Lazy Days (64 page)

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Authors: Verna Clay

BOOK: Lazy Days
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decided to stay and watch. Sage said its okay."

actu'ly want ta stick around?" Newt sounded incredulous.

grinned, "Guess I'm a glutton for punishment."

old cowboy shook his head and climbed into his truck. Sarah waved when he
backed out. She returned to the top of the crest and, instead of following the
trail to the bank of the river, sat on a boulder near the trailhead and watched
the scene below. Newt was right to think her crazy, and she was right when
she'd said she was a glutton for punishment. Sage and the models were back in
rare form. The poses were sexy, provocative, sensual, and heartbreaking for
Sarah to watch. Surrounded by beautiful women, a successful designer, and an
attentive crew, Sage was in his element. She felt like the ugly stepsister.
Even though he complained about modeling, it was an exciting world he fit into.
Her world consisted of lonely days tapping on a computer while attempting to
create, in words, scenes like the one unfolding in real life below. If, by some
miracle, Sage had lasting feelings for her and wanted to stay in contact, could
she handle his world? And if they continued their relationship, how long until
he realized just how boring Sarah Carter was? Her heart was already suffering;
did she want to prolong the inevitable?

the next two hours Sarah sat on her perch pondering her dilemma. When the
photographer called a wrap, Sage spoke briefly with the designer and the
photographer. Then he walked to the large tent and said something that made the
crew laugh. Chrissie approached him, smiled, and placed a hand on his chest.
While she was talking, the other models joined them, and she stepped possessively
closer. Rosie, almost as tall as Sage, leaned to whisper in his ear.

sighed and looked away. When she glanced back he was walking toward the trail.
He'd almost reached the top when she stood. He stopped a few feet from her.
"Come on. Let's get the hell out of here."

drive back was quiet and Sarah stared out the window. When they reached the
gate at the edge of the pasture, Sage got out and opened it and then got back
in the cab. Instead of putting the truck in gear, however, he just sat there.
Sarah chewed her lip. He turned to face her. "I don't know what's going
through your head, honey, but if you think I have anything going with those
women, you're wrong. I don't fool around with multiple women. I'm monogamous.
But I guess that's something you'll just have to take my word on."

was saved from having to respond when the walkie-talkie sounded. "Sage,
this is Beaner. You there?"

sighed and reached for the device. "Yo Beaner, this is Sage. What's

to bother you boss, but Ned went to town for supplies and Newt's not answering.
Me and some of the guys are at the boundary of the north pasture and there's
another break in the fence. We got cows crossing the main road and cars

I'm on my way. I'll stop and get Curley. You keep radioing everyone. Tell them
to get their asses over there pronto."

boss. Over and out."

switched the channel on the walkie-talkie. "Curley, this is Sage, pick up

voice crackled back. "What's up?"

be at the dorm in ten minutes. Meet me out front. We got escaped cows. I need
you to go with me."

be waitin'."

past the gate, Sage jumped out and closed it, and then jammed the truck toward
the ranch. On the way, the walkie-talkie sounded again and he spent the rest of
the ride giving instructions.

he stopped in front of the dorm and Sarah opened her door, Newt's voice came
over the walkie-talkie. "Boss, pick up."

said, "Hold on, Newt." Reaching across the seat, he circled her
wrist. "We'll finish our conversation later."

nodded. "Don't think about that right now, you just go take care of

reached to caress her cheek. "Maybe I'll see you later tonight?"

looked down and didn't respond, and he dropped his hand. She stepped out of the
truck and Curley jumped in. Newt's voice sounded again. "Ya still there,
boss? I hope yer finished being pretty boy, cause we got cows thinkin' they're

didn't hear Sage's response because the truck peeled out in a cloud of dust.

the dorm, the dudes were gathered around the big screen TV watching John Wayne
shoot-it-out with a gang of angry hombres. They didn't even notice her. Back in
her room, she picked up her laptop and wrote the ending to
Dream Kisses
At least her characters would have a happily-ever-after. For herself, she knew
what she must do.


walked along the river's edge, her heart heavy and broken. After spending one
last glorious night with Gage, she'd left Liberty Ranch in the middle of the
night to return to her parents' humble home. Gage lived a life of wealth and
prestige that she could never fit into. She would always be plain Tarah Casey,
daughter of poor potato farmers barely eking a living. Gage deserved a wife of
beauty and polish—someone who could make him proud.

across the river, she picked up a stone and tossed it into the calm water.
Suddenly, another stone skipped behind the one she'd just tossed. Tarah jerked
around. Leaning against a tree, Gage watched her with such intensity she couldn't
breathe. Slowly, he stepped away from the tree and walked toward her. He


tear dripped onto her keyboard when she typed the last word in
Dream Kisses.
She closed the laptop, put it in her briefcase, and lay back on her bed,
allowing her tears to freely flow.

Chapter 22


that night, when Sarah saw Sage's truck parked at the side of his house, she
walked over and knocked on the door. She hoped Julie was still up.

opened the door. "Hi, Sarah, come on in. You know you don't have to knock.
Dad just got back from chasing cows," she snickered. "He asked if
you'd come over. When I told him no, he looked disappointed. He'll be glad
you're here."

they round up all the cows?"

he wouldn't have come back if they hadn't. Can I get you some tea or

but thanks for asking." Sarah felt awkward.

wanna sit down 'til Dad gets out of the shower?"

Umm, Julie?"

looked questioningly at her.

just want you to know…well, I think the world of you. You're a sweet girl and
you have enriched my life."

studied Sarah's face. "Thank you. I feel the same way about you."

stepped toward Julie and hugged her. Julie hugged her back. Not wanting to get
emotional, Sarah released her and sat on the couch, trying to make small talk.
"What did you do today? Did you do some trick riding for the dudes?"

I even tried some new moves I've been practicing with Precious Pudding."

what kind of moves?"

the next half hour Julie happily described her latest achievements. Neither of
them realized Sage was watching from the hallway until he said, "Hello

heart jumped into her throat. "Hello. I heard you were able to round up
all the cows."


looked from Sarah to her father. "I think I'll turn in. Dad, just as a
reminder, Tooty and I are going to the movies tomorrow. Her mom's picking me up

honey. Have fun." He didn't remove his eyes from Sarah's.

Julie left, Sarah walked to stand in front of him. Silently, she lifted a hand
to caress his cheek. Standing on tiptoe, she followed with her mouth skimming
his five o-clock shadow.

you want me to shave?" he whispered in her ear.

She moved her mouth to his, teasing it with tiny nips.

her into a tight embrace, he cupped her bottom and pulled her up against him.
"Let's go to bed, Sarah, my love."

the next few hours, Sarah loved Sage with every atom of her body and emotion of
her soul. When they lay spent in each other's arms, he smoothed his hand over
her hair and kissed her forehead. Softly, he said, "Thank you,

Sarah was sure Sage was asleep, she quickly dressed and reached into the pocket
of her Levis for the note she'd written earlier. Going to his dresser, she set
the envelope on top of his Stetson. Turning for a last look, her eyes lovingly
caressed his face before she tiptoed to the kitchen to grab his truck keys off
the peg. Running back to the dorm, she quietly slipped into her room and
grabbed a suitcase. After hauling it to the bed of the truck, she returned for
the other one. Finally, with her heart hammering, she made her last trek to the
dorm to retrieve her travel case, laptop, and purse. Glancing around her dorm
room, she silently bid goodbye to Lazy M Ranch. Slinking through the hall and
great room, she went back to the truck and prayed no one would hear the engine
turn over. Slipping the truck into gear, she backed away from the house and
turned down the long drive. When she was out of sight of the house, she punched
the gas pedal. At the Shop Til You Drop Truck Stop, she parked in the back and
walked to the payphone to call a cab.

* * *

stretched and yawned and then grinned when he remembered his night of passion.
He was in love with Sarah Carter a.k.a. Mims Murphy and as soon as he was free
of the disaster he'd created for himself, he was going to take her somewhere
special and tell her.

rolled over intending to suggest they shower together. Her side of the bed was
empty. Maybe she was already in the shower and he'd surprise her. He sat up and
scratched his chest. When he started toward the bathroom, he noticed something
on top of his hat. Walking naked to his dresser he felt a tingling of
foreboding. He reached for an envelope and ripped it open. Reading Sarah's words
made him want to pound his fist in the wall.




had a fun fling, but now it's time to move on. Our worlds are as different as
night and day. For me, the thrill of your world would soon wear thin. For you,
the sameness of mine would drive you stir crazy. Reality has reared its head
and it's time to accept who we are. I borrowed your truck. You'll find it at
Shop Til You Drop Truck Stop. The key is on top of the passenger tire. Thanks
for all the great research and I wish you a happy life. I'll never forget you
or Julie.



crumpled the note and threw it across the room. Their relationship had only
been a "fling" for her?

Chapter 23
Six Months Later


across her bed, Julie devoured the pages of the book Tooty had secreted to her
the previous day. She read the last word and closed it. Smoothing her hand over
the cover, she reached and set it on the bedside table before rolling onto her
back and placing her hands behind her head. After a few minutes of staring at
the ceiling, she grabbed the book back up. She was on a mission. Checking the
barn first, she found her dad brushing Jackel.

paused and said, "Hey, Julie, what have you been doing all day? You
usually spend your Saturdays riding or hanging out with Tooty."

stopped a few feet from him with her hand behind her back. "Dad, I'm going
to ask you to do something and you have to promise you'll say yes."

can I say yes to a request like that?"

can say yes because you trust me."

father studied her face. "Okay, since you put it like that. What do I have
to do?"

pulled her hand from behind her back and shoved the book
Dream Kisses
him. "You have to read this."

took one look at himself on the cover and went back to brushing Jackel. "I
don't want to read it. It wasn't right the way she just up and left."

. And
I promise
you won't be disappointed. You
probably don't know this, but Sarah named her characters Tarah and Gage."
She let that tidbit of information sink in. "And besides, the way you've
been moping around since she left, maybe reading the story will give you
closure." Oh, that last line was brilliant. Now he'd have to read it. She
grinned inwardly when he reluctantly accepted the paperback.

* * *

watched Julie walk away and grimaced when he looked at the book.
Now he was curious. Giving Jackel a final pat, he tucked the novel in the
waistband of his Levis, grabbed his hat, and headed toward the house.

light peeked through his curtains when he read the last page. He finally
understood Sarah. At precisely nine o'clock, he was in town and waiting for the
library to open. Heading to the bank of computers, he called up the internet
and found Mims Murphy's website. He searched her site until he found her

weeks later, he entered the Annual Romance Writers' Convention in San
Francisco. According to Mim's website she and several other authors were
speaking at the gathering. He located the intricately carved double doors of
the auditorium and, inhaling deeply, stepped inside. He was about to turn
heads, and he knew it.

woman at the podium stopped speaking. Behind her, another woman sitting beside
Sarah, pointed, and heads in the audience turned. Sage stepped forward until he
was in the aisle. A middle aged redhead in an aisle seat shouted, "Oh, my
God!" The young blonde beside her gasped and covered her mouth. An elderly
lady on the opposite aisle stood and squealed, "It's Gage Garrett from
By then, the entire audience had turned to look at him.

as he had been for the cover of
Dream Kisses,
he slowly stepped forward,
purpose accentuating every step. Several women began fanning themselves with
their program sheets. He reached the first row and stopped again. Glancing
down, he winked at a lady rapidly fanning her pink face with her purple
program, and she fell backwards against her neighbor.

his gaze to a stunned Mims Murphy alias Sarah Carter alias Tarah Casey, his
silence charged the atmosphere. The only sound was the squeak of a chair.
Finally, he started to speak and someone shoved a microphone in his hand. He
looked at it and shrugged. Lifting it, he said in a deep timbre,


Casey what were you thinking to leave me? I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't
live without you. I'm wasting away, day by day. I no longer possess my heart;
it has been stolen by you. I, Gage Garrett, am but a shell of a man without
you. I am begging you to return to Liberty Ranch…Lazy M Ranch…and make me


reined when he finished his memorization of Gage's words from the last chapter
Dream Kisses,
with the words, "Lazy M Ranch," added
He now said, "Sarah Carter, because I'm on the cover of your book, I once
jokingly asked what I was doing in those pages. I read
Dream Kisses
now I know. I was falling in love with you. Will you marry me and have my

his words, several women swooned and the convention turned into pandemonium.
Sage vaulted onto the stage and Sarah jumped from her chair, running and
launching herself into his arms. Sissy Johansen grabbed a microphone and said,
"Sarah, I
you he gave you
look." The audience
went wild.

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