Landon (The Love Family Series Book 5)

BOOK: Landon (The Love Family Series Book 5)
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Kate Allenton

Copyright © 2016 Kate Allenton

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, character, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or use fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Published by Coastal Escape Publishing



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Chapter 1


This assignment would be gravy they’d said. Keep the target secured by any means necessary. Not a problem. Those commands were words Landon Love lived by. He’d actually been smug about getting some downtime from the flying bullets and operatives who tried to get the upper hand. His superiors had left out one tiny, vital fact when they’d sold him on the assignment. The place he’d have to take her was the last place on earth he wanted to go. The one place he’d spent years avoiding. Home. Love Island to be exact. Local population, not counting tourists, three hundred and thirty-four, and every damn one of them knew his name.

Landon slowed his steps as he walked next to Dr. Alice Page. His gaze travelled up and down the white sterile corridor. Every muscle in his body was strung tight as he took in patients and visitors, assigning a potential threat level to each. His stomach was tied in knots. The uneasiness in his gut wasn’t because of the job, or even the barrage of emotions rolling off the hospital visitors and staff making his breathing difficult. His nerves stemmed from something much worse—having to face the family he’d been avoiding for the last seven years.

Landon tugged at the collar of his shirt, making room to swallow around the lump in his throat.
Stay focused

Alice regarded him with somber curiosity, as if silently trying to figure him out. He’d become used to seeing the same look in her eyes, day in and day out, for the past two weeks. Today was no different.

“Things could always be worse. We could be hiding in some no-name city and stuck in a safe house with no windows.”

She playfully nudged his shoulder, as if trying to lighten the mood. It wouldn’t work. “We’ll have the whole Island as our playground, and you have friends here. People you trust, not to mention your family. I’d call this a win, even if you’re saddled playing bodyguard for me.”

Landon’s stomach churned, and the throbbing in his head intensified. His brother, Reed, had probably tattled to his siblings and parents that he was back by now. Reed didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut. It was inevitable, and only a matter of time before one or all showed up.

“I’m not here for a family reunion, Doc.” He was here to work. Still, it wouldn’t be long before they cornered him into Sunday lunches. Truth was they deserved an apology or two, or a million. Every family had that one odd person who didn’t fit in. Landon was theirs, and he’d lived up to the cliché in every sense of the word. He was the black sheep, the odd man out. Whatever you wanted to call it. Landon was the Love who filled that role, and he performed it with expertise.

“Only one more appointment, and then we can leave.”

“You don’t have any more meetings on your schedule.” He should know. Each person, each meeting, was vetted through the team assigned to keep her alive.

“It was a last-minute thing.”

“All of your patients and meetings go through Reed so he can do background checks. You know the drill. There is no such thing as a last-minute anything where you’re concerned.”

“This one isn’t a threat.”

Alice reached for the door to her office, and Landon placed a restraining hand on her arm, effectively stopping her. “Thinking like that will get you killed. They’re all threats until Reed, Avery, or I say otherwise. I’ll go in first. You know the drill.”

“I don’t think that’s necessary, but if you insist.” Alice lifted her fingers to her forehead in a mock salute. It was better than the one finger goodbye he’d seen her give the last operative that she’d run off. Her lips twitched as she stepped back letting him open the door.

“Seriously?” Landon narrowed his eyes, angling his displeasure at the doctor who had just played him.

Alice stepped in behind him. “Mrs. Tanner, Mrs. Love.”

His sister, Skylar, and their sister-in-law, Olivia, both rose with their hands on their backs, trying to get out of the plush fabric chairs that brought deep-chair sitting to a whole new level. Their pregnant bellies led the way.

“Dr. Parks, it’s lovely to meet you.” Skylar smiled and welcomed Alice with a handshake.

“Sky? What are you doing here?” Landon’s brows furrowed as he closed the door behind him with a quiet click. His nightmare had officially begun. Not one Love, but two.

“It’s good to see you too, baby brother.”

“We’re just here to meet the new doctor,” Olivia answered, giving him a sugar-sweet smile, trying to lessen the tension in the room. It didn’t work.

Skylar held out an envelope to Alice.

“What’s this?” Alice asked and slid her finger beneath the envelope flap.

“Your own personal invitation to Reed and Avery’s wedding,” Skylar explained. “I know Avery would like you there, and well…we all know Landon has to stick by your side. Where you go, he goes, even if he doesn’t want to. I just wanted to make extra sure he didn’t miss this one like he has all the rest.”

Landon could feel the weight of his sister’s stare challenging him to deny the truth of what she said. His suspicion was confirmed. His brother, Reed, indeed, had a big mouth.

These two had an agenda, which was as evident as the twinkle in their eyes. And, God help him, the good doctor was like putty in their hands. Landon watched Alice’s curiosity take hold. She was intrigued, which meant only one thing. Landon was fucked.

A wave of disappointment emanated from Alice and washed over him, clinging to his skin and soaking into every pore. His chest tightened at the familiar feeling, one he hadn’t experienced in years.

Alice gave a little nod. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She moved closer to Landon’s side. “I don’t know if you guys know this or not, but Landon, Avery, and Reed are the reason I’m still alive.”

Skylar and Olivia exchanged a look that spoke volumes about what they

“That’s classified, Doc.”

“They’re your family, Landon. We can trust them.” The disappointment flowing through the room, and suffocating him, swished away, lightening the pressure in his chest and easing his breath.

“Of course, you can trust us, and you can tell us all about our baby brother’s heroics during Sunday lunch at our parents’ house.” Skylar smiled in that
kind of way.

“Oh, I don’t know…”

“Go ahead and give in, Alice. Skylar can be persistent.” Olivia grinned and rubbed her belly. “Besides, if we’re all going to be friends, you should at least get the chance to know us before you see us go into labor. I have a feeling we’ll be sprouting horns when the pain kicks in.”

A smile formed on Alice’s lips, which quickly slipped when she met Landon’s gaze. “Uh…sure. We’ll try?” Her answer sounded like a question. Good.

“That’s good enough for us.” Oliva took Skylar’s elbow, leading her toward the door. Just a few more steps and they’d be out of sight, and hopefully, out of mind.

Skylar grabbed the knob, turning at the last second. “If you can’t make it, then maybe we’ll come visit you.” Skylar winked.

As quickly as Landon’s hopes rose, they were dashed equally as fast. He knew better than to underestimate his big sister’s determination. She was going to dig in her claws and try her best to keep Landon firmly grounded on this damn island.

The door clicked closed. “They seemed like nice people.”

Looks could be deceiving. The truth was he honestly didn’t know what to think of his family anymore. He’d been gone so long, and he’d changed so much. Maybe they’d changed too. The occasional conversations between Skylar and him had grown shorter over time, not because of her, but because of him. She’d always had a way of picking up right where they’d left off, as if the emotional strain between them vanished with each hello.

“I’m sure they are.”

A twinge of guilt, hard and unyielding, lay buried in his chest. Not enough to get him to stay, but it sat there just the same. Alice was silently watching him again, like she normally did, trying to help everyone but herself, as if missing a few of the puzzle pieces needed to make it whole.

“I don’t think our staying on the island is a good idea. They’re a distraction.”

“They’re your family.”

“That’s my point. I should call in a transfer to a new location.”

His jaw clenched, and his eyes narrowed as a mischievous grin appeared on her face. “Lighten up. It can’t be that bad.”





Chapter 2


“I think this is the perfect locale.” Alice smiled and grabbed her purse from the locked cabinet. “Avery warned me there might be some tension.”

“Ha,” Landon blurted out. “That’s putting it mildly. There won’t be a welcoming committee. More like a family brawl.”

Alice and Landon stepped out into the hallway and Alice locked her door, giving it another quick jiggle to make sure it was secure. “Let me ask you a question.”

Landon kept his large, warm hand on the small of her back while leading her down the hallway. The words he wasn’t saying told her he had fences that needed mending. He didn’t want to stay and not because of a threat on her life. No, this was his skeleton instead of hers. Worry was etched in the fine lines at the corners of his eyes.

“What’s your question?”

“What could you have possibly done to make your family mad at you?” They turned down another corridor that led to the garage parking.

“That’s simple. I stayed away. I wasn’t like the others who wanted to grow up here and never leave. I had plans, much bigger plans.”

“Did you ever come back and visit?” she asked as he took her arm and led her into the concrete garage. She waved at the cameras as she passed, knowing hospital security and Avery were watching from the other end.


Landon opened the SUV door and stepped back, giving her room to slide in, but she paused in front of him. “Family is family, Landon. They’re the only one you’ve got. Unless, of course, you’re like me and were snatched as a baby and sold into another family. Then you’d have two.”

“Alice, you don’t know that yet.”

“My face was probably plastered on a milk carton years ago.” Someone knew. The same person who’d sent her the file. She stuffed those thoughts into a box and slammed the lid. Clearing her throat, she straightened and lifted her chin. “My point is, you can’t pick your family, and they can’t pick you. If you screwed up, then own it and apologize.”

“It’s not that simple.” Landon guided her into the SUV, as if tired of the conversation.

Nothing was ever simple. She’d learned that the hard way. Simple or not, she was going to help him. Alice might not be able to shoot a gun, or throw a decent punch, but she understood people. And Landon Love was going to get her help regardless of whether he wanted it or not. She reached for the door handle but paused before pulling it closed. His dark blue eyes were devoid of emotion, a mask she was getting accustomed to seeing.

“Start with I’m sorry and work out the rest.”

His eyes softened for a split second before he closed the door, officially cutting off their conversation. In the time she’d known Landon, she’d seen all kinds of different sides of his personality, especially the hard and demanding side when he was stressed and anxious. The other sides of his personality rarely appeared, but she’d seen them, too, in bits and pieces over time. A frown marred his lips and his shoulders deflated in sadness upon seeing his sister and sister-in-law. She didn’t miss much. He was like a chameleon, adapting to each situation, with each person. She was unsure if she’d met the side his own family knew him to be, but on Sunday, she’d see it first-hand.

The following two days, after they’d arrived, they did little else but settle into their temporary life. She split her time between working in her office, at the hospital, and self-defense training with Avery or Landon, depending on the day.



Alice held up her gloved hands as she watched Avery move around the mat with the style and grace of a cougar, looking for the perfect place to strike. The organization Landon worked for, The Falcon Group, had a standing arrangement to use the gym for their training arena, and today it was Avery who was dishing out Alice’s future bruises. Her jailers, as she affectionately referred to them, insisted she know the basics of how to defend herself.

“What do you think I’m going to do?”

“Hurt me.” Alice was quick to answer as she noticed Avery’s telltale tic, a sign that she was about to hit. The hitch in her step gave her away, not that Alice had been the one to notice, but a little birdy had whispered it in her ear. Alice ducked, missing Avery’s first strike.

“You’re getting better,” Avery said.

“Hardly.” She nodded toward Avery’s legs. “Landon warned me about the hitch in your step.”

Avery grinned just as she dropped to a squat and swung her legs around, taking Alice by surprise. Alice landed on her back with a thud, momentarily losing the air in her lungs.

“You can use that move on your assailant to buy you some time to escape.”

“I’ll have to remember that.” Alice groaned and reached for Avery’s outstretched hand, letting Avery pull her to her feet.

“Are you nervous about lunch at the Loves’?”

“Oww. I think I pulled something.” Alice moaned and leaned over, clutching her stomach, mimicking the response to contractions she’d seen in her pregnant patients.

“Alice, I’m sorry. Where are you hurt?” Avery stepped closer and laid a gentle hand on Alice’s arm. Alice held her grin and slipped her foot behind Avery’s. Dropping her shoulder, she shoved it into Avery’s stomach. Avery landed on her ass. Her mouth parted in shock and surprise. “Well, well, well.”  

Alice pumped her arms, doing a victory dance around the mat. “It worked; it actually worked! Landon taught me to play on your emotions.” Alice held out her hand to help Avery up. “He warned me it might not work every time, but it never hurts to try.”

“Yeah, did he teach you this?” Avery asked while sweeping Alice’s feet from beneath her, effectively putting Alice again on her back.


“Don’t ever let your guard down. You get the drop on your assailant and you get the hell out of Dodge.”


Avery chuckled, getting back to her feet, this time not bothering to help Alice up. She grabbed two nearby towels and tossed one to Alice.

“You didn’t answer my question about lunch,” Avery reminded her.

“I’m not worried for me. I’m worried for Landon.” Alice wiped her face and neck with the towel. “Is it going to be as bad as he thinks?”

Avery grabbed her gym bag and slid the strap up her arm. “It’s possible. He’s been gone a long time.”

“Why didn’t he come back?”

“You should ask him.”

Alice placed a gentle hand on Avery’s arm, stopping her from opening the door. “Help me understand so I can soften the blow. It’s the least I can do for what you guys are doing for me.”

A mix of emotions crossed Avery’s face while she debated. “I shouldn’t be telling you this.” She let out a lengthy sigh. “You know Landon is ex-special forces. What you don’t know is that all of the men in his unit were killed during a raid, leaving him the lone survivor. The death of friends, and people you care about, has a way of changing a man.”

That little bit of information explained a lot. Her heart clenched, spreading an ache throughout her chest. “Survivor’s guilt?”

Avery shrugged, but the look on her face told Alice that she knew more about Landon’s secrets than she was saying.

“I need to get you back to Landon, or we’re all going to be late for lunch.”


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