Lexia (The Deadwood Hunter Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Lexia (The Deadwood Hunter Series)
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Jumping to the floor she said, “Get dressed, baby,” and took off, laughing.

Lincoln growled at Lexia’s retreating figure. She was such a tease; kissing him so hungrily then gently brushing over his aroused flesh.
Argh how did I get so hooked?

Chapter 26


Ten minutes later he walked hand in hand with Lexia and she talked excitedly about how she found it so much easier up in the tree tops now. He was so mesmerized by her beautiful smile and the twinkle in her eyes that he never scented the intruders that lurked by their home.

Lexia’s eyes widened in shock as hard hands clasped around her throat dragging her to the floor, but he couldn’t help her because two more Hunters moved toward him, guns glinting in their hands. Lincoln leapt and shifted mid-air. He landed on the nearest man sinking his teeth into his throat; blood ran between his teeth as he ripped it out.

He cast a glance in Lexia’s direction to see her fighting on the floor with her attacker; he still had his arms clamped around her throat, trying to knock her unconscious. Bloodlust raged through him but he couldn’t help her. The sound of a gun going off reverberated through the forest. The bullet grazed his side as he twisted sharply around, but the Hunter had no time to fire again because sharp panther teeth ripped out his throat.

He turned to see Lexia was free; she circled the last Hunter waiting for the moment to attack. He let out a savage roar and he ran across the clearing. The Hunter turned his head, eyes widening in fear at the sight of him. Lexia spun, kicking the man square in the gut. He fell backwards and then sharp panther claws ripped at his flesh as Lincoln landed on him. The Hunter was dead before he hit the floor.

Lincoln shifted rushing to Lexia, panic twisting in his gut as he looked her over for injuries. “I’m fine, Lincoln, just bruises,” she croaked, rubbing at her throat, then she gasped her eyes locking on his side. “Lincoln, you’re bleeding!”

“I’ll be fine, just a graze from a bullet.”

“A bullet! Those bastards tried to shoot you?”

“Lex, don’t fret, we need to leave. More might come.”

“God Lincoln, I’m so sorry, you’ve lost your home because of me.”

“Hey.” He rubbed his knuckles against her cheek. “It wouldn’t be home without you and we will be back when we’ve killed every damn person who ever thought to hurt you.” The sentence ended in a growl. She could see how much this affected him, how her overprotective panther would do anything to keep her safe.

They went into the aerie and packed some clothes. Lexia argued with Lincoln to let her fix his side before they went anywhere. Her neck hurt and when she passed the bathroom mirror she could see the first signs of bruises forming. The Hunter had nearly choked the life out of her; the only thing that had kept her conscious and fighting had been the sounds of her panther fighting for her life.

She didn’t say anything to Lincoln but this attack had really shaken her. She never sensed any danger and she hadn’t seen the Hunter coming until he’d had his arms locked around her neck.

“Lexia, come on. We need to go now,” Lincoln called from below. Lexia took one last glimpse at the bedroom before dropping down to the main floor.

“Where are we going to go?”

“I’m not sure. We may have to check into a motel, but I’m certain they will be watching those. Might be best to leave town and work out our next move.”

‘What? No Lincoln, I need to get that box my dad left me. I need answers.”

“I know, love,” he whispered.

He locked the house behind them and jumped to the ground; pain shot up her body as she landed. She felt sore and stiff all over and her neck slowly throbbed but she said nothing to Lincoln. If he thought she wasn’t up to fighting he’d have her shipped out of town to safety. She needed answers, needed to stop all the questions that whirled around in her brain day in and day out.

They both walked in silence towards town. Lexia kept her senses on high alert and she knew by the cat eyes that glanced at her every so often that Lincoln had gone panther in every way except his body. As she walked, in the back of her mind she puzzled over their next move; her house was out of the question and now so was Lincoln’s. He knew no one in town that could help and her dad was dead, so who did that leave?



“We can stop at my friend’s house, at least until we get into my house then I’ll leave town.”

“Ok, baby. Lead the way.”

Lexia and Lincoln made it across town to Alice’s house without any problems but she still rushed into the house the second Alice opened the door. Lexia had a feeling that when Alice got over the shock of seeing her she would start shouting at her.

“OH MY GOD! Lexia, what the fuck!” Alice screamed at the top of her voice.

“Shush!” Lexia hissed, noticing Lincoln wincing from her volume. His Shifter hearing couldn’t be turned off like hers.

“Shush! Have you any idea what the police are saying about you? That you killed your dad—killed your dad! I mean, what a fucking joke, you wouldn’t harm a fly! And then I have spent the last week being questioned by police for your whereabouts and I keep saying I have no idea where you are, but do you know what? I should know where you are because you’re like my best friend and if you had a problem you’d come to me, right? But no, I have no idea! You’ve been missing all this time and your best friend had no clue if you were alive or hurt! Do you realize what I’ve been through, Lexia?” Alice took a huge breath.

“W…” but Alice cut her off, carrying on with her rant; she hadn’t even noticed Lincoln yet.

“Don’t give me excuses, Lexia; you’re lucky I even let you in! I mean where have you b...” Alice’s eyes then focused on Lincoln, then back on Lexia, then to the bruises and bite mark on her neck.

“Oh no... no... What the hell is that asshole doing here? Look at you Lexia! Your neck, what the hell has he done to you?”

“Alice, wait. Calm down and I’ll explain. Lincoln hasn’t done anything to me.”

“Are you stupid? You think those bruises are nothing? Where did your spine go? You...”

Alice was cut off by a deadly growl that vibrated over Lexia’s shoulder. Alice’s eyes widened in fear.

“That’s enough insults for one day I think,” Lincoln said in a calm, level voice. “I need to shower and clean a wound. Where’s the bathroom, Alice?”

Alice said nothing, but pointed a shaking arm behind her and then returned her gaze to Lexia.

“Will you be alright, baby?” he asked softly against Lexia’s neck. He nuzzled at her skin sending shivers down her spine. Lexia closed her eyes and breathed deep, wrapping his scent around her.

“Yes, Alice was just shocked.”

He kissed her neck lightly. “I’m so pleased I killed him for marking your skin.”

“Linc, I’m fine, you’re the one who was shot at. Now go get clean, I’ll be there soon.”

Lexia stared after Lincoln forgetting all about a dumbstruck Alice who stood in front of her. When she was with Lincoln it was like the whole world dropped away, nothing mattered but being close to him. She was startled out of her daydreaming by Alice.

“Ahem!” she glared at Lexia.

“Ok, I’ll tell you everything but first you must promise not to freak out anymore.”

“Me, freak out? Never!”

They both giggled and headed into the front room and just like that it was like any other day with her best friend whom she could trust with anything.

“First of all, when are your mom and dad due home?”

“They’re not here, remember their cruise? You were supposed to be staying here with me? Had to basically chuck them out the door with everything that’s happened.”

“Yeah, I remember now. God, I’m sorry, Alice,” she whispered.

“Look, Lexia, just tell me what’s going on, I promise to keep quiet until you’ve finished.”

Lexia closed the curtains then turned to her friend’s face; would she believe her? Well, there was only one way to find out, so she sat down and started at the beginning. She kept it together when she got to her dad’s death, a few silent tears ran down her cheeks but she waved Alice off and carried on until she’d finished the story to date.

Alice sat silent in front of her. Lincoln had walked in a few minutes ago looking stunning in a new change of clothes. Alice seemed to whiten and cower in his presence but she said nothing to him.

“Say something!” Lexia said, her heart thundering in her chest; she’d expected millions of questions or a good old Alice rant, but silence… Alice was never silent and it frightened Lexia more than the idea of facing down Hunters.

“Super-human fighters and men that turn into animals?”

“Well, yeah, kind of.”

“Lexia... I... I... What is there to say?” She took a deep breath then looked at Lincoln and looked back at Lexia. Her eyes softened in pity before she said, “Lexia, sweetie, I think you need help.”


Lexia heard Lincoln make a disgruntled noise behind her before she noticed Alice’s eyes widen at him. Lexia looked around to find he had stripped and then she realized what he planned to do.

“Lincoln! No she’ll...” but she never finished before bright gold lights shimmered around him.

Alice shot up as he turned to light, a startled squeak left her throat then she fell backwards, scrambling away as a huge black panther stalked towards her.

“Alice, it’s okay, he won’t hurt you, look.” She walked over to her panther and crouched at his side before running her hand through his soft silky fur. Lincoln purred as she carried on with her petting, his head rubbing softly against hers.

“See, he’s still Lincoln.”

“He’s purring... like a cat.” Alice didn’t move but her body softened.

“Alice, please, you have to believe me.”

“Can I stroke him?”

“Oh, erm... Lincoln?”

He growled softly in return and she got the message, she could now but skin privileges were not for everyone.

“Yes, this one time.”

Alice crept forward slowly, her trembling hand outstretched towards Lincoln. As her fingers slid into his fur, she sighed. Lexia guessed how she felt, feeling his fur so soft and warm; she just wanted to curl up next to him and rub her whole body against his velvet fur.

Alice was now at his other side slowly running her fingers down his back. “He’s so soft,” she murmured.

“Mmm, he is,” and Lexia rubbed her face against his side wrapping her arm over him. Lincoln purred softly then shifted back. Alice jumped back, startled, but Lexia sat still and looked up into her man’s face.

“Enough you two, I am not a pet.” He said it in a serious tone but Lexia could see laughter in his eyes. Her cocky man loved to be swooned over whether he was panther or man.

“But you’re so soft and...” Alice’s eyes trailed up, “hot!”

“Alice!” Lexia gasped at her friend’s blatant remark.

“Now, now ladies, no fighting,” Lincoln laughed, walking to put on his clothes.

“Alice, eyes down. He’s mine!” Lexia hissed.

“Oh alright. God you always get all the hot guys, Lex, it’s so not fair!”

“Lexia, you need to get clean. A good hot bath will help your bruised body. I’ll help you.” With that she was dragged out of the room by Lincoln.

 Alice’s voice trailed behind them, “So. Not. Fair!”

Lexia sunk into the bath, the hot water encasing her body. She sighed deeply, closing her eyes and lying back. Lincoln had filled the bathtub to the rim; the water covered all of her body and her hair floated on its surface like a black cloud around her head. She relaxed deeper as warm strong fingers started to stroke over her forehead and into her hair; softly, over and over they went and she moaned, slowly drifting off to sleep. The tension and stress from earlier slowly washed away into the hot water with each tender touch.

She wasn’t sure how long she’d laid in the bath asleep but when Lincoln lifted her out, she shivered and goose bumps covered her skin as the air whispered over her wet skin. She snuggled deeper into his warmth as he cradled her, carrying her from the bathroom to the spare room.

He laid her down on the bed and began to towel off her skin; she moaned with pleasure as he worked down her body. Looking at him through sleepy eyes she smiled dreamily as he neared the core between her thighs.

When she’d been thoroughly dried Lincoln started to explore her body with his hands; he loved the feel of her silky soft skin and he loved the way she wiggled and moaned beneath him. He started to gently massage down her body and she moaned deeply making his cock jump in his pants. “That nice, baby?” he whispered in her ear.

She shivered and gasped, looking at him with gold, desire-filled eyes. “Yes,” she said in a breathy whisper.

Lincoln thought she was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen and when her eyes turned to gold filled with raw hunger, it only made her more beautiful. He knew she didn’t like her gold eyes but what she didn’t understand was that her eyes may turn gold showing her Hunter genes, but they were nothing like Hunter eyes. Lexia’s eyes weren’t the matte, lifeless gold that he’d seen in every other Hunter’s face, but so bright and full of life. They seemed to sparkle and dance with joy and whenever he saw them all he could think was that she was an angel sent down from heaven.

 Her eyes held only goodness; a fire so bright it hurt to look sometimes. He’d seen the way the Hunters looked as they flashed to gold in front of them. It wasn’t shock from discovering that she was different, it was fear; fear because when they looked into her eyes they’d see the goodness, the life, and power that ran through her veins. They’d know in that moment they were going to die.

He worked his way down her body, kissing and sucking at her skin; she shuddered and gasped beneath him, exciting him further as he neared the apex between her legs. Gently rubbing his stubble-covered jaw across the sensitive flesh, she cried out softly, arching her back, wanting more. He trailed his fingers over her and she pushed against his hand wanting more friction but he carried on with his tender strokes, torturing her to the edge.

“Lincoln,” Lexia moaned.

He parted her soft pink flesh and gently blew against her swollen clit. Lexia screamed, moaning and tilting her hips toward him. “Please,” she moaned.

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