Legacy: Book Two of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld (29 page)

BOOK: Legacy: Book Two of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld
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Her eyes got wide when she realized I was inside her, tears flowing freely, no longer able to form audible words, and continued to sing in pitches and octaves as I kept the rhythm steady and fast, feeling the pressure building from the FeelDoe inside of me, stroking my G-spot, realizing my imminent orgasm would take me at any moment also.

I’d completely forgotten about my husband and our other slave, as my tunnel vision only focused on finding the next level of pleasure.

All that mattered was bliss.

I felt shamise clawing at my back, and I roughly pinned her hands over her head, looking deep inside her eyes, finding the place within her being reserved just for me. Call me a little selfish, but there were some things I knew belonged to Ramesses alone, and tonight was about carving that place for me within our beautiful, wonderful slave.

“I’m going to come, baby!” I yelled into shamise’s ear, going faster to hasten the climax. “Oh fuck, you feel so good!”

I grabbed her so tightly when the wave began, I could have suffocated her. She instinctively wrapped her legs around my back, closing the connection between us more. I still had her hands
pinned, feeling the energy flow between us, the passion that finally unlocked after so long apart.

“i’m Yours, Goddess…always Yours! Don’t let me go, please!”

The climax subsided mercifully, and I lifted my head to lock eyes with shamise again. Her face glowed, and the smile on her face spoke more than any words we could say.

I had my shamise back, completely.

My senses began to flood back from the isolation I’d purposely shut out, hearing Ramesses and sajira reaching the crescendo of their own symphony.

I had no intentions of interrupting them, as I shifted my body to the side of shamise’s, spooning her softly as we wrapped the covers over us, allowing the sensual sighs and moans escaping from sajira’s mouth to serenade us as we entered the depths of the dream world.

Soon, morning would arrive, and the answers to the questions in my mind would come to fruition.


The next morning was glorious.

Waking up in the master bedroom with all of my girls was indescribable. Yes, I’m a little spoiled when it came to this, especially when eventually we would have to send all the guests home and become parents, business owners, and vanilla again soon. I was missing Damian from the equation, but he was still with jezzabelle, according to my Beloved, and as a man, I wasn’t about to deprive another man of the pleasure she provided.

It still felt good, even if one was missing from the family.

But now there was business to attend to.

There were two hours the girls were unaccounted for that needed to be figured out, and only they would be able to recount. Last night would have been a good time to have that conversation, but I didn’t want to ruin a perfectly decadent night to interrogate and punish the girls. Call me selfish, but I wanted what I wanted when I wanted it.

Being a Master could wait until morning; that was our collective conclusion.

Waking up to seeing three other female bodies intertwined with mine was something I hoped I would never get used to. It’s rare we got to indulge like this. For the sake of the kids, it’s best to wait until they’d matured a little more before we got into that type of conversation.

I was able to slip away from the women so I could be at peace with my thoughts and figure out what to do about the absence of the girls.

I would admit, I didn’t think it would take that long, but sometimes you can’t plan things like that. They are better off unscripted, as they tend to be the best scenes to witness.

I figured they simply needed some time alone to be together or something like that, but to be honest, I really wasn’t feeling that thought pattern, either.

Oh well, Neferterri and I would find out once the girls woke up so we could deal with it accordingly.

Who was I kidding? I knew
what had happened last night while the girls were gone. So did my Beloved, but we weren’t about to alert them until the proper moment.

My immediate thoughts drifted to the ring that rested next to my wedding ring and the rest of my jewelry.


Damn, it was a weird feeling to attribute my persona to that moniker. But I wasn’t about to say I didn’t earn this title, either.

The past three days or so was an exercise in running a gauntlet. I felt like every encounter with the other Masters was a test in disguise, trying to figure out if I was worthy of the respect and the reputation I’d taken such care to build.

My mind was taxed, but the end result had been more than worth the effort. My legacy was being cemented with each passing day as the compounds moved closer to completion, and I had the distinction of mediating the closure of a rift strained for a decade, an accomplishment none of the other Masters within the Society could claim.

Yet, it felt like I still had so much more to accomplish.

Maybe it was the warrior in me, always looking for the next
mission, the next conquest. Sometimes being still doesn’t cut it.

I heard my women starting to stir, and I moved from my chair in the sitting room to the side of the bed where sajira and I made up the family pretzel, and nudged them all awake.

“Good morning, ladies.” I grinned as they stretched to try and awaken and get their bearings. “We have business to attend to before brunch.”

We all took quick showers so we could get to the heart of the matter, and I’m sure Neferterri felt the same tension on the girls as I did last night.

Something had happened to them, and they were very hesitant to tell us.

Neferterri had been on edge ever since the girls had left our sight, especially when they never wandered on the grounds without eyes on them. I’d had complete trust in the staff we’d put together, as they were people Dominic and I trusted implicitly.

The other things would fall into place.

I trusted that it would, and thankfully my trust was not misplaced.

“we were raped last night.”

Tears were in both of their eyes as they began to fully disclose what had happened to them while they were away from us.

“Well, we weren’t ‘raped,’ exactly, but…it’s hard to explain, Daddy.” shamise was conflicted as to how to choose her words, not sure if they would anger us or if she were being exposed. “When we went to get sajira’s belongings from the limo, we were drugged. I think it was chloroform.”

My heart rate quickened. I felt like I was being told about some movie they’d gone to see while they were away, but it wasn’t the case.

sajira continued, “When we woke up, we realized that we were still on the grounds, but couldn’t figure out which one of the buildings we were in. we were blindfolded, but once one of the guys spoke, we knew it was Deion and an accomplice who had kidnapped us.”

Neferterri’s hands shook as she held on to shamise. “Go on, girls, We need to know everything.”

“we were bound and stripped, and they didn’t take off our blindfolds, even when things got rough,” shamise told us. “It was scary, my Goddess, but it was…”

“It was, what, shamise?” I asked her, feeling sajira trembling under me from her spot at my feet. “Were you two hurt?”

“No, Daddy, that’s what i was trying to say.” she looked up at Neferterri, looking like she wanted this to be over. “There’s something sajira and i have wanted to tell You, but we were too afraid to explain.”

I raised an eyebrow, and Neferterri stared down at shamise, and then at sajira.

“What do you have to tell us?” Neferterri’s tone in her voice could have stopped traffic.

“my Goddess, shamise and i confessed to each other that we had rape fantasies,” sajira finally confessed, her tears flowing more now. “The men who kidnapped and took us, one of the guys was the ‘phone Dom’ that i had been talking to the past few weeks.”

“you mean you broke the rules of your slut training?” Neferterri finally exploded. “How could you, both of you?”

“i’m sorry, Goddess, please forgive me.” shamise sobbed through her words. “we were scared of what You would have thought of us if we told You.”

Neferterri calmed down a little, trying to find a tone that wouldn’t
scare them any more than they already were. “you both know we are very disappointed in you. We have never given you a reason to suspect either your Daddy or I would shun you or make you feel less than what you are worth to us.”

I just shook my head. “Had you come to us, at least one of us, we might have been able to find a way to make the scene happen for you, so you knew you would be safe as you indulged in your fantasy. Now, there’s no possible way to duplicate that.”

I looked at the girls, beside themselves with grief over having disappointed us, and what was worse, they did so while acting like they were amateurs who had never been trained before, treating us like they had no faith in us at all.

That hurt, and they needed to know that, period.

“We have drilled into you both a sense of transparency, that no matter what the disclosure, that we would deal with things together,” I scolded them both. “The thing is Neferterri actually overheard the two of you confess to each other weeks ago while you were caring for our leathers. We usually review the House surveillance cameras during the week to make sure the kids haven’t gotten into anything they shouldn’t have. Imagine Her surprise in hearing you two conspiring to breach protocol?”

A look of embarrassment washed over their faces, perhaps forgetting the walls do indeed have ears at the House.

“your Goddess came to Me to let Me know of the information you’d confessed, and we waited until you made up your minds to let us know.” I kept going, setting up for the surprise I had in store for them. “After a week, when neither of you came to us to say anything, we were forced to take other measures to get what we needed to know out of you.”

“What do You, mean, my Master?” sajira queried, ready to panic.

“Hello, ladies,” Deion’s voice traveled from the sitting room. “Did you miss me?”

The screams from the girls were priceless, if not ear-splitting. Their eyes told us they didn’t know what to make of the situation.

Dominic walked from around the doorway that separated the bedroom from the sitting room. In his hand was a voice synthesizer he’d been using to disguise his voice. He and I knew the girls would have recognized his real voice, so we created “Deion” to throw them off, while I fed him information and trained him how to act to break down sajira’s defense mechanisms.

Until this very moment, neither of them had a clue it was him the whole time.

“Oh my God!” shamise screamed again. “But how did You…why?”

“Because we had to teach you a lesson for keeping something like this from us,” Neferterri retorted. “We planted Dominic as your ‘phone Dom’ to keep control of the situation, to make sure you didn’t get hurt. Do you realize how much harm would have really come to you if complete strangers had taken you?”

I walked Dominic to the door so he could check on the guests downstairs. Brunch was due to begin in about twenty minutes, and I didn’t want us to be late.

sajira wanted to scream again, but the shock had finally worn off. I think she and shamise had finally figured out what Neferterri meant. Had this been an actual stranger, like the jackass that tried to prank-call me before the event, things could have gone a lot differently.

The look in their eyes was the confirmation we needed that the message had been driven home.

“Master, my Goddess, please accept our apologies for disobeying the rules of the House.” shamise rocked back and forth in her
kneeling position as she formally asked for forgiveness. “we should not have tried to do this on our own, and we both realize this now.”

Neferterri’s eyes softened; seeing the girls so earnestly remorseful was enough to grant the request. “you are both forgiven, shamise, sajira. Now, I want you both to take a look at something.”

The further looks of confusion only inspired grins from Neferterri and me.

She reached over to the nightstand and turned on the television. She switched the output settings, which put a closed-circuit television on the screen.

BOOK: Legacy: Book Two of the Chronicles of the Nubian Underworld
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