Leap of Faith (La Flor #1) (11 page)

BOOK: Leap of Faith (La Flor #1)
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As for me, I don’t know where this is leading but it feels wonderfully. Being here with him, feeling every bit of his body against mine feels so good. It’s amazing; calming yet exciting, and feels so right. Everything else disappears and it’s just the two of us. If only life could be so simple without worries of whether I’m doing the right thing or not. I push that thought out of my mind and go back to just the two of us.

“You having fun, baby?” He whispers in my ear and I feel chills go down my body. His normal voice is so smooth, so manly, so
His whisper is all that and so much more, almost taking me over the edge. Oh, God!

“Mmmm hmmm,” I softly reply, turning and leaning my head back so he can hear me.

“That’s good. I just want you to relax and stay here in my arms. Keep dancin’ with me until you’re so tired you want to fall from exhaustion. I’ll be here to hold you and catch you, Faith. I’ll always be here for you, love.” He softly kisses my neck.

Oh, that feels so good.

He kisses me again and then takes my chin and gently turns my head to him. He brings his lips closer to me and kisses me. One soft kiss, then another, followed by more until I’m almost begging.

“Please . . .”

I somehow manage to turn my body to face him and we kiss. His lips take mine, I let him in and he explores my mouth. We get closer to each other, my arms around his neck, and his arms around me pulling me closer, like we want to become one.

We stop dancing and just kiss. This is the first time in so long that I have felt a man’s lips on mine. It feels different and yet so natural, so right.

We finally separate, both breathing hard. We look at each other and he places his forehead to mine. We remain like this, just taking each other in and breathing. We don’t separate. I don’t want to let him go and I don’t want him to let me go.

“This is what I’m talkin’ about. This here . . . it needs to be explored. That one kiss was fuckin’ amazin’ and mind blowin.’ I’ve never felt that before. I like it and I want more of it. I knew it would be like this with you from the beginnin’; I felt a pull towards you. If we feel like this after one kiss, Faith, imagine how good it will feel when I have you in my bed. When I’m explorin’ every part of your body with my hands and my mouth. Imagine my fingers trailin’ down your body, my fingers playin’ with your nipples; teasing them, pullin’ them gently, rollin’ them between my fingers, drivin’ you crazy. My lips on them, takin’ ’em in my mouth and suckin’ ’em, then bitin’ ’em.”

His words are making me squirm and he notices. “You like that, huh? My hands goin’ lower and lower until I reach between your legs. I play with you, askin’ for entrance, and you let me in. Think how good it will feel when my fingers slide inside of you. My fingers goin’ in and out, like my cock will after I make you cum the first time. As I’m goin’ in and out, my thumb will be playin’ with your clit; ticklin,’ teasin,’ and gently pinchin’ it, makin’ you crazy with pleasure. Imagine how good it will feel to just let go, goin’ over the edge while I fuck you with my hand. Then, my mouth replacin’ that hand and I’m eatin’ you up. Makin’ you cum with my tongue. Mmmm . . . how good you will taste. After you cum a second time, I’ll slide my cock inside of you. Imagine how good it’ll feel, that sensation of fullness. I’ll bring you so much pleasure, love. You’ll cum for me again and I’ll make you mine. Mine, Faith. That’s how amazin’ it’ll be between us.” He finishes his monologue with a kiss and then turns me around.

I . . . oh . . . I almost climaxed with his words. I want him. No, I
him. I need him so freaking much.

“Zane, I need more. Give me your mouth one more time, I need you.” I try turning back, but he doesn’t let me. He holds me in place and starts to dance.

“No, Faith. That’s all you’re gettin’ until after our talk tomorrow. I want you to want me, to desire me, to crave me. I want you to be mine. So, tomorrow, baby—after tomorrow, I’ll give you anything you want.”


Well, fuck! Now I’m hard as a fucking rock and I’ll find no release until I take care of myself at my place, after I make sure Faith is safely in her house. Regardless, it’s all worth it. She wants me as much as I want her. I just have to make sure she agrees to be mine before I break down and give her the physical release she desires.

When I finally take her completely, it’ll be because she’s truly mine at last.




I was definitely not a happy camper last night after Zane had me all hot and bothered with his kisses and his sensually descriptive talk. Man, does he know how to talk to me. How to make me crave his touch.

Following our mind-blowing kiss, he bought me a couple more drinks and we danced until the club closed for the night. The entire time, I was in his arms and I loved how safe I felt there—I knew no harm would come to me while I was there with him.

After leaving the club, he drove us back home and made sure Julia and I got inside in one piece. Both of us had had a little too much to drink so we needed help stumbling into my house without waking the girls. I really should’ve taken some Aleve and a whole bottle of water before falling face down in my bed. Now, it’s morning and I’m paying for my night of fun.

“Momma! Momma! Mooommmmaaa!” Skylar shrieks as she comes running down the hall to my room.

“Ggggmmmmm,” I hear beside me. “Oh, God . . . please. Stop yelling.”

I turn and see Julia next to me. Guess she was too tired to get to the guest room. Damn, we must both look a fright this morning. I see she fell asleep with her make-up on and now it’s all over her face. I don’t remember taking mine off, either; hopefully Skylar doesn’t think a monster is sleeping in Momma’s bed.

“Momma! Wake up!” She hollers, storming into my room and jumping onto the bed. Good thing I know her different yells—I can decipher that the house isn’t burning down. This is her “I’m excited” yell.

“I’m up, sweetie,” I half say, half groan. I’m getting too old for late nights like this.

“Please go back to sleep, darlin,’” Julia begs Skylar. “It’s too early in the morning for this. Let Aunty Julia get a little more rest, please, baby. Have mercy on me. Why don’t you drag your momma outta here and let me go back nighty-night?”

That witch. I’ll remember this and one day I’ll get my revenge, I silently vow.

“Don’t be silly, Aunty Julia. “It’s not early; the clock’s little hand is on the nine and the big hand is on the six. And, the clock on the stove says nine-three-zero. That’s late.”

“Oh, God . . .” I hear Julia moan.

“Momma, there’s a man in our house. He wants to see you. Can we keep him, Momma?” She asks excitedly. “He looks like one of my Disney princes, only way bigger. Can we keep him? Please, Momma. Please . . .” she says with her hands clasped together underneath her chin, begging.

“What?” I’m suddenly wide awake and jumping out of bed. “What man in our house? Where is he?” All kinds of crazy scenarios are running through my head as I quickly throw some clothes on.

“Relax, Momma,” Rylee says as she comes into my room. “It’s just Josilyn’s uncle, you little peanut, and I told you that too. Don’t be scarin’ Momma like that, you little bugger. And you can’t keep people. It’s just not done.”

“Don’t call me bugger!” Skylar cries at her sister and then turns back to me, making those cute puppy eyes that I find irresistible. “But he’s so handsome and I really want to keep him.”

“Momma, he’s here to see you,” Rylee says, turning to me. “I wonder what he wants. Hmmm, might be why he’s been askin’ questions . . .”

Oh, crap. He seriously wants to talk
Doesn’t that man realize that it’s too early in the morning for our “talk”? I’ve made my decision but I wanted to tell him when I didn’t look like a clown with a bad paint job.

“Tell him I’ll be there in a few minutes. Let me jump into the shower first real quick.”

“Okay. By the way, he’s in the kitchen. He brought breakfast tacos and I wasn’t turning those away—they’re my favorite. He’s pullin’ out all the stops and I’ll take full advantage,” she says, laughing at my predicament.

“Okay, okay. I’ll hurry.” I’m too freaked out to get onto Rylee for letting him in our house without my permission.

Well, there goes my long hot shower to work the kinks out of my body. Instead of my long and leisurely Saturday morning, I am going to have to do everything in less than ten minutes. He owes me for this. Big time.

Twelve minutes later, I’m walking into my delicious-smelling kitchen. Oh, yeah . . . nice greasy breakfast tacos after a night of drinking and dancing. Best breakfast

I walk in to find everyone. Even Julia is up, sitting at the table eating. I have to keep my laughter in when I see Zane eating his taco off a pink Disney princess plate, a purple place mat, and drinking from a pink cup. I can guess who gave him the dining set. I wish I had my phone on me for a picture. He looks so darn cute, poor man.

“Did y’all save me one?” I ask.

“Of course, Momma,” my girls say at the same time.

“There’s one in the bag for you, baby,” Zane informs me.

At the word “baby,” Rylee and Julia just stop and stare. Oh man, how do I explain this? And, Skylar—well, she is too busy eating her breakfast to notice anything. That girl was blessed with her father’s stomach and fondness for food.

Rylee looks between Zane and me. She slowly starts to smile and then resumes eating. She quickly finishes and asks to be excused, then rushes out of the kitchen. I’m sure it’s to phone Josilyn. Great! Now, I should expect a call from Jackie. Well, there’s no keeping it a secret now. Damn it. I’m sure he did this on purpose.

Julia keeps staring until, I imagine, she starts remembering the events of last night because she perks up, like a light bulb went off in her head. I’m sure she saw us kissing and remembers that Zane and I danced the whole night until he brought us home and led us to the door. Now,
starts smiling. She scarfs down the rest of her taco, grabs Skylar and her unfinished breakfast, and high-tails it out the kitchen, leaving me and Zane alone. Thanks a lot, Julia.

“Mornin,’ baby.” Zane greets me like it’s the most normal thing in the world and he’s not barging into my world and turning it upside down.

“Seriously, Zane. You couldn’t let me talk to the girls first before havin’ you over?” I’m pretty upset. “I remember we agreed to talk today and that’s all.”

“Faith, I remember sayin’ ‘tomorrow we’ll be us,’ and now it’s time. You’re damn lucky I wasn’t at your door earlier. I told you we’re talkin’ today and we are . . . about
If I let you pick the time, you’ll put it off until God knows when. I want this handled so I can grab you and kiss the hell out of you. I want to be able to hold your hand in front of your girls without worry. I’m takin’ this out of your hands and we’re gettin’ this talkin’ over and done with, so eat up.” He pauses to continue eating off the Disney princess plate. He looks seriously
not that I would tell him just yet. “And, I want to tell the girls together, like we’ll be from now on.”

“Zane, you know that Rylee is currently on her phone tellin’ Josilyn about breakfast. We’re probably gonna be gettin’ calls from Jackie pretty soon.”

“Good. News will travel faster than the speed of light once my sister is informed. I’m not gonna hide that I want to be with you. The girls saw me here and didn’t get upset. I want to talk to them together. I want to let them know I plan to get to know their momma and them, that I’ll respect them and that I’m here if y’all need me. My cards are on the table. I’m being honest with you. I want to be with you and I know that they come with you. I’ll never make you choose between us. I need their permission to date you. For me to ask those girls for permission should tell you how serious I’m about you. I don’t want to just fuck you, Faith, I want to be your man and I want to call you my woman.”

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