Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3) (54 page)

BOOK: Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3)
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     “I love you, Maya. Four years ago I loved you, but I
was too stupid and cynical to look past the physical and the moment, let alone
admit it to myself. After what happened I buried that love under bitterness,
but being with you again resurrected those feelings almost immediately. I
thought we needed time to get to know each other again before I declared myself,
but I already know the most important things about you. Because even though
we’ve grown older you are still the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, and
when I say beautiful I mean on the inside. You are gorgeous on the outside, and
while that first caught my interest it was your inner beauty that captured my
heart. I love you.”

     The weight that had been on my shoulders moved to my
stomach as I waited for Maya’s reply.        






















Chapter Fourteen



     I was in shock.

     My brain scrambled, and my heart beat wildly in my
chest…possibly trying to hammer its way out and into his hands. It was an
accurate analogy since figuratively I felt like he held my heart in his hands.
To hold and treasure, or crush and toss away, as he saw fit. Four years ago
he’d had it and crushed it. Time had healed me somewhat, but not completely
since in the ensuing years I hadn’t been able to move on. I’d put up a wall and
padlocked my heart unable to give it away again.

     But days after Landon had crashed back into my life the
walls had begun to crumble, and once I’d learned that he’d been a victim as
well they’d continued to deteriorate every day. Those walls were now dust,
drifting away in the wind, and my heart had been fully his days ago.

     The shock was wearing off and I took note of the nervousness
and anticipation on Landon’s face as he waited for my response. I wanted so
much for his declaration to be true, but insecurity swamped me.

     “Landon, don’t say it if it isn’t true. Don’t say it
because of Nola. Don’t say it because of misplaced guilt about what happened to
me. Only say it if it’s true.” I implored. The idea that outside factors might
be influencing his feelings was something that had worried me from the
beginning. The fact that he’d barely touched me this week hadn’t helped.

     Warm hazel eyes locked with mine as he shook his head
and gently stroked a finger under my bottom lip. “Maya, I know you wouldn’t
deny Nola time with me, so get any notion out of your head that I’m with you
because of her, and while I can’t refute that guilt still weighs heavily at
times my feelings for you aren’t in anyway linked to that. The love I feel for
you overwhelms me to the point where I can barely function.” He smiled
self-mockingly. “My thoughts revolve constantly around you; what you’re doing,
are you staying safe, when I will see you again, how long I can get you to let
me stay here with you when I visit, when will you ask me to stay and not leave,
how much longer can I go before my lust for you gets the better of me and I
tear the clothes off your body and fuck you raw…” He growled thrusting his hips
upward into my clenching womb. “And will you ever love me once more like you
did before. That’s the one thought that causes the most amount of panic in me…That
you won’t.”

     Each word out of his mouth demolished every single one
of my insecurities and had my heart exploding with emotion. I set my palms on
his cheeks the same as he held mine. “I love you too, Landon. So, so much. I
loved you then, and it didn’t take long for my heart to recognize that you are
the only one that would ever own it.”          

     His breath burst out and a brilliant smile split his
face as he hauled me forward and kissed me feverishly. “Thank god. These past
weeks…it hit me…that you’re my soul mate, darlin’…and the idea of not having
you in my life forever…scares me shitless.”      

     Through his kisses, and my attempts to return them, I choked
out a hoarse laugh. “You are so…”
. “Damn eloquent.” I held on to
him almost desperately because the love I held in my heart for him was immense,
but there were still lingering traces of fear that once again it could be
ripped away.

     Knotting my fingers in his soft hair I mashed my lips
to his and at the same time shifted in his lap so that I straddled him.
Squashing my aching breasts into his muscular chest I rubbed my sex on the
hardness filling his dress pants. Just the feel of that bulge…the very enormous
bulge…straining…seeking me, made everything in me tingle, and contract, and

     I rocked on him uncontrollably.

     Suddenly, Landon pulled away and through my dazed eyes
I saw concern pinched his heat-filled gaze. “You’re crying. Why are you crying?”
He asked gruffly wiping at my cheeks.

     I didn’t realize I was. “I don’t know. I’m so happy,
but I’m also a little scared. I want this…us to be forever. It’s forever this
time, right Landon?” I hated sounding needy, but I couldn’t halt the words.

     He palmed my cheek. “We are forever. I won’t let
anything come between us this time. We were meant to be, Maya. That’s why we
were given this second chance. It’s why our love never died. It turned dark,
but it never died.”

     Oh god. The words…the resolution in his tone…no wonder
I was crying. It all seemed too good to be true. Sniffing and sighing, I
brushed my lips back and forth on his. “I love you so much.” 

     Snagging my mouth Landon dove inside and captured my
tongue, tangling and sucking on it. Gripping my hips he directed me to rock
against him once more as his other hand cupped my breast through my thin
sweater; squeezing and pinching the painfully distended nipple.

     I whimpered and cried into his mouth as my desire
escalated to unimaginable levels in seconds. I couldn’t believe how fast I was
to coming. All my muscles were tightening in anticipation, and my sex clenched
in need. It wanted to be filled, but…
ahh god
…I didn’t have to to be filled
to experience a long needed release.

     “Ahh god…Landon!” I panted and clenched at his
shoulders frantically as I rubbed against him urgently.

     “That’s it, darlin’, come for me…only  me…you’re
mine…and I’m yours.” He kissed, and thrust, and grunted, working me on his hard

     “Yes…yes…yessss.” I moaned in agreement and impending
orgasm. Pressing my mouth into his neck I cried out in satisfaction as my womb spasmed
hard and unendingly in painful pleasure.

It was so good

so good

     “Shit, Maya. You’re coming so fucking hard, aren’t you?
It’s been too damn long since I’ve seen your beautiful face covered with

     I could hear him but I was having a difficult time
comprehending his words as my mind went numb, and my body exploded in euphoric
release. I don’t know how long my orgasm lasted, I just knew that when it was
done I slumped against him boneless and mindless and sobbing a little as jagged
shards of delight continued to detonate through my body.

     Awareness returned and I took note that our chests heaved
like freight trains out of control against each other, and that while I’d
gotten off Landon was still pike hard, and twitching beneath me. I couldn’t
stop the urge to wiggle.

     Landon’s grip on my hips tightened. “Don’t move, baby.
Please!” His voice was tight and he sounded like he was in extreme pain. “I’m
perilously close to jizzing in my pants and while it would feel awesome I don’t
want to leave this room with spunk staining my pants.”

     Feeling abruptly mortified at my plummet into a sexual
frenzy I lifted my head from his shoulder to put some space between us. That’s
when I spotted the red mark on his neck and I gaped at it slightly stunned.

     Landon closed his eyes and groaned. “Maya, please,
don’t move. I just need a minute or two.”

     “I gave you a hickey.” I uttered in disbelief. “I can’t
believe I gave you a hickey. I also can’t believe I went crazy on you like
that. Geesh, I feel like some kind of nymphomaniac.”

     “Did you really?” He didn’t sound put out at the idea,
more like intrigued.

     “Yes,” I touched the spot. “Right there. Why don’t you
sound upset? I would think you’d be upset.” I know I wouldn’t want hickey’s all
over my neck…unless they were easily covered with makeup maybe.  

     “No way. I love the idea of being marked by you.” His
hands stroked down my back in a calming manner, and I think it was for my
benefit as well as his own. “I look forward to seeing more of them in other
places besides my neck. In fact, there’s one place I’d really like to see your
lips sucking on.” He snickered. “In regards to you being a nymphomaniac, as
long as its reserved for me I’m all for it.”

     I giggled and any embarrassment I’d been feeling
disappeared. Pressing my sensitized breasts against his chest I nibbled at his

     Landon let out another groan and squeezed my hips.
“Maya, are you
to make me spill in my pants?”

     High on endorphins and love, I giggled and sucked on
his lob making him growl and thrust up into me.

     A knock sounded on the door freezing us and then Gabby
voice echoed through the wood. “Is there anyone alive in there? Or should the
question be, is there anybody clothed in there? Please tell me it’s the second
one, because I have to tell you Landon that Maya is in desperate need of sex…lots
and lots of sex.”

     I flushed beet red but couldn’t stop another giggle at
Gabby’s truthful humor. Landon’s body shook under me in laughter as well.

     “Is that true?” He breathed into my ear.

God yes!
I rocked on his hard-on. “It has been four
years.” I answered huskily.

     “Well…we should do something about that tonight.” He
nuzzled my neck.

! I couldn’t wait that long.

     “Are you guys in the middle of coitus right now?” Gabby

     “We were working on it but you’ve killed the mood so
we’ll be out in a minute?” I yelled back.

     Gabby went silent and then chuckled. “Well,
my bad. How about this; its nap time and I was thinking about taking my little child
and big child home for their siestas. You can then put Nola down for her nap
and resume what I interrupted.”

     God, I loved my best friend. I jerked back and met
Landon’s gaze with keen and hopeful inquiry. He stared back, eyes hot with

     “Could we do that?” He asked.  

     I nodded eagerly sliding off his lap, and almost fell
on my butt because my legs were jello from my recent orgasm. Landon reached out
to help me but I was already rushing to the door. I flung it open startling
Gabby on the other side.

     “Holy crap!” She clutched at her chest bugged eyed.
“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

     Grabbing her hand I pulled her down the hall. “I
completely forgot about the time. You should definitely get Andrea home and get
her to bed, and Nola has to be exhausted from all the activity this afternoon
so I need to get her to bed as soon as possible.”

     She stumbled along with me laughing. “You’re so horny
you’re about to bust, aren’t you?”

     “Shhh.” I hissed as we neared the living room. “Yes,
and you’re the bestest friend for letting me kick you out.” I glanced back at
her and observed Landon following several steps behind with a wicked grin on
his face.

     Gabby continued to laugh as we stepped back into the
living room. “Lon, Juan, Maya’s kicking us out because…” She gave me an evil
look. Did I care that she might tell everyone I wanted to jump Landon’s body?
Hell no! My hormones were obliterating all my embarrassment neurons. “Nola
needs to be put down for a nap and then she and Landon need to finish
their…discussion.” She’d kept the explanation clean, but her mocking tone
utterly contradicted her words.

     The snort and look both Lon and Juan gave me said they
were aware of her hidden meaning. I guess I cared a little bit because I
flushed hotly at the obvious conclusion they were drawing. Hands wrapped around
my waist from behind and I felt Landon push his still swollen organ into my

     “Gabby, Lon, thanks for coming to the game today with
Maya, and I’m sorry that we couldn’t catch up. Maybe we can all get together
next weekend.” Maintaining his hold on my waist Landon shuffled us forward so
he could shake Lon’s hand. He then held it out to Juan. “Juan, right?” He asked
in a harder tone.

     Juan grinned as he took Landon’s hand. “You inviting me

     Landon’s frame was stiff behind me, and I noticed they
were doing that ‘who can grip the other guys hand harder’ handshake. “Sure,
Maya says you’re friends, and any friend of hers is welcome.” His tone didn’t
sound graciously welcoming…at all.

     Juan’s smile widened and he looked down at me with a
twinkle in his eye. “Your man is more tolerant than I would be toward another
guy you dated.”


     Landon went even more rigid and his fingers tightened
on my waist. “You two dated?” He growled.

     I glared at Juan for trying to cause problems, and
patted Landon’s hand on my waist even though I didn’t see a problem if we had
dated. He knew nothing had ever come of my dating. “No, we did not. Gabby
thought we might hit it off and included him in on one of the nights I go out
with them, but we only hit it off as

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