Legend of the Touched (7 page)

Read Legend of the Touched Online

Authors: JF Jenkins

Tags: #romance, #fantasy, #young adult, #dragons, #dragon, #saga, #ya, #fire dragons, #water dragons

BOOK: Legend of the Touched
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"You think? You've been moody."

He rolled his eyes. "For a lot of reasons."

"Then let me help you be less moody by taking care of
as many of them as possible." The hand on his knee tightened.


"As for this voice thing. Are you sure it's not your
subconscious trying to tell you something? A side of you that
you've been neglecting maybe?"

"A more aggressive, angry, side?"

She shrugged, chewing on her lower lip. "For the most
part, you're calm. A good quality to have. With the lack of morals
your family has, and how much they go against your personal
beliefs, I think it's only natural to be angry. Maybe you should
try letting it out more instead of letting it build up. If you're
holding back because you want to impress me you don't need to.
We're beyond that stage. We're supposed to be best friends too you

He let those words resonate for a moment. A lot of
logical sense was in them, though he wasn't sure if that was the
problem. Something still felt wrong inside of him. "Maybe, but the
thing that troubles me most is it keeps talking about how I can
release it by being one with you. If anything is not attractive to
me, it's that. I don't want that moment to be filled with those
emotions. We both deserve better than that."

"We do, and we'll have it. Focus on us. On me." Her
hand tightened around his knee at another loud boom of thunder.

"I thought storms didn't scare you?" he teased.

"They don't, but sudden thunder still startles me
when I'm not expecting it."

"Good point."

"Back on topic. If this voice is something else, what
think it means?" she asked.

"Something scary and bad. When my brother and I
performed that ritual, anything could have happened. So much of it
I don't remember after I blacked out. I'm not a strong believer of
all things spiritual, but I do know there is another realm beyond
our own, and that he and I had accessed it." He shook his head
quickly, not liking any of the possibilities. "Let's use your
theory. I don't like mine much. I'll stop psyching myself out one
of these days."

Another squeeze on his knee, but this time it was
gentler, soothing even. "You're fine. Dinner will be ready in a
couple of hours. I made turkey."

"Getting adventurous."

"Yes, I—" she jumped again at the thunder. She stood,
and offered her hands for him to take. "Come lie with me on the

He swallowed, staring up at her and how beautiful she
looked in the soft lighting of the room. Lights that flickered
momentarily when there was another crack of lightning. "I'm still

With a sigh, she grabbed a hold of his hands and
tugged him off the chair. "We've barely said more than two words to
one another for almost a week. You haven't touched me in even
longer. Please, just hold me for a little while?"

"All right." That he could do.

Chapter Fourteen

The Inero


Being pregnant was a lot more hassle than Kat thought
it would be. Matt had told her it would be different for her since
he was a dragon. One good thing was that it didn't last nine
months, not in her womb at least. She'd only carry the baby in her
stomach for six of those, and most of the growth would happen
outside. This meant little weight gain. She was a little puffy, and
her breasts were more swollen, larger even, than she remembered.
But she didn't feel like a blimp. She'd seen how big some pregnant
women got, and was glad that wouldn't be happening to her. Vain of
her, but she was already giving this child enough of herself as it

the baby's voice said inside of her

I am happy. I'm the happiest I've been in a long
She let out a soft sigh.
I want to hold you. Then I'll
be even happier.
In a month and a half when she delivered the
egg inside of her, she'd have to wait another three months for it
to hatch before she could do so. It was all so strange to her, but
she liked it.

She walked through the castle courtyard to the wives'
pool. This was where she spent most of her time. A difficult
adjustment to make at first, but now it was just as normal as
everything else. Back home, before she'd come to live with Matt,
she didn't have a lot of female friends. Most of the girls in her
town were not near her age. They were either one extreme of older
or younger. On occasion she'd play with the little girls, help them
with their hair and other similar things, but they didn't count as
peers. The older women were polite, but didn't offer much else.

At the pool she had a lot of ladies to converse with.
Most were hollow and civil. A few though became her best friends.
Tiffy and Ariana were two young women her age. They had been taken
to be a part of the Elite a cycle or two before hers. The process
of becoming one of these select, chosen few happened once a month.
It was this coming of age ritual which helped the Inero dragon men
choose their new brides.

A number of the virgin girls who were considered of
age, usually between sixteen and nineteen years old, were taken
from home. Then they were brought before the young Dragon Lords who
were usually also pure and had yet to wed. From that day forward
the girls were considered Elite. Being a member of this group meant
they would never have to worry again about being taken care of.
Wealth and power were theirs. What Kat was starting to discover,
though, was how lonely most of them were. The men did not always
want to keep their new brides.

The place was depressing her lately. Already about
half of the marriages amongst the newly wed couples were starting
to crumble. It was hard to watch when things were going so well for
her. She and Matt had problems, but neither of them were quitters.
Nothing seemed drastic enough to end everything over either.

All of her friends were at the pool, however, and she
was starting to miss them. As soon as she stepped through the gate,
they rushed over to her.

"Where have you been?" Tiffy asked, wrapping her arms
around her. "I've been waiting for you so I can tell you the huge
news. I'm expecting too!"

"That's great," Kat said, truly happy for her friend.
Her other friend Ariana hung off to the side some. Kat moved to hug
her next. "And how are things with you? Any better?"

"Ellis has found someone else," Ariana said with a
weak smile and a shrug. "I'm not concerned though because for a
while I've had a crush on the assistant manager at the super
market. You know, the twenty-something dreamboat with the black
hair and olive eyes? Delicious muscles too. We...talked...recently
and are going to try a date."

Kat wasn't sure how to react. The way Ariana had said
"talked" suggested that perhaps a lot more than simply talking had
happened. Kat hid her disgust over the idea and instead forced a
smile onto her face. Ariana was happy. That was the important thing
right? She'd been lonely for so long. She and Ellis were never a
good match.

"And what about you? How have you been?" Tiffy asked

She gave a small smile and a wave of her hand. "I've
been at home sleeping a lot. Matt is home for the time being and I
feel like I need to take advantage of this as much as

"Well try not to spend so much time away from us
because you've been missed. This whole place is different without
you," Ariana said.

"Yes," Tiffy added. "Did you know the Great Lord is
finally back with Lenora? Isn't it a dream?"

Kat nodded; she'd heard. Lenora had told her the news
in person shortly after it happened. What the other two young women
didn't know though was that part of the price of being with the
Lord meant sharing his heart. Lynx was still smitten with Navi. Kat
couldn't imagine having to make that kind of a sacrifice. She
opened her mouth to say something, figuring it would be polite to
do so, when she noticed there was a new woman at the pool.

"Who's that?" she asked, pointing to a tall, thin,
blonde woman who appeared to be around twenty-years-old. Her skin
was pale, and Kat caught a glimpse of blue eyes staring at her from
across the pool. She was speaking with Lenora. Jealousy started to
bubble up inside of Kat at the idea of anyone possibly taking her
place as Lenora's cherished one. Even more so at the idea of it
being done by an outsider. This woman was clearly not of Inero
blood. In fact, she looked as though she belonged in Oceina.

Tiffy and Ariana both followed her gaze.

Ariana shrugged. "This is the first time I've seen
her here. I guess you came back on a good day, because this has to
be juicy."

"Yes," Kat said stiffly and walked over towards
Lenora with more confidence than she felt. If she was going to
maintain her position of power at the pool, she needed to show she
had earned it. All of her doubts were pushed aside when she made
eye contact with Lenora. The woman stepped away from the thin
blonde and went to hug her.

"I have missed you so," Lenora said softly.

Kat swallowed back her tears. "I've missed you too.
Most of all. I know I should have come back here sooner but—."

"You've been unwell child, it is quite all right.
Thank you for letting me visit you so often." They held the hug for
a few seconds longer, before Lenora stepped back and put a hand on
the blonde. She never once let go of Kat though, solidifying just
how important the girl was to her. "This is Ashley."

The blonde extended her hand for Kat to take. Kat did
so, and gave it a firm shake, still unsure of what to think.
"Pardon my asking this, but how did you come about these parts?
I've never seen anyone like you here before."

Ashley laughed, stepping away from the other two
women. "It's a long and complicated story. I'll leave it at: I've
seen where I'd rather spend my time. Your people are an
inspiration. I crossed the border a month ago. Originally I was
going to go to the Terran country, but I met a young man named
Josiah and he brought me here. It's with him I'm currently

Kat nodded, keeping a polite
smile. An Oceina woman, playing house with an Inero man? She didn't
want to know how that was working out. Was she considered part of
the Elite? Didn't she have to be wed to one of the upper class
Inero Lords for such an honor? A lot of intriguing questions she
hoped she'd get to ask.

"This is her first day here. I was asked by Lord Lynx
to show her around. Soon she'll be joining our ranks. Rumor has it
someone is going to propose," Lenora said with a coy smile. "Or so
I've heard." She leaned in to whisper in Kat's ear. "Josiah has
gone to the Great Lord himself to ask for permission. Usually this
sort of thing is not necessary, but since she is a foreigner it is

By foreigner, she meant Oceina. If Ashley had been of
the Terran, she doubted it would have been a big deal. Ashley was
practically glowing and she shrugged with a sense of innocence. She
didn't come off as being all too innocent however. Something about
this woman bothered Kat, and it reflected in the baby.

Kat rubbed her stomach, trying to
communicate that there was nothing to fear. She would protect her
child from all harm.

"I look forward to getting to know you more," Kat
said. She reached out to give Lenora's arm a squeeze. "And I will
see you for lunch in a couple of days? I think I need to go back
and lay down. My delicate condition is making me a bit dizzy." For
the first time since being pregnant she used it as an excuse to get
out of something. She needed a polite exit though. Turning her
shoulder on Ashley could prove to be a disastrous move in multiple

Lenora kissed her forehead in a motherly fashion.
"Yes, of course. We have so much catching up to do. I'm sorry I've
been so busy. I'll explain it all later. Get some rest child. I
will send you something tonight, a little treat which helped me
through my later months."

"Thank you." She bowed politely to make sure Ashley
knew Lenora should be respected properly. She didn't know much
about the Oceina, but they did not practice the same displays of
honor as the Inero. If she was going to fit in, Ashley would have
to learn. Kat started down the path back towards the gate.

"Hey Kat?" Ashley called after her.

She turned and made eye contact with bright blue
eyes. "Hmm?"

"Mint helped me a lot with mine."

Kat gave another forced smile. "Thank you, I'll give
it a try." Only she wouldn't.

Chapter Fifteen

The Oceina



I've been unsure of what to write for a few days,
and that's why I've been neglecting you. When Darien gave you to me
at the beginning of the summer, you became my safe haven for all of
my secrets. I can have privacy here. And the shower, but here is
different because I feel like I'm talking to an old friend. There
are no good excuses on why I haven't written this week. Like always
I'm tired. I feel like I'm only a broken record these days anyway.
Why bother right?

Except for now.


Tai chewed on the end of her gel pen, trying to
decide if she wanted to dump all of this into her journal or if it
should wait until she was in the shower. It was hers, so in theory,
she should be able to say whatever she wanted in it. There was the
off chance Darien would find it and read it. She'd said some not
nice things about him before, commented on her frustrations with
him, and other issues the two had as a couple. None of it was
anything he hadn't heard before. What she wanted to vent might
upset him, a lot. The shower wasn't completely safe either. He
could still hear sometimes bits and pieces of thoughts. Of her two
options, the journal was probably the most secure.


Here it goes. I feel like I'm two different people.
When I'm at home, I'm the same girl I felt like back home. Keeping
to myself, and just doing my own thing. Darien is my companion, and
I remember all of the reasons I love him. Then I leave the house to
socialize and I change. Back home I was never all that popular. My
mom never encouraged me to make many friends. I think a lot of her
social quirks rubbed off on me, more than I anticipated. The more
time I have to think about everything, the more I realize how much
I missed out on because I took on a lot of those same insecurities.
We both didn't like to get close to people. Even now, I have a hard
time opening up, to Darien especially.

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