Lennon's Jinx (31 page)

Read Lennon's Jinx Online

Authors: Chris Myers

Tags: #Parenting & Relationships, #Family Relationships, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #new adult romance

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hard to focus on talking when all I want to do is hold and kiss her. “Five,
when I first took piano.” It was one of the few things Jonathan and I did
together. “We both had lessons twice a week. And then voice when I was eight.”

rolls over so that we’re spooning again and my right arm secures her against me.

my chest is against Jinx’s back, I bury my nose in her hair and inhale before
coming back up for air. “All our music teachers came to the house because
sometimes, Jonathan was too wasted to take his lessons, but I never missed them.
He made sure of that.”

cradles my hand hugging her waist and brings it up to her lips to kiss it. “Jonathan
wasn’t all bad. Did he make you practice?”

really,” I say. “I wanted to. I would do anything to get a fraction of his
attention.” I’ve never been this intimate with any girl. It feels right with
Jinx. She wants to know me, not just my wallet.

sad. My dad showered me with affection. He was good to Mom and me.” She draws even
closer to me, wriggling that tiny ass of hers against my groin. Surely, she
knows how this affects a guy.

Dad got sick, sometimes at night, he cried out in pain.” Jinx’s grip tightens
on my hand. “The cancer hurt so much he wanted to die. I didn’t want him to
ever leave us.”

whisper into her ear, “I’ve never been this close to a hot girl and been this

good to learn restraint.” Jinx laughs. “You’ll need it when Currie starts

kisses my hand again and holds it against her sternum, not where I’d like it to
be but close enough. My chin rests on her shoulder. I nibble on her ear and
then kiss her neck. She giggles, raising her shoulder to make me stop tickling

your dad ever close to you?” she asks. “Protective ever? I miss that about my

was once. They had an orgy a year after Currie was born. I left her alone just
for a minute on the kitchen floor to get her Cheerios. She crept through the
sleeping bodies. I was so mad. I took Currie to my room and gave her breakfast.
This guy barged into my bedroom and tried to rape me. I was big for my age. I
screamed and kicked him. Currie was crying, so Jonathan rushed in. He kicked the
daylight out of this guy. The man crawled out of the house and left.

was shaking so hard after that loser attacked me.” I hold Jinx tighter against
me, and she doesn’t complain. In fact, Jinx turns around to face me. Her lips
linger on my mouth.

forehead leans against mine as her soft fingers fondle my cheek and chin. “What
happened next?”

was pissed at my parents, furious some guy would touch me like that,” I say. “That
was the only time Jonathan ever held me.” It was the one time Jonathan didn’t
feel imaginary to me, like some idol that was unreachable, a figure on the
stage caught up in the spotlights.

can’t believe I’m telling her all this. It feels like the weight of the ocean
has been lifted off my chest. “Denage told me his father beat him, so Jonathan
must’ve been afraid to touch me, afraid of accidentally going off and hitting
me. He never laid a hand on any of us. Once Mom slapped me for back talking to
her. He grabbed her arm and told her to never touch either Currie or me like
that again. She was petrified because he never spoke that way to her, and he
never had to again.”

dad must’ve been badly abused.” Jinx plays with my hand, stretching the fingers
out to compare her hand against mine. “He was probably afraid of becoming his

I am. “Could be.”

snuggles against me. If I was any closer, I’d be inside her. I’m trying so hard
to be good. She returns my hand to her chest, caressing my fingers. I kiss her
again and put both arms around her so that she’s cheek-to-cheek close to me. My
tongue follows the curve of her lips.

love the way you kiss me.” Her voice is breathy as her mouth pursues mine.

fingers twirl in the fine red wisps of her hair. “I like kissing you.”

glances at the bedside clock. “I should get dressed if we’re going to get to
your father-son debut.”

remind me. You have plenty of time. Take a shower. I already ordered breakfast.”

kisses me before jumping out of bed. “What did you get us?”

try hard not to stare at the tank she’s wearing because the big guy squirms in
my jeans.

I say. “I’m really hungry. Whatever you don’t eat I’m sure I will.”

leave and close the door to let her dress in the bedroom and shower. It felt
good to get that off my chest and even better to hold her. I don’t think I’ve
ever told anyone the things I just told Jinx. Not even Mrs. Nowak, and she
knows a lot about my family. Because of Jinx, I’m thinking in ways I’ve never
thought about girls. She’s not easy, and she’s truly become my friend.

she comes out, the food has just arrived. Her hair is damp, and she smiles at
me. God, I want her. I sigh and shovel a waffle smothered with butter,
blueberries, and syrup into my mouth. It tastes incredible after a few days of
not eating.

sits across from me. “You weren’t lying that you got everything.” She scoops up
part of the omelet, a half biscuit and gravy, a waffle, and fruit.  

not shy when it comes to eating. I’ve been with models that only ordered a
salad with no dressing and were full after eating less than a fifth of it,
which left more for me.

forks a bit of omelet. She has really delicate-looking hands. It’s hard to
believe she can pound the keyboard like she does or wail on the guitar.

smile works its way inside me. The girl who called me a pig has slept with me,
not officially, and doesn’t see me as a monster. This is awesome. I can’t wait
to tell Currie. She’ll be proud of me for this and also for giving a concert for
the sick kids with Jonathan.

have to bite down my hate for Jonathan the whole time we’re playing. It won’t
be easy, but I’ll do it for Currie.




It still hasn’t hit me that I
slept with the guy I once despised. And kissing him. I’m still reeling from
that. I’m not sure where we’ll go from here. Lennon doesn’t date, and I don’t
want to be one of many, but what he’s done for his sister and me is hard to

like royalty. Doors open for him on our way out of the hotel, and then the limo
picks us up in front and drives us to the hospital. The paparazzi surround us
after we get out of the car. Lennon puts a protective arm around me, which I
further encourage by taking his hand.

that your girlfriend, Lennon?” a guy yells, his camera clicking off a thousand
and one pictures.

you and your dad reconciling?” a female reporter asks.

doesn’t answer, though I’m thoroughly enjoying his attention. He guides me through
the hospital doors, easily shoving his way through the river of snapping
cameras and barking press. Security guards keep them from entering the

we walk to the elevator, the nurses and doctors say hi to Lennon.

picks up his guitar in Currie’s room before we head to the cancer ward. He
kisses her cheek before leaving the room.

dad waits for him in the lobby. Denage stands off to the side, so I join her.

should go over what we’re going to play,” Jonathan says.

Lennon takes out his guitar and tunes it. I’ve noticed his Taylor doesn’t go
out of tune easily, so there isn’t much to do. I can’t play my dad’s Guild, so
I should sell it to Lennon and buy a Taylor twelve string.

can play some of mine and some of yours.” Jonathan expectantly watches Lennon.
He so desperately wants his son’s approval. It makes me sad for the two of

Lennon plays a difficult riff on the twelve-string with his powerful fingers.
The ones that touched me earlier.

replies with a matching riff but not quite as tight. A little competition
ensues. Lennon definitely inherited his talent from his dad.

them together like this, I wish Lennon could know his father’s love. I
certainly miss mine. From what he told me this morning and Denage’s photos,
there is hope for Jonathan.

means a great deal to Jonathan to play with his son,” Denage says. A wistful
expression expands into a smile. “It’s one of his dreams to tour with him.”

sure that would be Lennon’s nightmare. “How did you meet Jonathan?”

is still smiling as if suspended by a happy memory. “I was his therapist for a
short time.”

that illegal?” I burst out, without thinking.

soon as he told me he was spending his sessions fantasizing about me, I turned
him over to my partner, who’s balding. Jonathan couldn’t get better if he
wasn’t focusing on his treatment.”

father like son. “When did you start dating him?”

kept running into him. I think he stalked me.” She laughs. “Jonathan only went
through eighth grade, which didn’t make him all that appealing to me until he told
me his dad made him dropout to work in the coalmines of West Virginia. Two
years ago, Jonathan earned his GED and took business classes at Cal State. That
impressed me, and honestly, I’m like any girl my age. I’m a huge Rage fan, and
he’s charming. After several months, I gave into him.”

did he get into the music business?” I’m truly interested because that’s what I
want to do.

souls like his have many stories to tell. His pain and anger bleed into his
songs. When his father had a heart attack, he ran as far and as fast as he
could from that wretched man.”

tough to hear this because it makes me want to sympathize with Jonathan, but I
bet Step-monster has a similar story. I’ll never forgive him, and I doubt
Lennon will forgive his father either.

continues, “After he ran away, Jonathan came out to LA. He put a band together.
The clubs loved him. A big agent picked him up, and the rest is filled with
hard partying in an attempt to forget what he left behind. His dad and older brothers
have tried to contact him for money. He won’t have anything to do with them. I
hope Lennon doesn’t continue doing that. If he can open up to Jonathan, it’ll
mean everything to him. He loves his son very much.”

didn’t show it for all those years. That’s hard to forget.”

know. It won’t be easy for Lennon.”

don’t want him to never really know his dad. I’d give anything to have mine
back, and the way Jonathan looks at him with hope and love. It’s probably
harder for him to remain straight than it is for Lennon to give Jonathan
another shot at being his dad.

only way it’ll happen is if Currie encourages Lennon to forgive Jonathan,” I
say. “Lennon would do anything for her.”

and I know this.”

and Denage must be working that angle hard with all his phone calls to Currie.

kids filter into the lobby. The nurses wheel some of the patients in but
several carry pillows to sit on the floor. A bald teenaged girl trudges into
the room. She heads to the couch, staring more at her feet than where she’s
going. She bumps into another patient. No sorry, she just stumbles past him. I
notice her over the others because she frowns and seems sad and distant, like
she’s permanently broken.

pretty nurse whispers into Lennon’s ear. She nods at the girl who caught my

the large area is filled with patients, nurses, and doctors, Jonathan says,
“I’m Jonathan Tyler from Rage, and this is my son Lennon Tyler. We’re going to
play a few songs from my latest album and several of my son’s.” He smiles at
Lennon, obviously proud.

pokes holes into my heart for Lennon and his dad.

starts with
One Night
. It’s a bluesy tune. Lennon immediately takes over
as the lead guitarist. When it comes to the chorus, Lennon sings harmony. It’s
incredible. His voice is rich and clear while his dad’s is rough.

teenaged girl looks up, directly at Lennon. He has that animal magnetism girls
have a hard time ignoring, even I’ve been drawn to it. A smile parts her mouth.
He has her attention and everyone else’s.

nurse and doctor are dancing swing with each other. The kids laugh and point at
them. Another girl stands up and dances. She’s really good. Pretty soon several
others join her.

a few of Jonathan’s songs, Jonathan asks Lennon to play one of his. It’s one of
my favorites that he has written,
Only One Love
. The song was written
for Currie, but he dedicates it to the kids in the hospital, which even brings
a tear to my eye along with most of the nurses and even a few doctors.

cell buzzes. It’s Mom, so I step away from the lobby. My breath catches in my
throat. “What’s up?”

not bothering you. Am I?” She hesitates. “Your friends said you went up to see
Lennon and his sister at the hospital.”

still with Lennon.” That sounds weird even to me.

sorry about everything,” Mom starts. “I had no idea what a monster Bill is. I
spoke with the DA and Lennon. It’s boggles my mind that I was so stupid. I hope
you can forgive me. Please come home.”

about Bill?” It’s the first time since He raped me that I’ve spoken His name. The
thought of Him sends shivers down my back.

gone…for good.”

miss her. I miss Dad. I wish we could be all together again. “Mom, I love you.”

love you, too. See you in a few days?” Her voice sounds hopeful.

keep you posted.”

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