Last First Kiss (32 page)

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Authors: Lori H. Leger,Kimberly Killion

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary Women

BOOK: Last First Kiss
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He slipped his shirt over his head and threw it and his sunglasses down on the table. He turned around in enough time to see her mouth the word “Wow”. “Thanks, but close your mouth. You’re embarrassing me.”

You have been working out, haven’t you?”

Not as much since my bike came in. Before that, I needed the distraction. You see, this crazy woman couldn’t seem to decide from one day to the next whether she was speaking to me or not.”

Giselle raised her eyebrows. “You’re blaming me for that?”

He nodded. “I guess I am.”

Oh poor, baby. Come here, Jackson.”

He squatted down in front of her. “What?”

She reached up and tenderly caressed his cheek. “I’m so sorry for making you bulk up like that, and I’m especially sorry...for this!” She grabbed hold of the back of his neck and pulled him into the pool with her.

Jackson surfaced, spitting and sputtering. “I suppose I should have been waiting for that.”

Yep, all that Mr. Pitiful talk,” she said.

Come here, Giselle.” He lunged toward her.

She screeched and dodged him, swimming off in the direction of the grotto. Jackson was the faster swimmer, and caught up with her easily. He grabbed her and pulled her under. When they came up for air, she hung on to his neck as he treaded water to keep them afloat.

Jackson watched her lick her lips.
It would be so easy to kiss her.
He remembered the promise he had made to himself, that she would be the one to go to him. He let her go, and swam toward the grotto. Once there, he climbed out onto the steps, and waited for her to catch up to him. When she did, she climbed out, walked over to the grotto area, and gasped loudly as she stood under the significantly cooler waterfall. She dropped her head back and smoothed her hair away from her face. Jackson watched the scene, thinking the entire time that it should have taken place in some tropical setting rather than in Red’s back yard pool.




Giselle stepped to the other side of the waterfall and into the dark grotto. She wanted Jackson to follow her, even though she wasn’t quite sure what she wanted to happen if he did. She walked all the way to the back of the remarkably cool grotto, and sat on the slate slab that served as a bench while her eyes adjusted to the darkness.

She studied the amazing construction of the man made cave, and wondered who had designed it. She’d seen several of these waterfall grottos constructed for homes that Toby’s architectural firm had designed. They kept a landscape architect on commission who specialized in this kind of set up, but she had never seen anything like this.

She examined the design, passing her hand on the coolness of the smooth stones. Giselle looked up as Jackson walked around the waterfall to the opening. He stood there, all tan and ripped, looking like a Greek god with beads of water spotting his bronzed skin.
My fault, huh? Well, if that’s the case, I just can’t bring myself to regret being the cause.
“Came in here to cool off?” he asked.

It does feel good in here. I’m amazed at this design... It’s custom, right?” she asked, as country music began to play softly from built in speakers somewhere inside the cave.

Jackson searched until he found the speakers. “All right, he said he’d find the time to wire it for sound one of these days.” He turned back toward Giselle. “He drew up a basic sketch, I designed it for him, and he built it. It’s something, isn’t it?” He leaned one arm against the wall of the grotto and crossed his foot at the ankle.

You designed it?” She shook her head in disbelief.

I just told Red what would and would not work from the engineering standpoint. We hammered away at a design until we were both satisfied.”

You ever thought about going into business for yourself? I know people who’d pay big bucks for a service like this.”

Jackson shrugged. “I might get enough clients in a city like Lafayette, but Lake Coburn’s only half the size.”

You don’t understand. You wouldn’t have to find clients-they’d find you. Architectural firms would kill to have someone like you to turn to. You and Red could make a huge profit off of this one design.”

He shrugged like it was no big deal. “It’s something to think about, I guess.”

Giselle closed the gap between them. “I’m amazed at you, Jackson. Is there anything you can’t do? You sing, you dance, you played baseball, and you design fantastic grottos. Your uncle says you’re a natural horseman, not to mention the excellent engineering work you do. Is there anything else I should know about?”

I may have a few more tricks up my sleeve. I guess you’ll have to stick around if you want to find out.”

I’m extremely impatient. How long are we talking about?”

He shrugged and gave her one of those sexy as hell lopsided grins.

How long was that?” She inched closer.

He gazed down into her green eyes, looking as though he was damn close to losing control. “I didn’t say.”

But damn close wasn’t close enough for Giselle. She reached out a single nailed finger to trace from above his breastbone all the way down to the waistband of his suit. The look on his face was well worth the show of bravado. “What’s wrong Jackson? You look surprised.”

Jackson sucked in his breath and lifted both hands, in surrender. “Hey, you’re the one in control. You’re supposed to tell me when you’re ready.”

Maybe I’m ready for just a little more.” She hooked her finger into the waistband of his swimming trunks and pulled it toward her. Before she could look down for a peek, he grabbed her hand and pulled it away.

Jackson backed her up against the smooth surface of the wall then grabbed her hands and laced his fingers through hers. He raised them above her head, one on each side, effectively pinning her against the wall. Leaning forward, he brushed his mouth against her neck just below her left ear.

Her pulse quickened at the feel of his warm breath on her dampened skin. Instead of kissing her neck as she expected him to, he raised his head to speak softly in her ear.

I have to tell you, Hon, I don’t mind a little teasing every now and then, but I’m no masochist, and I’m sure as hell no saint. Here lately, being around you is agony.”

What’s the matter big boy?” she gasped, trying to lighten the mood. “You afraid it’s going to stunt your growth?”

The look Jackson gave her revealed he hadn’t found much humor in this particular situation.

What is it you want from me Giselle?” he whispered hoarsely. “I think you know how much I want you, but I need to know how far you’re willing to take this little game of yours.”

Giselle stared into the depths of his hooded eyes, dark with desire. “In time...all the way, but we’re not alone here, Jackson.”

Red’s a grown man and knows better than to bother us. It’s dark back here.” He brushed his mouth lightly against hers.

She closed her eyes, ready to abandon all will, ready to give him whatever he asked of her.




He gently kissed one eyelid, then the other. He pulled back and watched, as she slowly open her eyes to look at him. He could go for it right now; he knew he could. She was as hungry for it as he was. One good kiss and she’d be ready, Red or no Red, but did he really want her like this? Unfortunately, he already knew the answer. This scenario was too ‘first time in the back seat’ for Jackson, and he respected Giselle entirely too much for that.

He groaned and dropped his head back in defeat then turned away from her. A moment later, he gasped as he walked straight into the waterfall. As the cool water took care of his current predicament, he saw a flash of white. He cleared the water from his eyes just in time to see Giselle’s sexy, round bottom and bare back as she dove into the pool. He watched her swim underwater for a while, then surface, gasping for air, as she tread water until she caught her breath. Then she began to swim the length of the pool in earnest, back and forth.

Jackson walked over to the table, grabbed his towel, and began to dry off. He looked up at Red, who was placing steaks onto the heated grill, tight-lipped and silent. “That waterfall sure is cold.”

Red’s face broke into a broad grin. “It’s almost as effective as a cold shower.” He shook his head as his gaze locked with Jackson’s. “You two sure enjoy torturing each other.”

They both looked over at the pool to watch Giselle swimming in smooth, long strokes.


Giselle swam for another ten minutes then climbed out of the pool. She grabbed her towel, and dried herself briskly before wrapping the towel around her waist. She walked over to the chaise loungers and collapsed in the one nearest to the grill, stretching out her legs.

Giselle, would you like something to drink?” Red asked.

A beer...A really cold one,” she gasped, as she pulled her sunglasses from her leather bag.

Any preference? I have several brands.”

Jackson stood up. “I’ll get it for her.” He walked to the cooler on the other side of the built in bar area.

How do you like your steaks?” Red asked her.

Medium rare...Plenty of pink in the middle, please.”

No problem, it seems we all like them the same way.”

She lifted her head. “You need help with anything?”

No, everything’s under control. Rest, you look like you need it.” Red glanced over at Jackson before returning his attention to the steaks. “He’s a good guy, Giselle. God knows he’s been hurt enough by...That crazy bitch he was married to. If you think this isn’t going anywhere, break it off now, before he’s in too deep.”

She removed her sunglasses so she could see him clearly. “I hear you Red. It’s good he’s got you as a friend. He just lost one, and he’ll need you more than ever.”

Red nodded. “I’ve missed him over the years.” He looked up as Jackson began muttering something unintelligible. “Hey! What the hell’s taking you so long? Your lady is dying of thirst over here.”

Don’t you have any American beer?” Jackson asked.

My private stock is in the fridge in the kitchen. That’s the ‘Designer Beer’ section.”

Jackson disappeared into the kitchen and came out carrying three bottles of beer.

What do you drink?” Red asked Giselle.

Sam Adams, or MGD if you have that.”

He slapped a hand in the middle of his chest. “A girl after my own heart,” he told Jackson as he approached. “Better watch out, I may steal her away.”

Jackson handed Giselle and Red each a bottle of beer and kept one for himself. He smiled at Giselle as he addressed his friend. “Go find your own girl, Red. This one’s mine.”









They ate steaks grilled to perfection, baked potatoes, and salad in the coolness of Red’s gourmet kitchen. Lunch was followed by an afternoon of more swimming mixed with exchanging stories of teenage angst and tales of college. Red and Jackson laughed until they cried when Giselle told them several of the things the girls had said and done over the years, including how Lexie mortified her on a regular basis.

Red wiped his eyes. “You should write that stuff down.”

We call them ‘Lexie-isms’,” Giselle told him.

Jackson says they’re beautiful...Got any pictures?”

Sure I do.” She reached down for her leather bag and pulled out school photos from the last three years.

Look at those beautiful faces! Mackenzie must look like her dad, but that little one is a clone of you,” Red exclaimed.

I can’t get over how much they’ve changed in three years,” Jackson murmured. “They’ve even changed since these last ones. Mac’s face has slimmed down.” He turned to Red. “She’s going to be a knockout one day, man, and Lex,” he smiled and passed his finger lightly over the snapshot. “Well, you said it best. She’s a clone of her mama, and I think we can both see how well that turns out.”

Giselle continued rummaging through her large leather bag, and let out a triumphant yell as she pulled out her digital camera.

I’ve looked all over the place for this thing. I haven’t used this bag since the birthday party at Bill’s, and it’s been hanging in my closet. I’m so relieved. I bought another one when the girls and I went to New Orleans, but this has all their ball game footage.”

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