Last First Kiss (25 page)

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Authors: Lori H. Leger,Kimberly Killion

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary Women

BOOK: Last First Kiss
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Bill snorted. “They weren’t exactly the type of women you bring home to meet your momma.” He cocked an eyebrow. “And even if they were, you ain’t my momma.”

Oh,” Jackson said, so not wanting to go there. “What kind of advice do you need, then?”

Who’s the best carrier for a mobile phone?”

I thought you didn’t have any use for one,” Jackson said, once he’d recovered from the shock.

I didn’ I do. Gwen wants to be able to reach me.”

Welcome to the new century, Uncle Bill.”

I’m also buying a new truck tomorrow.”

Jackson’s eyes widened in disbelief. “You’re seriously getting rid of that old Ford?”

No, I’m going to hang onto it for farm work. But the first time I go pick Gwen up for a date, I want it to be in my brand new truck.”

Oh Lord, I can’t believe it took a woman to get you to come into the new age. Good for you, old man.”

You know what they say, you’re only as old as you feel—and today I don’t feel a day over forty. So, how was

Confusing as hell,” Jackson growled, as he picked up a pitchfork and threw a forkful of hay in the nearest stall.

That’s because you won’t listen to me.”

Your ass,” Jackson said with a snort. “I let loose on Giselle in the boat when she made a comment I didn’t care for.”

What kind of comment?”

He told Bill about their conversation in the paddleboat.

How’d it end up?”

She apologized to me. I told her I could find my own damn woman and I didn’t need to be set up you.”

Bill stopped shoveling hay and looked at his nephew. “What do you me?”

We discovered she didn’t invite Gwen to the party. Mac didn’t know Alyssa before today.”

Who invited her?”

It had to be Carrie. She invited her here for you.”

Bill chuckled. “I’ll be damned. I asked her to find me someone. It’s nice to know she’s taking care of me.”

They worked in companionable silence for a while, just the two of them in the barn with the animals. After debating whether or not to broach the subject, Jackson finally spoke up. “You know, Uncle Bill, I know all about your wife back in Washington, and how you lost her.”

Bill leaned on his pitchfork. “You do? It wasn’t a big secret or anything, I just didn’t see any reason to bring it up. How’d you find out?”

I overheard you and mom talking about it one day. I heard her tell you it was time to find another girl.”

Bill smiled at the memory. “Elise was always trying to set me up with some friend of hers.”

That was nearly the last time I heard mom speak. They left just after that.”

Bill looked toward the sunset. “New Year’s Eve...they were going dancing.” He passed a hand over his face. “That was a bad time for both of us.”

Jackson nodded, and leaned against the wall. “I told Giselle I’m tired of waiting for a family. I must have used up my reserve of patience on Chloe.”

Bill leaned over to pick up a length of rope and slowly wound it into a coil. He walked over and hung the rope on a hook near Jackson’s head. “Maybe you’re just tired of denying your feelings for Giselle.”

Jackson looked up to meet his uncle’s gaze. “I’ve already admitted that I’m attracted to her.”

Bill shook his head, “I’m not talking about physical attraction...I’m talking about the fact that you’re in love with her. Are you ready to admit that?”

Jackson pushed away from the wall. “Don’t start. Her husband was one of my best friends. I would never...”

You would never have acted on it as long as Toby was alive. Believe me, Son, I, better than anyone, know that.”

Jackson let his head drop and closed his eyes. After a few moments of silence, he looked up at his uncle. “I’ve loved her for so long. I wanted what they had...I’ve wanted it with her...for three
years. I don’t know how to go on if I don’t ever get the chance...” His voice trailed off. “Dammit!” He kicked an empty bucket and sent it flying noisily across the wooden floor of the tack room.

Bill walked over to where the bucket landed, and picked it up. “What is it you’re so upset about?”

I’m afraid, dammit!” Jackson snapped. “Now that you know and I’ve accepted it...What if?”

What if, what?”

What if she never returns the feelings? What do I do then, Uncle Bill?”

Then, you do what we’ve been telling
to do since Toby’s death. You move on, look for someone else to fill the void.”

Jackson groaned and walked away from his uncle until he was outside of the stables. He paced slowly, both hands clasped at the back of his head.

Bill followed him out. “Don’t worry, I doubt if anyone else besides me and Carrie know about this.”

Jackson stopped and faced his uncle. “Carrie knows too?”

Bill shrugged. “We haven’t discussed it, but I’d bet my last dollar she’s known longer than I have.” He placed a hand to Jackson’s shoulder. “You don’t die from disappointment, son, or a broken heart. Believe me, I know.”

Three years, Uncle Bill. Every time I looked at Chloe...I wished for Giselle. I knew it wasn’t right, but hell, I couldn’t help myself. I just kept hoping that if we had a child, things would get better.”

Bill grimaced at his nephew’s words. “Look, I know I probably shouldn’t say this, but the thought of Chloe alone with an innocent baby always scared the living hell out of me.”

Jackson shook his head slowly. “I know, but three years. Toby was one of my best friends for the entire last year. Hell, I was happy they were so good together. You have no idea what that’s like.”

Bill took his hat off and slapped it against his long thigh. “Oh, I think I can empathize with you some. You see, a year or so after my wife died, your mother started on a mission to get me married off again. The night you overheard us, I’d have said anything to get her off my back. I knew I couldn’t have feelings for anyone else, because, just like you with Giselle, I’d fallen in love with Elise...your mother.”

Jackson lifted his eyes to meet Bill’s gaze.

And just like you, I never acted on it. I would never have dreamed of telling her or your dad. I was every bit as happy for your parents as you were for Giselle and Toby.” He looked at Jackson. “I hope you don’t think less of me.”

Jackson looked at the man who had been so good to him. “Of course I don’t, and now I realize that you’ve lost two women you loved, as well as a child, and a brother.” He shook his head in amazement. “No wonder it took you so long to move on.”

He pulled out his wallet and handed Bill a card. “Here’s the carrier I use, and I can’t wait to see the truck you buy to impress her. I sure hope you find happiness with Gwen, Uncle’re sure as hell due for some.”









Jackson let out a long whistle as he walked up to Bill’s new truck, a beautiful Super Duty Ford F-350, ready for towing, bronze in color and trimmed up in chrome. The King Ranch accessory package dressed up the eye-pleasing, luxurious interior. The seats were tan saddle leather, heated for wintertime comfort, with front and back climate control. The truck boasted a built-in GPS and a premium sound system. “Gwen will be impressed...I promise you.”

Bill took off his hat and passed his fingers through his dark hair. “I just want her to be comfortable.”

She will be. Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you, my new bike is coming in tomorrow, so I’m taking the day off,” Jackson explained.

What’d you get?”

An Indian Chief Road Master...It’s the motorcycle version of that truck,” he said, cocking his head toward Bill’s new wheels. “I’m hoping it’ll be the perfect distraction to keep my mind off Giselle.”

Jackson spotted Carrie walking toward them. “Look who’s coming. This is going to blow her mind.”

Carrie beamed up at Bill as she approached. “If you’re trying to impress Gwen, this should do it. It’s not necessary, but a good looking man like you should drive a good looking truck like this.” She looked inside and whistled. “Oh God, that is
Bill Broussard.”

Bill leaned over to hug her. “I haven’t had a chance to thank you.”

You’re welcome, honey. I heard her story and knew God put her in my path for a reason, and it had to be you. I only want credit if it works out, though.”

How about if I buy you lunch?”

She shook her head. “Not today, I’ve got errands to run. Gwen called me this morning, you know; I hear you two had an interesting talk last night...a two hour phone call?”

Sure did,” Bill admitted. “That much less to say next time I see her.”

A little less talk and a lot more action?” she teased.

Jackson scratched his head. “Two hours? Hell, I can’t get you to talk for five minutes on the phone.”

You don’t look like Gwen,” Bill said.

Carrie laughed. “Jack, are you going to lunch with Bill?”

Yeah, we’re going to choose a wireless phone and a plan for him before lunch.”

Carrie’s mouth dropped open. “Next thing you know, you’ll be setting up your own web page and surfing the net from your smart phone.”

I don’t know about all that. I just want Gwen to be able to get a hold of me when she feels like talking. It’s going to be rough not to be around her twenty-four, seven, now that I’ve found her. I’ve waited a long time for this.”

Mmmm, boy...,” Carrie murmured, her smile secretive and knowing. “I remember those days. You two boys have a good lunch.”




Tuesday afternoon, Jackson showed up at the ballpark on his new bike. Even he had to admit it was impressive. It was a far cry from the Honda 750 he’d ridden when he was in college. Several heads turned when he pulled in to a parking spot near the field. He had just dismounted and taken his helmet off when he heard a sharp whistle from behind him.

Sam walked up to him with pure envy in his eyes. “You got an Indian...Man, I am so jealous!”

Jackson grinned at Sam. “Yeah, when I told Carrie I’d ordered one she got pissed. She said you had always wanted one, and that you were going to whine about it until you wore her down. So, you know what to do, don’t you?”

Sam spent the next minute drooling over the bike. “Damn, and Carrie’s here today, too. I think I’ll start that whining right now,” he said with a chuckle.

You didn’t hear that from me, by the way,” Jackson added.

Not a word,” Sam said as they walked over to the stands. He walked up to where Carrie was sitting on one end of the bleachers and grabbed her arm. “Babe, look who’s here.”

She turned her head. “Hey Jack, I didn’t think you’d be able to make it this afternoon since you were out all day.”

He got an Indian motorcycle,” Sam said.

She looked at the bike, then at her husband who was already wearing the face of a deprived child.

Babe, can I have one, please?” he pleaded.

Stop it, Sam.” She climbed down from the bleachers and poked a finger in Jackson’s chest. “I blame you for this.”

Yes ma’am, I’m sorry,” he told her.

No, you’re not, don’t even try to pull that crap with me,” she scolded.

He grinned at her. “You’re right, Carrie. I love my bike.”

They walked over to examine it, and Gretchen and her girls joined them.

Who’s this fine bike for?” Gretchen asked.

It’s mine,” Jackson admitted.

How’s it ride?” Sam asked as he knelt before it.

Like a dream.”

Oh for God’s sake, get up off your knees, Sam. You look like you’re worshiping the damn thing,” Carrie chided.

But, that’s the one I’ve always wanted, Babe,” Sam moaned.

Gretchen laughed. “Oh, here we go. Mr. Sam won’t stop whining until mom lets him get one.”

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