Learning to Fly (8 page)

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Authors: Misha Elliott

BOOK: Learning to Fly
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“I can’t wait to pull an all-nighter.” Monte says.

“Yeah, we’ve been practicing our moves.” The twins get up, do a few off- beat dance steps, and end with a double pelvic thrust.

“Monte, I’ve been wondering if you could explain to me what a left tackle does.”  Kass says

“As an offensive linemen, it’s my job to block and use my muscle to keep the heat off our man here so he can score.” Mike answers for him and fist bumps his brother. 

“Babe, you know all about football, why would you ask them that?” 

“I just wanted to make sure he understood, because he sure hasn’t done his job the last two games.” Kass is referring to the 0 and 2 record that the Jaguars currently have. 

“I don’t need this from her; I’m outta here.”  Monte gets up and leaves with Mike right behind him. 

“Dude, don’t be so sensitive.” Jake says and Mike pops him on the back of the head as he goes by.

“Don’t mind them.” Alex says. “They have had this insane battle going on since grade school and no one knows why.”  He says and looks over at Kass. 

“I think this is a perfect time for my new bestie and I to leave you guys to it.  I take Kass’s arm and we head down the hall. 

“Tell me, Sophie, what do you think of Jonestown high so far?” She asks.

“Everyone seems nice, I don’t know a lot of people, and I’m still learning my way around.  The only other girl I’ve talked to is MJ,” I reply.

“It’s tough being the new fish in the pond.  Monday, come and sit with me and my girls at lunch.” Sensing my hesitation, she adds, “And I won’t take no for an answer, either,” she says with a mock glare.

“Ok,” I reply. 

“The guys have the early home game this afternoon; the party starts an hour after that.  You should stay over after the party.”  I don’t know about accepting the overnight invitation. 

I drive myself crazy the rest of the afternoon, trying to decide what to do.  I have never gone to a party like this before.  I’m not naïve, I know there will be underage drinking and several kids will be hooking up.  I don’t do either of these and wonder how Alex will respond. What will he expect?




Chapter Nine


When game time starts, I am unable to think about anything and just watch the action on the field.
Thank God, Kass sits beside me because I have no clue what I am watching on the field in front of me.

“So, which one sacks the quarterback?” I have picked up a little of the football jargon from listening to Alex and the guys.  It’s a shame I don’t know what any of it means.

“Any position is able to sack the QB,” she explains. You are ridiculous; you know that, right? Do they not have football where you are from?”

“Sure they do, I’ve just never been a fan.”

“Too funny, and you end up dating the QB.”

I sit and wring my hands on my lap.  Every time someone chases after my guy, I cringe and hide my eyes.

“Uh, come on guys; we’re being vastly outplayed on our own field.  C’mon Jaguars!”  Kass stands up and begins to coach from the bleachers. 

“Ugh. That was a nasty turnover!  If we lose this game, I’m going to kick Monte and Mike’s asses.”  I watch in awe as a Jaguar catches a pass that was intended for the other team. 

“Oh, God! We just intercepted.”  The player takes it and runs all the way back to the other end of the field for a touchdown. After the successful completion of the field goal, the Jaguars beat Compton 23 to 17. 

“Your boy, Alex, is one hell of a quarterback. I’m so proud of him.” Kass shouts. 

The crowd is wild.  Kass and I scream, jump up and down, and hug each other.  We can’t wait to get on the field.

When we get down the steps, Kass runs and jumps into Jake’s arms. I look around for Alex.  I turn my head in the direction of some angry man yelling.  The man’s back is to me, and as I step closer, I see Alex is the object of his anger.

“The defense should never have allowed that to happen, period!  If we keep choking like this, we will never be able to come back.  The season will basically be over for you,” Alex’s dad berates.  I move back to give them some space, and wish I hadn’t. His father continues to rant for what seems like hours but is really just minutes.  Alex looks like such a small child, his helmet is in his hand, his head hanging low.  I want to do something to stop this torment.  I want to run and wrap my arms around him and erase this moment for him.  More people are stopping to watch the display between the two of them.

Finally, Kass steps in. “Alex, I’m going to give Sophie a ride home and we’ll catch up with you later, OK?”
She stands there for a minute, keeping her eyes on Alex.

His father looks around and takes a moment to compose himself.
“We’ll finish this discussion later at home.”  I think everyone breathes a sigh of relief when he walks away.

Alex walks towards me, his eyes low.  He looks so defeated. I don’t get it; we won the game.  What reason could his father have to be so upset?

“I have to stay with the team until Coach lets us go.  You go ahead and get ready and I’ll swing by to get you.” 

“You did great today!”  I pat him on the butt before I head out with Kass. 


“Sophie, I’m getting Chinese for dinner; what do you want?” Angie calls from the hallway. 

I walk out of my bathroom so she can hear me. “Nothing for me, thanks, Alex is going to pick me up soon.” I say and turn back to finish working on my hair and makeup.

“Sophie, I’m concerned about how much time you and Alex are spending together.  I know dating is new and exciting, and you like this boy, but it’s like you’re consumed with him. If it wasn’t for teaching you to drive we would never see you around the house. In the moments that you are here, you and Alex are on the phone.  I’m glad we have the unlimited plan but 3,500 texts and 290 minutes in calls is a bit excessive.” I look up at her, shocked.

“You guys check my phone usage? Did you forget my best friend is hundreds of miles away?  I like to keep in touch with her.” 

“Sophie, don’t get defensive.  Those are the totals for Alex’s number.  I know you like him.  I just want you think about slowing things down you just met.”

“I don’t just like him; I’m falling in love with him.” I say to her.

“Even so, it’s not healthy for you to spend every moment together.  You are still two different people.  I just don’t want to see you get off track. I saw you progress report and see you have dropped to B’s in several classes.”  I watch her walk away and hate my mother for trying to ruin this for me.  Alex is the first good thing I have had in my life and I am not ready to let it go.

I walk out into the living room and see the two of them cuddled on the couch with a movie playing. 

“Well, then you will be happy to know that, after the party tonight, I’m going to be spending the night at Kass’s house; a bunch of the girls are staying over.” 

“I don’t know if I believe you, Sophie.”  Angie says. 

“I’m the one who has always set my own rules and been responsible.  You have no reason not to trust me.  I plan on studying tomorrow.” I say and walk out of the room, out of the house, and jump into Alex’s car.

“Hey,” I say and smile at Alex.

“Hey,” Alex says, without even looking at me.

“What’s going on, babe?” I ask.

“When I fell the other day, I thought it was just a little sprain, but I’ve been having trouble with it and the big game is coming up in two weeks.  Even wrapped up it killed me to play on it today.” 

“Have you thought about getting a doctor to look at it?”

“I can’t; my dad won’t have it. He says we can’t really let anyone know. Maybe I’ll get the trainer to look at it before next practice.”

“What was up with your dad after the game?” 

“He’s always like that.  I know he is tough on me because he wants me to be the best; just once I’d like him to tell me I did well.”

I feel a slight apprehension when I walk inside Alex’s house.  I don’t want to run into his dad again.  I’m not exactly on his favorites list.  No one is home; not even his little brothers are around to interrupt Alex and thwart his desire to be more physical.  It isn’t that I don’t have those feelings for him; I’m just not ready to face all the added internal conflict of submitting to them.

“I won’t be long, babe, I just need to get cleaned up for tonight. Come here,” he says. However, there is no way I intend to let him touch me. 

“Not gonna happen, Mr. Stinky,” I say and back up, trying to avoid being caught.

  “But I thought you said you loved the way I smell.”  He smirks and takes another step forward. 

“That is when you are cleaned up and being charming.  Now, you’re just stinky and sweaty and I don’t want you to get any of your grime on me.” I cross my arms in protest and pull away from him.

“We’ll just see about that.” He grabs me under my chin, pulling my lips up to his. 

“No, Alex, no kissing until you’re clean.  I’m nervous enough about this party; I don’t need you making me stink like you do. Go,” I point to the bathroom door and swat him on the butt when he passes by. 

“What do you have to be nervous about?” He shouts at me through the door. 

“Where is it that we are going again?”  I shout so Alex can hear me over the running water.  “Kass’s house is about 20 minutes from here, close to the edge of town.

I walk around his room as I wait patiently for him to finish getting ready for the party.

I look around at all the football trophies and pictures of athletes on his wall.  “Your room is pretty cool.” I pick up one of the pictures of him on one knee in his football uniform.  The helmet he’s holding looks so big in his small hands.  Wow, Pee Wee football. And there is Alex in 2nd grade. He really has been playing football his whole life. I take my finger and run it over the dimple in the picture.  He was such a cute little kid and he has grown into a handsome man. 

“You like the smaller version of me?” He comes back from his shower with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair damp. 

“Who wouldn’t love a little Alex; you were so cute.”  I try to look at his eyes, but my gaze is drawn to his towel.

“There’s nobody here, it’s just us. My family is out for dinner and a movie after the game.” He takes the picture from me and sets it down.  He then removes this towel and fills my empty hands with him.  I am in total shock at this moment and I know I am not prepared for this.  At first, I’m too nervous to let my eyes look at my hands, I keep my gaze level with Alex’s.

“So, what do you think of King George?”  I start to giggle, this is the first time I’ve seen or touched a guy like this, and he has a name for it.  I wonder if that’s normal.

“I want you to touch me Sophie,” he whispers.

“You’ll have to show me.” I look down at him.

  “Like this.” Alex wraps our hands around the soft skin his penis. He slowly slides my hand up and down him. This isn’t as scary as I thought it would be.  It’s growing harder in my hand.  Alex lets go of my hand.  I am excited and start gripping him harder with my strokes.

“Loosen your grip a little. I’ll get too sore if you keep doing it that way.” Alex says. He repositions my hand and closes it around him.  I take my cue from him and resume stroking him.

“Just like that, but faster now.” My hand moves faster along his length.  Alex is panting and moving his hips in rhythm with me. 

“Keep going Sophie, don’t stop.”  I feel so aroused and keep up my momentum. I am not that naïve and know what happens next.  When Alex begins to climax, he holds the towel underneath him.  I continue rubbing until he tells me to stop.  He cleans himself off and looks back at me. 

“So does Lady Sophia want a turn?”  I am on the edge of saying yes.  Alex pulls me in his arms and starts kissing me when the phone rings.  I choose to ignore it and close my eyes and continue kissing him.  His skin is warm and smells like a mix of man and vanilla.  The phone rings again and after four rings they hang up and it starts again.  He moves me over to the bed and slides down the thin strap on my shoulder.  When the phone rings again Alex loses his patience.

“Perhaps you should answer that, what if it’s your folks.” I am literally saved by the bell. I go and get it out of my purse to see who the missed calls are from when it starts ringing again, I answer the phone and find Kass on the other end. 

“Hey, where are you guys?  You still coming over?”

“Yeah, Alex is getting changed.  We should be there in about 20 minutes.”  That gives us just enough time to leave and get there. 

“You know, if you’re too tired to go, we can stay here and hang out.”  Alex says and winks at me. 

“No, I’m looking forward to the party.” I say and I hope he can’t tell that I’m lying.  I can’t believe how doing that to him makes me feel.  For the first time, I know how it feels to be aroused and if we stay here; it won’t be my head calling the shots, it will be my heart. I pick my purse up and lean against his bedroom door.

“Come on, we’re already late; go get dressed.” Satisfied with my response, Alex goes into his closet to get dressed. 

“You ready?” He comes out of the closet looking amazing, and buttoning the last few buttons on his shirt. 

“Yeah, let’s go to this party.” I say, with a sigh.
We get in Alex’s car and 25 minutes later, we arrive at Kass’s house for the party.


With the knowledge that Kass’s party is to be nothing less than the party of the year, I feel out of place and know I should have tried to make up excuses as to why I couldn’t go.  Deep down, I want to fit in so badly.  I want to be a part of the world of the popular kids and have normal teenage experiences even if it is only for one year.

We can barely make it in the doorway, the house is packed with people dancing, laughing, and drinking. “Hey man! So glad you could make it.” Jake says and hands Alex a blue plastic cup full of beer.  “Can I get you one, Sophie?” Jake asks and I turn up my nose. 

“No, thanks,” I shake my head.  We make our way into the party and mingle with our classmates and friends.

“Haay, ffellas,” Monte says, coming up to us later in the evening. He is slurring his words and it’s obvious he has already had too much to drink.  “Sssophie, so glad you’re with my buddy, Alex,”
“I love you man.” he gestures in Alex’s direction with his cup, spilling a good bit of it all over my dress. 

“Ooh noooo, I’m sso sorrrry.” 

“Well, if it isn’t the fumbler, I got this.”  Kass appears and takes me upstairs to clean up. “I know I have a dress that would look great on you.”

“Thanks,” I say and follow her to her bedroom.  Her house reminds me of one of those you see in the movies.  Between the spiral staircase and the large white columns, I am in complete awe.

Kass and I get to the hallway and I’m dying to ask. “Why do you like to irritate them so much?” 

“Because my last name is Aldo and one of those idiots thought it would be funny to get everyone to start calling me Alpo, like the dog food.”  I feel so bad for Kass.  “I wasn’t always the tough chick you see before you now,” she says gesturing to herself. “They made me cry every day for weeks, and what made it worse, was that I had to go back to school.  I was being raised by a single mom who worked during the day, so I had no choice; I had to go back.”  She opens the closet in the hallway and hands me a towel. 

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