Legacy of Secrets 01-Cursed Secrets (25 page)

Read Legacy of Secrets 01-Cursed Secrets Online

Authors: Lisa Logue

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #Urban Fantasy

BOOK: Legacy of Secrets 01-Cursed Secrets
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“I will try,”
she answered with the kindest smile I’d ever seen, my heart squeezed.

“Am I able to talk to you like this all the time?”
I asked as I slowly drifted away.

“As long as you’re willing, we can talk. I will answer questions when I can, but I have a limited view of your future. We must tread lightly, Lia. Remember I cannot interfere, only guide you.”

“That will have to do,”
I took her ghostly hand in mine and cupped it to my cheek,
“I love you. You have no idea how happy I am to see you,”
a breeze began lifting me, pulling me back toward my physical self.

“I love you too, Lia.”
she was still speaking as I drifted away, but I couldn’t hear anything over the ringing in my ears.

It grew louder as familiar
brought me back. I kept my eyes shut for several more minutes, cursing myself for not transcending faster. I should have been afraid, but I knew better. I hadn’t seen my mother in over ten years; I didn’t care if she was a spirit. I felt happy, sad, angry, anxious, and a million other things I couldn’t even explain. I opened my eyes and found Austin tapping his foot impatiently leaning against the tree.

“Isn’t impatience something meditation is supposed to fix?” I asked with a smirk and he jumped.

“Normally, but I’m not just doing this for my own health. So,” he helped me up from the ground and handed me water, “how do you feel?”

“Honestly I feel great,” I beamed. He looked at me oddly

. “What?” I asked animatedly.

“Do you mind if I ask what happened? I’ve never seen someone catch on so easily. Did you fall asleep?” a smile played on his lips.

“No I didn’t fall asleep. I’m not sure if you’d believe me if I told you,” I nudged his shoulder.

“The suspense is killing me,” he stated sarcastically. I laughed.

“I saw my mom.”

“Come again?” his eyebrows rose.

“I saw my mom. I spoke to her. I held her hand. She was just as she was before she died. She’s always been with me. Isn’t that spectacular?!” I didn’t realize the tears until I tasted the salt on my lips.

“It is definitely something else. Did she tell you anything?”

“She said she loved me. There was something else, but I couldn’t make out the words.”

“Do you think you will see her again?” he asked.

“I think so. Now that I know it’s possible, how can I not?” I beamed at him and he smiled back.

“I’m glad the lesson went well. I told you not to sell yourself short,” he winked.

“So…what’s next?”


Preview of
Binding Secrets

Legacy of Secrets #2

While Austin teaches Lia to overcome her fear and trust her instincts, her grandfather helps to uncover more of their family’s mysterious past.

Christian watches from a distance, quietly yearning for her. Not a moment passes that he doesn't regret his decision. The stronger Lia’s power becomes, the harder it is to stay away.




Chapter 1

I found out about a month ago that I am some type of cross-bred werewolf shaman. Crazy right? Apparently, my father is the last living hybrid in existence. Josiah-the werewolf/vampire- killed my mother and the man I thought was my father. I was there when he killed them, hiding in a closet. This resulted in a recurring dream where I constantly relive that night. Before, I was afraid of the beast, now I just want to kill him.

The trauma from that night also stirred something inside me; a type of energy I’d been afraid of practically my entire life. I found out later that this energy is actually a power I’ve been gifted in the wake of Josiah’s blunder to help restore the balance. This energy is a result of the oldest bloodline of shamans, which was passed down to me from my grandfather, Emerson (Pops to me).

One of the abilities I have is communicating with entities in the spirit world. From the very first time I visited, I’ve been able to see my mother again. She’s able to guide me through certain aspects of my life, but she’s not allowed to interfere. Basically she can give me typical mom advice, but not really answer my questions. Every time I try asking about Josiah she shuts down. I watch her shimmering expression change and eventually disappear. I can’t lie, it makes me angry. I have a right to know what happened.

The dream wracked me on those particular nights. Not having closure sucked. Austin would amble sleepily into my room to soothe my aching head and ask if I wanted him to stay. I always said no, but I couldn’t shake my anxiety. Eventually he started staying on his own. I didn’t argue. His warmth helped even if I didn’t want to admit it.

He was always gone when I woke up, which I decided was a good thing. I wasn’t sure if Christian knew, but it was something I didn’t care to explain. To say our relationship was strained was a gross understatement; it was a hot mess.

Christian is a vampire. Austin is a sorcerer. They’re trying to help me hone my skills and learn about what I’m capable of before I have to meet The Council. This all came about because Josiah decided to make a detour through Ft. Collins and ran into me. Since I had never been around him, my werewolf gene was suppressed. When he found me, it was triggered therefore sealing my fate. Lucky me.

Luckily, Austin worked his magic and somehow got The Council to postpone our little meeting. He didn’t talk about how he did it, but the less I knew the better apparently. I couldn’t complain, I didn’t have to feel quite as stressed out about training and we’d have time to make sure I did things right. If I went to the meeting without knowing everything I needed to, they’d kill me and we all knew it.

Christian was especially pleased, taking more care in picking and choosing the days he’d pop up out of nowhere. He still kept his distance, but after he found out he loosened up a bit. He started running with me again, sometimes talking about his past. When he’d disappear again I’d do my best to push him as far out of my mind as I could, which never really worked.

Before the recent turn of events, Christian and I were on our way to becoming something more than friends. He was kind and considerate. Not to mention completely gorgeous. But that ended quickly. As soon as he found out what I would become, it was over. Apparently, it was okay that I could manipulate energy and talk to ghosts, but it wasn’t okay that I would turn into a wolf. I fought against the waves of emotions that crashed into me every time he walked into the room and he could feel everything.

That’s an interesting piece of this puzzle; the energy manifests itself with my emotions and can influence the emotions of others. It’s incredibly inconvenient and embarrassing. Austin does his best to ignore my energy, but he feels it perhaps more than anyone else.

After putting off my talk with Pops for a few weeks, I finally decided I needed to go. Knowing what it meant to be a shaman was the key, but I had no idea where to start. He was always too easy to talk to, but that was before I knew we were all part of this crazy in-between world. I readied myself through most of the morning, prolonging the inevitable. I didn’t know what to say to Pops, or how. A knock on the door startled me. The tendrils of electricity tickled my skin.

“Oh, jeez. Come in!” I shrieked.

“I wasn’t sure if you were awake. I’m sorry I scared you,” he smirked.

“What else is new? Did you need something?” I turned away from his gorgeous gaze.

“Actually, I have something for you. Do you mind?” he revealed a thin rectangular box wrapped with a tight crimson bow. My mouth went dry.

“Okay?” I pressed my back to the wall.

“Are you alright?” his brow furrowed.

“I’m…confused,” I bit my lip.

m. Well, don’t get too excited. It’s nothing too special. Here, open it,” I eyed the box curiously.

“Do you want me to open it for you?” he sighed.

I shook my head,” I’m sorry. No offense, but you’re the last person I’d expect to give me something. I’m just surprised.”

Careful not to touch his fingers, I smiled and inched the box from his grasp. I pulled the ribbon free and gasped as I lifted the lid. Inside laid a white gold, braided bracelet with multicolored gems. It sparkled as the light hit it, casting a warm glow against the satin lining. It was absolutely the most gorgeous piece of jewelry I’d ever seen.  I looked up at Christian, blushing. His tight smile told me this wasn’t the type of present I thought it was.

“Christian, this is…wow. This is really beautiful, thank you,” he averted his eyes from mine. “Did…did
get this for me?”

“I chose the design and the settings, but the gems are much older than they appear. I’m glad you like it.”

“Where are they from?” I did my best to hide the disappointment. I knew better than to think he’d get me anything.

“They’re ancient, from your people. Each one has a different property to help protect you. Over time, they’ll be able to read and store your energy. Austin was able to locate them, but I had them set in the bracelet. I thought you might like it better than a heavy necklace,” he almost smiled as he slid it from the box.

“So this is from the both of you?”

“Not exactly.
one is from me. I don’t know if he did anything with the remaining gems. May I?” he gestured toward my wrist. I slowly extended my arm and swallowed heavily as the familiar hum filled the space between us.

“Thanks,” I stood. “It really is beautiful.”

“You’re welcome. And yes, you…uh…
is,” he stumbled a step then disappeared.

Once he was gone, the air came back to me in a rush. I slumped back onto the bed and examined the bracelet more closely. Part of me wanted to take off, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I sighed and went to find Austin.

“Hey there, how’d you like the bracelet?” he beamed as I entered the kitchen.

“It’s really something. I suppose I should also thank you for the gems,” I smiled in return.

“I got lucky,” he stared at me with a strange expression.

“Um, okay. So who’s coming with me today?” I changed the subject.

“Christian. I’ve got some research to do, but I’d like to know what he says if you’re up to talking later?”

“Sure. Where’d Christian go anyway?”

“I think he’s checking the perimeter. It’s been a bit quiet lately.”

“What, like, Josiah actually left?”

“More like he wants us to think he left.”

“Why would he think we’re that dumb?”

“Because he doesn’t know us very well,” Christian barked, making me jump.

“Dammit, will you stop doing that?! You’ll give me a heart attack one of these days,” he chuckled and sauntered into the kitchen looking delicious.

“Are you ready to go?” he mused.

“I was waiting for you. Is everything okay out there?” I asked breathlessly.

“For now. Go on and grab your things. We’ll be taking the Jeep,” I nodded and sprinted up the stairs.


“Well, this should be interesting,” Austin invaded my thoughts.


“You two, alone together, for an entire evening. Whew! To be a fly on that wall, brother,” he slapped me on the back and chuckled.

“I don’t know what you’re getting at,” I shook my head.

“One of two things will happen; either one of you will be pissed off or you’ll end up making out. Passion is a dangerous thing,” I sighed.

“Did you give her the other talisman?”

“I’ll give it to her tomorrow before training. I’m not quite sure what it’s supposed to do, though.”

“Emerson said it’s important that she wears them at all times. I will try to ask him more tonight, but he may not tell me. Just make sure she gets it first thing tomorrow,” he saluted sarcastically.

“Yes, sir! Stop acting like I’m new at this, Christian. I’ve been at this game a long time.”

“Which game is that? The magic…or the girl?” I quipped.

“Remember that
asked me to help
the girl
so if I was you, I’d sound more damn appreciative. If it was about
the girl
, you wouldn’t stand a chance,
,” he growled.

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