Lechomancer (2 page)

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Authors: Eric Stoffer

BOOK: Lechomancer
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She was alone again.  She had one arm out of her t-shirt, and it was tangled around her neck, leaving her round breasts, and smooth stomach exposed to the cover she had kicked off.  Her pajama pants were around one leg.  Her left hand was three fingers deep inside of her, and her warm juices flowed down her leg.

Lisa smiled as she pulled her pants up and put her shirt back on.  She rolled over in her bed, exhausted, avoiding the wet spot.

After she had finished her BA in Library Sciences, Lisa’s sister Erin had taken her out and bought her an entire sexy librarian wardrobe as a graduation gift.  Most of the tight pencil skirts and form fitting shirts seemed too, bold? At least, they always had before, and she had always stayed on the lumpy sweater side of her closet.  This morning, she found a lacy blouse which would show more cleavage than she usually did, and a grey skirt that would show off the curve of her butt, especially with the right heals.  She laid these out as she got into the shower, planning a tight bun instead of a loose ponytail, to fit with the whole image.

In the shower, she found herself shaving herself before she realized it.  While there was no one to see, she felt the need to shave herself down to a little landing strip.  She smiled as she finished, pleased with the results.

She stepped out and started to dry her hair.  Slowly, the steam on the mirror began to recede.  Then she saw it.  There was a bruise on her neck, like a thumb pressing against her.  She shrieked and dropped the hair dryer.  She examined it, trying to remember the real source.

Lisa had just made that all up, hadn’t she?  No one had actually been there with her.  No one was in her room.  No one had actually choked her, had they?  Glancing at the clock radio by her bed, she realized she needed to leave, or she would be late.  She found a red scarf, and tied it around her neck to cover the bruise.  She finished getting ready, deciding to figure out what had happened later.

Chapter 2: The Rite of Devotion


There was something different on Lisa’s second day at the public library.  Her boss, Josh, a thin bald man with a full beard, was much more helpful than he had been when she was interviewing.  Margery, who had been passive aggressive through all of the previous day just gave her some space.  Tammy and Linda, the two other junior librarians hadn’t talked to her, but now they seemed afraid of Lisa, instead of dismissive.

She found she liked it.  Lisa felt like she was the most important person in the building, and everyone else needed to be careful around her.  Usually, she was the one who kept to herself, ensuring she didn’t offend anyone.  Not today.  Most of the patrons of the Library were students from the University a few blocks away, borrowing books not in the school’s collection, and she found herself smiling at the cuter guys, feeling braver and more certain than she ever had before.

Lisa wanted to attribute her newfound confidence to her clothes.  The low cut blouse that made the college boys nervous when she leaned forward, and the grey short that accented her cute little ass.  Every reflection she passed confirmed she was pulling off sexy librarian for the first time in her life.

At her desk, she saw the book, and knew it wasn’t just the clothes.  It had to be the book.  It had given her the strangest … dream.  She told herself it was a dream.  Under the red scarf tied around her neck were bruises which hinted she hadn’t been alone, that someone had pleasured her, and choked her, and left her feeling charged, and alive, scared, and horny.

She sat down, with her hand sliding up to the scarf.  She shook her head.  It had to have been her imagination.

Then she saw the title of the book had changed.  Yesterday, it had been in Latin, Princeps Incubi.  Now it read The Incubi Prince.  Lisa swallowed.  She flipped open to the middle of the book.  The words had changed.  Now they were in English.  The page she was on described a ritual, one which could change a person’s object of obsession. 

Disturbed, Lisa closed the book, stuffed it under a stack of papers, and spent the rest of the afternoon in the stacks, restocking books, avoiding everyone.  But she kept thinking about the book.  She tried to stay focused on work, but she kept wanting to see what else the book could do.  Object of obsession?  That was an odd phrasing.  Was it talking about a love spell?  What kind of book was it really?

By three, she couldn’t take it anymore.  Lisa returned to her desk.  Hers was at the back of the room, beside Josh’s, behind Tammy and Linda and Margery’s.  She pulled the book out from its hiding place, and opened it right to the beginning.  Each chapter had started with a pencil image of a handsome man, teasing and undressing a beautiful woman.

Today, that woman was missing.  In her place was an unmistakable image of Lisa.  She flipped to the start of each chapter, and watched the handsome man tease her, play with her, satisfy her, all with half a smile on his face.  She wanted to close the book again, to hide, but she returned to the first pages, where the drawing showed her, fully dressed, in the exact grey skirt, white blouse, and scarf she was wearing that day.

She started skimming through the first chapters.  The book described that, if she wished to gain his favour, to call his powers for his own ends, she must please Erostopholes, the Incubi Prince.  She must perform the Rite of Devotion, to begin the path.

“Rite of Devotion?” she muttered to herself.  She glanced up, and through the window, she saw the man from the book, the one who had been in the bed last night, standing at the counter, checking out a book from Margery.  Lisa froze, and he smiled the same half smile at her.  He was in a black suit with a red shirt, his dark hair pushed to the left.  He pointed at a gold watch, and then showed her five fingers.

“Five minutes?” Lisa whispered. 

He nodded.  He accepted the book Margery passed him, and left.

Lisa watched the clock on the wall, unable to move.  She was confused, seeing him in real life, not the book, not her dreams.  She watched the seconds slide by, wondering if he was really coming back.  When four minutes had ticked by, she found her foot tapping.  When they hit five, she sighed, disappointed, and opened the book.  She started reading about what this “Rite of Devotion” was to entail.

“The Rite entails surrendering yourself to the will of the Demon,” the book described.  “He will come to you at a time of his choosing, and in secret, He will pleasure you.  To complete the Rite, one must accept His affections and attentions.   Once this has been completed, the Demon shall appear in His true shape, and you must bring Him the pleasures He demands.  This will create the Pact.”

Lisa shook her head a little.  She thought she must have imagined him earlier.  This book was ridiculous.

That was when she felt the breath on the back of her neck.  She turned quickly.  No one was there.  No one could be there.  There was no door in the back of the Librarian’s office.  She was alone, but someone had just exhaled behind her.

Sit down
, echoed a voice in her head.  It was the Master’s voice, the man from the dream last night.  She looked around.  She was alone.  She sat down. 
Forward in the chair
, came the next instruction.  Lisa scooted forward on the black office chair, the fake leather squeaking slightly.

Lisa felt someone sit in the chair behind her.  She didn’t try to look now.  She knew there was nothing to see.  Then she felt strong hands on her upper arms, kneading them.  The breath was back on her neck, but now the voice, low and stern, was audible.  “I’m going to make you cum, right here, in this office chair.”

“Let me lock the door,” Lisa pleaded quietly to the empty room.  It was open to the whole library.  Her colleagues, or any library patron could enter at any moment.  The door wasn’t even closed.  Margery was twenty feet away, on a stool, playing solitaire with her back to Lisa, waiting for someone to come check out a book.

“No,” the Master growled gently in her ear.  “I will make you cum here at this desk, or I will leave you.”

Lisa glanced at the book, at the picture of the man she imagined behind her.  She knew she should tell him no.  Whatever this Rite was, she needed to stop this now.  She was crazy, or she was in trouble.  She moaned a little.  “Please.”

“Please what?” came the answer.

“Please… please make me cum, right here.”

She felt, more than heard, the chuckle.  One arm wrapped around the front of her, grabbing her far shoulder, and pulling her back.  She was leaning against him know, and she could feel him.  Her back was against the strong chest of the Master.  She closed her eyes, and felt his lips along her jaw, kissing her, slowly moving towards her mouth.  His other hand began to slide across her stomach, under the bottom of the blouse.  His lips found hers, with her head pulled back as far as it would go, and he kissed her savagely.  For a second, she wondered how it would look if someone had come in to the office.  Would they see him?  Would they see her awkwardly leaning in her chair, kissing the empty air?

The hand around her stomach grabbed her, and pulled her farther back onto the chair.  .  Her back was arched, and her legs were spread as far as the chair’s arms would allow.  “Show me how you would touch yourself,” the Master ordered.

Lisa’s face burned, but after a moment, she found herself undoing the clasp on her skirt, and sliding one hand down into her panties.  She felt his hand on top of hers, his fingers lined up with hers, following her every move.  Their fingertips traced their way through the small patch of hair, and Lisa began to tickle small circles between her legs.  She started to get lost in the sensation, running her hand and his over the lips of her pussy, feeling the heat building.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered to her.  His free hand slipped up under her blouse, exposing her stomach to the cold air-conditioned room.  While the hand on hers below was gentle, the one groping at her breast was fierce, but certain.  His fingers raced along the sensitive skin underneath, and then he pinched Lisa’s nipple.  She let out a sigh as she felt his fingers all over her.  He ran his fingernails across her stomach, not quite scratching and began to massage her other breast.

Against her back, resting against the curve of her butt, his manhood throbbed.  As she played with herself, he followed her led, but began to apply more pressure with his palm, pulling her against him.

Lisa felt her breath begin to quicken.  The Master nipped at her ear and then whispered, “I want to slip my fingers inside you.”  Lisa nodded against him.  “Lift that perfect little ass,” he ordered.  Lisa did as she was told.  The master stopped following her hand as she caressed her clit.  He pulled her skirt up, and grabbed her panties, pulling them down below her knees.  Lisa sat back down, and lifted one leg, slipping it completely free.  The Masters fingers came from below, and one slipped into her well lubricated hole.  She whimpered with pleasure.

“Are you going to cum, Lisa?” He growled in her ear.  She nodded, and fleet his penis rise a little.  “Are you going to cum for me right here at your desk, Lisa?”  She nodded again, and felt his pleasure.  He slid another finger inside of her.  “Do you promise to cum for me, my perfect little pet?”  She nodded again.

“Lisa, is everything alright?” Josh asked.  Lisa’s eyes shot open.  He was standing at the front of the room, a binder in his hand.  She shot back in her chair with a yelp.  The Master wasn’t there, and she slammed into the back of the chair and the wall.

“Yep!” she said in an uncertain voice.  She was alone, but her blouse was half way up her stomach.  Worse still, her hand was down the waist of her skirt.  She wheeled the chair forward under her desk so Josh wouldn’t be able to see, at least if he hadn’t already.  She could feel the red flush of her face, the sweat coating her.  The skirt had bunched up around her legs even more when she shot back, and now her legs were glued to the chair with perspiration.  Her panties were hanging around one knee.  “Just … feeling a bit warm is all.”

“We have the Tuesday afternoon meeting.  Are you going to be alright?  Do you need to go home?”

“I’ll be fine,” Lisa lied.  Josh had taken a step closer when he asked, and if he came back to their desks, he couldn’t miss the fact that she had just been fingering herself.  Jenny and Linda came in, and sat at their desks in front of her, and Margery waddled in to her own seat.  Thankfully, Josh stood at the very front of the room talking to them all.

The administrative meeting started, and Lisa wished it was over, that everyone would leave, so that she could get dressed and run away.  She wasn’t certain what Josh knew, but if anyone found out, she could never show her face here again.

On the screen of her monitor, a notepad file opened itself.  Words started typing.  The file said “Keep going Lisa.”

Lisa looked around.  Her co-workers were starting some argument about who would get what week off for Christmas.  Her hand was trapped down her skirt.  She looked at the notepad again.  She ran her fingertip just inside the soft edge of her parted lips.  It had never felt so good.  Here was a room full of people, arguing over the most mundane things, and no one knew what she was doing.  The thrill shot through her.

Her fingers dipped into her, in and out, thrusting subtly, careful not to rock too much, to make a sound.  A sublime pleasure washed over her, and she could feel a distant smile on her lips.  She adjusted slightly, allowing her to circle the hood of her clit while gently rocking her fingers into her.  She wanted to shiver and call out, but holding it in, staying as still as possible above the waist made it more delicious.

“Will you keep your promise?” The notepad file typed.  Lisa nodded.

She felt his face brush up against her leg.  She didn’t question how he was under the desk.  She was past such questions now.  His greedy tongue ran up her inner thigh and began darting between her fingers.  It took long laps beneath them, reaching the base of her pussy, and then reaching deep inside her.  As the tongue rushed over her, she moved her fingers out of the way, spread wide to allow him to run it over her, into her, to tease her.  Her breaths started to come shallow, and Josh looked at her.  She nodded at she was fine, just as the Master’s tongue lunged deep into her.  She turned the moan into a cough.

As her coworkers went on, the Master picked up speed.  He painted her labia with his tongue, pressed it in circles around her clit, and pushed it into her, farther than it could have gone.  Every time someone looked at her, to see why she was breathing funny, or sweating, or god knows what they noticed, she felt pleasure wash over her.  She struggled not to cum, but she kept getting closer and closer.

Finally, Josh told some bad office joke to end the meeting, just as the Master lifted her off the chair with his tongue.  Lisa let out a gasp of pleasure and turned it into a laugh.  She laughed as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her, and collapsed forward on her desk.

“It wasn’t that funny,” Tammy said to Linda as they headed out of the office.

“You sure you’re feeling alright?” Josh asked.

“Bit of a fever,” Lisa sighed, not lifting her head from her desk.  “Mind if I head out a few minutes early?”

“No problem.  Look after yourself,” He said, as he headed out of the office, with Margery behind her.

As soon as she was alone, Lisa reached down and pulled her panties back up.  Her skin peeled itself off the fake leather chair.  She did up the skirt but didn’t bother tucking the blouse back in, and walked out the door without talking to anyone else.

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