Lang, Chloe - Wilde Nights [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (3 page)

BOOK: Lang, Chloe - Wilde Nights [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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Jessie thought she recognized Mrs. Wilde’s sweet smile and bright eyes. “Are those your parents when they were younger?”

“Yes. Pappy Jack commissioned it as a wedding gift. When I moved here, Mom gave it to me. There’s more to see.”

“And I want to see it, too. Lead on, Sir.”

He grinned. “Come on, sugar.”

The rest of the downstairs matched the front part of the house in its beauty and style. The kitchen, half bath, and guest bedroom were impressive. When they went upstairs, she was stunned to find the room at the top of the stairs filled with drums, guitars, mics with stands, and two keyboards.

“You’re a musician?”

“I’ve been called one once or twice. A couple of my cousins and I like to have a jam session every once in awhile.”

“What kind of music?”

“All kinds. Metal. Jazz. Rock. Alternative.”

“What do you play?”

“Guitar, mainly. Keyboard and drums some.”

“You Wilde brothers never cease to amaze me. I want to hear something.”

He pointed to the lone sofa. “Sit.”

She saluted. “Yes, Sir.”

Denver strapped on a black electric guitar and plugged it in to an amp. He stepped up to one of the microphones. He started with Guns N’ Roses’s “Sweet Child of Mine” and bowled her over. He didn’t just play guitar. He sang, and his voice melted her like butter. For over thirty minutes he performed a solo concert just for her, covering the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Chris Daughtry, Green Day, Third Eye Blind, and more. Each lyric got her vibrating with desire. The last tune, Bon Jovi’s song about strangers becoming lovers, undid her. Her panties were completely soaked.

Denver clicked the mic off and unplugged the guitar, but his gaze never left her. She shivered at the intensity of his stare. He didn’t say a word but lifted her up in his arms. She leaned into his chest. Her body had been buzzing all night, and now, the cowboy would quench her thirst.

He carried her into his bedroom. Unlike the other rooms, this was much less formal. The bed was massive and comfy looking. He placed her on the bed and stripped her clothing off her body. She looked up at the man, and a tingle shot through her, recalling the gift of music he’d given her. Methodically, he removed his clothes and placed them neatly by the bed. His muscles made her mouth water. She believed that his stomach’s six-pack had come not from some gym but from time in the mine and on the ranch. Hard labor never looked sexier on any man.

He crawled up on top of her, and she could feel his long, hard cock slide against her pussy’s folds. A gasp left her mouth. He brushed the hair away from her face. Was she crazy to even consider the Wilde brothers’ suggestion of a permanent relationship? She’d fallen for three of them, and now, she was losing herself to another one. Denver. God, she needed his touch, despite how insane it might be.

He moved to the side, and she instantly missed the feel of his dick against her pussy. Thankfully, he pressed it into her thigh, as if to remind her of what was to come. One of his hands traced her jaw, and the other skimmed over her pebbling nipples. Urges exploded inside her. He wanted her, and that was enough. For now.

“Thank you, Denver.”

He squeezed her nipple, and a sweet dizziness took hold of her. He commanded, “Call me

She inhaled deeply, surrendering to his control. “Yes, Sir.”

His rough hand slid down the flat of her stomach. “You ready for your lesson, sugar?”

Completely turned on and ready to surrender, she nodded.

His fingers danced over her skin, raising gooseflesh all over her. He moved his hand down and down until he reached her clit, igniting a fire inside her depths.

“Thank you, Sir.” Wickedly, she silently let her lips mouth his name.

“I saw that, sugar. I think you meant for me to see that, didn’t you?”

She lied, “No, Sir.”

“Naughty girl. You must be punished for not being honest with me.” He rolled her on her stomach and slapped her ass with his open hand.

The little sting felt wonderful. His power and skill called to her. Three more slaps to her ass had her damp with desire. He guided her so that now they were facing each other, and he kissed her like a man branding his property. The demand on his lips could not be missed. He wasn’t asking for her submission. He was demanding it, expecting it, and would not rest until he got it. When his tongue danced with hers, her body got soft and hot at the same time. Her toes curled, and her body quaked.

He leaned down and sucked on her breast, and her back arched off the bed.

Denver suddenly pulled away, his commanding gaze holding her still. “Jessie, you’re mine. Every inch of you is mine. Your silky hair.” He threaded his hands through her locks. “Your lush lips.” He kissed her, and she thought she might swoon. “Your delicious breasts.” He dove down and sucked on each of them. “That pretty, tight cunt is mine.” He circled her clit with his thumb, causing a groan to escape past her lips.

Her body warmed with a need to surrender and to be filled by this cowboy.

“Sweetheart, you don’t come.” His deep, hungry voice rocked her insides. “Not until I say. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” Hoping to tempt him, she spread her legs a little wider.

He growled. “Nice try, but you’re not running this rodeo, sugar. I am. Grab my cock.”

She obeyed instantly, desiring to please him. His shaft vibrated in her hand.

“Stroke me good.”

She gripped his cock and pumped fast. “Like this, Sir.”

“Perfect.” His low tone let her know that she was pleasing him.

He licked her neck, and tingles shot down her spine. She moved her thumb over the head of his dick and felt the pre-slickness oozing from the tip.

“Enough.” He forced her hand off his dick and then dove down between her thighs.

He lifted her legs and draped them over his shoulders. Next, he cupped her ass. He sent his hot breath across her pussy’s flesh, causing her to violently shake with desire. Finally, his hungry mouth lapped at her swollen, wet folds, making her crazed with even more wantonness. When his tongue touched her clit, she lost it and began pounding the bed with her fists. He spread her ass cheeks with his hands, and then teased her backside entrance.

He bathed her pussy with his tongue until the room began to spin.

“P–Please, Sir. I need to come!”

From between her legs, she heard him say, “Not yet. You can hold on a little longer.”

“I d–don’t think I–I...” The edge of release clawed at her insides.

“You can and you will. Don’t disobey me.”

His words fortified her somehow, and she held on. “Yes, Sir.”

Denver removed her legs from his shoulders, and put on a condom. Then he moved up her body. His dick was once again pressing against her pussy, and she loved it.

“God, you’re something, sugar. You want me inside you?”

This cowboy knew how to make her squirm, and she enjoyed every second of it. “Yes, Sir.”

“You’ve earned it.” He sent his dick into her pussy, filling her channel to the max, possessing her completely. When he was all the way in, he began pumping his cock into her over and over.

Jessie bit her lip, holding back the gasps. She shook violently as he pounded faster and faster into her pussy.

“Such a tight cunt.” His eyes were wide and intense.

Her channel vibrated, squeezing his stabbing cock. This wasn’t like any time before. This was primal and explosive. He made it that way. Pushing her to hold back her orgasm was taking her to new heights of sexual pleasure she’d not known possible. He’d done that for her, and that made her crave him all the more.

Her juices stirred inside her, and she prayed he would let her have her release. He’d stirred up such passion in her that if he didn’t allow her soon, she thought she might lose her mind.

He seemed to be able to read her mind when he said, “Sugar, you want to come now?”

She nodded. The crashing waves inside her rose higher and higher.

“Then do it. Come for me.”

Her orgasm exploded like fireworks. “Y–Yes, Sir!”

Everything shook inside her, and she had to nearly fight for air. Denver had made a meal out of her, and she loved serving him.

Chapter Three

“I’ll be back in at seven, sweetheart.” Denver smiled in the hallway outside Jessie’s hotel room.

She was still buzzing from spending last night in his embrace. After a little prodding by her before they left his house, he’d sung several songs with hard-rock roots and dirty electric guitar riffs. Such talent amazed and magnetized her.

“I’ll be ready.”

They were going back to The Masters’ Chambers tonight. He’d bought her an outfit that he wanted her to wear. The plaid skirt and white top made her wonder if he had some kind of role-playing in mind for her. She’d asked if this evening’s activities at the sex club were more than just a tour. He’d refused to answer, but told her to wait and see.

Denver leaned in and kissed her. This cowboy devastated her in the best of ways. “I’m proud of you, sugar.”

I surrender, Sir.
“Thank you, Denver.”

He closed the door, leaving her alone in her hotel room. Another Wilde brother, Denver the musician, had taken her on a ride that hit every passionate button inside her. Why was she falling so hard and so quickly for not just one but four men? Next time she saw her dad, she’d have to ask him if insanity ran in the family.

Her stomach growled, demanding attention. She had plenty of time to get ready for tonight. A meal from Norma’s Cafe was exactly what she needed.

She left her room and headed to the cafe.

When she walked in, the place was empty. She heard a crash in the back and a female scream. Without pausing, Jessie ran through the door into the kitchen. What she saw shocked her.

Paul King, the man who was driving the equipment that almost killed her the first day at the mine, had Samantha pinned against a stainless steel prep counter.

“What the hell is going on here?” Jessie screamed.

Paul turned his gaze to her. “You.”

“Leave her alone!” Samantha yelled. “She’s got nothing to do with this.”

He snorted. “You know she’s got everything to do with this, Sam.”

Jessie tried to sound brave even though her heartbeats were pounding in her chest. “Let her go, Mr. King.”

“If you know what’s good for you, Miss Greene, you’ll get out of Wilde.”

“Fuck you, Paul.” Samantha kneed him in the balls. He doubled over, and his hands that had been on her shoulders shot to his groin. He stumbled backward.

Samantha ran to Jessie’s side and grabbed her hand. “Get out of my restaurant, Paul. I am not interested in you. Get that through your thick skull. Besides, you’re married.” Jessie’s eyes widened when she saw the woman pick up a large knife from the counter.

“Please, Paul. Leave,” Jessie begged.

He coughed several times.

“You heard her. Leave.” Samantha’s tone didn’t falter. She meant business, and if he pushed her, Jessie was pretty sure she’d run him through with the blade.

BOOK: Lang, Chloe - Wilde Nights [The Brothers of Wilde, Nevada 4] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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