Lessons for Lexi (17 page)

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Authors: Charlene McSuede

BOOK: Lessons for Lexi
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“We need to discuss the rest of your

Lexi stilled in JT’s arms, the afterglow
of their lovemaking dimming at his announcement. “What?”

JT tightened his grip. “You openly
defied me and risked your health and safety the second you got released to
regular physical activities. That’s not happening again.”

Lexi’s eyes filled up and she tried to
pull away from JT. “You spanked me all morning for it. Please, JT, I learned my
lesson. I’ll never do it again.”

“I wish I could believe you.” He pushed
Lexi onto her back to he could look down on her. “But I can’t, so you’re
grounded for the week.”

Lexi took a deep breath. Getting
grounded wasn’t so bad. “OK”

JT went on, “and, because you’re
clearly incapable of behaving when you’re not nursing a sore bottom, you’ll be
getting regular spankings to make sure you stay on the right track.”


“A minimum of one a day, with more
added as I see fit.” He gave her a stern look as she started to shake her head.
“It’s not up for negotiation Lexi. You pushed me to get strict with you and now
it’s happening. After the week, we’ll see if you can manage to remember to
behave without a daily reminder.”

Lexi crossed her arms over her chest
and blinked back tears. She wanted to argue, but JT was right. The throb of her
recent spanking reminded her of what would happen if she pushed him too far. JT
was going to spank her whether she agreed with it or not and she would have to
live with it.




When Lexi woke up the following
morning, she was feeling stoic about her impending punishment. She’d decided
she would be as well behaved as possible for the week and hopefully, JT would
take it easy on her. As soon as she walked out of the bathroom after brushing
her teeth, she realized what a futile hope that was. He was already seated in a
chair, her hairbrush in his hand.

He smiled when he saw her staring at
it. “I figured I’d test this one on your butt this morning.” He patted his knee
and Lexi reluctantly trudged forward.

“I’m barely even awake yet,” she
muttered as she
across his lap.

In answer to her complaint, JT slapped
her ass with the back of the hairbrush. “I imagine this will help then.” He
slapped her again and Lexi yelped. “
You planning
behaving today?”

“Yes,” Lexi choked out at the brush
connected again.

“Am I going to have to do this to you
again today?”

Lexi shook her head and JT smacked her
with the brush again. “No,” she clenched her teeth to keep from yelping as he
applied ten more, in rapid succession, making sure to hit the welts from the
day before.

He tossed the brush back on her vanity
before helping her to sit in his lap and going over the rules.
“Absolutely no leaving the house, no phone calls with friends, no
internet, no television and no visitors.”

Lexi was stricken. “What am I supposed
to do all day?”

JT shrugged. “Read, write, look at the
window, think of ways you can avoid getting punished in the future.”

“What if someone shows up to visit? Am
I just supposed to turn them away?”


Lexi glared at him, but knew she would follow
the rules. Her bottom was killing her and there was no way she would risk
adding any additional punishments onto the one she was already guaranteed every

And they were guaranteed. Lexi behaved
like a perfect angel for the next five days, hoping JT would relent and end her
punishment early. He didn’t. Instead, he stuck to the exact same schedule.
Every day, he would wake Lexi up at 8, give her a ‘reminder spanking’ and then
occasionally check on her to make sure she was following all the rules.

She did. She followed all the rules to
a T. She didn’t answer the phone, turned away visitors at the door and spent
her time reading, cooking and cleaning. It was surprisingly peaceful and most
of the time, her bottom stopped smarting by noon.

And it might have gone on like that if
JT hadn’t had to go check on a broken gate at the back third acre.

Her cell phone rang and she answered
when JT’s name came up on the display.

“I need you to come meet me here.” He
gave brief directions to where he was. Lexi was familiar with the area, having
walked the grounds a few times with Raj.

Lexi tilted her head, curious. “Why?”

“Just do it.”

JT sounded frustrated and Lexi didn’t
want to take the risk of making him angry. Instead, she did what he said,
taking the short walk out to meet him. It was only about a 5 minute walk, but
Lexi’s head buzzed with questions as she walked. She shrugged. “Maybe he just
needs help with the gate,” she said aloud to herself, enjoying her first time
outside in days.

But when she spotted him, she knew he
didn’t need help with the gate. He was furious, hands on his hips, staring her

She approached him nervously. “What’s

He grabbed her by the arm and pointed
to the ground. “What is that?”

She followed the direction of his
finger and gasped at what she saw. In a small pot, a fledgling pot plan, less
than a foot high, was growing. “Pennypinch must have missed one.”

“What?” the question was nearly a

“Please, JT, you have to believe me.
Pennypinch had some plants back here months ago. It was only for a night and he
moved them all the next day. I had no idea…”

Her excuse was cut off as JT grabbed
her by the arm. She let out a startled yelp as he dragged her over to a waist
high fence and forced her to bend over it. She flinched as she heard him take
off his belt and squeezed her eyes shut, expecting a whipping.

Instead, he used his belt to tie her
hands to the bottom rung of the fence. She was completely bent over and unable
to stand up. “JT, what are you going to do?”

Instead of answering her, he grabbed
the waistband of her jeans and yanked them down, along with her panties, all
the way to her ankles. She felt humiliated and completely exposed. They were right
out in the open. Anyone could stumble on them. “JT please, not here.”

“What, is this a bad place to punish
you? Because you seem to think it’s a great place to store pot.” She heard the
snap of a tree branch.

“Please, JT, it was months ago…”

“That’s ironic, because you’re going to
be feeling the consequences for months.” She heard a whoosh of air and then
something cracked against her backside, causing pain that was a million times
worse than the paddle or the belt. She screamed, but her scream was cut off by
another lash of the switch, and another and another. It felt like it would
never end. JT used the switch ruthlessly, hitting her bottom and the backs of
her thighs endlessly. Her bottom felt like it had been stung by a million bees.
When the switch he was using broke, he snapped another one off the tree.

Lexi struggled until she was exhausted.
If she could have gotten free and run, she would have.
But she couldn’t. JT had tied her far too
tightly. Her throat was sore from screaming and all she could do when JT
started to work on her with the new switch was sob and plead with him to stop.

Her pleas fell on deaf ears. The
switching didn’t stop until the second switch broke across her backside. By
then, Lexi was fully hysterical. She’d been so good and tried so hard. But no
matter what she did, something in her past always came back to bite her.

JT leaned over her and undid the belt.
She stood up, not daring to rub her bottom and turned around to face him, her
eyes downcast. He gave her a shove. “March,” he ordered.
in the house.
And get used to being in there. You just added another two
weeks onto your grounding.”

Lexi bent down to pull up her pants.

“Leave them down,” JT’s voice was cold.
“The walk of shame will do you good.”

Lexi’s face was red from mortification
as JT forced her to waddle all the way back to the house, her pants down around
her ankles and her punished backside on display. It felt like hours before she
made it into the safe confines of the house.

“Get upstairs, get yourself cleaned up
and then come down to my office. You’re spending the afternoon in the corner.”

She didn’t answer, just took the stairs
gingerly, her bottom screaming in protest the entire way. She had no intention
of going to his office.

She was packing instead. She was giving
up. No matter how hard she tried, she was never going to be good. During the
past week, she’d considered sneaking out a hundred times to go drinking, or
telling JT to go fuck
. Even when she behaved
perfectly, something she did in the past would always come back to bite her.

She couldn’t pretend to be perfect, and
she could no longer handle the consequences of not being perfect. It only took
her a few minutes to pack. She didn’t have very much, just a suitcase full. She
hadn’t bought many new clothes, as she was hoping to get back up to her old
weight before she did.

She loved him, she really did. And she
understood his frustration. But it didn’t matter how many times he spanked her or
made her stand in the corner; she was never going to be good enough for him.

She wiped away a tear and let the front
door close behind her.

Chapter 13


JT sighed and looked at the clock,
feeling an odd pang of guilt. He’d gone back to get rid of the small marijuana
returned to his office expecting to find
Lexi waiting for him.

She wasn’t there yet and was probably
still upstairs, licking her wounds. He decided to give her a few more minutes
to come down. He was going to tell her he’d changed his mind about the
additional grounding, as well as the corner time.

He’d been too harsh on her. The punishment
was warranted. It was her third strike for having drugs on the property, but as
she had told him, the infraction had occurred months ago and wasn’t even
entirely her fault. He was positive Althea and that old hippie Pennypinch had
been more responsible than Lexi.

She’d been trying so hard to be good
too. He could tell that. She was really working hard to stay on track and he
was proud of her for that.

As he waited, he decided to cut her
grounding short too. The switching she’d received, as well as the embarrassing
walk back afterward, would likely guarantee he would never have to deal with
any drugs on the property again. Plus she’d been so well behaved during the
week of her grounding. She was surprisingly domestic and had really settled
into a role in the household.
Cooking his meals, cuddling
with him at night, talking to him during the day.
He didn’t know how
he’d gotten by without her before.

He could easily see himself with her
for the rest of his life and he realized that he hadn’t given her enough credit
for her good behavior. It wasn’t all because he was spanking her either. In fact,
he was almost sure she loved him, but wasn’t ready to tell him yet.

He stood up, resigned to going to get
her. If she was up to it, he’d take her out to dinner tonight and let her know
that all was forgiven. He looked at the blue velvet box on his desk, which
contained an impressively sized diamond that he’d been planning on presenting
to her during a special night out on Monday.

He would do it tonight instead. He
would tell her he loved her, propose, and hope that the welts on her ass didn’t
keep her from saying yes.

He took the stairs two at a time,
anxious to clear the air. He hadn’t cuddled with her afterwards either. That
had been a mistake. He’d do that first, he decided. Then he’d help her put some
cold towels on her bottom to take away the sting. He knew it hurt. He’d been
through more than a few
when he was a kid
and that kind of pain was hard to forget.

“Lexi?” he pushed open the door to
their bedroom, “Sweetheart, we need to talk.” He entered the room, expecting to
find her face down on the bed and sobbing. Instead, it was empty. He pushed his
way into the bathroom.

His heart started to pound. Maybe she’d
taken off to Raj’s, acting out for the over the top punishment. His chest squeezed.
He’d let her get away with leaving the house, even going to Raj’s. The
punishment she’d received had been enough.

Then he’d noticed the vanity he’d moved
into his room for her. He’d put it in there after telling her she was moving
into the master suite. He loved watching her get ready, doing all those cute
feminine things she did. It was one of the high points of his day. She’d sit
there and pick out little jars of lotion or cream and rub them into her skin
while talking to him about any subject that came to mind.

Those lotions and creams were all
missing and the vanity was bare, like it had never been used at all. He spun
immediately and went to the dresser, yanking open the first drawer specifically
reserved for Lexi, usually filled with her undergarments and a completely
unnecessary amount of socks, considering all she ever wore was flip-flops or

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