Laugh Like You've Never Cried (Summer Lake 5)

BOOK: Laugh Like You've Never Cried (Summer Lake 5)
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Like You've Never


Michael and Megan – Summer Lake Book Five

SJ McCoy

A Sweet n Steamy Romance

Published by XSHi Publications

Copyright © 2014 SJ McCoy

Table of Contents

Copyright Page

Laugh Like You've Never Cried



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

A note from SJ

About the Author

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written consent of the author.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are figments of the author's imagination, fictitious, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead is coincidental. 

Cover Design by Dana Lamothe

Editor: Lu R of Persnickety Editing Services



For Sam. Few x


I'm not going to ramble – for once!

You, dear reader, are on this journey with me. Thank you, I love you for it.

My awesome Street Team – we are one crazy family, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you all to little pieces – and you know it! Thank you.

My editors, you deserve medals! And hugs, lots and lots of hugs :0)

Dana Lamothe, without whom none of this would be happening. You are my hero. My voice of reason. My graphics genius. Now you are my Cover Designer too! I'm so happy that you get to debut your amazing talent right here with Michael and Meggie. Most of all you are my friend, and you DO know how much you mean to me.

Vegas, baby!

Chapter One

ichael!” Missy slapped his arm, and hard.

“What, critter?” It was just too easy to get his old friend riled. She was scowling at him. “If you keep trying to set me up with evil women and beating me up yourself, I'm not going to be able to come visit you guys anymore.” Michael winked over her head at Dan.
knew the score. And after all, Leanne was

“Don't be like that!” Missy was still mad. “Leanne was only trying to help. She didn't understand the situation and she messed up. If anyone should understand that, it's you. Remember coming over to my house and scaring Dan away? Remember flirting with Laura yourself and giving Smoke the wrong idea?”

He grinned. Yeah, he did, but that was different. “I innocently stumbled in where some other lucky guy had already staked his claim.” He couldn't help but chuckle. “If you'll pardon the expression.”

Missy slapped his arm again, but she was laughing with him and Dan was smiling behind her.

“Leanne was deliberately butting in where she had no rights. She was interfering. I don't like that. So maybe she meant well, and in the end it all turned out okay, but I don't like what she did and I'm not going to pretend I do.”

Missy was wrinkling her nose at him. “She was misguided, that's all. I need you to get over it and forgive her so we can all have dinner tonight.”

“I'm over it. No worries there. What I'm saying is I'm not getting into it. You all seem to think it's pairing off time. I wouldn't mind it—if I find the right girl. All I'm saying is Leanne is not the right girl. Not for me.”

Missy gave him a quizzical look. “But she's so beautiful!”

Dan laughed. “Leave it, Miss. He's not interested. Leanne's coming up to see us and to apologize to Smoke, and everyone. You don't need to force Michael into anything.”

“Thanks, mate. I'm glad you can handle this one. I never get anywhere with bossy Melissa.”

Dan closed a hand around the back of Missy's neck and smiled down at her. “We've got each other figured out.”

Michael could see that. “Yeah, you do,” he said with a grin.

Missy and Dan were the least likely couple he had ever known, but they were good together. In fact, they were great together. He was happy for them. He was even starting to envy them, to wonder if he would find what they had. No way would he find it with Leanne though. Yes, she was beautiful, a ten, no question about it, but she just didn't do it for him. Even before she'd tried coming on to Smoke, tried to prove to Laura that her boyfriend would still go after another woman, and in the process almost broken the two of them up, Michael had known she wasn't for him. She was hot, she was fun, but she was too.... What? Strong? That wasn't it, he admired strong women. Confident women were sexy. Loud? She wasn't exactly loud. Outspoken maybe? Whatever it was, she wasn't for him. He'd gladly join the gang for dinner at the Boathouse later, but he needed Missy to know that he had no intentions of being paired off with the blonde ball-buster.

“So what time are we meeting over there? I'm feeling a bit lost with my boy gone.”

Missy smiled. “It is weird, isn't it? You know Ethan's fine though, and Scot was so excited. I kept telling him there won't be any signal out there for any of his gadgets, and he just didn't care. He's more interested in exploring the camp with Ethan and teaching him what he knows about fishing.”

“Yeah, I'm not worried about him. He was looking forward to it. I know the old-timers will take care of them. I just want to stay busy till he gets back.”

“We said we'd meet everyone at the Boathouse at seven,” said Dan.

“And Leanne called a little while ago. She should be here any time now,” added Missy. “So why don't you hang here? We can all go over together later.”

Michael shook his head. “Thanks, but no thanks, critter. I'll take myself over to see Ben. Have a beer with him.”

He had no desire to be on the welcome committee when Leanne hit town.

“Hey, Ben!” Michael waved as he saw his old friend running down the steps from the lodge. “How's it going, mate?”

Ben grinned. “Everything's great, bud. It looks like we're in for a quiet weekend, for once, and man am I ready for it. In fact, have you got time for a beer? The others are all coming over at seven, but it's quiet enough that I'm just killing time till then.”

“That's what I came to ask you. I've got some time to kill myself. Come on, let me buy you one.”

They headed into the bar, and once Ben had their drinks they claimed one of the high-top tables in the corner.

“We'll probably need to pull a couple of these together once everyone gets here,” said Ben. “I thought you'd be over at Miss and Dan's waiting for Leanne to arrive.”

Michael shook his head. “That's where I just came from. I don't want any of that, mate. You have at it, if you're interested. She is a stunner, just not for me. You were the one supposed to be her date in the first place.”

He noticed the sadness cross Ben's face before he smiled. “No, I'm glad I didn't go to the fundraiser. By the sounds of it, she's not my type either.”

“You going to tell me the story with Charlotte then?”

Ben shook his head. “I am not. It's not a story, it's history—of the ancient variety.”

“Fair enough.”

“But what about you? Are you really staying? Ethan seems to have settled in really well. You're not going to take him back to Oz now are you?”

“I hope not. It was hard on the little man to leave there, but he's loving being here. He loves all the time with my mom and dad. Scot's become like a big brother to him. It seems to be doing them both good. Neither of them are used to having another little genius around, so even though Scotty is four years older, they have enough in common that it doesn't seem to matter.”

Ben nodded. “And how about you? Are you settling in? Did you get everything sorted out to be able to practice here?”

“Yeah. When I did my internship in New York, I never thought I would need it to work back in the States. But it's come in handy. I'm going to able to join Dad soon. Then when he's ready to retire, I'll take over. At least that's the plan. I hope it all works out. I'm liking being back here.” He smiled. “It seems weird to think the class clown is coming home to become a pillar of the community. Weird, but good, you know?”

Ben grinned at him. “I do know, bud. It's great that everyone’s coming back. Sometimes over the years I've thought about leaving myself, but I've never been able to think of a better place to be. I'm just glad the rest of you are finally figuring it out and coming back to join me and Miss.... Hang on a sec. I just need to catch Megan over there.”

Michael watched as Ben went over to the servers' station. He grinned as the woman waiting there shifted nervously. Ben had no clue about the effect he had on women and this one was looking flustered as he spoke to her. She didn't look like she was here for a night out. Her blonde hair was all scraped into a bun, her heavy, square-framed glasses gave her a no-nonsense air. But as Michael looked her over he could tell it was just a front. She was flustered and nervous. Whether that was about Ben or something else, he didn't know. She was tiny and had to look up to meet Ben's gaze as she spoke to him. She wore sneakers on her feet, no heels to make her any taller. She was hiding herself in a baggy sweatshirt and shapeless jeans. But Michael was intrigued. He could tell that underneath there was one hell of a figure. Ben was talking to her, smiling at her, putting her at ease in the way he did with everyone. He said something now that seemed to make her relax and lower her guard. When she smiled back she was transformed. He'd been right, there was a beautiful woman under that disguise.

Michael watched as she ran upstairs to the function room. He wanted to know her story. Ben sauntered back over and sat down.

“What was that all about? And who is she?”

“I'd told Megan she could use the upstairs for a meeting tonight. We've got nothing booked.”

“What kind of meeting? Is she a local?”

“Yeah, she's been here a while now. I'm surprised you haven't met her. She works at the library and she's trying to build closer ties with the school. I like her.”

Michael raised an eyebrow. “
her, like her?”

Ben laughed. “No! Like her as a friend, she's good people, just a bit shy.” Ben gave him a stern look. “Don't even think about it, Morgan. She's not your type. She's smart and sweet and quiet and serious.”

Michael grinned. “A girl like that needs some fun in her life, right?”

Ben shook his head. “No. Leave her alone. I don't know what her story is, but it's taken her a good couple of months to start coming out at all. I don't want you scaring her back into hiding.”

“I'm not scary, I'm lovable! What's not to love about me? I'm a devoted single dad, a doctor. I even have a sexy accent. Besides, I'm cute and endearing and irresistibly attractive.” Michael waggled his eyebrows as he added, “And modest too.”

Ben laughed. “Yeah, I know, and it works for you. All I'm saying is, you can work that shit on any woman. Have some fun. Megan doesn't seem to know what fun is. She wouldn't know what to do with you.”

“Then I may just have to teach her what fun is.” Michael grinned, liking the idea. “And I can show her what to do with me.”

“Whatever. I'm guessing before tonight is over something more obvious will have caught your eye and you won't even remember her name. Look, there's Em and Jack. They said they might come down early.”

As he raised a hand to greet them, Michael smiled to himself. No matter what Ben said, he knew he wouldn't be forgetting the name Megan any time soon.


egan stacked the last of the chairs and looked around. She wanted to make sure she left everything as she had found it. It was what she did. She liked to leave no trace. It was so good of Ben to let her use this room for the meetings. She didn't want to create any work for him because of it. The last of the teachers had left ten minutes ago. They'd been more receptive this time, but she was quite sure that when she went back down through the bar she would see most of them sitting around having a drink, despite their claims that they could only make the meeting if it was no longer than an hour. Oh well. At least they had come. At first she hadn't been able to muster any interest in building stronger ties between the library and the school. Now she was getting somewhere.

Ben stuck his head around the door and grinned. “I told you last time, you don't need to stack chairs, Megan. I'll take care of it tomorrow.”

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