Legend of the White Wolf (41 page)

BOOK: Legend of the White Wolf
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   "I'm going to take a shower, Faith." He wanted to wash the night's activities out of his mind and get a fresh start. Although he hoped Faith might join him.
   She nodded and stared out the window at the Northern Lights, their spectacular display still lighting up the sky. He thought about what Charles had said about the magical wolves coming down from the streams of lights. Charles was right. They were magical, and despite being newly turned and not able to keep the shifting perfectly under control, he felt as though he'd always been this way, and he wouldn't give it up for anything.
   He took his shower, longer than usual, hoping Faith would walk into the steamy room any minute, but she never did. Finally, he shut off the water, toweled dried his body, then began working on his hair and stepped out of the bathroom.
   Just hanging up the phone, Faith had removed her boots and coat and turned to smile at him. "I called my father while you were in the shower. He's fine." He noted she'd been lying on the bed, the covers pulled aside, an open invitation to join her there. She motioned to the ice bucket filled to the rim, a couple of sodas, and two packages of chips. "Dinner. No room service inter ruptions this time," she said, her gaze taking in every bit of his body, and she looked hungry. He definitely was hungry, and for a hell of a lot more than paltry snacks from a vending machine.
   She stood against the windows now where she'd left the curtains open, the aurora borealis still providing a brilliant blending of lights as a backdrop, their room dark otherwise, although he could see with his nocturnal vision as if the lights were on in the room. "Beautiful, isn't it?" she said.
   "Beautiful." But he wasn't talking about the lights. He stalked toward Faith just as if he was a wolf on the prowl. Only she wasn't some meek little prey. She was every bit the predator he was: just as clever, just as undaunted in her craving to come out on top. And she was all his.
   Her eyes and lips smiled, but before he could pull her sweater off, she was jerking it over her head. He slid his hands around her back, lower to her sweet ass, but didn't feel any panty lines underneath the skintight ski pants. He raised his brows and smiled a little. Worked for him.
   He slipped his hands under the elastic waistband, no zippers or belts or buttons to thwart him, and cupped her bare buttocks in his hands. Her sweet flesh was soft and malleable in his greedy grasp. Already, he was hard with need, just the smell of her, the willingness, the way she touched him in return, her fingers tracing his hard back, her body pressed against his. He pulled his hands free and slipped her shirt over her head, revealing a lacy peach bra, her nipples hardened to stiff peaks. Moving a little as if to tease him with her sexy body, her lace covered nipples brushed against his bare chest, her belly gently rubbing his arousal.
   She was his, not Kintail's or Hilson's or anyone else who'd ever had the notion to be with the vision. And she
a vision—from her sparkling green eyes clouded with lust, her peach skin soft and sensuous to touch, her golden curls sweeping her shoulders, and the sweet fragrance of her desire for him, soliciting his further attention.
   He lowered his mouth to hers as she ran her fingers over his back, her head tilted up, her lips readied for his kiss. And she kissed him back just as rabidly, and licked, and softly bit, then speared him with her tongue like he wanted to do with his cock between her legs. His hands molded to her lace-covered breasts, his fingers tweaking her nipples, her breath coming faster, her heart beating harder, and his own at virtually the same frantic rhythm. Then her hands slipped down his back. Lower, until she was squeezing his ass, and when she did, he unfastened her bra, dragged the straps down her arms and covered her nipple with his mouth. God in heaven, she was perfect.
   As soon as his lips tugged at her nipple, she groaned and arched against him. That's when he released her and pulled her ski pants down to her knees, slipped his hand between her legs, and felt her drenched curls, every bit of her eager for him.
   "Ready," he said as he reached down to pull her pants off the rest of the way, not willing to let another second go by without getting her to the bed. Then he lifted her under her buttocks, her legs wrapped around him, hugging him tight, her mouth opened to his. He kissed her again, his tongue spearing her mouth this time, and she moaned with pleasure. Her eyes closed and her hands gripped his back as if she was afraid he'd let her go.
   But he didn't. Not even when he had her on her back on the mattress. He was between her legs now, her knees raised, her hands stretching out to him as her eyes watched him in anticipation. Her pink feminine lips had flushed to red, her center moist, and swollen with need. He knew she was ready.
   Faith was all that mattered now. The feel of her satiny skin beneath him. The fragrance that was hers and only hers. The way she hmmed, and stroked his needs, and cared about him and no one else as he lathed his tongue over one extended nipple and then the other, her breasts swollen with arousal.
   She spread her legs farther, inviting him in. And he obliged, filled her wet heat with his thickened shaft, stretched her and pushed and thrust as she gasped and moaned and stroked his back.
   He kissed her mouth, felt her smile slightly beneath his lips, as he paused to thrust deep inside her again. And then she shifted a bit, raised her legs over his back, dug her bare heels into his ass, and welcomed him deeper.
   Her face was flushed with pleasure as he dove deeper, her heart beating out of control. He shifted a bit to help her climax, inserted his fingers in her wetness and stroked her swollen nub. He wanted the bliss to last forever, but she suddenly gripped his shoulders and stifled a cry, her pelvis muscles throbbing. He watched her sigh and smile, and then entered her again. With wild abandon, he thrust deep inside her, nearing his own climax until he couldn't hold back any longer. He spilled his seed, once again without a condom. A tinge of panic sneaked up on him—what would happen if Faith got pregnant?
   Gavin's comment about wolf pups came to mind.
   He groaned as her own muscles contracted around his arousal, milking him for every bit of him, but Faith seemed perfectly content. Still connected, he rolled off her and pulled her onto his stomach, then stroked her back. He wasn't willing to join an established pack. But he did think maybe, just maybe, he ought to learn a little bit more from someone like Leidolf, who would give him one of those smirks. Yeah, the newbie
lupus garous
were clueless again. Then again, perhaps Elizabeth could be their resident adviser in all things werewolf.
   Cameron held Faith close and stroked her back, feeling himself harden again as she licked his nipple and spread her legs wider over his, inviting his touch. "You know," he said, his voice still raspy, his hands sweeping lower to the tip of her spine, "we can live a very long time."
   She rested her chin on his chest and looked at him with those luminous eyes of hers that said she was ready to eat him all up all over again. "Is that a promise, or a threat?"
   He laughed. "A promise, this is only the beginning, Faith, honey. Just the beginning."
   And Faith knew she'd done the right thing to come here to rescue her father's research from Hilson, even if nothing worked out as planned. She just didn't know that the man she'd wished were part of the amenities in the hotel room when she first found him would truly end up hers after all.
   She licked his other nipple, and his hands drifted lower down her backside, his lips and eyes smiling. Yeah, he knew she didn't plan on letting him get any rest tonight. Maybe not for several nights. Maybe not for years. There was something that had changed about her. She still wanted to get up early, but now… she loved the night…
   And she wondered how it would be running with Cameron through the woods as wolves, playing and cavorting as they explored them together.
   "Good," he said as if reading her mind. "It'll be good."
   "Better than good." She cupped his face in her hands as if he was the most precious person alive, and he was. She kissed his mouth, emphasizing how much she wanted him all over again. "Much better than good," she repeated, her voice taking on a silky quality. "It will be magical."


CAMERON'S WOLF PACK WAS OFF TO A BAD START. NOT THAT he expected everything to go smoothly, but hell, he'd hoped some things wouldn't be a pain right away.
   He glanced at Faith as she slept in the front passen ger's seat of the Suburban, his sleeping bag draped over her body, her parka an impromptu pillow against her window as he drove the long drive back to Seattle. His mate was the only one who hadn't given him any trouble. He smiled, unless keeping him up all night was a bad thing. He yawned.
   Yeah, he wouldn't be able to last at this much longer. But damn, he thought someone else could take a turn driving. Owen and David were willing, but both had complained of feeling the shift coming on. Faith couldn't keep her eyes open, and
was the morning person!
   On top of that, Gavin had shifted twice in the four hours they'd been driving. Twice! They made him stay in the farthest backseat he was so restless, pacing back and forth as a wolf, then occasionally he'd fall asleep, and then shift again. Cameron glowered again at David who grinned like an idiot.
   David shrugged as he snuggled with Elizabeth, who slept soundly in his arms. "You know Gavin would have been hell to live with if we ran off in the woods together and left him home alone."
   "You could have waited to bite him when we got home. If you had to do the deed at all."
   "Owen bit Gavin, not me. And it was all because Owen was sleeping so long and Gavin got worried. He touched his chest to feel his heartbeat, and well, you know the rest. But from what Faith said, she went to tend to your wound and you bit her. So it seems the two of them were in the same boat. What's done is done, in any case."
   Same old David. Perfectly laid back. Never any problems. Especially now that he might have found his mate.
   Owen scratched his head. "Are you sure we got all the Dark Angels? Are you sure that woman who was Chris's aunt wasn't guilty of complicity?"
   "Kintail's men will watch her. And Leidolf said Sarge turned during the night, and he wished he had let me change the guy instead—then we could have had him in our little pack." Cameron smiled at the notion, glad they didn't have to deal with someone like Sarge. But that was the call Leidolf had made to Cameron last night. Leidolf should have known Cameron would have been too busy to answer the damned phone. That time, or the other three times he'd called. What difference did it make that Cameron know anyway? Leidolf was the one who would be responsible for the guy.
   "What about the others? What if they say Sarge helped you to locate us because Leidolf bit him?" Owen asked.
   "Nah. One of Kintail's wolves bit him when they thought he was going to hurt Lila. That's the story. Lila and the pack will be creditable enough witnesses. With all of them involved in illegal drug use, Chris and Matt will have a tough time proving they're not lying." Cameron saw hotel signs at the next exit and pulled off.
   Owen perked up. "Are we getting something to eat?"
   "I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I've got to get some sleep." Cameron looked at Faith. She was now smiling at him with one of those I-need-some more-loving kind of looks, and he was sure sleeping wasn't what she had in mind.
   "Hell," Owen grouched, "I've got to get me a mate."
   David chuckled. "You thought you had a rough time finding the right girl for you before, mainly because you were too damned choosey. Now look at what it's going to have to take."
   Cameron smiled. No matter how much trouble running a pack of
lupus garous
was going to be, he couldn't do without his partners in crime-fighting. And Faith was the reason to make everything all right again. He pulled into the Mountain View Hotel and figured they could drive later tonight instead.
   Unless Faith changed his mind.
   The smile on her face said she might just do that.
   At this rate, they'd never reach Seattle.

The End


I want to thank my family for always being there for me while I dive into my adventures, help me brainstorm when I need them to, and encourage me always. To my fans who continue to write heartfelt letters about how much they love the worlds and the characters I create. To my editor, who loved the tag I'd created for
of the White Wolf
from the very outset, and is a dream to work with. To my publicist, who helps me market my books to the nth degree and no matter how harried she probably is, never lets on. To the art department that makes the most beautiful covers, art any author would be proud of. And to my Rebel Romance Writers who are always there for me through all the worst dilemmas! Thank you!

About the Author

Award-winning author of urban fantasy and medieval historicals,
Terry Spear
also writes true stories for adult and young adult audiences. She's a retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves, a Distinguished Military Graduate of West Texas A&M, and has an MBA from Monmouth University. Originally from the West Coast, she has lived in nine states and now resides in the heart of Texas. She is the author of
of the Wolf,
Publishers Weekly
Best Book of the Year,
Destiny of the Wolf, To Tempt the Wolf, The Accidental
Highland Hero,
Deadly Liaisons.

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