Lasting Pride (Pride Series Romance Novels) (17 page)

BOOK: Lasting Pride (Pride Series Romance Novels)
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Okay, what’s this all about?” He stood in the doorway and crossed his arms and watched as she stood there and tried to look authoritative.


“We both know it’s not going to go anywhere.”

“What isn’t going to go anywhere?” He was amused as he watched anger cross her face. He started to walk towards her. She held her hands up trying to block him.


This,” she waved a hand between them. “I need to step back. I’m here to protect -”

“Screw that,” he burst in, “No,” when she started to speak again he continued, “you’ll listen to me now. I just spent what can only be described as, the worst conversations ever with my parents. I’m worried sick that my sister might have found out…” He broke off and looked at her face. Taking a deep breath he admitted it. “I’m worried sick that my baby sister might have found out that she doesn’t belong to my father. That she is just my half-sister and that she has a full brother out there and a father that she’s never even met.” He ran his hands through his hair and walked into the living room. The walls of the bedroom were closing in on him.


Roberta came up behind him and put her arms around him. He hadn’t known the fear would show that much. Closing his eyes, he leaned back into her.


I’m sorry, I really like Katie a lot. Just because someone else might be her father, doesn’t diminish the fact that you’re her brother.


“I know, Todd is Lacey and Iian’s half brother, and they don’t even acknowledge it.” He turned and pulled her into his arms. “Why are you upset?”


“Ric, I can’t get involved. I shouldn’t get involved.”


“Why?” he pulled her face up to his.


She closed her eyes and tried to pull away, he held her in place.


“Why, Roberta? Why can’t you get involved? Don’t tell me it’s because of the job. I won’t buy it.”


Resting her head on his shoulder she opened up to him.


“I was raised by my father, a thief and I was lucky to go a month without bruises somewhere from him. He taught me how to pick-pockets before my fifth birthday and I was able to crack a safe by the age of twelve. When my father died of a heart attack when I was sixteen, I was on my own. I couldn’t even bury him, I had to just leave him on the street, afraid the cops would find out I was on my own and put me in a home.” She didn’t realize tears were rolling down her face until he quietly wiped them away.


“Then there was the gang, they were my pseudo family until they were gunned down right in front of me.” She pulled away and looked at him. “I can’t get close. I won’t…”


“I won’t leave, I’m not going to go anywhere.” He could see her reasoning now, he bent and kissed her mouth softly. “Don’t push me away because you’re afraid, I won’t be scared off that easily.” He pulled her closer and could feel her softening.


“I haven’t been in a relationship like this before, Ric. I’m afraid I’m no good at it.”


“Neither have I, but I’m willing to try if you are,” he smiled at her, pulling her up onto her toes as he kissed her mouth and started walking her backwards towards their room.


She laughed when he picked her up and walked her the rest of the way with her feet dangling. Tossing her down lightly on the bed he said, “Good, now that our first fight is over, we can move on to the make-up sex.”


Pulling his shirt over his head he tossed it aside.


“That was not a fight,” she said and he watched her eyes travel up and down his bare chest.


Smiling even more, he said, “You next.”


When he saw that she understood, he watched her sit up and remove her shirt and smiled in return. Then he unbuckled the snap of his jeans. She mimicked him with her pants. The zipper was next, then hers. Pulling his jeans down, he watched as she followed the motion slowly, sliding her pants off her legs and finally tossing them aside. He stood there at the end of the bed in his boxers and looked at her in her pink bra and panties.


“You’re beautiful,” his mouth went dry as she ran her hands slowly up her sides and over her breasts. He didn’t move when her hands skimmed back down and played just outside her panties. Rubbing her fingers over her softness. He watched in awe as she toyed with herself, smiling at him. When he moved to get closer she shook her head.


“No, you started this game, just watch me,” she leaned back and pulled her bra loose, rolling her nipples between her fingers. He stood there, his mouth dry, his palms sweaty, and was hard as stone.


“Watch what you do to me, what I want you to do to me.” Her voice was husky and rich and he wanted to claim her mouth. Then she pushed her panties aside and ran her fingers over her pink skin underneath as he moaned.


“Touch yourself Ric, I want to see what I do to you.” She smiled when he yanked his boxers down quickly.

“This,” he pointed to his hard-on. “You do this.” He wanted her.


When he went to move again, she said, “No, show me.”

He felt stupid standing at the end of a bed touching himself, but then she slid a finger into herself and he didn’t care anymore. Her eyes closed on a soft moan and her head tilted back.


Did she know how wonderful she looked? The evening sun was lighting up the room, casting pink shadows across her skin and it looked radiant, she looked radiant. Looking at her face, he realized she’d been watching him as he followed the motion of her fingers, matching them with his own hand. He wanted her bad enough now, he could see that she wanted him too. Her fingers were slick and he could smell the sweetness of her excitement. Then, in one quick motion, he was on the bed and he thrust himself inside her heat as she screamed out his name.



Chapter Seventeen


he ringing phone had Ric sitting up, squinting at the clock. It was a quarter-past-one in the morning. Not wanting to take a chance to miss a call from Katie, he sprinted across the room, hitting his shin on the edge of the bed, in the process. He looked at the screen and answered when he saw his sister’s picture on the screen.


“Hello,” he cleared his throat.


“Ric,” his sister’s voice sounded small.


“Katie, my god. I’ve been so worried. Where are you?”


“Is it true?” She sounded like she’d been crying. Obviously she’d heard the news.


“I’m so sorry. I didn’t expect you to find out like this. Who told you?”


“Mom called me,” he heard her sniffle.


“Have you talked to Dad yet?” When she heard the word “Dad” she’d laughed. “Katie, he’s still your father. I’m still your brother. He loves you, I love you.”


“Ric, I don’t know what to do, what to say. I can’t talk to him right now, and I won’t talk to her.”


“Where are you?” he asked again.


“At a friend’s. I’m going to drop off for a while. I need to settle some things.”


“Why don’t I…”


“No, Ric. I just need some time. I’ll call you when I can.” It was quiet, Ric waited. “I’m glad you’re okay, I’m sorry about your apartment. You scared me, don’t do it again. I love you, Ric.” He heard the click and just continued to hold the phone to his ear as he stared out into the darkness outside the cabin windows.


How could his mother do this? Why would she do something so mean as to tell her over the phone. Did she have no heart? He tossed the phone across the room.


He felt Roberta’s arms wrap around him from behind.


“She told her over the phone,” the more he thought about it the more angrier he got. “She couldn’t even face her when she ripped out her heart. Just like she did my father, like me,” he spun around, “What kind of heartless bitch tells her daughter she has a different father than the man who raised her, loved her as his own, over the phone?” He paced the small room as she watched him in silence.


“Maybe it
better to not get involved with someone. After all, my father gave over thirty years to her. Twenty-six of them, she spent lying to him and married to another man across the world, while raising another family.” He wanted to punch something.




“Don’t!” he turned, she didn’t back down from his anger, she had told him where she’d come from. The years of abuse from her father. He thought she would flinch when he approached her, instead she stood tall and didn’t even blink. Which made him want her even more, then he yanked her off her feet and the kiss was hard and hot. He wanted her hot, fast, and hard. He needed it.


He knew he bruised her lips under his own. He’d fisted his hands in her hair and yanked her head back, exposing her neck. Running his mouth down, he nibbled and sucked harder than he’d meant. The pain in his heart reflected in his actions. When she moaned and pushed her hands into his hair, he spun her around and shoved her up against the wall. He didn’t want her to want him. He wanted to fill his need, only his need.


How could he know by taking his pleasure, he’d be giving it to her in return? It was primal, something inside him called to take what he wanted, quickly.


He yanked her night shorts down and had his fingers deep inside her, more roughly than he’d expected. She moaned and leaned her forehead against the wall, placing both her hands on the wall and when he pushed her faster, farther she tossed her head back on a moan.


Then he moved her legs farther apart, moving her farther against the wall, trapping her hands between her. Using his feet, he spread her legs even wider and entered her fast. His long, hard thrusts matched his tension and desires. He kissed the back of her neck and lightly bit her ear, causing her to almost scream in delight. Letting loose his control, he kept the speed fast and the thrusts long and hard as he took her quickly against the wall. Her hair fisted in his hands as he ravished her neck and listened to her moaning his name.


He’d built himself up so tight that when he did come, he’d growled out her name and felt his legs weaken.


“I’m sorry,” he said into her hair a few minutes after he’d gained control of himself again. He held her up against the wall, not wanting to move. He was afraid of what he’d see in her face. Had he hurt her? He could feel her breathing hard against his chest.


Turning in his arms, she looked at him and saw what he’d been trying to hide from her.


“Don’t,” she grabbed his face and held it so he looked at her. “If I didn’t want to be up against the wall, I wouldn’t have been. I can take care of myself Ric, I’m not some fragile flower who doesn’t want hot, fast sex, standing up.”


He laughed and pulled her closer, smelling her hair.


“Regardless, I should have gotten myself under control first.”


“I’ll let you in on a little secret,” she whispered into his ear, “you can lose control like that on me any day.”


The next few days were a blur, they walked on the beach, ate dinner either at the cabin or at Megan’s house. Once, they’d taken a walk down the beach all the way to Allison and Iian’s house. Which was triple the size of Megan and Todd’s place.


Roberta was beginning to think everyone lived the high-life in this small town. Allison had shown Ric some of her latest paintings in her large studio room, and they’d ended up talking shop for several hours while little Conner had napped. She enjoyed this side of Ric, he seemed more relaxed talking shop with Allison. He’d quickly marked the paintings he’d wanted her to ship to his offices and Roberta had to say, he’d picked almost everything. There had been a small piece she’d seen leaning against the wall that caught her eye. She’d been studying it when Allison had walked up behind her.


“He makes for a good subject doesn’t he?” Rob had jumped, not knowing Allison had been behind her.


“Hmm,” she tilted her head and studied it further.


“You can have it if you want,” Allison walked over and handed her the small sketch.


“Oh, no, I couldn’t.”


“Please, consider it a gift for saving my friend’s life.” Rob looked into Allison’s eyes and saw the kindness there.


Looking down at the sketch of Ric, she held out her hands and Allison placed the small picture in them.


“I’ve got the perfect frame,” she rushed to the other side of the room, “Here it is.” Walking back, she took the sketch and put it inside the black matted frame which enhanced the drawing.


Looking around the room, she noticed Ric smiling back at her.


“Thank you, now I have something to throw darts at when he acts up.” Everyone laughed.


“What do you want to do today?” Ric asked. They were sitting on the front deck eating their breakfast of home-made cinnamon rolls which Lacey had delivered less than a half-an-hour ago. They sat on the deck and watched the summer rain pelting down on the beach.


She’d been thinking about it for a few days. It was only a short three hour drive, they could be back just after dark. But, she hadn’t mentioned it to him out of fear. Fear that he’d talk her into visiting her grandparents and the possibility of meeting her mother.


“I know it’s far-fetched, but I’ve thought about driving into Cathlamet, Washington to go by where my grandparents had lived. Maybe see if I can find them. I have the address listed when I was abducted by my father, but I’m not sure if they still live…”


“That sounds like a wonderful idea. I’d love to go for a drive.” He smiled over at her and took her hand in his.


They packed up some sandwiches for the drive and after checking herself in the mirror at least three times, she decided she looked well enough for the possibility of meeting her family. People she had never known, and who had no idea that today, their lives might change so drastically.


The three hour drive was peaceful, the summer rain had let up just as they hit Astoria. They stopped in a large park along the water’s edge and ate their packed lunches. Ric tossed a few bread crumbs to some seagulls, which only caused a huge surge of new birds to flock in their direction. Rob snapped a picture of him with her cell phone as he was laughing at a bird taking a potato chip from his fingers.


When he started to drive across the Astoria bridge, she could see his knuckles whiten from the death grip on the steering wheel.


“Afraid of bridges?” she joked.


“No, just heights.”


She laughed again, “Afraid of heights? A man who had an apartment on the twentieth floor is afraid of heights.” She saw him relax a little when the bridge dipped down to water level.


An hour later they rolled into the small town of Cathlamet. It, like Pride, sat on the waterfront, but instead of the Pacific, the wide, busy Columbia river was its port.


“Here’s the address, it shouldn’t be too hard to find.” She could feel the nerves building in her. Only once in her life had she felt this nervous. When her father had died, she had a full-on panic attack not knowing what was going to happen to her.


They drove through the small town, past quaint rows of houses. Ric turned onto the street and immediately they started climbing up a steep hill, and followed the winding road until they came to a cluster of houses. He slowed down and when she spotted the number, she held her breath as he came to a stop in front of the small wood framed house with a red roof.

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