Leah's Seduction: 9 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)

BOOK: Leah's Seduction: 9 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)
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A Rinaldi Romance



Emily Jane Trent


Chapter 1

Leah’s world was crumbling around her. Coffee with Cody and learning about the possibility that Ava had incriminating photos had shaken her confidence. She could only take so much, and she couldn’t relax until she spoke to Gianni.

He had texted before getting on the private jet in Chicago. So far she hadn’t heard any more. Leah expected that he would be back to the showroom before the workday ended. It depended on factors out of her control.

Cody had promised to find out all he could. Leah had conveyed how important it was, and there was no time to waste. If Ava had something planned, the sooner more details were known, the better. But Leah wasn’t hopeful.

So far Ava had succeeded in keeping them on guard by doing the unexpected. Thus it might not be possible to know if the photos existed before they went public. The media hadn’t let up, and it was fortunate that Gianni’s return flight was private.

Otherwise, he might be deluged at the airport, which would delay him. And Leah was at the end of her patience. She needed to know if Gianni had any knowledge of pictures Ava possessed. And waiting to find out was killing her.

Leah made the mistake of going online. The headlines had not cooled in the least. It wasn’t that she thought anything had changed in the last few hours. Or that she would see anything to shed light on the situation with Ava.

She was just nervous, and it was difficult to focus. With the avalanche of press, and Ava’s looming attack, Leah was a wreck. Expelling a breath, she stood and combed her hand through her hair. It was all too much.

Going next door, Leah stuck her head in to see what her assistant was doing. Aida looked up, her sharp blue eyes missing nothing. “Sit down,” she said. “It looks like you need to talk.”

Leah sighed. “It’s relentless.”

Aida ruffled her short red hair. “What is?”


Aida leaned on the desk with her hands clasped under her chin. “You better fill me in.”

“You know most of it,” Leah said. “Except the media onslaught is hot and heavy. It’s showing no sign of letting up. And now there is something else.”

Her assistant raised her brows. “There’s more?”

Leah nodded. “I just had coffee with my friend Cody. He’s that fashion photographer, you know.”

Aida leaned back. “Yes, I remember you talking about him.”

Leah proceeded to relay what Cody had told her. “That’s all I know right now. I wish Gianni would get back.”

“He will be home today you said?”

“Yes, but it is taking

Aida smiled. “Okay, you have to relax. It is all going to work out somehow.”

“How can you be so sure? What if Ava has embarrassing pictures?” Leah’s stomach was in knots. “I dread to think what they might be.”

“I know how you feel. Gianni may have a clue.”

Leah frowned. “Or he might know all about them. And if he did, but didn’t tell me…” She sighed. “What am I going to do?”

At that moment, Gianni’s voice boomed down the hall. “He’s back,” Leah said, relief washing over her. “Finally.”

She raced down the hall and spotted Gianni. He looked disheveled in his short-sleeved shirt and slacks. His expression showed concern. Both Dawson and Joshua stood in front of him, already deep in conversation. They were headed toward his office.

“Gianni,” she said.

He turned to look at her, but barely smiled. When she went up to him, Gianni hugged her and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry all this had to happen while I was away. I wouldn’t have left you here to deal with it alone.”

“You couldn’t have known,” Leah said. “One day it was quiet, and the next your name was plastered everywhere.”

Gianni released her. “It will be all right, baby.”

“I have to talk to you,” she said.

“Of course, we will talk about all of it,” Gianni said, “as soon as I’m free.”

“I mean
right away
,” Leah said. “This can’t wait.”

“In just a few minutes, baby. Joshua and Dawson need to meet with me. It’s urgent.” He hugged her briefly and walked toward his office.

Leah couldn’t believe it. She had waited this long, and now Gianni was behind a closed door. Irritation rose inside her. It wasn’t right. Things were out of control. Although she was tempted to barge in and interrupt his meeting, she didn’t.

Instead, Leah stalked down the hall. She plopped back in the chair in front of Aida.

“So?” her assistant said.

“So, nothing.” Leah fumed. “He said we would talk later. He’s in a meeting that couldn’t wait.”

Aida shook her head.

For the next hour or so, Leah tried to work. She was losing it. The longer Gianni was in the meeting, the more frustrated she became. If he had known Cody’s news, he would have talked to her immediately. But he didn’t.

Despite that, Leah was annoyed. She didn’t like being put off, and the stress she was under didn’t help. Any patience she had left evaporated as the minutes ticked by. Gianni’s meeting ran long. It was the end of the day, and time for Leah to go to Pilates.

Enough already. Leah grabbed her purse and left her office. “Off to Pilates,” she said as she passed Aida’s room.

“Anything yet?”

“No,” Leah called over her shoulder. “He’s still in his meeting.”

As she stormed down the hall, Gianni stepped out of his office. “There you are,” he said.

Maybe if the meeting hadn’t been quite so long, or if Gianni had taken the time to talk with her when he first arrived, Leah wouldn’t have blown up. But as it was, she was furious. Too much tension. Too much waiting. And she felt ignored.

Leah walked past him.

“Where are you going? I thought you wanted to talk,” Gianni said.

“That was hours ago,” she snapped. “I guess you didn’t think it was important. And now I have an appointment.”

“Leah,” he said, starting toward her.

“Not now,” Leah said. Even in her hysterical state, she knew it was not the time to hash it out. She might say something she regretted.

Gianni watched her walk away. “I’ll have the limo pick you up for dinner later.”

She nodded and went out to the sidewalk, shutting the door behind her. Leah had the urge to get out. She needed some space, and some air. Pilates would be good. Maybe she could sweat out some of her ill mood.

In the back of the limo, Leah put her head against the seat and closed her eyes. She was adrift in chaos. And now she was upset with Gianni. Plus the rest of her world was in turmoil. Then her phone buzzed. It was her mother.

She had to take it. Otherwise her mother would worry. Leah took a deep breath, then answered the call. “Hi, Mom.”

“Hi, honey.” Sylvie’s voice was strained. “We saw the article about Gianni.”

“I thought you weren’t going to read that stuff,” Leah said, trying not to be abrupt. “We agreed that it would only upset you.”

“I know, but it’s hard to miss. I’m worried. You have to explain more what this is all about.”

Leah closed her eyes again. There was no way to explain the situation to her mother. Not really. “Mom, it’s like I told you. It’s all lies.” For a second Leah wondered if it was. “You and Dad have to promise not to worry. Please.”

“Why would they print all of this if it weren’t true?”

“You read stuff like that all the time, Mom. Entertainment rags print anything to create controversy.”

Her mother sighed. “I know, dear.”

“All that’s different is that this time it is someone you know.” Leah paused, but her mother was silent. “You met Gianni. You must know he’s not like that. Not like what they are saying. He would not do those things.”

“I know, honey. It’s just alarming,” her mother said. “And I don’t like you in the middle of it.”

Leah pinched the bridge of her nose. “I’ll be okay. I really will.”

“Call soon. I love you very much. And your dad does too. We support you and trust you. Just be sure you are looking out for yourself.”

Leah hugged the phone to her ear, and a tear rolled down her cheek. “I will, Mom. I love you too. And give my love to Dad.”

When Leah got to Pilates, she changed into her workout clothes. Kyra arrived within a few minutes. The look on her face told Leah that she had seen the explosion on social media. “You saw?”

“Of course,” Kyra said. “How could I miss it? And your name is out there nearly as much as Gianni’s.”

Leah sat on the bench and leaned against the wall. “It’s just to stir things up.”

“Yes, I know that. But what is Gianni going to do?”

“I’d like to tell you, but I haven’t spoken to him yet.”

Kyra’s eyes widened.

“He just got back. I’ll talk with him tonight.”

They started down the hall toward the class. Leah should have told her friend about the photos that Ava might have. The photos that could destroy everything. But she was exhausted, and didn’t want to talk about it anymore. And it would get Kyra worked up when there wasn’t anything she could do, anyway.

Leah decided to wait until she had the facts. Then she would tell Kyra. If there was anything to tell. She went to class, and put effort into her workout. The exercise calmed her. At least a little. And it took her mind off pressing issues.

Yet once Pilates ended, and Leah was in the limo, everything flooded back. Butterflies fought in her belly. Soon she would talk with Gianni. But she had no assurance it would go the way she wanted it to.

He had a past. Leah wasn’t his first submissive. And Gianni had not told her everything. She hadn’t wanted to know, having no desire to hear about any other woman that had been with him. Or what they had done together.

Now Leah was interested. It was time to find out more about Ava. Even if it was difficult to listen to Gianni give details about being in the playroom with the woman before her, Leah had to do it. Not knowing was worse.

At her apartment, Leah showered and changed. Dinner was at Gianni’s condo, so she dressed casually. It was good they weren’t going out, as she couldn’t wait any longer to talk with him. And talking in public wouldn’t be right. Not about a subject so personal. Plus, the press might spot them, and there would be no talking then. Gianni said that Roselyn had left dinner for them. They would have complete privacy, and could talk about everything that was going on.

The call had been short. Leah confirmed she’d be there. Then hung up. She didn’t trust herself to say anything else. It would be better to wait until she saw Gianni, so she could watch his expression. Plus, it didn’t make sense to start something on the phone that she couldn’t finish.

At the condo, Leah would get answers. She had all night. And Gianni had agreed that open communication was important. Now she would find out. He would have a chance to tell all. Whatever there was to tell.

Once again, Leah prayed it wasn’t true. That Ava was making it all up. It could be an idle threat. But it might not be. Could she handle it if Gianni had withheld something that important? Likely not. And that was what worried her.

Leah didn’t know what would happen when she confronted him with the news about the incriminating evidence. Photographs couldn’t be disputed. Her heart wrenched at the thought. Gianni couldn’t have betrayed her. She was right to trust him. Yet Leah wasn’t sure.


Chapter 2

When Leah arrived at the condo, Gianni was sitting on a white sofa by the wall of windows. He stood when she entered, and went over to her. In his dark blue T-shirt and jeans he looked relaxed, but his expression was serious. He hugged her, and Leah put her head against his chest.

“It’s been a rough few days, baby,” he said. “How are you holding up?”

The stress that had been building inside Leah was irrepressible. Now that she had Gianni’s attention, she couldn’t hold back. “You should have asked that earlier today.” The bite in her voice got a reaction from him.

“What do you mean?”

“What do I
?” Her voice was shrill. “I’ll tell you what I mean.” She paced across the polished floors, her heels clicking a staccato beat. “Your meeting was more important than what I had to say.”

“You can tell me now.”

Leah exploded. “Ava has pictures of you, damn it!”

The look of shock on his face did not reassure her. It communicated either he had no idea what she was talking about, or that he knew and was caught. “What pictures?”

“That’s what I’m asking you,” she said. “What pictures does Ava have of the two of you that she could use to back up her claim of abuse?”

Gianni just stared at her.

“Huh?” Leah wrapped her arms around her body to quell the shaking. “Tell me, Gianni. What does she have?”

“Come over and sit down. You’re upset.”

“Damn right I’m upset,” she said. “You could have told me. Now I don’t even know if I want to hear it.”

His blue eyes looked sad. “Please, Leah. I don’t know about any pictures. And if I did I would have told you.”

Their gazes locked, and Leah tried to read his expression. He looked sincere. She wanted to believe, but was afraid to. So much was happening. And it was all too fast. “How could you not know?”

“Because we didn’t take pictures in the playroom.”

“How do you know that

He lifted his hands. “Because she was naked. How would she have done that?”

“Maybe she hid a camera in her clothes. It’s been done,” Leah said, beginning to relax.

“I suppose anything is possible. But if she did, I didn’t know about it.”

Leah let his words sink in. If what Gianni said was true, then he didn’t know any more than she did. Maybe Ava had pictures, and maybe she didn’t. Yet what they were remained a mystery. “She says they are incriminating.”

“You spoke to her again?”

She shook her head. “No, not me. I haven’t seen her.”

“Then how do you know?”

Leah went to the sofa and plopped down. She was drained. Gianni sat next to her. “Tell me why you think Ava has pictures,” he said. “And what you think they are.”

She covered her face with her hands. “Oh, Gianni, if she has them it could be the end. It would confirm everything she is saying about you.”

Gianni put his arm around her and held her close.

“While you were away, I got a call from Cody. He’s been a friend to us. So when he said he knew something important, I went to meet him.” Leah leaned her head on Gianni’s shoulder. She hated fighting. “He told me. You know he has connections, and several journalists expect Ava to produce the photographs.”

Gianni’s tone changed. “So Ava is the one that leaked it to the press?”

Looking up into his eyes, Leah saw his distress. “Yes, that is what Cody was told.”

“But no one has seen the photographs, then? It’s not that the journalists have possession of them, and are just waiting to go public?”

“Not that I know of,” Leah said. “I asked Cody to see what else he could find out.”

For a moment they were quiet. Then Gianni stood and began to pace. “What if she doesn’t have any pictures?”


“This is Ava,” he said. “We both know that bluffing wouldn’t be beyond her.”

That rang true. So far Ava’s tactics had been to harass in any way she could. “I can see that,” Leah said. “She is trying to overcome the lack of evidence.”

“Exactly.” Gianni gazed out the window for a moment, then looked back at her. “All she had to do is
she has photographs of us that she intends to release. That is enough to stir up trouble.”

“It’s possible.” Leah considered her own reaction to the ploy. “It’s pretty effective, really.” She paused. “But what if she really does have pictures of you with her? Pictures that would support what she is saying about you.”

Gianni looked thoughtful. He sat on the edge of the sofa. There were two wine glasses on the table, and an open bottle. He poured some for Leah, and handed it to her, then refilled his own. “I guess there is that possibility.”

Her gut twisted. Leah envisioned what the pictures might be, and every possibility was horrific. She had to know what they were facing. “Let’s say she does have them,” she said. “I need to know what they could be. I want you to tell me what kind of things you did with her.”

After a gulp of wine, Gianni set his glass on the table. “I thought you didn’t want to know about that. You said you couldn’t bear to hear the details.”

“Yes, but you said she preferred pain. That she begged you to do certain things with her.” Leah stared at Gianni. “What things? And did you ever do it? I need to know.”

He raked a hand through his hair. “Leah, I don’t know if you are aware of what you’re asking.”

Unwilling to show weakness, she repeated her request. “I need to know, Gianni. I am in this as much as you are. And I don’t want to be blindsided. I need to know the possibilities. What did Ava capture on film?”

He reached for his wine and took another gulp. Leah sipped hers for courage. “It’s not what Ava wants everyone to believe.”

“Then what is it? I’m asking you.” Leah took a breath. She wanted to know.
to know. But wasn’t sure she could handle it.

“The scenes with Ava were similar to the ones we experience together. What we did was, anyway. I didn’t feel the same with her as I do with you. The relationship was mutually satisfying, on a sexual basis, for a while. I did not engage in activities that were dangerous, or too extreme. Nor did I acquiesce to her demand for inflicting pain. Ava ceased pressing me to satisfy her inclination. She knew my hard limits.”

Scenes involving excessive pain were beyond Leah’s experience. But she didn’t want to ask. If Gianni hadn’t engaged in such things, she didn’t need to know.

“But women have different tolerances,” Gianni said. “That has to be considered when punishment is given.”

“You punished her?”

“Ava wasn’t into being my submissive for the excitement of the scenes,” he said. “At first, I thought she was. But it was the punishment she sought. So keeping that from her was worse than doing it.”


“She begged me to hit her with the belt. Or worse.”

Leah didn’t dare speak.

“I could have, and without lasting injury. But she wanted it too much. And with such willingness, it can be dangerous.” He looked in the distance. “Yes, I whipped her harder than I have whipped you.”

It was difficult for Leah to listen to. But she had no choice but to hear the rest.

“I did not leave permanent marks on her. As much as she would have liked me to. I maintained control in the playroom.” He looked thoughtful. “I suppose it is a good thing that I didn’t feel the passion for her that I do for you.”


“I might have been tempted,” he said.

A chill ran up Leah’s spine. “You are more inclined to give me pain than you were to Ava?”

Gianni shook his head. “Not pain.” He looked at her, and Leah’s heart wrenched. “I’m more inclined to give you what you want. The way I feel about you, it would be harder to refuse you.”

And how did he feel about her? But it wasn’t the right time for Leah to ask that question.

“Let me ask you this, baby,” he said. “If photos were taken of us in the playroom, what do you think others would think?”

Her cheeks flushed. “It would look…well, it would seem different than it is. No one would know what we were feeling. It would be difficult to tell pain from pleasure. And some of the things you do with me would be misinterpreted.”

Gianni gave her a minute to let that sink in.

“I see what you mean,” Leah said. “Looking from the outside, the scene isn’t the same.”

“Yes, so
pictures Ava has could be damming.”

Leah shook her head. “It’s an impossible situation.”

“Maybe so. But maybe not,” he said. “I still don’t see how she got pictures. I know there are tiny cameras that can be hidden. But two things…”

Her eyes widened. “Yes?”

“A hidden camera would have had to be in her clothes,” Gianni said. “But once she was naked and waiting for me, her clothes were in the cabinet or hanging up. The position would be all wrong. It wouldn’t have allowed for viewing of us together.”

“And what’s the other thing?”

Gianni shook his head. “It doesn’t make sense. I know that Ava is vindictive. And mentally, she is unstable.” He looked directly at Leah. “But when we were together, that was not the case. She didn’t have any reason to photograph us.”

“Maybe she was planning ahead?”

Gianni shook his head. “I guess there is a third reason, then. She was my submissive, and despite her other character flaws, when we were together she did what I told her to.”

“And you don’t think she secretly went against you?”

He took a deep breath. “I don’t think so. It was only when I broke it off that she went crazy. Until then I think she had the idea we would stay together…permanently. And she was devoted to me then, and wouldn’t have intentionally done something to displease me.”

Leah hated the idea of how Ava felt about Gianni. She rejected the idea of them being together. But he did have some good points. “I guess we won’t know, until she produces the pictures. Or even better, doesn’t produce them.”

“No, we won’t,” he said. “But I don’t want you torturing yourself about it. We will just have to face it when it comes.
it comes.” Gianni opened his arms, and she fell into his embrace. They were together. He had told her everything. That was what mattered.

He stroked her spine, and Leah relaxed. She didn’t want to think about the pictures anymore. Nor did she want to think about Ava. If her way of destroying Leah’s relationship with Gianni was through harassment, it was effective. From now on, Leah couldn’t let it affect her like that. She had to have faith and stay strong.

“Let’s finish our wine, and have dinner,” Gianni said. “This mess with Ava intrudes in our life enough. I don’t want it to ruin our evening.”

Leah thought of Gianni’s comment:
The way I feel about you
. Was it more than he had said? Had his feelings changed? She had asked enough for one night. There would be time. If Gianni had opened his heart, he wouldn’t be able to keep it from her.

And there was the entry in her journal that he hadn’t read yet. Leah wasn’t sure how he would react to the depth of her love. She was nervous, unsure if his reaction would be good or bad. Yet his comment gave her hope.

Or possibly it was her romantic nature getting the better of her. Leah dreamed of something that might not happen. But as long as there was a possibility, Leah would cling to her desire for Gianni to say he loved her. He had taught her patience, the ability to embrace delay, in order to increase the pleasure when satisfaction came. She decided it wasn’t confined to sex play, but applied to matters of the heart as well.

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