He’d warned her that he did the things that had to be done.

That didn’t mean he had to be happy about it.

Chapter Nine

Lexie drove up the road to the main house with Roxie in tow. It was one of those beautiful summer mornings where the heat hadn’t yet risen and the sky glowed blue, yet neither of them really took notice. One by one, Lexie adjusted her fingers around the steering wheel. She wasn’t altogether comfortable with what they were about to do. The plan was simple—just show up, say hello and hope for the best. As far as tactics went, it wasn’t the most delicate. Then again, her family had shown very little tact when they’d tossed that newspaper at her the other day.

Why was she so nervous about this?

She shifted her heel to keep it from digging into the floor mat. Part of her was happy and excited to share what she’d found. So why was there a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach?

“I don’t know how everyone is going to react,” she warned. One way or another, this was going to be a surprise, and not everyone liked to be caught off-guard.

Roxie twisted in her seat. “Are they going to hate me?”

“No,” Lexie said, although she knew that Julian wouldn’t like that she’d gone searching for her roots, even if he
pushed her into doing it. “It’s just… They’re very tight-knit, except for…” Except for her. She shook her head. “We live together. We work together.”

“And I’m an intruder.”

“An outsider.” Lexie understood what that was like, all too well. “They don’t trust easily.”

Her mind began to race. There were so many ways this could backfire. The billboard wouldn’t have given the best first impression. And then there was the way they’d left things the other day.

“It’s all about power and money with you people, isn’t it?”

Lexie flashed a look at her sister. “Hey!”

The defiant expression fell from Roxie’s face, and her fingers went from drumming on the armrest to playing with the seat belt. “Sorry, I’m nervous about this too.”

Neither of them had time to deal with their anxiety because they’d already come upon the main house. Lexie recognized the cars assembled out front. Everyone was there, including Cam.

Her gaze stuck on the black SUV. She couldn’t remember him leaving last night. After what he’d told her, though, she hadn’t been able to ask him to go. Instead, they’d talked. Seeing that crack in his impenetrable exterior, she’d somehow felt more comfortable with him—especially when he’d sat beside her rather than in front of her on the coffee table. Too comfortable, obviously. She’d fallen asleep on him…while she’d been wearing Roxie’s sexy dress…with nothing underneath…

Roxie inhaled sharply. “You’ve
to be kidding me,” she said, gaping at the house.

Underhill Manor was a majestic sight, sitting alone atop its hill. Blinding white with pillars made of marble, the structure looked more like a museum than a family home.

Appearances weren’t always deceiving.

“Are you ready?” Lexie asked.

Roxie’s seat belt wound back into its holder with a snap. “It’s now or never.”

Lexie unclipped her seat belt with more care. One thing was for certain, today she’d find out who really cared for her.

She hoped she’d be pleasantly surprised.

Together, they climbed the steps to the double front doors. They were oversized on purpose, but knowing that didn’t lessen the feeling of intimidation. Lexie smoothed her dress.

Her nerves jangled. She half-expected everyone to be waiting for her, but the foyer was empty as she stepped inside.

Everyone was probably in the front sitting room waiting for them. She’d taken three steps in that direction before she realized that Roxie wasn’t by her side. Looking back, she saw that her sister’s gaze was wide as she followed the curve of the staircase that led up to the second floor. Roxie’s attention darted from the brass sculpture at its base up the well-oiled banister to the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

Lexie walked back and held out her hand. “Okay?”

“I knew you had money, but this?” Roxie rolled her shoulders in discomfort but then squeezed Lexie’s hand and let it go. “I’m fine. Let’s go.”

Their footsteps sounded loud as they crossed the tiled floor. A maid stepped out from the far hallway. When she saw Lexie, her smile turned sympathetic but welcoming. She continued her work, but did a double take when she saw Lexie’s guest. The duster in her hand froze on the crystal bowl she was cleaning.

“Good morning, Sharon,” Lexie said.

Sharon’s mouth worked like a fish. Finally, she licked her lips and got them working. “Good morning, Ms. Underhill.”

The woman’s gaze drilled into Roxie, and a real smile started burgeoning.

Roxie relaxed from her stiff posture and threw the maid a wink.

“Where is everyone?” Lexie asked.

The housekeeper quickly got herself under control. “On the veranda, ma’am. Mrs. Underhill thought it would be nice for the family to have brunch together.”

Of course she did. That was her mother, the queen of social niceties. Anne Marie would have heard how poorly things had gone at the office. This would be her way of smoothing everything over without really dealing with the issues.

The maid threw another fascinated look at Roxie. “I’ll go tell the staff to put out another place setting.” With a polite nod, the maid excused herself. Yet the way she scurried away, Lexie knew that wasn’t all she was going to tell the staff.

Lexie inhaled deeply. There was no going back now. She turned towards Roxie, but almost immediately there was other movement in the hallway. She flinched, not yet ready for a confrontation, but Blaire didn’t see her as she rushed into the foyer. Oblivious to everything, her younger sister honed in on Roxie.

Sympathy and concern were clear on her face. “Oh, Lex. There you are. I’ve been so worried about you.”

Roxie couldn’t get out of the way before Blaire enveloped her in a hug.

“I’ve been calling and calling, but you didn’t have your cellphone turned on.” The tiny blonde squeezed tighter. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry about what happened with that newspaper.”

Roxie stared over Blaire’s shoulder, and Lexie held up her hands helplessly.

Her twin patted the shorter woman on the shoulder. “There, there.”

“Who cares if you posed for that billboard? You looked great.” Blaire pulled back and peered more closely at the woman she was hugging. Her gaze stuck when it hit the jeans. “Are you
to make Daddy mad? You know he hates jeans.”

“It depends.” Roxie hooked her thumb in her pocket and cocked her hip. She looked sleek and sexy in a black T-shirt, low-riding denim and impossibly high-heeled boots.

Sleek and sexy and totally out of place.

Lexie cleared her throat, but Blaire ignored her. Her sister was gawking at Roxie with a puzzled expression on her face.

Lexie tried again. “Um…Blaire?”

The young blonde glanced across the room distractedly. She waved but went back to Roxie. “What are you going to—?” Her breath caught on an audible croak. Her gaze dashed to Lexie again and then back to the woman at her side. “

“It’s Roxie, actually.”

Lexie hurried across the room. “Blaire, this is Roxie Cannon. Roxie, this is my sister, Blaire.”

Blaire’s mouth was as round as her eyes. “What’s going on? Who is this?”

“The woman from the billboard.” Lexie’s hands fluttered as she tried to find the right words. “We think we might be related. Twins, maybe.”

“Related?” Blaire’s head snapped back and forth as if she were at a tennis match. At last, she stopped on Roxie. She evaluated her from head to toe and a wide smile pulled at her lips. “A twin! Oh my God,

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