Last of the Cold War Spies (63 page)

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New York Times, The

Nikoloric, Leonard A.

Nixon, Richard M. China and communism and meeting with Straight Mundt-Nixon Bill presidential run (1968) resignation Rose’s law firm and Straight’s views on

Noel-Baker, Lord Philip

NORAD (US-Canadian North American Air Defense Command)

Nuclear weapons China and England and international control of Japan and Korean conflict and NORAD and “Open Skies” plan Soviet espionage and Soviet’s first bomb superbomb
The New Republic
information on

Onassis, Aristotle

Oppenheimer, J. Robert

Oppenheimer, Katherine

Order of Lenin award

Orlov, Alexander

Osmond, P.A.

Overy, Tom

Papich, Sam

Parilla, Jack

Patterson, Robert

Payne, Flora

Payne, Henry B.

Peake, Hayden

Pell, Claiborne

Philby, Kim defection of Korean conflict and
My Silent War
postwar work recruitment of as Soviet agent suspicions about at
The New republic
as war correspondent

Philby Files, The

Pincher, Chapman

Pinchot family

Pollitt, Harry

“Popular Front” (Spain)

Popular Front alliances

Potsdam Conference


Pressman, Lee

Profumo Affair

Progressive Citizens of America (PCA)

Progressive Party

Promise of American Life, The

Prostitutes and espionage

“Rachel” relationship

Radio Free Europe (RFE)

Ranier, Elvire

Rankin, John

Rawson, Wyatt

Reagan, Ronald

Reiss, Ignaz

Revolutions of

Rideal, Sir Eric

Rise of the Meritocracy, The

Robertson, Joan

Rockefeller, Nelson

Romilly, Esmond

Roosevelt, Alice

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin death of Frankfurter and Joe Kennedy and Leonard Elmhirst and overview of presidency

Roosevelt, Theodore

Rose, Milton foundation investigations and relationship with Straight Straight family finances and

Rothschild, Barbara

Rothschild, Victor banking and Blunt and Burgess/Maclean defection espionage and Tess Mayor and Whitney Straight and

Russell, Bertrand

Rycroft, Charles

Safire, William

Saturday Evening Post

Schildbach, Gertrude

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.

Schub, David

Scroth, Raymond A.

Selassie, Haile

Shipley, Ruth B.

Silvermaster, Nathan Gregory

Simon, Brian Blunt and student trip to Russia Tess Mayor and

Simon, Sir John

Simonds, John

Simpson, Wallis

Sino-Soviet Friendship Pact Krivitsky information on significance/consequences of

Sirhan Sirhan

Sissmore, Jane

Slavin, John

Smirnov, Nikolai

Sotelo, Calvo

Soviet Trade Mission, Amtorg

Special Intelligence Services (SIS)

Special Operations Executive (SOE)

Spies Without Cloaks, the KGB’s Successors


Stalin, Joseph International movement and Korean conflict Krivitsky’s information on Potsdam Conference purges by recruitment and Spain and Straight and Trotsky and Wallace’s open letter to Yalta meeting

Stand, Bert

Steers, Newton

Steers, Nina.
See also
Auchincloss, Nina Gore

Stevenson, Adlai

Straight, Beatrice acting and birth/childhood Dolivet and mother’s memorial service

Straight, Belinda.
Crompton Belinda

Straight, David

Straight, Dorothy marriage to Willard Straight séances social issues’ work
See also
Dartington Hall; Elmhirst, Dorothy; Whitney, Dorothy

Straight, Dorothy (Straight’s daughter)

Straight, Michael Whitney as “anti-communist,” attacks on McCarthy Barbara Rothschild and Barkovsky and “communism break/depression” of description espionage explanations/justifications exposure of family finances dispute final years/death foundation investigations Geneva East-West summit HUAC appearance (Mundt-Nixon Bill) interrogations/statement of Korean conflict and life summary NEA position acquirement NORAD espionage overview of communist work as playwright researching/writing novels (cover) wedding/marriage to Nina Steers

Straight, Michael Whitney/1930s (U.S.) as assistant speechwriter communist contact and job searching by Roosevelts and Sino-Soviet alliance and at State Department unions and

Straight, Michael Whitney/1940s China views controller for exposure worries Krivitsky’s death and nuclear weapons issues and political office dreams Roosevelts and State Department departure State Department return suspicions about US Army Air Corps Reserve visa/passport work of Wallace and

Straight, Michael Whitney/Cambridge first year second year third year fourth year

Straight, Michael Whitney/childhood ancestors’ background birth of at Dartington Hall overview

Straight, Michael Whitney/recruitment for covert operations feigned communism break/depression initial recruitment of student trip to Russia trip to Washington/Roosevelts

Straight, Mike (Straight’s son)

Straight, Nina.
Auchincloss, Nina Gore; Steers, Nina

Straight, Susan

Straight, Whitney Willard birth/childhood brother’s espionage and career of death of dispute over family finances political views

Straight, Willard Dickerman background courtship/Dorothy Whitney death of marriage/business life

Striganov, Sergei Romanovich

Student Vanguard, The

Sudoplatov, Pavel

Sullivan, William

Szilard, Leo

Tagore, Rabindranath

Tavenner, Frank S.

Teller, Edward

Terletsky, Yakov

Thatcher, Margaret

Their Trade Is Treachery

Thiele, Herta

Totnes Divisional Labor Party

Trial by Television

Trotsky, Leon assassination of Comintern and Stalin and support for views/goals of

Truman, Harry S. atomic bombs description Korean conflict loyalty program of presidency of

Truman Doctrine

Twigs for an Eagle’s Nest

2001, A Space Odyssey

Union strategies

United Nations

United Nations World

United Steel Workers

US-Canadian North American Air Defense Command (NORAD)

Vakhtangov Theatre Company

Velde, Harold H.

Venona decrypts

Very Small Remnant, A

Vidal, Gore

Vietnam War

Von Petrov, Vladimir

Waldman, Paul

Wallace, Henry China trip open letter to Stalin political background presidential run of resignation of
The New Republic
and third parties and

Walter, Francis E.

Walton, Bill

Watson, Alister

Welderhall, Jennie

Welles, Orson

Welles, Sumner

West, Rebecca

Weyl, Walter

White, Harry Dexter

White, Sir Dick

Whitney, Dorothy background courtship/Willard Straight
See also
Dartington Hall; Elmhirst, Dorothy; Straight, Dorothy

Whitney, William Collins

Wilson, Ian

Wilson, Woodrow

Wohl, Paul

Wormser, Rene

Wright, Peter

Yalta meeting

Yezhov, Nikolai

Young, Michael Dartington and at LSE
Rise of the Meritocracy, The
as Straight’s friend student trip to Russia

Zarubin, Elizabeth

Zhdanov, Andrei

Other books

Darkness In The Flames by Kelly, Sahara
A Sudden Silence by Eve Bunting
Reckoning by Miles, Amy
The Fellowship of the Hand by Edward D. Hoch
The Groom by Marion, Elise
Judgment at Proteus by Timothy Zahn