Leah's Story Finding Jake (15 page)

BOOK: Leah's Story Finding Jake
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We were due at the football ground in two hours, Ray went back to the flat he was not a footie fan!
We unfortunately ended up sat in streams of United and City traffic jams. Luckily as we were VIP
guests we could be dropped directly outside the stadium. After an hour travelling two miles, we
finally arrived. Adam wanted to clean up as he was a little muddy after our gardening stint. I waited
outside the bathrooms for him, I heard someone calling me, it was Alexandra;

“Leah I’ve been waiting for you, Dimitri was worried you wouldn’t be well enough to come. I have
sent a message to him, he is thrilled. He is starting the game on the bench but the manager has
promised he will get on the pitch today” Alexandra was very much the proud mother today and I
couldn’t blame her. “How did your morning go, Adam explained what was happening, we hoped you
would feel up to coming after going back there. You are so much stronger than I would have been, I
do admire that” I replied honestly

“Don’t get me wrong my knees were knocking before I even got out of the car. You should have seen
them though, all the people who helped me after the attack. As we arrived they came out to meet
me, it gave me the motivation I needed and made me feel empowered. I found the whole
experience really moving. You can read about it tomorrow, it’s going to be in the paper” Alexandra

“I will Leah” At that minute Adam appeared from the bathroom “Adam Hello lovely to see you
again” They kissed both cheeks “Follow me I will take you to our box, Victor will be wondering where
I’ve got to” I frowned to myself, yes I bet he will be.

We climbed the stairs to the upper levels; the crowds were beginning to fill up the stands now
despite the hour to go before kick-off. We were going to be served food before the match; I was glad
as I was just starting to feel a little bit hungry. I was also very excited for the game, as a City fan it
would be very hard not to cheer for the wrong team today, especially if they scored a goal.

I had always wanted to watch a game from a box, obviously at a different stadium but it was still
exciting for me. Victor was in there waiting for us with Boris and Peter his two long serving security
guards, Victor walked over to shake Adam’s hand warmly. I stood in awe looking around me, there
was a dining table and bar in the room but I was staring at the glass doors that overlooked the pitch;
Victor was smiling as he patted me on the back

“Welcome to our box Leah, good view from here isn’t it? Come out to the balcony you can see
more” Victor opened the sliding doors and led me outside. Wow the view was spectacular; I could
feel the buzz in the stadium even though it was only half full.

“It’s amazing, I can’t wait to watch the game” Victor smiled warmly at me, he seemed very relaxed

“I was sorry to hear about your attack Leah” I stiffened wondering what he was going to say “I hear
you put a memorial bench there this morning, I didn’t know your mother had died, how old were
you?” I never liked delving into my past with strangers so I gave the most minimal answer I could
without being rude.

“She died when I was little; I never had a father so her body was cremated by the council. I wanted a
place to honour her memory that is all” Victor looked curious, I think he was about to ask deeper
questions when fortunately Adam called us in for food.

We had a lovely selection of sandwiches, nibbles and salads. Apparently you could have a more
formal three course meal, but Alexandra thought we would prefer something lighter. She was spot
on of course. I tucked into a couple of sandwiches, the white wine they were serving was a delicious
Chablis, it was crisp cold and fruity. Adam stood beside my with his arm around my waist

“How are you feeling Leah? Be honest. I saw you wincing as you climbed the stairs is your knee
troubling you?” I did feel it twinging but as long as I kept my weight off it I could manage
“It’s not too bad as long as I don’t jump about. I will sit to watch the game, the chairs out on the
balcony look comfy enough” He nodded but was still frowning “What is it Adam?”

“You know me I worry too much, but you do look pale now. I am concerned this is going to wipe you
out. I am only coping with it because tomorrow is Sunday, and I can tie you to the bed all day If I
need to” My heart raced as I caught a glint of desire in his eyes, my libido was smiling too. I felt the
tell-tale clenching and my breasts swelled with heat. I stepped closer automatically and felt my hip
brush his crotch “Careful Leah, I may have to find a quiet corner if you don’t behave” I gave him a sly
look bit my lip and sipped my wine seductively. It was like we were in our own little world, just
focusing on our tiny human reactions to the desire that was growing between us.

“Adam, Leah more wine you two? You look a little flushed Leah do you need to sit down?” I giggled
as our bubble burst. I stepped away as Adam bent down to whisper in my ear

“We will continue this later” I nodded and went to sit with Alexandra; my knee was beginning to
throb a little. Victor had opened the doors again, we could hear the volume of crowd noise
increasing. I had eaten as much as I wanted to, so followed Alexandra to the chairs outside. The
charge of energy around the ground was electrifying, I felt my heart rate quicken with adrenalin.

“I can’t believe you enjoy football Leah” Alexandra was staring and I hadn’t noticed “Your face is
glowing, I have to confess despite watching all of Dimitri’s games I have never understood it or
particularly enjoyed it” she whispered that bit, it made me smile she really was the devoted mother.
A text arrived on my phone, so I turned the sound off as I read the message. It was from Dimitri, he
was so pleased Adam and I were here, he promised he would try and score for us. He would
dedicate the goal to his
fan of the other team
this made me smile. Dimitri was really a sweet boy.

The players were kicking the ball around to warm up; I was thrilled to see Joe Hart our England Goal
keeper was starting for us. I was suddenly a celebrity geek checking off all the players I recognised; I
would love their autograph’s
eek how sad

The introduction music started and the crowd raised their voices in song, each half of the city trying
to out sing the other. My face was fixed into a stupid grin for the whole first half of the match. No
sign of Dimitri yet but it was end to end stuff, I was on the edge of my seat. Adam had come to stand
behind me, he was a Chelsea fan so not really bothered about the outcome of this game.

Half time arrived and the excitement had almost wiped me out, just time for a glass of wine and
quick trip to the private toilets we had here. The players came out of the tunnels and Dimitri was on,
Alexandra suddenly sat bolt upright. Victor was standing right at the edge of the box proudly
watching his son march onto the pitch. The game quickly became heated and there were a few dirty
tackles, Alexandra screeched at a particular nasty one from our player on Dimitri. It was still goal less
with ten minutes to go when Rooney made a wonderful pass to Dimitri who volleyed the ball right
into the top right corner. Our whole box erupted including me as Dimitri slid along the ground with
all his team mates piling on top of him to celebrate.

I have to confess to being just as happy as the rest, Dimitri was a really good player but damn he had
stolen my team’s moment of glory. The match was over and we were all getting ready to make a
move. Boris was clearing glasses; he leant across me to retrieve mine as he caught my eye he smiled.
The world stopped and my air ways closed. I was instantly taken back to the car,
waiting for my
mummy when the man had leaned in and took Jake; he looked at me surprised then smiled.
Oh My
God it was the same man, Boris took my glass but looked confused by my reaction.

“Leah you have gone white are you okay?” Adam heard Alexandra and bent down in front of me

“Jesus you have gone white, breathe Leah come on” I could only hear white noise, everyone was
crowding around me and suddenly I felt panic, I couldn’t breathe at all the stifling feeling was
completely taking over my body and I felt myself fading. Strong arms lifted me and I felt myself being
carried down stairs and out into fresh air. I gasped trying to suck in as much clear air as I could, the
car pulled up and Adam placed me gently on the back seat

“Drive please take us home” I was held tightly by Adam and that was exactly where I needed to be.
As my mind began to clear I tried to work out why Boris had triggered that memory, surely I
wouldn’t remember a face from so many years ago? It must have been the way he smiled or
something. There was no way Boris was the same man, it was ridiculous, my mind was playing stupid
games with me again. I was exhausted and dozed until we reached the flat.

Ray opened the door as Adam carried me inside


“I got your text, there is a cup of tea waiting for you, Leah are you feeling okay now sweetheart?” I
looked into his kind eyes and the flashback faded away making me think I had imagined it all.

“I think I just over did it today that’s all, I feel much better now. A cup of tea would be lovely thank
you” Adam placed me on the sofa crouching in front of me rubbing both my hands together. I felt
awful leaving so abruptly, what must the Bosic’s think of me. I promised to see Dimitri after the

“Adam please call Dimitri and apologise, and Victor, I feel so bad. Phone them now so I can relax,
they must think I am a total nutter.” Adam frowned


“Leah they all know what a tough week you have had, not one of them will be surprised that it led
you to a panic attack. I should have listened to my instincts and brought you home at lunch time”

“No Adam I really enjoyed the match it was fantastic, I wouldn’t have missed it for anything” I
debated telling him what had accused my attack. But decided he didn’t need to know I was
becoming paranoid on top of everything else. Adam made the calls then came back to sit with me.
Alexandra sent her love, Dimitri promised lunch this week to celebrate the win. I felt a lot better.

We spent the rest of the day just relaxing and by the time we went to bed, my libido was back in her
cave so we cuddled up instead. It was Sunday tomorrow plenty of time to wake her up and have
some fun. Ray was going to the office all day, so we would have the place to ourselves again. I was
determined to make it up to Adam for being such a wet blanket. I had a few ideas how to do it too.

Chapter 21

I was happy for once to have woken up before Adam. I could hear Ray rustling around in the kitchen;
he was staying with us until next weekend. Lucy and Rob were flying home Saturday so he wanted to
see them before he returned to London. I was missing Lucy, after yesterday’s flashback she was the
one person I knew who wouldn’t have flown off the handle. I was clear headed now; I decided that it
was a trick of the light or something. The action of him leaning towards me, and smiling rather than
true recognition. After all what other explanation could there be? I heard Ray close the door as he
left so I turned over to have a good long look at the beautiful man lying beside me.

Adams brown hair was hanging loosely across his face obscuring his eyes from me; his lips were soft
and full, begging to be kissed. I followed his lean muscular body down to his happy trail. Adam
always awoke with an erection; I had not managed to take advantage of that for a while. An idea
sprang to mind, and my body awoke to the thought and shivered with glee.

I gently pulled the cover away from him and saw his beautiful and fully erect penis. It was just asking
to be touched. Bending quietly forward I licked the tip gently then circled my tongue around the rim
stroking my fingers up his veined thick ridge. Taking him into my mouth I slid my lips down his width,
I had my eyes closed but sensed I had woken Adam. I heard a rumble as he growled in his throat,
feeling braver I took him in deeper sliding him out slowly.

“Jesus Leah that’s amazing, I love to wake up with you” He hissed through his teeth as I took him
even deeper, his hands fell to my head and he tangled his fingers in my hair. He was holding me in
place as I increased the tempo. The combination of taking him so deep and using my teeth at the top
sent him crazy. He was soon spurting hot thick liquid down my throat which I swallowed quickly.

Adam grasped me by the shoulders and yanked me up the bed thrusting his mouth straight onto
mine, his tongue finding a way in stroking deep inside my mouth. I was wet through desperate for
him; his kiss was so sensual I was sure I could come just from that alone. Adam reached down with
his hand to the waistband of my pyjama shorts, his fingers soon found their goal and my back arched
as he slid two inside me then stroked them in and out.

I wriggled out of my top so his chest pressed against my very erect nipples; Adam took his mouth
from mine and suckled my breasts greedily. His fingers were not enough for me now so I reached
down to feel he was already semi hard, stroking my nails along him; it wasn’t long before he was
ready. Grabbing a condom I handed it to him

“Now Adam I need you inside me now” Adam however wasn’t in any rush, he held me flat on the
bed as he slid down wards licking down my belly to my navel. Peeling off my shorts swiftly he set to
work. Swirling his tongue round he forced my legs apart and trailed kisses to my wet throbbing flesh.
The anticipation was driving me wild and I cried out as his tongue speared me. Long firm strokes
upwards over my clit had me burning and a wave of heat spread from my legs upwards crashing into
an orgasm that left me spiralling.
I felt him enter me hard, plunging into my shuddering flesh pounding on and on. Wrapping my one
good leg around his hips I raised myself upwards to meet him thrust for thrust. Adam was ramming
into me so hard I was sliding up the bed. I was using my hands to anchor myself and I arched my
back shouting out as I felt him right at the base of my stomach;

BOOK: Leah's Story Finding Jake
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