Read Leap of Faith Online

Authors: Tanya Stowe

Tags: #christian Fiction

Leap of Faith (7 page)

BOOK: Leap of Faith
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Zack smiled. “Yes. It was Mr. Hart’s suggestion. I thought I should leave you alone, but he made me do it. You know how hard it is to tell him no. He said you needed food.”

The aroma of barbecue chicken wafted toward her and her stomach grumbled. “Mr. Hart was right…as usual. Come on in.”

They sat at her table, and while she ate, she told him about her trip, the children she’d met, the ones that had filled her with love because they were so open and the ones who had broken her heart because they shuttered themselves from personal contact

“I thought I knew poverty, Zack, but I could never have imagined the truth of it. They have so little. I wish I could do more.” She finished her plate and pushed it away.

Zack cleared his throat. “My new company has a great non-profit program. Maybe there’s some way I can get them involved.”

Zoe should have been encouraged or excited by his words, but only one thing registered.

“You took the job?”

He nodded. “I had to make a decision, and that just seemed like the right thing to do.”

She looked away, accepting his decision, but feeling a hole open up inside. She didn’t realize how much she’d hoped he would have a change of heart.

He touched her hand. “Tell me why you look so exhausted.”

Once again, the tenderness in his tone almost undid her. She clenched her jaw, determined not to let the burning sensation in her eyes turn to tears.

“Spiritual warfare. I felt it almost as soon as I stepped off the plane. It was all around me. There was so much darkness, I felt as if…” She hesitated, and tried to put her feelings into words.

“You were suffocating,” he finished for her.

Startled, she looked up. “Yes, that’s exactly how I felt. How did you know?”

“I woke with nightmares every night after you left. I dreamt you were surrounded by darkness and couldn’t breathe. I finally broke down and started to pray for you.”

“You prayed for me?” She couldn’t lift her voice above a murmur.

“I had to do something. Four sleepless nights left me a wreck.” He tried to laugh, to lighten the mood, but nothing could stop the sweep of amazement that washed through Zoe.

“When did you start to pray for me?”

“About the fourth night, I guess. Why?”

“Because it was about that time when I started to feel better. I was so weak and tired. I knew I was no help to the workers at the orphanage, so I considered coming home. Then one morning, I woke rested and strong enough to finish my stay.”

“So my prayers helped you in your ministry,” he murmured. Then he smiled. “That’s incredible, Zoe.”

“Yes, God is good.”

He shook his head. “It’s more than just that.” He came around the table, pulled her chair around so that she faced him. Then he knelt in front of her and grasped her hands.

“I didn’t just pray for you, Zoe. I prayed for myself, my family and friends. I prayed for everything. I talked to God and even better, I listened. Just like you said, when I fell down, He picked me up.”

He ran his thumbs over her knuckles. “It was wonderful, Zoe, and I couldn’t wait to tell you and to thank you. Now you tell me I made a difference in your life as well.”

“Zack…” She tried to stop him before he went too far.

“No, hear me out,” he said, gripping her hands tighter. “Heaven knows we’re attracted to each other. Now we know we have a spiritual connection as well. That’s more important to me than our backgrounds and who drives what kind of car. I think it’s more important to the Lord, too. That changes everything.”

“Nothing’s changed, Zack.” She could hear the sadness in her own tone. “I wasn’t prepared for the spiritual warfare in Haiti this time, but I will be during my next visit. I’m going back, and you’re going to Manhattan. Our lives are still headed down different paths.”

He shook his head. “My heart tells me that’s not true.”

Zoe wished she could see a future with Zack. But she still felt they shouldn’t be together. She didn’t say it out loud for fear of damaging Zack’s newfound faith, but it was true. His faith was young and untried, and she needed a bold and firm believer in her life.

“I wish I felt the same way, Zack,” she said very quietly. “I truly do but I—”

“Let’s pray together. Right now.”

Zoe’s lips parted; surprised that he was ready to pray out loud when prayer was so new to him. But it was the perfect solution.

“Of course,” she said a little ashamed she hadn’t thought of it herself.

Zack pulled her to her feet and clasped their hands between them. She closed her eyes and took a long slow breath, preparing to lead.

“Dear Lord, we come before you in humble thanksgiving for Zoe’s safe return.” Zack’s voice was firm and strong. “We thank you for the challenges You provided for her on her journey, and we want to explore those challenges more but right now, Lord, we ask for Your guidance.”

Zoe lifted her head and opened her eyes, staring at Zack. She listened as this amazing man talked to the Lord, spoke to Him as if he knew Him well. When she’d first met Zack, she’d sensed a strong faith hidden beneath a wall of indifference. Now that he’d pierced that wall, his love of the Lord poured out in a way that humbled Zoe.

He had listened, truly listened. Probably had been listening all along.

Zoe caught her breath. Listening all along.
Was I wrong, Lord? Was I the one who needed to hear You, to take a leap of faith, open my heart and understand what You have planned for me

She felt the flutter of wings, nodding in agreement.

Oh, Lord, forgive me. I’m listening now.

Almost immediately her heart swelled with love for Zack. She saw how his trust in God had blossomed through his burgeoning love for her. She felt the power of his faith and knew they would never be unequally yoked. Together, they would be a strong and powerful light in the world.

There is a season for everything.

The scripture echoed in her mind. For now, their season would take them to Manhattan but from there, they would go to Haiti and other places she’d never even imagined. Zoe saw it, sensed it, and knew the angels were all around them, smiling.

Zack ended his prayer with more praise for the Lord, then opened his eyes, and looked at her.

Reaching across the space between them, she did what she’d been longing to do since she’d met him. She brushed the dark, silky hair from his face.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Yes?” he frowned slightly.

“That was a proposal, wasn’t it?”

Zack froze for one long, heart-stopping moment. Then he smiled that sweet, tilted smile she loved so much.

“It was.” He pulled her into his arms. “The best kind of proposal, one with God in the center.”

Holding her gently, as if he were afraid she would break, he kissed her. His fingers threaded beneath her braid and he tucked her into his arm. When Zoe was breathless and dizzy, he lifted her off the ground and swung her around.

“Let’s go tell Mr. Hart he was right about us,” Zack said.

Zoe shook her head and smiled. “I’m pretty sure he already knows. Let’s just stay here and—can we do that again?” She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulled his head close and lifted her lips to his.



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May God’s glory shine through

this inspirational work of fiction.




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