Last Summer as a Virgin: 32 (Sexy Erotica)

Read Last Summer as a Virgin: 32 (Sexy Erotica) Online

Authors: Cathy Kong

Tags: #lust, #HoE, #drunk, #house of erotica, #sex, #romance, #fantasy, #erotic, #adult, #sexy, #Erotica, #strangers, #virgin

BOOK: Last Summer as a Virgin: 32 (Sexy Erotica)
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Title Page


Young Girl Exploring Sex For The First Time


Cathy Kong

Publisher Information

Last Summer as a Virgin

Published in 2013 by Andrews UK Limited

This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

The characters and situations in this book are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.

Copyright © Cathy Kong 2013

The right of the authors to be identified as authors of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Last Summer As A Virgin

One initial statement of my story is that I’ve had enough encounters with boys my age, and none of them seemed to be...adequate, which explained why I’ve never given even the slightest thoughts on sex or boys before one particular night, the night when I was having dinner with my religious parents.

It was that night I ran into a couple having sex in the bathroom stall of a Chinese restaurant and for the first time, I felt a strange tick in my stomach when I noticed a particular noise from a stall, suppressive yet provoking.

Somehow I ceased my feet, walking as quiet as I could toward where the noise came from. I wanted to know what was going on behind that door. Apparently someone having sex in a public bathroom was not the first thing sprinted through my mind, I reckoned some old lady fell on the floor or some sort.

‘Hello?’ I asked, pressing my ear against the door. ‘Someone in there? Do you need help?’

Then it came about three minutes of silence from the other side of the door, I knew someone was in there, and I was going to get help from the people of the restaurant.

‘No, we’re, I am quite alright.’ A girl’s voice came before I left the bathroom.

‘What’s the matter, do you need help, ma’am?’ I tried to be helpful.

‘No, thank you.’ She said, along with someone giggling from the back, someone either a girl with a really masculine voice, or a male.

I stood still, it was then the idea of a couple having sex in a stall struck through me. I felt hot and dizzy. I didn’t know what had gotten into me, as I walked toward the door, I slammed it rather hard, as though I was trying to trick them into believing that they were alone again, then I tip-toed back to the stall next to them and sat on the toilet.

‘Do you think she’s gone?’ The girl whispered, making that weird noise again. I could hear so clearly I thought she must have pressed against my side of the thin plastic wall.

‘well, why didn’t you invite her to stay?’ The boy said with a laugh, also moaning.

I held my breath as they were conversing in a turbulent tone, as though they were running in sweat. I could almost feel something biting me, something tiny with sharp teeth, biting wherever I had my hands on, I was desperate to scratch the itch I had in my stomach, but I was too scared to move.

Then the movement became more turbulent. I could hear the boy slapping the girl, probably on the thighs, I couldn’t help running my hands on my lap, I felt ashamed yet unutterably exhilarated at the same time.

The girl fizzled with a suppressive moan each time the boy slapped her.

‘Yes, spank me, Joey.’ The girl cried. ‘Ah...Joey.’

The boy chuckled as he said, ‘Turn to the wall.’

I imagined the girl having her breasts and her hands pressing against the wall, which was about less than an inch thick; and the boy, Joey vigorously penetrated into her when she let out that beastly moan. It was as if she moaned right into my ear, I cringed immediately. Then the stall wall started to shake in a rhythmic pattern, with both of them heavily breathing and groaning in suppression.

I inadvertently let out a gasp and the movement once again became tranquil, I panicked as I hastily opened the door and galloped straight back to our table before anyone noticed anything.

‘Joey...’ I mouthed the name into the air, and shamefully reminiscing what I found when I got home.

We arrived home at 10:30 PM, I went straight back to my room for a shower and found a water stain in my vanilla underpants.

I remembered one time the girls in my dorm room discussing sexual experience when the lights were out, and one of them, my friend Lisa, claimed that she was always ready for sex because she was wet all the time. The girls laughed so hard and called her a sex addict because she’d had sex with more the 20 boys in our school. Lisa had somewhat been an acknowledged sexual icon in our grade, she was pretty and she was not fastidious, there was no wonder why she was...experienced, sexually. I remember this one particular bet she had with the boys in our class, silly bet, really, I couldn’t remember the details of the bet but I could recall that she lost the bet and that she ended up having to perform oral sex for Andy. S, later that day she told us about Andy. S’s eight inch penis and that she had sex with him in the boys locker room after the blow job.

I was the least interested in her sexual encounters, but she was fundamentally a nice person, thus our friendship remained intact, considering that we’re going to the same university in the coming fall, and that we practically grew up together, it’d nice to be in a new environment with a familiar face.

Lisa lived on the next lane to our house, she went to a public school and I was home-schooled, but I remember us playing dolls or something else when we were kids. Then she hit puberty, started her boy frenzy, after that we didn’t speak much until we both ended up in the same boarding school.

The name Joey kept lingering in my head and the more I thought about what happened in the restaurant, the hotter I got.

In my pitch dark room, I closed my eyes and slowly reached into my moist underpants. I gently scratched my clitoris with my fingers. I wanted to scream but I suppressed it with every sense I had. Then I started to stroke a bit harder and faster, I had to bite my bottom lip to hide my turbulent moan as I heard the watery sound coming from where my fingers were.

Then my phone rang.

‘Hey, Beth. It’s me, Lisa. where are you?’ The caller said.

‘Home.’ I answered, trying to mediate my erratic breathing.

‘I’m at a house party.’ Lisa sounded hammered on the phone, I imagined her to be dancing to one boy with her legs and clinging to another one with her arms.

‘Lisa, I ran into someone having sex in a bathroom stall today.’ Wickedly the words just slipped out of my mouth without going through my brain and I ended up regretting it.

It was a long wait till a chain of laughter came from the other side of the phone, which made me want to drown myself in a dead pool, then Lisa’s voice came through, ‘Come to the party.’

A party? I took a moment of silence wondering why she was inviting me, the boring Beth Green, who had never had sex and got excited over eavesdropping to strangers banging in the bathroom. I rubbed my forehead and sighed.

Gradually I agreed to go, it was not like I have better things to do at the moment. So I grabbed my coat and drive 10 blocks to their house party.

First thing I noticed when I arrived to the location given by Lisa, the house smelled like urine and cigarette, the second thing came to my sight was the people grinding themselves against each other voraciously, it was a feast of lust.

I hated myself for not being more open or tolerant with this, which was probably why I had been single and consecutively celebrating celibacy with such joy.

While I had my baffling thoughts going on several directions at once, Lisa popped out of nowhere and gave me a big hug, I could feel her plump breasts pressing against my front.

Startled, I pulled away and cried, ‘Oh! Lisa, you scared me!’

She wiggled her feet before she managed to stand on them, then she looked at me with a fawning grin while adjusting her pink lace bra drunkenly. I couldn’t help but kept gazing at her breasts, for I have never before taken a good look at her contorted body. Her breasts were plump and tanned, with a few strands of her blonde hair sticking into the cleavage, I swallowed my gasp and forced my eyes to her face.

‘Come.’ She said as she dragged me into the crowds, then she enthusiastically led me to the room on the second floor, on our way I saw some boys and girls snuggling on the couch intimately, drinking and smoking together and for the first time of my life, I wanted to join them, I wanted to be touched by a boy and I was in shock of my abrupt sexual appetite.

We walked into a room, and there were 10 people sitting on the floor in a circle, seven boys and three girls, chatting and playing poker with a burning cigarettes to each of their hands.

The group over all seemed welcoming, but soon they went back to where they were, and I sat to the side quietly while sipping the cocktail Lisa got me.

‘Hey, I’m Joey. I heard you are going to the MU in the fall. I’ll be a senior in the coming year.’ The boy in blue shirt and khaki shorts approached and offered me a cigarette, and I took it down without a hint of hesitation, for I needed that to hide my unsettling head, because I got a bit excited the minute he mentioned the name Joey, I detected an intense sensation down in my groin. I wanted him to touch me, I wanted him to do things to me the Joey in the bathroom stall did to that girl, I wanted him to scratch that itch I was suffering from internally.

‘Beth Green.’ I looked at him and found him actually quite good-looking: about 6 feet tall, nicely suntanned, with bright green eyes and a straight nose, his thin lips were smiling even if he wasn’t intending to.

‘I know, I’ve heard so much about you from Lisa.’

I was definitely being the least attentive to our conversation, due to the scent of his sport deodorant and somewhat of the alcohol coming from his breath, which suited him almost inappropriately that I have to spend a moment or two wondering why haven’t I seen boys the way I saw Joey tonight, my heart was pounding so loud it was within everyone’s earshot.

I wondered if it was the alcohol or Joey, thoughts of such were making my head even hotter and heavier, as though I have lost control of my breath, my head span when Joey asked me if I was okay, with him holding me so tightly, I could feel his feverish skin adhering to mine, and that gave me shivers on the spine.

I then turned to my back, only to find that Lisa had disappeared again. But somehow I didn’t care. I just wanted to get closer to...Joey.

‘Are you alright? You seem a bit jumpy.’ He said.

‘I’m fine, really.’ I said in a whisper. ‘Why don’t we go somewhere quieter.’

Joey laughed and took me to the attic room.

I kissed him on the lips as soon as we got there. I could still hear the music and the people downstairs, which made it more exciting for me. I shoved Joey to the sofa and had my legs tangled with his, then slowly took off his blue shirt while he reclined underneath me with a funny look on his face.

‘Joey.’ I said hastily as I attempted to unbutton his pants with my shaky hands. ‘I’m a virgin, you’ve got to meet me half way here.’

‘What?’ He jumped up in astonishment, stopping my hands from taking his pants off. ‘How is that possible?’

I stared at him in awkwardness, then I mumbled my words to him, ‘I’ve never thought about... having sexual relations with anybody before.’

‘But now you do?’ He said, apparently amazed.

So I told him about the incident in the bathroom stall, every bit except the Joey part, for as far as I was concerned, the amount of humiliation had reached its climax on a single night.

Joey held a long gaze with me, then he smiled, ‘We’ll do it moderately if you still want to do it.’

I studied his face meticulously under the dim light, then leaned to him and placed a heavy kiss on his lips.

‘I’ve never done it with a virgin. Let’s make sure we’ll do it right.’ He said in a rusty voice as he got on top of me.

I shivered a little as he gently unhooked my bra and sank under my floppy shirt. He pushed my bra up to my neck, I could feel his lips lingering on my breasts, then his tongue, it all started from the collarbone, then all the way down to my nipples, after a bit of licking he started to suck on them.

And there it was, that intense tick down in my groin, it struck again. I inadvertently let out a strange noise, and Joey giggled when he reappeared from under my shirt.

‘Now we’ll take your pants off.’ He smiled cheekily as he took off my jeans, while holding an eye contact with me the whole time.

I was not making a sound. Not yes, not no. I just let him had his way with me, while enjoying it greatly.

After throwing my blue jeans to the ground, Joey knelt on the floor as he twirled a strand of my pubic hair with his thumb and index finger, purposely he gave it some gentle pulls there and here.

I groaned again, with a strange voice, my heart swinging in between the edge of shame and excitement. Joey spread me legs widely, wide enough to let him see everything. I could feel my skin burning up, as well as his. I was desperate of his touch.

He smiled at me as he sank his head down to my crotch. Then he licked me, my clitoris. I shook like a leaf in the wind when he slid his index finger into my vagina, with his tongue licking the lips of my vagina.

‘Ah...’ I moaned loudly and unintentionally when it hit me, the flood, or the electrical shock sprinted through me, head to toe. ‘Joey...Joey!’

I couldn’t express that feeling in words perfectly, but it was quick and turbulent, which caught me off guard and got all my pores open to their widest at one point. Then I laid in satisfaction and emptiness.

‘What is that?’ I asked Joey.

Joey chuckled as he got up and slowly took off all his clothes, ‘Your first Orgasm.’

Then I witnessed his penis springing out of his pants, enormous as a baby’s arm.

He grinned as I held my breath, thinking this was the first real-life penis I’d ever seen and amazed by the thought of it.

‘Now you’ll give me some of that.’ He said grinningly as he came closer to me, pointing his third arm to my face.

‘Do you want me to...touch it?’ I asked with uncertainty, both my hands shivery.

‘Yes, please.’ He practically breathed the words out and with every move he made, his penis moved along, almost pointing north. ‘It’d great if you can lick it like it’s a Popsicle.’

I snickered at his humorous euphemism while observing his cock meticulously, huge and vigorous would be the suitable adjectives for its description, unlike the ones I’ve seen on textbooks, and it was now looking at me, with its tip leaking whitish mucus.

Then I grabbed his penis with both of my hands, stroking it a bit before I started licking it, and I was licking and sucking it as if it was a Popsicle. I licked its tip for a while, then tried to fit as much into my mouth as possible. I even tried to give it a soft bite.

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