Last Chance (41 page)

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Authors: Christy Reece

BOOK: Last Chance
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received his intel, this time he couldn't have explained it even if he had

wanted to. Raphael hadn't told him how he had obtained the information.

However, he trusted the young man and believed its accuracy.

McKenna held her hand out for the faxes. Skimming them, she said,

"So she could be with Reddington in Madrid?"

"Possibly. My contact has a description of Jamie. He may be able to

verify whether she's with him or not."

Kane's brow rose. "He's that close?"

Noah nodded grimly. Raphael had a strong desire to work for LCR.

Partly from gratitude--LCR had rescued him a couple of years ago. The

other part was the sincere desire to do something good with his life.

Noah had encouraged the young man to finish college first and

promised him they'd discuss it further once he graduated. Raphael had

agreed, but when Noah sent out a notice about Reddington, he'd immediately

heard from Raphael with this valuable information.

Noah was a man known to use almost any means necessary to get the

job done; putting Raphael at risk wasn't one of them. The kid had been

through too much in his young life already. Any further assistance other than

what Raphael had already provided wasn't something Noah wanted. The kid

had a stubborn streak a mile long, though. Ignoring Noah's demand to step

back, he had stuck his nose in even further. Noah only hoped he didn't stick

it so far that they ended up needing to rescue more than just Jamie Kendrick.

"He's supposed to call within the hour. He mentioned that Reddington

has a vacation place in Bustarviejo, just outside of Madrid."

McKenna looked up from the information she'd been studying. "Your

source is going there?"

Who the hell knew? Noah shrugged, unable to give a definitive


As Lucas listened to Noah McCall, he kept a close eye on McKenna,

trying to tell himself his worry for her would do no good. The three men

from LCR looked like giants next to her, yet he knew from experience she

could handle herself. That didn't mean he didn't want to pick her up and

carry her away from all of this. She had been through so much. Problem

was, it was a useless want. She felt responsible for Jamie Kendrick's

abduction and would do what she could to save her. Lucas bore a strong


Christy Reece

obligation himself. If he hadn't killed Damon, what information could they

have gleaned?

Turning to McCall, he said, "I'd like to help with the rescue."

Black eyes narrowing in speculation, the head of LCR settled more

comfortably against the cushions of the couch. "Help how?"

"I have some training," Lucas admitted.

"What kind of training?"

Lucas glanced at Aidan Thorne and Dylan Savage, then back to Noah.

"Specialized training."

McCall shot a questioning look toward McKenna.

"He's good. He's got the moves of a trained operative and the shooting

skills of a sniper."

Noah McCall continued his speculative observation. "You care to

share where your training came from?"

Returning the look, Lucas answered coolly, "No." He wouldn't

elaborate or offer excuses. His help would either be accepted or not.

Another long hard stare and then McCall nodded. "Fine. We could use


At the sound of a vibrating cellphone, everyone listened as they

watched Noah answer with "What did you find out?"



Dressed in black, with a black skullcap to cover her hair, McKenna

waited for further instructions from Noah. It was three-thirty in the morning.

The mountain cabin, so well hidden it looked as though it was part of the

forest that surrounded it, was dark and silent. They would go in under the

cover of that dark silence. Soon they would get their go signal.

Noah's source had given this place as the most probable location for

Jamie. McKenna still had no idea who the source was or how he knew so

much. She only knew that Noah was sure enough of the intel's authenticity

that he'd contacted the Spanish authorities. And whatever he had told them

convinced them to join with LCR in the operation.

According to Noah, his source was inside that house, meaning there

was more than one innocent. Instructions were that no one was to be hurt

during the raid if it could be prevented. LCR would rescue Jamie and take

her away. The authorities would handle Reddington.

The entry would be a soft one. As long as no one saw them, panicked,

and started shooting, it should be fairly simple--a routine rescue. Noah,


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Dylan, Aidan, Lucas, and herself together should ensure enough force to

subdue and defuse any danger to Jamie or anyone else.

Working with Lucas should have felt awkward, but it didn't. Not only

had he proven himself more than capable, she felt a comfort with him she

had never felt with anyone else. It was a degree of trust that pierced bone

and went straight to her heart. She trusted Lucas on every level.

She had forgiven him for his deceit. How could she not? Yes, it had

been a boneheaded thing to do, but he'd done it out of his love and concern

for her. Even though it had screwed up her mission to get information on

Jamie, she couldn't be angry with him. Having him sacrifice himself, put

himself in danger for her, went beyond what anyone had ever done for her.

How could she resent anyone caring for her that much?

His confession that he knew about her past before she told him had

stunned her, and she couldn't deny the hurt. There was manipulation there,

and though he'd done it to help her, what he had done stung. But she refused

to hold that against him. Lucas wasn't perfect; he was human. He'd done

what he thought he needed to do because he loved her. A thrill of electrical

excitement zoomed through her.
Lucas loved her!

Having him tell her about his past government experience meant more

to her than she could express. When he began to explain, she had realized

how much he trusted her. Except for his wonderful lovemaking, that had

been one of the most precious times of her life. Lying in his arms, having

him share his past with her, meant so much.


She turned to see Lucas standing behind her. Switching off her mic,

she whispered, "You need to get into place. We're going in a few minutes."

"I will. Just wanted to check and see if you were okay."

Lucas might not be official LCR personnel, but he had to know that

breaking position to check on another operative wasn't exactly proper

protocol. Maybe working with him wasn't that good an idea. His protective

instincts might hinder his concentration.

"I'm fine. This should be a soft, easy rescue."

"Just be careful. Okay?"

Her heart melted. Even though she was used to LCR men being

protective of her, they'd always treated her like their kid sister. The night

was too dark to see Lucas's expression, but there was nothing brotherly

about the tone of his voice.

Her voice thick with emotion, she said softly, "We have a lot to talk

about when this is over."

"That we do, sweetheart." In a voice filled with laughter, he added,


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"Talking and a whole lot of other things, too. Count on it."

Her heart triple-timed. "I am."

"Everyone in place and ready?" Noah's voice in her ear jerked her out

of her dreams of the future.

"You need to go," she whispered to Lucas.

Pressing his fingers to her mouth briefly, he disappeared into the inky

blackness as if he'd never been there.

"McKenna?" Noah said.

Switching her mic on again, she answered, "In place and ready."

Dylan and Aidan answered and then she heard Lucas's crisp British voice

say, "Ready, mate."

"Okay," Noah said. "We go on my say-so."

Adrenaline surging, McKenna mentally reviewed the plan. Two

policemen would knock on the door and ask to speak with Reddington.

While he was preoccupied with them, their source inside would open the

kitchen door, which was in the back of the house. Noah and Dylan would

enter, spread out, and search for Jamie. Aidan would stay outside, a lookout

at the back.

McKenna and Lucas would be on either side of the house. If anyone

tried to escape, they were to restrain them. As soon as Jamie was located and

rescued, they would receive the news. With Jamie's safety secured, if no one

was being restrained, all operatives were to retreat and meet at the end of the

drive where their van was parked.

"Go," Noah said quietly.

Hidden behind a large leafy bush, she focused on the patio, her eyes

zeroing in on the glassed double door. If any resident tried to escape, this

would be a reasonable exit.

Noah and Dylan would be stealthily quiet as they roamed the rooms in

their search for Jamie. She didn't expect to hear voices until they spotted her.

Minutes that felt more like hours passed. The silhouette of a man appeared at

the glass doors. McKenna held her breath. Someone trying to escape or just

looking outside? Crouched low, she moved closer.

Standing on the north side of the house, Lucas tried to forget that the

person on the other side was McKenna. He knew she was well trained. That

knowledge didn't negate his worry. From the moment he'd met her, he had

wanted to protect her. Now here he was, working an op with her.

Lucas tensed as a shadow appeared on the second-floor balcony. Light

from the window revealed a man running to the railing. He hauled himself

over, hung suspended for a few seconds, and then dropped to the ground

below. Lucas took off after him.


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In the midst of his run, Noah announced, "Dylan has secured Jamie.

We're coming out the back. Everyone check in."

"All clear here," Aidan said.

"I have a target. Going after him," Lucas said.

"I have one here, too." McKenna sounded winded, as though she were

running. "I'm on it."

"Aidan, assist Kane," Noah said.

Like hell!
"I don't need help. Assist McKenna. I'm fine."

Thrashing through the underbrush, the barefooted, almost nude man in

front of him sounded like a bull lumbering through the forest. Lucas tackled

him and took him to the ground. Idiot only had on a pair of underwear.

Speaking in thickly accented English, the man bucked beneath him

and muttered, "I did nothing wrong."

Wanting to get to McKenna as soon as possible, Lucas pressed his

knee into the small of the man's back. Silently and with quick efficiency, he

pulled the guy's arms behind him, locking them together with plastic ties.

Then he did the same with the man's feet. Spotting a skinny tree a few feet

away, Lucas dragged him toward it. Ignoring a new stream of vile curses, he

took handcuffs from his utility belt, wrapped one on the man's wrist, and

attached the other to the tree.

Leaving him to curse and proclaim his innocence to himself, Lucas

took off toward McKenna's location. On the way, he reported, "Got one man

tied up on the north side. I'm headed over to--" The blast of a gun on the

other side of the house had him sprinting.

Lucas halted when he saw McKenna squatting behind a bush. Relief

almost put him on his knees. Stooping low, he ran toward her.

"Who the hell is shooting?" Noah asked.

"Guy came out the south patio," McKenna said.

She turned when she heard Lucas behind her and whispered, "Jerk

shot at me before I could even get close to him."

"Where is he?"

"He jumped off the balcony...ran behind that brick wall at the back."

Lucas scanned the darkness, looking for a way to sneak up on him.

"I'll go a few yards back into the woods and then come at him from behind."

She gave him a look like she would argue but finally said, "Okay, I'll

yell out a few insults and keep him focused on me."

"Don't keep him too focused on you, okay?"

She smiled. "Gotcha."

Lucas took off, dropping behind trees and bushes as he made his way

around the house. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a policeman running


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toward McKenna. Another shot was fired; the policeman went down. His

heart dropped as he watched McKenna run toward the injured man.

Needing to get the shooter's attention off McKenna, Lucas shouted:

"Hey, asshole, put the gun down!" It worked--the man fired toward him.

Wood flew from the tree Lucas stood behind. Damn, the man wasn't a

half bad shot.

"Lucas, are you okay?" McKenna asked.

"Fine. Stay out of sight."

"Noah," McKenna said softly, "we have an officer down; he needs

medical attention."

Noah cursed softly and then said, "Medics should be here soon. Stay

with him."

"His partner's here with him. I'm going to assist Lucas."

Lucas jerked around to see that another policeman was crouched

beside his fellow officer and McKenna was headed his way.

"Stay put, McKenna," Lucas whispered harshly. "Don't give the

bastard another target."

Her answer was a derisive snort.

Knowing it would do no good to tell her again, he watched as she ran

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