Read Laws of Attraction Online

Authors: Diana Duncan

Tags: #cop, #Romantic Suspense, #diana duncan, #bride, #hot, #marriage of convenience, #sexy

Laws of Attraction (26 page)

BOOK: Laws of Attraction
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She’d been a stubborn idiot.

She never would’ve gotten this far in her war with Harper, Paul, and Montoya without him.

In fact, if not for Dallas McQuade, she would’ve suffered a horrific death.

She was alive for one reason and one reason only.

She shivered. Dallas McQuade had risked his own life to save hers.

Her prized independence was in reality false independence. Doing everything alone didn’t make her independent, it was a weakness that made her stupid.

Being humble enough to compromise, being open-minded enough to accept Dallas’ wise advice, being cooperative and pooling their resources … that would make them

The unsinkable Mia needed someone after all.

And she’d nearly died without ever having truly lived—a mistake she intended to immediately correct.

When Dallas had lost it in the kitchen, she hadn’t feared him … she’d wanted him. The fire had to have been a torturous reminder of his sister’s death—yet Dallas had charged into Hell itself for her.

Mia’s heart ached. He was so damned determined to save the world … and risk his own death to do it. She didn’t understand what kind of demons still drove him, but inside that tough guy armor, he was as vulnerable and wounded as the frightened, battered child she’d been.

She set her chin. He’d saved her life, and she was going to help him exorcise those demons and get back
life … whether he liked it or not.

She wasn’t quite sure how, but she’d figure it out as she went. For the first time since she’d started her quest, she hoped for a delay, hoped the computer encryption program would take a little longer. Her throat tightened. She wasn’t ready to let Dallas go yet.

A sound caught her attention—a pained cry from the direction of his office.

Was he sick? He’d inhaled as much, or more smoke as she had, had taken the brunt of the fire’s fury.

She flung back the covers and hurried across the hall. Illuminated by silvered threads of moonlight, he flailed on the huge leather sofa, moaning, his tightly closed lids twitching rapidly, trapped in the horror of a nightmare.

She didn’t have to guess what had caused it.

Mia rushed over. Kneeling beside him, she patted his face. “Dallas, wake up.”

,” he groaned. He was sweating and trembling and gasping like he’d run a marathon. “Hurts.”

“Dallas!” She gently shook him. “It’s okay. Wake up, now.”

“No! My fault!”

She climbed on top of his thrashing body, lay down on him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Listen to me, cowboy,” she said sternly into his ear. “You’re okay. You just need to wake up.
. Don’t make me have to do anything drastic like throw a glass of cold water on you.”

He went still. Gasped in a shuddering breath. “Mia?” he mumbled.

“Yeah … you have any other wives stashed around here I don’t know about? You were having a nightmare, but it’s done now.”

“Not.” His arms banded around her, holding on tight. “Don’t go. Stay with … me.”

Her heart turned over. “I’m not going anywhere, Dallas.” She kissed his jaw. “By the way, I haven’t thanked you properly yet for saving my life.” She touched her lips to his. “Thank you.”

“Couldn’t … do anything else,” he whispered. “I … need you.”

She didn’t know if he was awake enough to realize what he was saying, but her brave gladiator’s vulnerable admission had her fighting to breathe. “I’m right here. I’m here for you.”

“Sorry I lost control. Lost my temper. Sorry if I scared you.”

“Ha. It takes a lot more than a horny cowboy pitching a hissy fit with a few dishes to scare me.”

His laugh sounded rusty. “God.
. I can’t … I want …”

She nudged the rapidly hardening arousal pressing into her belly. “I’m pretty sure I can guess what you want.” She threaded her fingers through the soft hair at his nape, the tremor that ran through him at her caress pulsating into her.

“I want you, too. Very much.” Mia again brushed her mouth over his, whispered against his lips. “Make love to me, Dallas.”

He groaned. “Shouldn’t …”

She smiled, cocked a brow. “Just because you
, doesn’t mean you

His grin started slow … widened into a bright gleam. “What you do to me should be illegal, woman.”

He was still chuckling when he rolled her on her side with her spine against the sofa’s cushy leather back, and captured her mouth.

His evocative scent and dark, rich taste intoxicated her, dizzied her. His tongue invited hers to play, dally, dance with his. He teased her with short, fast kisses, courted her with long, lingering kisses, and aroused her with deeply powerful kisses.

Her world shimmered. Her bones went liquid.

He was definitely awake now, his huge, hot, hard body pressing her into the supple leather … a stunningly erotic contrast in textures.

“Dallas, I adore your kisses,” she murmured against his mouth.

His lips curved on hers. “Happy to hear it, because I’m fixin’ to kiss you all night long.”

“Yummy appetizer.” She nipped his earlobe, delighted to feel his erection jump. “What else is on the menu?”

A deep, wicked chuckle vibrated from his chest into hers. “I guarantee, sweetheart, by the time we eventually get to dessert, you’ll be well and truly sated.”

She ducked her head beneath his chin. She’d never run from anything that scared her. Except intimacy. “Don’t be disappointed in me if I can’t …”

“Darlin’.” The tip of his agile tongue traced the shell of her ear, inciting a volley of shivers. “I could never be disappointed in you, no matter what does, or doesn’t, happen. Let’s not worry about arriving at the destination. Just enjoy the trip.”

Relieved, she kissed the hollow of his throat. Though a thread of anxiety still twined inside her, she had confidence he’d guide her through the journey. “Okay. And based on our previous … excursions, I doubt you need a GPS.”

Warm breath chuffed in her ear with his chuckle as he slowly began to unbutton the placket of her shirt. “I think I can manage to navigate these luscious curves without help.”

She smiled as a callused fingertip traced down her sternum to her navel, dipped inside it to tickle and arouse. Then soft, moist lips cruised the same path. He slid the shirt down her arms and tugged it off, tossed it to the floor.

His palm cupped her breast, his thumb teasing the crest into a diamond-hard point.

She arched into his caress, yanking at his shirt. “Off. Take yours off, too.”

Together, they wrestled the stretchy cotton up his lean torso, and it sailed to join hers on the floor.

…” She explored the tensile planes of his back, the powerful muscles rippling under her palms like a big jungle cat’s. “You feel so good.”

“Right back at you, sugar. I can’t get my fill of touching you.” His hand moved to the other breast, teasing the nipple. He moved from one breast to the other, over and over, building the delicious torment until she was breathing in short rasps.

When he slid lower and his mouth lightly closed over her nipple, her toes curled. He flicked his tongue back and forth, making her writhe with spiraling awareness and anticipation. He lavished each breast with tender affection, giving her
what she craved, yet not quite enough.

Her fists clenched as she swallowed a frustrated moan.

“Don’t hold out on me, Mia.” His mouth captured her nipple again, the strong, hard pull streaking a line of fire straight to her core.

Her belly contracted, and she let the moan out.

“There you go,” he murmured.

He licked and nibbled and sucked, winding the tension deeper and tighter—until a taut ache throbbed between her thighs and she wanted to scream out her need.

She slicked her palms down to the small of his back, desperate to work his pants over his hips.
Damn drawstring
. She fumbled between their rocking bodies, yanking apart the tie.

She skimmed eager fingertips beneath the waistband, glided over the bare skin of his abdomen.

She reached lower, wrapped her fingers around thick, fiery steel. He jerked in her grasp and hissed in a sharp inhale.

Exploring the tantalizingly smooth length and moist velvet tip, she slowly stroked, and he groaned out a ragged breath. Delight shimmied through her as she discovered a new wonder. Her touch could make this strong, tough warrior sweat and tremble and moan.

He was as vulnerable to her as she was to him.

Every last qualm evaporated on a heady rush of warm desire. They were partners in this wild and crazy adventure.

Happiness inspired a smile. “The pants have to go, cowboy.”

“Uh, huh.” He inhaled again. “But you gotta … stop doing … long enough for me to …
!” He made a strangled sound deep in his throat. His unsteady hands yanked down his pants, and he kicked them to the floor.

Then he quickly stripped her of her panties.

His hands slid under her and scooped her up, and the room whirled. When her head cleared, she was kneeling on the sofa facing the arm, Dallas kneeling behind her.

He nuzzled her neck, feathering the sensitive skin with tantalizing nibbles and kisses. “Mia, sweetheart, plant your palms on the sofa arm.”

What was he
… ? She gulped. She trusted him. Mia did as he’d asked.

Silky lips rewarded her with loving attention at the tender spot joining her neck and shoulder. “I want you to remember you’re in control here. You can either slow things down, or you can pull away completely and stop it.”

He nipped her earlobe and his deep baritone vibrated in her ear. “Or you can hold on tight and enjoy the ride.”

She expected him to take her then. But he startled her by lying down on his back on the cushions. His broad shoulders slid beneath her, between her knees … spreading her thighs wide open for him. His hands gripped her hips, and he pulled her down onto his mouth.

And then …
oh God
… his magnificent, talented tongue seared her with scalding intimacy.

Mia gasped, her body going rigid at the lightning strikes of ecstasy, her spine arching.

Incredible sensations flooded her, pooling in a heavy ache. Heat and pressure, long slow glides of Dallas’ silky tongue followed by bursts of exquisitely rapid flicks.

Her hips undulated, and Dallas immediately adapted his cadence to hers, letting her lead the erotic dance. Caring enough, taking the time to thoroughly, totally immerse her in passion.

had ever felt this amazing.

She was churning, drowning in a river of desire, being hurtled down the rapids and toward the falls by the maddening rhythm of Dallas’ tongue.

A glimmer of something incredible shimmered within sight. Fulfillment she’d never known before drifted closer, beckoned.

Dallas enticed her closer to the edge.


Right there

Body shaking, lungs panting for air inner, inner muscles clenched, she froze, trapped at the threshold of the unknown. Suspended, trembling, caught between what was—and what could be.

Her heartbeat tripped into a panicked jog, and she pushed up on the sofa arm, lifting herself and breaking the connection. Cool air drifted across her, and cold and empty, she shivered.

Dallas’ hands slid down to support her quivering legs, long fingers reassuringly stroking her inner thighs. “It’s okay, baby. Easy, now. It’s your choice.”


My choice

“Dallas.” Her whisper was halting and breathless. “I’m not sure how … but I know you can give me back what the Colonel, Harper and Paul took from me. And I’m not sure why … but I also know you’re the only man in the world who can.”

He inhaled sharply.

“Dallas, I choose you.” Mia relaxed, let him ease her back down.

His low, rumbling groan against her clit amplified the pleasure. His thumbs gently opened her tender flesh, and his tongue dived in, laving her with hot satin strokes, then spearing deep inside—provoking sparkling fireworks through her entire system.

Further, higher, to where she’d never been before. Until she stood on the precipice, every muscle a taut, whipping wire, her heartbeat roaring in her ears.

Her fingers sank into the leather, clinging to the only anchor in the whirling universe.

I choose you

Her head thrown back, her body bowed, quaking and shuddering. As every muscle contracted in a brilliant explosion of light and sweet, sweet, burning release, she leapt over the edge … and soared.

And Dallas’ mouth sent her rocketing to into the stratosphere.

She lost a few moments of time. When her senses floated back to awareness, Dallas was sitting on the sofa with his back propped against the cushions and she was straddling his lap. His solid arms were wrapped around her, holding her close, and he stroked her hair … as hot tears streaked down her cheeks.

“D-Dallas.” She gulped. “I— I h-had a climax.”

He laughed unsteadily. “Yeah, I noticed.”

“I—I’m s-sorry, I d-don’t know why I’m c-crying. I d-don’t … never used to … cry.”

“Honey, I think you’re way overdue.” He rained kisses over her face, kissing away her tears.

“It was … Wow. Just …

He rubbed her back, his lips curving against her mouth. “That was only the beginning of wow.”

“Sorry for bawling all over you.” She inhaled, swiped the back of her hand over her face. “Crap, could I be any less sexy here?”

“Darlin’.” His erection twitched against her belly, the burning brand impossibly bigger, harder. “In case you haven’t noticed, I find you very sexy.”

How could
possibly have aroused him so much? And yet the evidence didn’t lie. “That’s fairly massive evidence to support your position, McQuade. Um … it’s very … it seems like it would … do you find it painful?”

He uttered a graveled laugh. “I believe what applies here, counselor, is the saying, ‘hurts so good.’ But, Mia, it pleasures me to give you pleasure.”

She leaned closer to kiss his stubbled jaw, the strong column of his throat … enjoying the delectable friction of his crisp chest hair grazing her nipples, which instantly peaked. “I want to give you pleasure, too. Love me, cowboy.”

BOOK: Laws of Attraction
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