Read Learning to Drive... Him Crazy Online

Authors: Misty Malone

Tags: #spanking, #domestic discipline, #otk, #misty malone, #over the knee, #alpha male, #spanking romance, #dominant alpha male, #head of household

Learning to Drive... Him Crazy (29 page)

BOOK: Learning to Drive... Him Crazy
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"I love you, too, John," she answered, also
happy to rest against him.

When they were finally on their way home,
John asked, "Do you mind if I stop at Cal's a minute on the way
home? He says he's got something he wants to show me."

"That's fine."

They pulled into Cal's driveway five minutes
later and John opened her car door for her. They walked in the
house and heard a SURPRISE! Kelli and Cal were smiling at them,
along with Alana's boss, Marilyn and her husband. Agents Brad
Barstow and Sheila Livingston and Ryan Reed were there, as well.
Even Lieutenant Berry was there. Everyone was congratulating

Alana looked at John and said, "I can't
believe you didn't even let on. I had no idea."

"Neither did I," John admitted. "I had
nothing to do with this."

Brad said, "Cal called us and told us he and
Kelli were planning this little surprise and asked if we'd like to
help celebrate the special occasion. Of course we did."

Ryan added, "And that was before we even
knew there'd be cake!"

They were all laughing as Cal said, "I have
the grill going out back and the hamburgers and hot dogs are about
done. I got some potato chips and other snacks. Kelli made potato
salad and baked beans, and we have the cake and ice cream. It's not
gourmet food from a five star restaurant, but we figured it would
be sufficient for us to celebrate this momentous occasion."

Alana agreed. "Absolutely, and the fact
we're free now so I could finally take this test again!"

Brad looked indignant as he asked, "Are you
saying you didn't enjoy your time with us?"

"I told John a couple days ago, I can't
really say I wish this whole thing never would have happened,
because then we wouldn't have met you guys. But just the same, I
wouldn't want to do it again. One good thing, though, I haven't
seemed to want to go shoe shopping much any more. Go figure!"

Everyone laughed again as they started to
fill their plates. The evening was wonderful. Alana getting her
license gave them all the excuse they needed to get together again
under better, happier circumstances with a more relaxed

Marilyn waited around after the party until
everyone else had left. She told Alana, "I'm really glad you got
your license, Alana. I've been wanting to retire for some time now,
but I've been waiting for you to get your license."

Alana listened patiently while Marilyn went
on. "You've basically been running this business the last couple
years, so it's only fitting that you take it over. Now that you
have your license you can do that."

"You want me to take it over?" Alana asked,
a bit stunned.

"Yes, I do. Customers already know you, and
now that you have your license I'm sure you'll do well. Please tell
me you'll do it so I can retire and my husband and I can

"Thank you for your confidence in me," Alana
said appreciatively, "but I don't have the money right now to buy
it from you."

"I never said I wanted to sell it, Alana.
There's really not much to sell. As you know, I rent the space. The
chairs and tents and such are the only things the company actually
owns, and I want you to have them."

"Marilyn, there's also all the linens and
serving pieces and chocolate fountains, and all kinds of things
like that. All that stuff costs a lot of money!"

"But they don't bring that much when you
sell them used." She took Alana's hands in hers and said, "If it
wouldn't have been for you, I wouldn't have been in business the
last few years. You did most of the work. About all I did was the
driving. I don't have any kids to leave my business to, and my
husband and I really do want to travel. I'd feel better knowing the
business is still operating, though, so please say you'll take it

Alana looked over at John, who was smiling,
and nodded. She had tears in her eyes as she told Marilyn, "If
you're sure, I would be honored to take it over. Thank you,
Marilyn. Not just for giving me your business, but for your
patience over the last three years and teaching me everything I
know about being an event planner."

"You're welcome, Alana. Thank you for being
my right hand woman all that time."

* * * * *

Alana settled into her new occupation, and
driving, well. She worried over her first few jobs, but John was
there to encourage her. On one occasion she was so worried about
forgetting something that John was getting concerned. She became
fixated with going over everything time and time again to be sure
she didn't forget any detail. It got to the point where she was
becoming careless with every day things because she wasn't paying
attention to what she was doing. He talked to her about it twice,
telling her he was becoming quite concerned. He put an end to it
when she stopped at his house on her way home from work the very
next evening.

He saw her pull into his drive and went out
to meet her. "Hi, honey. I was planning to come over to your place
later this evening."

"I know, and that's fine. I just wanted to
show you something I got in the mail today. I don't understand it
and was hoping you could explain it to me."

"I'll try. Where is it?"

"It's right here." She reached over to the
passenger's seat, but stopped. She looked down on the floor in
front of the passenger's seat, but there was nothing there. "Well,
damn, where is it?"

She was leaning over into the car on the
passenger's side. He did a quick look around before giving her a
hearty smack on her upturned bottom. "Watch your language,

"Ow!" She stood up and whirled around to
face him, ready to argue. "What was that for?"

"Alana, you've got to get yourself calmed
down. You're worrying way too much about this job you're working
on. You know better than to use that language, and you're getting
careless about too many things. If you can't let go of the stress
that's got you so wound up, I'll be helping you. One way or
another, you've got to calm down."

Knowing he was right, she said, "Sorry. I'll
try harder."

"Okay. Now, what do you want to show

"It's in my purse, but I can't find it."

His eyebrow rose. "You can't find it? Where
do you suppose it could be?"

"I don't know. Maybe I left it at work. No,
wait a minute. I didn't see it when I went through the fast food
window today, either, so I grabbed the extra ten-dollar bill I keep
in the glove box. I may have left it at home this morning."

He put his arm around her waist as they
headed toward the house. As they were walking in he asked, "So you
think you left your purse at home this morning?"

"I'm thinking I must have," she answered
slowly. She realized John was not at all happy.

He held the door for her and they went into
his house. As they were going to the living room he asked, "So you
drove all over the place this morning, delivering linens and
supervising the men setting up the chairs in two different
locations, and you didn't have your driver's license or proof of

She had been looking down before he asked
that, and never looked up or answered. John assumed the fact she
didn't answer was enough of an answer, and steered her to the
couch, where he sat down and stood her in front of him. He heard
her sniffle, and knew she was aware of what was going to

He let her stand there several moments
without saying anything, allowing her to think. Finally he asked,
"Alana, what's about to happen?"

She sniffled again as she said, "You're
going to spank me."

"That's right, Sweetheart, I am. What are
you getting spanked for?"

"Because once again, you're right. I've been
so worried about my first big job that I'm not paying enough
attention to everything else. Today I left my purse at home, I
hope, and then I drove all day without my license."

"Then let's get this taken care of." He
pulled her down over his lap and flipped her skirt up over her
back. She had the cutest little red panties on. He had to pause a
moment, glad she was facedown and wouldn't see the smile on his
face. They weren't exactly a thong, but awfully close to it. They
sure didn't cover up much.

Shaking his head to bring his focus back to
the task at hand, he said, "Okay, honey, I know you've been worried
about this job, but let's talk about some of the carelessness I've
seen lately." He started the spanking, and it was quite apparent
she felt his hand on her bare buttocks.

He talked about some of the things she'd
done in the past few days that were careless. He talked about how
some of those things were potentially dangerous, and pointed out to
her what could happen. She was crying, and although he was sure her
bottom was getting pretty sore, he didn't think the tears were all
from the pain. He could tell she hadn't realized the possible
danger some of the carelessness caused.

"Owww! John, I'm sorry."

"Honey, when you get this upset, worried
about a job, come and talk to me. I'm here for you. I'll help you
any way I can. You probably have everything already taken care of,
because you're good at what you do. You just have nervous jitters
because it's your first job. Just talking to someone will probably
help immensely, though, so let me help. I want you to lean on me,

Alana was crying harder now, sobbing. He
knew his words had gotten through to her, so he stopped the
spanking and gently helped her up to sit on his lap. While she was
cuddled up against him, her head lying contentedly on his shoulder,
she said, "Thank you, John."

"For spanking you?"

"For calming me down. I hate to admit it,
but that does calm me down when I get nervous and upset."

"I know it does, honey. I'm glad you've seen
that and will admit it. I'm proud of you." He leaned down and
kissed the top of her head.

"You're proud of me for getting so wound up
and out of control that I need to be spanked?"

"No, brat," he said with a kiss to the tip
of her nose. "I'm proud of you for realizing when you get that
wound up a spanking helps calm you down."

"Oh," she murmured. "I'm not proud of
getting so wound up, but it really does help calm me down. It's
kind of weird, but it works every time."

"I think it works because you trust me to
guide you when you need a little help," he said. "If you didn't
know in your heart that I'm doing it to help you, it wouldn't."

She thought a minute before saying, "That
makes sense. I do trust you, you know, and I know when you spank me
it's for my own good. It's hard to remember that at the time," she
said with a chuckle, "but afterwards I know it. And then it makes
me feel special, cherished. That's a good feeling. The only bad
part of it is I always seem to have a sore butt when I'm feeling so
good after a spanking."

John chuckled at his little minx. He got
serious, though, and said, "You've not only accepted my
old-fashioned values and ideas, but you're thriving with them,
honey. You have your own business that's going real well, you have
a license and a car, and it seems to me you're smiling just a
little bit more every day."

She snuggled up to him as she said, "I feel
like I'm smiling more every day, too. And it's because of you."

"What's because of me?"

"Everything. I've never been happier. Thank
you. I wish I could do something to pay you back."

John's eyes lit up. "Actually, honey, you've
made me very happy, as well. But there is one thing you could do to
make me happier than I ever thought I would be."

"What's that?"

John looked down and gently tilted her face
up so he could look into her eyes. "Alana, I love you with all my
heart. Would you please do me the honor of becoming my wife? I
would like very much to spend the rest of my life loving you,
protecting you, keeping you safe, and making sure you're as happy
as possible. That would make me happier than I ever dreamed I could

Alana had tears in her eyes as she said,
"You're serious? You'd like that?"

"More than anything else," he assured

Tears still threatened as she whispered,
"I'd love it, too."

"So is that a yes?"

"Yes! Yes, John, I'll marry you."

He hugged her to him as she wrapped her arms
around him. After a deep, sensuous kiss he reached into his shirt
pocket and pulled out a ring box. "I almost forgot about the ring."
He opened the box and she looked at the most beautiful ring she'd
ever seen. In her opinion everyone today seemed to want a big rock
sitting on a shiny band. Not her. She much preferred the older
style ring that was more artistic and a smaller stone with a nice

"Honey, this was my grandmother's ring and
she and my grandfather were one of the happiest couples I've ever
seen. I would love to have you wear her ring. If you prefer a
newer, more modern ring we can get one of those, as well, but it
would mean a lot to me if you would wear her ring on one of your

"John, this ring is beautiful. It's much
nicer than a new one, and this one has such history. It means a lot
to me that you trust me with her ring."

"Honey, you trust me with so very much, and
that's a big responsibility that I take very seriously. You trust
me to protect you and our relationship and to keep you safe and
happy. And I intend to do just that for the rest of our lives."

She cuddled up against him, more content and
happier than she'd ever been.


Misty Malone

Misty has
dreamed of writing romance novels where handsome men are willing to
take the young ladies they love in hand. She's following that dream
now. She and her husband and their son live in the Midwest.




Don’t miss these exciting titles by Misty
Malone and Blushing Books!
BOOK: Learning to Drive... Him Crazy
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