Learning to Yield (Power Exchange Academy - Submissive Center/Master's School) (7 page)

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Authors: Madelene Martin

Tags: #submission, #slave training, #BBW BDSM, #submissive training, #domination, #bbw erotica, #BDSM

BOOK: Learning to Yield (Power Exchange Academy - Submissive Center/Master's School)
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Ella wrapped her hands around his shaft, and bent to kiss it. She licked the head, and opened her lips, taking the tip of it in.

Master Guyard stroked her hair for a moment, smiling. "Very good," he said. "That will be all. Take your corset, and go and sit back down."

He tucked his engorged organ back away as a flushed and happy Ella all but skipped her way back to the others. She didn't seem to care that she was half-dressed as she knelt to take her place.

Ashley was mildly disappointed. She had enjoyed watching the two of them more than she'd expected.

"What is your assessment of Ella?" Mr. Barrett called out.

Guyard smiled, looking down at the sub as he answered. "She has potential." He said. "I enjoyed her responsiveness. But she needs to practice self-control. I think that might have become even more apparent if we'd continued."

"Very good. Thank you."

Ashley let out a shaky breath. She hoped she didn't have to wait too long until she was called. She was wet between the legs and her nipples were tight, pressing almost painfully against the corset. She didn't know how long she could stand to watch.

Guyard disappeared through the door and someone else came out. Ashley almost did a double take when she realized it was a woman. She was dressed in a simple long black dress, with a deep neckline that showed off marvelous cleavage. Her black hair was pulled back, with some remaining soft curls framing her face.

"Harmony." She called. Impatient as she was, Ashley let out a soft sigh of relief. She'd never been with a woman. What would she do if faced with a female dominant?

From the wide-eyed look on Harmony's face, she might have felt much the same. She got to her feet and walked to the front, moving with graceful ease. She must have been practicing.

Harmony stood before the domme.

"I am Miss A," said she. "You can address me as Miss A, or 'Miss'."

"Y-yes, Miss."

The woman picked up on her hesitation. She smiled - a pleasant smile with a sharp edge. "Do you like what you see?"

"Yes..." She licked her lips, and seeming to remember her advice to speak up, raised her voice a little. "You are very beautiful, Miss A."

"Would you like to submit to my inspection?"

"Yes - I mean, if it pleases you, Miss." In the mirror, the sub's face had turned bright red.

"Stand with your hands behind your neck. That's it. And spread your legs."

The domme went through similar motions to those Guyard had used, unhooking Harmony's corset and exposing her small breasts. Her nipples were small and pink, and already hard.

Miss A touched the girl a lot. She took her time, letting her long red fingernails linger on her skin in a way that caused Harmony to shiver and blush even harder.

She had her sweep her long dirty-blonde hair to the side and bent to place a kiss on her neck. She trailed both hands down over her breasts, felt their weight, pinched the nipples.

"You have never been touched in this way by a woman." It was more a statement than a question.

"I have not, Miss A." Harmony murmured.

"Put your hands back behind your neck now. And keep still." She warned.

The domme moved behind her and unzipped the short zipper on the skirt. It dropped to the ground, leaving Harmony naked except for her garter belt and stockings.

Miss A looked up into the mirror, checking Harmony's reflection. The sub had her eyes downcast. Her lower lip trembled slightly.

"You are a beautiful little toy." Miss A said, delighted. She ran one finger down Harmony's spine. "So innocent, so demure."

"Thank you, Miss." Answered Harmony, looking up for a moment. Her eyes looked moist, as though she were about to cry - but there was something else in her expression. Yearning?

"I want you to bend forward for me now. Pull your legs in a little if you have to - put your hands on your knees. I want this little ass in the air so I can see all of you."

Harmony hesitated, looking in the mirror at everyone watching. For a moment it looked as though she would balk. But finally she shifted, moving her legs and bending at the waist to grip her knees so that she was almost in the punishment position they'd learned the day before.

She was utterly exposed, her ass and her sex on display for the whole room. Ashley could see her pink lips, glistening with wetness.

Miss A took her time, walking around and looking at Harmony's body. She gripped the sub's buttocks, mauling them hard with her hands. She slowly traced the length of her pussy, briefly touching on her clit so that Harmony gave a little jump. Then she dipped a long finger into her folds. Slid it inside her.

"Ah yes, nice and wet. Do you like that, my toy?" Miss A asked.

"Yes, Miss," was the immediate answer.

The domme withdrew; trailed a moist finger up between Harmony's cheeks and over her hip. "Stand up."

The girl stood, drawing her legs together and clasping her hands behind her back.

"What do you want?" Miss A asked, standing close to her, one hand caressing the small of her back as she watched the two of them in the mirror.

Harmony's naked body quivered at her touch. "To please you, Miss." She breathed.

"You want to worship me, girl?"

"Yes... yes, Miss." There was hunger in Harmony's eyes - an expression of naked need.

"Very good." Said Miss A, her red lips curling in a smile. "I wish we had more time. For now, you may kneel and kiss my feet."

Harmony hesitated for a long moment. Then slowly she sank to her knees, turning so that she was facing the domme. She looked up at her for a moment, swallowed hard as though steeling herself.

The domme didn't rush her, and finally Harmony bent forward. Her ass was up in the air, reflected in the mirror as she planted a slow, soft kiss on each of Miss A's boots.

Satisfied, the domme patted her on the head when she rose, and told her to pick up her clothes and sit down.

"Your assessment?" Called Ms. West from the back of the room.

"She's very pretty." Miss A answered. "I would enjoy more expression from her. She must speak up and answer properly when asked a question. But... I was impressed at her response, given that she previously indicated she was turned off at the thought of being with a woman."

She smiled wickedly over at Harmony where she sat, causing the sub to bow her head and blush. "And even though she plainly had trouble kissing my feet, she did it because she wanted to please me."

"Thank you." Ms. West said, scribbling madly in her notebook.

Miss A nodded, and blew a kiss in Harmony's direction as she glided out of the room.

Vanessa was next, called up by an unassuming-looking dom in an expensive suit. By this time, Ashley was in a haze of arousal. She tried to pay attention, but much of what happened slipped by while she imagined what it would be like to be up there with a strange man telling her what to do.

The sub performed with her usual self-confidence, answering quickly with, it seemed to Ashley, all the right things. Her dom, a stern-looking man in a suit, had Vanessa step out of her skirt and stand in only her stockings and corset.

"I prefer my subs to be completely waxed," he said, after taking a good look at her. Her mound was shaved, a small strip of dark pubic hair remaining. "And to have their hair up, leaving ears and neck exposed. Were you mine, I would have you come for inspection completely hairless from the neck down, freshly bathed and scented."

Vanessa nodded. "I'm sorry, Sir, we haven't been instructed -"

"Hush." He said, and she closed her mouth, looking slightly put-out. "I am explaining for the benefit of the room."

He had her run through a few different positions, testing her posture and poise. Vanessa had remembered each position flawlessly, and performed them without a word.

Finally, he had her stand before him, wrists crossed behind her back. When he bent to kiss her, she responded eagerly, hungrily kissing his mouth and pressing herself up against him.

The dom reached up behind her back and wrapped his hand in her long blonde hair, and Vanessa gasped as he jerked her head backwards, breaking her contact with his lips and holding her at bay.

He held her there for a long moment, his gaze locked on hers. She was breathing quickly, her breasts heaving against the confines of her corset. Her lips were parted in a subtle smile.

Still holding her by the hair, he quickly reached between her legs. Roughly he shoved a finger inside her. Still, she did not break composure, did not make a sound. She only breathed harder and squirmed her hips slightly, as though to encourage him to keep going.

But he had learned whatever it was he was trying to determine. The dom told her to sit back down. Vanessa looked slightly disappointed as she picked up her skirt and completely un-selfconsciously made her way to her place on the floor.

"She has obviously been doing this for some time," the dom judged. "Perhaps she is ready for more advanced classes. However, I think her experience has given her too much of a sense of control. I'd relish the opportunity to break her down a little with some discipline."

Ashley sneaked a look at Vanessa, and saw that she had her lips pursed, looking displeased.

Another man walked through the door. He was dressed plainly, in jeans and a black t-shirt which conformed nicely to his lean body. His dark hair was the kind of messy that was carefully cultivated in front of the mirror.

He stopped and looked up, eyes searching the little row of subs sitting on the floor.


Practical Exam

he had been waiting for what seemed like forever, and when she finally heard her name she hadn't been expecting it. Startled, she hesitated for a moment before standing up. Then she cursed herself, reminded herself to move gracefully, and took one final breath.

She smoothed her skirt down and thankfully managed to make it up to the front without wobbling on her heels. Her hands were shaking again and her legs felt weak.

"Hello Ashley. I am Master Phillip. For this session, you can call me Master."

"Hello... Master." She felt a bit silly saying the word. He was not the sort of guy she would have chosen for herself - not at all. But as she looked at him she couldn't deny there was something intriguing and powerful about him, under the casual exterior.

He stared at her for a long moment, openly looking her body up and down as she stood, legs together and hands clasped, waiting for his command. "Are you ready for your inspection?"

"Yes, Sir." Ashley answered immediately. She was restrained, held-in, the corset preventing her from breathing deeply, making her take shallow breaths through her open lips.

She swallowed hard and tried to steel herself. Being forced to watch the other girls with their doms was more of a turn-on than she'd thought. She was beginning to feel almost lightheaded, the anticipation and arousal making her tremble and sway.

She was warm and slippery-wet between the legs; she could feel it when she moved. Just the thought of it made her blush - because she knew Master Phillip - and everyone else in the room - would soon find out.

"First, I want you to undress for me. Let me see what you have to offer."

She hesitated. "Everything... Master?"

"Yes, everything." Perhaps he realized she needed more direction, because he nodded in the direction of her feet. "First, step out of your shoes and take off the stockings.

Well, that she could do. Her feet sighed with relief as she freed them, placing the shoes neatly together side by side and pushing them forward in front of her.

She sensed the dom watching her as she raised he side of her skirt to unhook the stockings.

Her fingers fumbled with the unfamiliar fastenings of the garters, and her face got hotter and hotter as she struggled with making sure her skirt covered everything it was supposed to cover. She was being stupid, she knew. He'd see it all soon enough. But she intended to hold onto her dignity for as long as she could.

As she rolled the first stocking down her leg, he stopped her.

"No - do it slowly. I want to watch the way you move."

She nodded and bent back to her task, slowing her shaking hands and concentrating on moving sensually. It was easier when he told her exactly what to do - narrowing her focus to the exact task. Easier when she concentrated on his pleasure.

She stood up straight when she was done. Her bare legs felt strange after wearing stockings, and the air was cool on her skin, but when she shivered it wasn't only due to the temperature.

Ashley had enjoyed her sole experience with exhibitionism - but that was a hurried, secret encounter in a crowd of people. If anyone had noticed, she wasn't aware of it at the time. But this was different. Now every eye in the room was directed at her. It was... intense.

"The corset." Master Phillip said.

That presented a problem. Ashley wasn't sure if she could unfasten it by herself. She decided to at least try before asking for help. She awkwardly reached behind herself and felt for the hooks.

Once she'd gotten the first one undone it was easier than expected, and the corset came open. She clutched it against her chest for a moment, sneaking a glance at Master Phillip. A little thrill ran up her spine when she saw the dom looking at her with hungry eyes.

But he caught her looking at him. "Eyes down." He said sternly. "Go on. Take it off."

She let the corset fall away and tossed it to the floor, where it landed on top of her shoes. Unthinking, she brought her arms up to shield her breasts from view.

Master Phillip stepped forward, and took hold of her wrists. He pulled them away from her, and she took the hint and lowered her hands. Her breasts felt heavy and sensitive now that they were out of the confines of the corset.

"Don't hide yourself." He said. "I want to look at you." He must have known what she was thinking, because he added, "we all want to look at you."

He didn't move away, but brought a hand up and caressed the side of her face. He let it fall, stroking her collarbone for a moment, then over one breast.

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