Learning the Ropes (7 page)

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Authors: C. P. Mandara

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Learning the Ropes
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'Should we let Dusty have a little suck?' the elderly lady said.

The crowd sniggered. Jenny could tell by the volume of the gathering that more people had come to watch her predicament. Her cheeks flooded the deepest crimson and then, all thought fled as Dusty began to do as his owner had bid. His warm, velvety tongue began to thrust inside her, transferring yet more of the tea-tree oil mixture. Jenny's body began to leak the telltale evidence of her arousal in response. He lapped it up neatly, before it could slip down her legs. His tongue danced on her pussy, teasing each little fold into fullness. When his tongue found her clit and started to lap her up like a chocolate-fudge ice-cream sundae, it was nearly her undoing. She wanted to arch her neck as pleasure began to spiral through her, wanted to push her backside out and grind it into his face, wanted to scream at him to press his tongue into her a little bit harder and all she could actually manage was a mewl of frustration.

'That's enough, Dusty,' said his owner. Obediently Dusty stopped and shuffled backwards, away from the straining pony girl in front of him.

Jenny released a strangled sob of frustration and still her hips beat a lascivious path from left to right. Trying to still them with every ounce of willpower she possessed, she might as well have tried to discover the secret of time travel. It was impossible. She screamed.

The laughter intensified around her and vulgar comments were bandied back and forth.

'Who's going to stick their tongue into her next?'

'I'd love to get my hands on that mouth and plug it good and proper.'

'Nah, I'd bounce those tits up and down and take her ass.'

Jenny tried her hardest to ignore them, but it was rather difficult when naked, blindfolded, the centre of attention and unsure what the hell was going to happen next.

'Legend, why don't you have a go? But you're not to let her orgasm. I'll have your balls if you disobey me.' It was the man with the deliciously deep and virile voice again.

Another face pressed against Jenny's bottom. He nipped her cheeks playfully and she let out a loud squawk, much to the continued amusement of the crowd. He then proceeded to do his 'thing', and it wasn't long before Jenny decided Legend had been aptly named. He was a God with that tongue of his. He suckled and pushed, pulled and slurped and it wasn't long before she was bouncing up and down and frothing at the mouth, and reaching the knife-edge of climax once more she was shamefully devastated when he stopped and pulled away. How could he have timed that so perfectly? No. No! She couldn't take much more of this. Releasing another pent-up sob of frustration she stomped her knees in the dirt. Raucous laughter followed that action and her cheeks blushed cherry-red, again.

'Your turn, Mac.'

And so the torment went on. Jenny lost count somewhere after five. Her body was a seething mass of over stimulated nerve-endings and volcanic lava. It flowed and ebbed through every pore of her body and she was fighting exhaustion from having her body expertly strung out and kept continuously on the brink of release. The suffering was such that she was positive she wouldn't have felt any worse had someone shot ten thousand volts into her. Finally her head slumped forward into the stocks and her back collapsed, arcing painfully downwards.

'That's enough, folks. Time's up.'

Jenny registered the voice, somewhere in the back of her head, as Mark's. It brought her little comfort. He removed her blindfold and watched her eyes as they tried to focus in the blinding light of day.

'Quite a show, little filly.' He swatted her backside and smiled as she surged forward, trying to escape the contact.

So where were the red carpets and her Oscar? Oh to be given the use of her voice once more. She had a few invectives that needed airing.

'Tired and sore?'

A feeble nod.

'I have something that will help you feel a little more refreshed.'

Jenny didn't like the lift of his lips which accompanied the comment. This was not going to be good. He moved behind her and she was unable to turn her head to see what he was up to. The next thing she knew the heavens had opened and she was being liberally soaked in ice-cold water. The irony was not lost on her. She had asked for it, had she not? Now, straining under the deluge of frigid water, she shivered uncontrollably and gasped as the hose hit her head, plastering her hair around her face in drowned rat fashion. While the pressure of the hose was unbearable the cold water was welcome. It soothed the itch that was impossible to scratch. It dampened her ardour. It finally stopped her hips from doing their revolving door routine and the enervating blanket that had begun to shroud her body was immediately lifted.

As usual, Spartacus didn't know when enough was enough. The water kept flowing, soaking every inch of her skin and her shivering increased. What was he up to now? She soon had an answer. The hose was making its way down her back, slowly charting a path around her ass cheeks, before flowing directly at her pussy, which is when he turned the pressure up. The full force of the hose smacked into her clit, which was when she realised the water had done nothing to lessen her desire. She oh-so-nearly came, but clever bastard that he was, he'd already turned the hose off. The water began to ebb, before reducing to a slow trickle and dashing all hopes of relief.

Mark screwed the brass tap tightly closed and then released her, using his large hands to keep her steady while she regained her balance. He could sense her displeasure at not being allowed to climax, such were the waves of fury that flowed from her sodden stance on all fours. He simply ignored them.

'You'll have to dry yourself off. Most ponies just shake themselves silly, but you can do whatever takes your fancy. Then I'll massage some oil into you.'

Jenny bared her teeth at him and growled.

'Relax,' he grinned, holding his hands up, 'it's just unscented oil and it will soothe away all the remaining irritations the hose may not have been able to reach.'

Well, he had a point there, she thought. Gritting her teeth in distaste, but knowing there would be no other option, she shook herself. Bizarrely, it felt good. The spray from her hair was cooling and invigorating.

When his fingers got to work with the oil she groaned. It was warm. Warm, silky oil was being rubbed and smoothed into her skin by his capable fingers. His touch light and soothing, he began to work all the astringent out of her flesh. When his fingers slipped inside her pussy, three of them at once, she gasped. In and out they waded, slowly coating the comforting oil inside her. He increased the tension in her body and raised it up another notch. Then her plug was gently being pulled from her backside and he applied generous amounts of oil to the black plastic oval. Pumping it gradually back and forth, he worked every last tingle from her body and proceeded to create a few new ones. How many times could she become aroused in one day? This was madness, and yet, when his fingers left her, she was in the same state of heightened arousal that had barely left her body the whole time she had been here. How many hours had she spent in this innervated state? Was it always like this for the ponies here? They would be driven insane within a few days, surely? This kind of sexual tension couldn't be maintained.

Fastening her collar in place once more, he checked all the joints and buckles on her harness and yanked it once, to make sure it was tightly in place. He was satisfied with her responding intake of breath.

'Right, I have some good news and bad news. Which do you want first?'

Jenny glared at him in response.

'Bad news, huh?' With twinkling eyes he said, 'The bad news is that you've only got a few hours in my scintillating presence. The good news, however, is that we'll be doing anal training and I have
of fun in store for you, my lucky pony.'

Jenny figured that if she swapped the good news and bad news around, he'd hit the nail squarely on the head. Where were her rescue helicopter, fire engine, ambulance and police car escort out of this godforsaken place? She was beginning to suspect she'd need the help of each and every emergency service available in order to get out of this predicament.

'Is that a disappointed expression? Don't worry; you've got another session with the villagers later. They'll be preparing you for your new life as a pony. A bit of scrubbing, bit of cleaning, bit of trimming and some preening. You girls like that kind of thing. He tugged her pubic hair tightly. You're going to look so cute when this has gone,' he winked at her.

Jenny gave him the 'look' and then smiled sweetly, flexing her fingernails in response. Little did she know she'd be losing those shortly, too.

He swatted her bottom again and grinned as she blanched. 'Before we do anything else, I suppose we'd better put some air in your little plug. You're going to need all the help you can get if we're going to get a tail in that ass tomorrow.' Moving around to her rear, he fondled her pink cheeks before pulling a little oval pump out of his pocket. Slotting a tube on the valve of her butt plug, he compressed it four times before he was happy with the rigid set of Jenny's body. It would be enough for now. He slapped her ass firmly. 'That will give you something to think about on your crawl back to the training room, little filly.'

When his hands tugged at her leash her eyes met his, and the magnificent black hatred reflected back in them proved that his was a job well done.


More Pony Tales


We trust you're enjoying Jenny's induction into the world of pony play, and if you've not yet read Book One - The Riding School, and Book Three - Hot to Trot, they're both available to download from Amazon now...



Hot to Trot


Jenny remained where she had been told and eyed the dildos in the room with trepidation. She then made a point of staring at the floor and not looking in the direction of Mr Big. The man wasn’t a monster, surely? Looking at the various sizes of toys on display, she felt her breath catch. Would they really fit... there? Her buttocks clenched tightly in panic and she was immediately reminded of her predicament. Was this going to hurt? Adrenaline was already beginning to flow through her veins at the anticipation of what might come next, and the silence in the room was unnerving...


The viciously attractive Mark, with the unfaltering smile, has a day of endurance planned for Jenny that the devil himself would find challenging. His artful temperature play has her screaming, his anal dilators have her howling and a ride in the sybian's saddle leaves her virtually unconscious, but the day is far from over. A group of ladies, with wandering fingers, are given the task of transforming Jenny into a sweet, submissive little pony who will be left looking 'hot to trot' in no time at all.


After an exhausting day of training, Jenny has only escape or rescue on her mind. Alas, escape is rather difficult when you're naked, dressed in thigh high pony boots and have your hands immobilised in leather mittens which are clipped behind your back. Besides, escape isn't all that important - not when you're desperate for your next orgasm, it isn't.


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