Last Call (24 page)

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Authors: M.S. Brannon

BOOK: Last Call
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The moment his tongue touches my clit, I see stars. He pushes my legs even farther apart, and it’s all I can do to not move when the feeling of his warm mouth is resting in my very sensitive spot.

With his palms on the inside of my legs, Jason holds me open as he works me over with his mouth. I can feel the tingling heat, making standing next to impossible. With each pass of his tongue, my clit gets more swollen and my body screams for release. However, when his fingers join the party, it finally explodes with so much force I literally get weak in my knees. I can feel Jason catch me before I slam into the floor, his strong, muscular arms picking me up before tossing my weakened body on to the couch.

Jason wastes no time removing his clothes and flipping me over so my ass is level with his dick and my face is pressed into the cushions.

My head is swimming and my body is still battling with the skyrocketing sensation from my orgasm when Jason slaps my naked ass with a forceful yet sensual smack. I have zero time to prepare for him before he slams inside of me. It’s not sweet and gentle, then again, we rarely are. I scream out with pleasure, unable to control the sound of my voice and not wanting to. With every thrust, Jason has me screaming.

I can feel his hands move down my back as he trails his fingernails over my skin, creating this weird feeling of pain and pleasure, and I like it. He does it again and then suddenly flips me over so I’m facing him. He yanks on my hips, pulling me forcefully closer to him. His fingers run down my front, pinching my nipples in the process, until his hand lands on my clit. As he rams into me, Jason takes his thumb and starts to massage my clit.

With one fierce look and the sound of his deep, powerful voice uttering, “Come, Mariah, now,” I do exactly as I’m told as he keeps up his assault.

My body is a whirlwind of sensations, and I don’t want the feeling to end. Yet, before I have time to even enjoy my orgasm, Jason is pulling me up to sit on the arm of the black leather couch. His dick is at the entry of my mouth and I wrap my lips around it before sucking it deep into my throat. Moments later, Jason finds his release and growls as it rips him apart, as well.









ome on, buddy, we need to get going,” I say to Royce as I hoist the bags over my shoulder. We are getting ready for the long drive to my hometown where we will spend the weekend celebrating Jerrica and Wilson’s wedding.

I’ve double and even triple checked whether I’ve packed everything we need for the trip and Royce’s little vacation with my parents. He made sure he had his tablet for the road, and I made sure he had enough clean underwear for the week he will be gone.

As I’m getting the last of our bags slung over my body, Royce comes out of his room with a big smile on his face.

“I’m so excited, Mama! I will get to see all my cousins and Grandma and Papa again.”

“I know, buddy. They are all looking forward to playing with you the week you’re visiting. But we need to get moving if we are going to beat the traffic out of town, okay? So you need to get moving a little bit quicker.”

Royce bends down and grabs his pillow from the floor and walks to the door. “I can’t wait to see Jason, too. Auntie Wendi told me he is going to go. Did you know that, Mama?”

I stop in my tracks, not realizing my sister would be talking about Jason to my son, but it explains why she was so insistent to speak to him on the phone last night. I’m going to have a word with her about minding her own business when it comes to my private life. Now, I have to break it to my kid that Jason will not be there and see the disappointment in his face.

I stand in the living room, looking around, but I’m not really processing anything. I think back to the weekend my sisters were in town and the last time I saw Jason. He was acting very different when he was at my house, and then again when I went to his office that night. It was probably the best sex I’ve ever had, and my body is still recovering from the mind-blowing orgasm. However, when I went to grab my clothes, Jason just looked at me and nodded me off. He didn’t say anything, and his cold demeanor didn’t go unnoticed.

My mother, of course, picked up on this immediately and told me I have to be patient with a man, especially when it comes to emotions. If only she knew how emotionless Jason really is.

I told myself when I walked down the stairs from his office that night; it was the last time I would be with him. And if he comes over or tries to communicate with me, I will stop it immediately. I knew I’d be the one getting broken when it was all said and done. Sometimes, I really hate being right.

I put the bags down on the floor and kneel in front of my son. Royce’s navy eyes are big and excited for what I have to disclose to him, and it hurts my heart knowing how sad he will be when I say Jason is not coming.

“Look, buddy…” I trail off, trying to find the courage within myself to let him down. “Jason is prob—”

My words are interrupted when a knock comes from the other side of the door. I stand to my feet, pull open the door, and see Jason standing on the other side, casually dressed in jeans and a T-shirt with a big, gleaming smile spread from ear to ear.

I have no words for him, considering I haven’t talked to him since the night at the club. It was a bizarre moment between us because we were trying to be the old version of us, but there was something more sparking when we were having sex. Jason was more forceful and erotic than normal. It was very sexy, but I could tell he was battling with something else inside. Then he turned frigid cold as I got dressed and walked from his office.

“Jason!” Royce shouts and jumps in his arms. Jason is taken off guard a little, but doesn’t hesitate to pick him up in his arms. “Are you riding with us?”

“Nope, you’re riding with me. Are you ready to go?” Jason asks. Royce nods his head excitedly. “All right. Get your stuff and let’s hit the road.”

As I look to Jason, he merely smiles an annoyingly cute smile. Why the hell is he here and how did he know when we were leaving?

I stand frozen in the doorway, refusing to move, and glare at Jason for an explanation. He keeps smiling, but then he realizes his charming ways are not going to work on me as I refuse to move until he tells me what the hell is going on.

“I know you’re probably pissed, but I will explain in the car, okay? We need to get on the road so you are not late for the rehearsal at the church.”

I turn my head. How the hell did he know about the rehearsal and what time we need to be there…? Unless… that fucking sneaky bitch.

Wendi is probably meddling in my life again. I’m going to have some very heated words with her. Too bad she’s knocked up because I would have punched her in the vagina for interfering with my life. I shake my head and walk down the stairs.

We load up our luggage in the back of his Escalade and Royce gets situated in the back seat. He sits in the middle and then realizes there is a TV in the headrest behind my seat and immediately moves over.

“Holy cow, Mom, have you seen this TV?” I nod my head, still unable to process what the hell is going on. “I told you Jason was rich, Mom.”

“Royce, stop with that! It’s incredibly rude to talk about people like that. And frankly, it’s none of your business, so drop it!” I didn’t mean to take the stress of my situation out on my son.

He looks down and I can tell he is trying not to cry. F
! This is not what I need right now. On top of the anger I am feeling toward my sister and Jason conspiring against me, I feel guilty for hurting my son’s feelings.

I turn my body and touch his leg. “I’m sorry. Mama didn’t mean to yell at you, okay?”

He nods his head and lifts his chin just as Jason comes into the car.

“All right, let’s get moving.” I look over to see he has a huge smile on his face as he backs from the parking space and pulls out into traffic.

It’s a seven-hour drive to my parents’ home, and I know Royce will be falling asleep along the way, considering it’s six in the morning. I will be patient and wait until he is asleep before I grill Jason on what the hell is going on.






It occurred to me three days ago that Mariah would be leaving to attend her sister’s wedding. Not remembering I did, I gave her sister Wendi my cell phone number, and she happened to text me yesterday afternoon with the itinerary and Mariah’s plans for arrival. At first, I scrolled my thumb over the delete option on my phone, not wanting anything to do with her. However, I didn’t like the way we had left things the night she exited my office.

That night, I was angry with her, more so than I ever thought I could be, but mostly, I think I was let down. The feeling tossed me violently back to my childhood when I’d feel the rejection from the families I’d stayed with. I didn’t want to succumb to those unwanted emotions, yet I still felt like I needed her. That’s why I drank so much, so quickly that night, because of the damn disappointed feelings living in my chest. It killed me that, just as I attempted to reach out and make her more than a fuck buddy, she kicked me in the balls by saying how wrong it was for me to intrude on her life.

I knew I needed to cut my losses and walk away from her before that feeling came back. Then, as I thought about it yesterday, I realized the feeling has never left. The rejection is still very present, and it doesn’t matter what I do, the pain remains. The woman has officially broken down another wall, burrowing her way inside my mind. I don’t know how to stop it.

I remember staring at my phone and the message her sister left, my internal battle for wanting something a little bit more with her, still there. It was my intention to simply leave it alone and walk away from her for good. I was still angry with her and mostly with myself. Then her sister sent me another text message, pleading with me to come, saying it would make Mariah so happy to have me along for the ride.

The guilt of disappointing Mariah eventually outweighed any logical thought I may have come up with. That’s why I decided to accompany Mariah to the wedding. The look she gave me the last time we were together was full of disappointment, and I didn’t want to leave her with that memory. If I really am going to cut her from my life, I feel like I owe it to her to make it an amicable departure. I don’t know when or what I’ll tell her about why I’m coming, though.

As I pull my Escalade into her parking lot, I take a moment to get myself together. I can’t show up to her house with my emotions masking my face. I need to not think about this being the final weekend I will spend with her; instead, I need to focus on how much fun we will have before I have to tell her goodbye. Being alone is the only way I know how to function, and it’s the only means I have for survival.

I take the dreaded walk up her stairs, and before I can stop myself, I knock on the door. Mariah is shocked when she sees it’s me standing on the other side and all I can do is smile. Man, I’m going to miss that look.

Before I can stop him, Royce flies at my body, and I waste no time pulling him up into my arms. “Jason! Are you riding with us?”

I look quickly to Mariah then back to Royce, glad I made the decision to spend the weekend with them.

“Nope, you’re riding with me. Are you ready to go?” Royce nods his head excitedly and squirms out of my arms. “All right. Get your stuff and let’s hit the road.”

There it is, the look she must only reserve for me. Her eyes narrow and her mouth sets into a firm line. It annoys the crap out of her that I’m here, smiling, but I can’t help it. She’s so fucking hot when she’s mad. It’s impossible to erase the smile from my face. Her body language is telling me she will not budge an inch until she knows why the hell I’ve showed up at her doorstep, though.

“I know you’re probably pissed, but I will explain in the car, okay? We need to get on the road so you are not late for the rehearsal at the church.”

Mariah looks stunned. Even knowing what is going to happen this weekend, I can’t help my smile. She is just lovely when she’s fuming mad, although I won’t tell her that.

Once we all head out the door and down the stairs, I load the suitcases in the back and take a second to put myself in the car. I am nervous about this weekend, and I’m never nervous. I am excited to spend time with her and Royce; however, I am not excited to break it off with her after it’s all said and done.

It’s what I have to do, though. I can’t allow people in. I never have and I need to keep reminding myself of that this entire weekend. I need to remind myself of the state I was in when I wanted Mariah more in my life and she clearly didn’t reciprocate. I need to tap into that feeling and have it constantly living with me. It will be torture, but I just need a little bit more time first. I am still going to say goodbye.

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