Land of Verne (14 page)

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Authors: David H. Burton

Tags: #kids books, #books for boys, #middle-grade, #fantasy, #nookbook, #children, #science fiction, #jinn, #children's books, #middle grade, #harry potter, #Scourge, #ebook, #a grim doyle adventure, #children's literature, #JK Rowling, #ages 9-12, #epub, #mobi, #magic, #David H. Burton, #orphans, #dragon, #children's, #steampunk, #kindle, #Grim Doyle, #Simian's Lair

BOOK: Land of Verne
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“You just be sure to stay where I can see you,” she said. “And stay away from the east wall.” With her long, dirty finger she pointed to the far side of the Library where a massive oak door stood. That was supposed to be Madam Malkim’s private study.

Grim and Treena kept a swift pace, darting through aisles and shelves. The room was immense. He’d heard rumor that the cityfolk even came to this Library. Madam Malkim apparently kept some rare books.

There were books about the various races, tomes on the Dominions, scrolls with maps, volumes of history, a smattering of grimoires on Jinns, and books about sinth and the making of various devices. Grim paused at the latter, but Treena dragged him along.

Finally they came upon a shelf, tucked away in a corner that was covered in dust and cobwebs. Grim sneezed as Treena skimmed the titles. She found four books.

“You want these,” she said.

Grim eyed the titles.
Old Man Fredegar’s Children’s Tales, The Evils of Summoning, Songs and Folklore from the Southlands,
Absinth for Imbeciles
. Treena grabbed all four books.

Grim opened the book with the children’s tales. His mouth dropped open as he read the following aloud.


“Kobold, Pixie, Troll and Fawn

You can cook this evil spawn

Put them o’er a fire so big

Roast ‘em up like suckling pig.”


Grim stammered. “Who writes this kind of stuff?”

Treena closed the book. “How else are you going to learn what the Southlands are like? Master Avon says that through song and rhyme, people teach their children how to behave. This is the kind of thing that Quinn will ask you. Something a kid would know.”

“But this is terrible.”

Treena shrugged.

They walked to the front of the Library to face Madam Tyne.

“We would like to take these books out,” Grim said.

The old woman glowered at the books and then at the two of them.

“What does Master Cobblepot want with these?”

Grim had to think fast. “Um, he’s researching the difference between children’s tales in the Southlands versus the Dominions.”

“Hmm,” she muttered and wrote their names down in her ledger. “Please return them within seven days or extra chores will be imposed upon you. And I could use with some help dusting in the basement. I’ve gotten a little behind in my work.” She had an unpleasant grin on her face.

The two nodded and hurried out the door. They nearly bumped into Festrel as they walked out. He hid his arms behind his back, but too late before Grim noticed he carried three large books himself.

Grim and Treena each held their own close to their chest as he spat on the ground in front of them.

“Get out of my way, wretch.” He stared at Treena with loathing.

Grim stepped in front of her. “Watch your tongue.”

He looked at Grim with disgust, but a sly grin crept across his face. He stepped back with a sweep of one arm.

“But of course. After you,” he said with a mocking tone.

Grim and Treena walked past him with care. Festrel turned around and headed into the Library, but not before Grim caught the title of the three books he carried:
Talismans, Changelings,

They rushed back to find Rudy pacing in her room.

“What did you find?”

They showed her the books and Grim mentioned the ones that Festrel carried.

Rudy scowled. “What would he want with books about Changelings and Jinns?”

Grim shook his head. “I don’t know. Quinn might be able to guess. But we can’t talk to him about it.”

A sudden knock made all three of them jump. They hastily stuffed the books under the bed and Rudy answered the door.

Aunt Patrice stood in the doorway with Pringles on her shoulder. The cat jumped down and inspected the room as the old woman glided in. The door closed softly behind her.

“Greetings,” she said. “I trust you are all well and remaining far from trouble’s path?” She raised one eyebrow and stared at Treena and Rudy.

Both girls blushed. “Yes,” they returned.

Aunt Patrice grunted in disbelief. “I have news for you. Your dads will be attending the Anniversary celebration. I will let you know more of their arrival when the time gets closer.” She paused. “And they are concerned.”

“About what?” Grim asked.

“About a new visitor here. Perhaps you do not know this, but young Lord Festrel has come to Madam Malkim’s. You must avoid him at all costs. Do you understand?”

Grim and Rudy nodded. He thought of their two encounters already.

“He’s our cousin, isn’t he?” Grim said.

Aunt Patrice sighed. She opened the window to let Pringles out on the ledge. “I suppose you were bound to figure it out. Your Poppa is the older brother of Festrel’s father, the one who stole the Manor. He would delight to see all of you dead, so you must be careful. Does he know the six of you are siblings?”

“I don’t think so,” Grim replied. Festrel had not met them all together. “But he thinks Rudy and I are from the Southlands.”

A cunning look settled in Aunt Patrice’s eyes. “Quite clever. I suggest you learn all you can of the Southlands.”

Rudy dragged the books from under her bed.

The old woman chuckled and strode towards the door. “Excellent! Well chosen, my dears. I can see I have little to worry about while I’m gone.”

“Gone?” Rudy said. “Where are you going?”

“I’m afraid I must leave tonight. There is some trouble with one of the orphans and Madam Phoebe and I must make for the Rowanwood posthaste.”

As much as Grim begrudged having his meddling Aunt around, he didn’t like the notion of her leaving.
What if they needed her?

“When will you be back?” he asked.

Aunt Patrice offered a reassuring smile. “As soon as I can. Please be sure to let the others know to avoid Festrel. It could be dangerous if he learns who you all are.” She looked out the window. “Well, I see that second moonrise is upon us. Proper young ladies and gentlemen require rest and it is now past your bedtime. Good evening,” she said and slipped through the door.

Rudy and Treena both exhaled as if they’d been holding their breath the whole time.

Treena checked the corridor and closed the door. “We need to be careful around Quinn. He might tell Festrel who you are if he overhears us.”

“I don’t know,” muttered Grim. “There’s something he’s not telling us.”

Rudy climbed onto her bed. “What makes you think that?”

“Quinn mentioned that he fled here. Why would he need to flee if his lands are under protection. I think our uncle had something to do with the death of Quinn’s father.”

Treena nodded her agreement. “And he likely confiscated Quinn’s lands. The same thing happened to my father. He stole our lands and we haven’t been back to our Manor since.”

Grim stepped over to the window. There was movement in the shadows of the alley. As he leaned out for a closer look, Pringles slunk around the corner. The cat was being chased by Scarlet.

“Don’t you think it’s strange that Festrel arrived here just two weeks after Quinn?” he asked.

The other two said nothing, but the same questioning look settled on their faces as well.

Chapter 14

The sewers were an awful set of pipes and underground tunnels that weaved under the city streets like a maze. Madam Malkim hired out her orphans to clean the tunnels and sewers at an affordable price. And since she was a city magistrate, no one objected.

Grim was amazed at the items that sailed downstream — sinth replacements, mechanical parts, a few machines, and even some sinth-based servants. He would often rescue the latter when he thought no one was watching and then go back to unclogging the major waterways and pipes.

After an afternoon of slogging knee-deep through stink and sludge, Grim walked back to the orphanage. He was shouldered by Festrel as the boy marched into the city. And with his slimy boots Grim swiftly lost his balance and fell face first to the pavement, scraping his hands and face on the ground.

He grumbled to himself. This world was not what he had hoped for. This wretched orphanage was a terrible place for children, and all he wanted was to wake up from this nightmare and go back to his home. How could his dads have ever thought he’d be safe here?

He watched Festrel march away and noticed something the boy had dropped. Grim inched over and saw that it was a small red stone with brass fingers encasing it. He sucked in his breath.

What is he doing with that?

He snatched it up and marched back to Madam Malkim’s, hoping Quinn would not be there. And lo, that was not meant to be. He was in the room, with Rudy of all people. And they were laughing like they were the best of friends. And to top it all off, Scarlet was sitting on Rudy’s shoulder, purring.

“Get out!” Grim yelled. He was still mad at her for biting him.

The spider crept out the door, barely managing to avoid his foot as he kicked at her.

Rudy gasped as she took one look at Grim’s scraped-up face and hands. And for the first time Grim saw actual concern in Quinn’s eyes.

“What happened to you?” he asked as Rudy escorted Grim in.

Quinn closed the door.

“This place sucks,” Grim said. The stone fell from his pocket.

Quinn bent to pick it up. “What is that?”

Rudy stopped him and retrieved it herself. “There’s something we need to tell you,” she said to Quinn.

Grim looked up. “Wait —”

Rudy held up her hand to him with a single finger and he looked at the seriousness in her eyes. “No. I’m tired of lying to him. He’s my friend and we need help.”

Grim closed his mouth.

Then Rudy spoke, revealing everything to Quinn ― about Earth, about their dads, about Aunt Patrice, about Festrel and about the stone in her outstretched hand. She passed it to Quinn.

“Interesting,” he muttered. “So you traveled from this place you call Earth.”

Grim nodded.

“And you are actually nobility in hiding? Interesting tale.”

Grim eyed him with suspicion, wondering if they should have told the boy. Yet, despite how much Quinn irritated him, something in the boy’s eye said they could trust him.

“If you don’t believe us,” Rudy said, “you can ask Treena, or Master Galan, or my Aunt Patrice.”

Quinn smiled. “It is too fabulous a tale to make up,” he said finally. “I’m just trying to imagine another world, and it explains much about you. Although your claim to be from the Southlands had even me fooled.”

“My sister is better at pretending to be someone else. I always let things slip,” Grim said, giving her a sidelong glance.

Rudy smiled back. “Yeah, you kinda suck at it.”

“I could teach you about pretending to be something you’re not,” Quinn said. “I’m not as stuffy as I appear. I say what others expect of me, so that I’ll look more like a Lord. I’m always trying to fit in with people like Festrel and Gorkin, but around you I can say what I want. You’re so … normal.”

Grim’s eyebrow raised. That was the first time anyone had referred to his family that way.

“I must apologize for my behavior,” Quinn continued. “I’ve been horrible. I like you, Grim, noble or not.”

Grim breathed a sigh of relief.

“And now that we’re revealing truths,” Quinn said, “there’s something I would like to share with you. My father was not killed by accident. He was murdered on a hunting trip with Lord Victor. We think he discovered some secret. He paid for it with his life. My mother sent me off to Madam Malkim’s just before she was taken captive, but I was placed with the orphans since we cannot pay for me to attend the Academy. Victor claims that if I go live under his care I will take over our Manor when I am of age. I’m certain I would have an untimely accident instead. So here I shall remain, but I fear for my mother.”

“Is that why Festrel’s here?” Grim asked.

“I suspect so, but I have to be nice to him. I don’t want to endanger my mother’s life. I have no proof that my father was murdered, other than the words of his manservant. And he was poisoned the night my father died.”

Grim nodded. “I’m sorry. You must be even more scared than us.”

Quinn shrugged. “To be thrown into a completely different world is equally frightening.” Quinn knelt in front of Grim, untied a green scarf from his neck and attempted to wrap it around Grim’s scraped hand.

Grim tried to slip his hand away. “That scarf is too nice for this.”

Quinn forced the scarf around the wound. “It’s the least I can do, considering my behavior.”

“I’ll clean it and get it back to you.”

Quinn shook his head. “Keep it. It’s a gift.”

A knock at the door made the three of them jump.

“Come in,” they all chimed, and Treena strode in.

“By the Ancestors,” she muttered, looking at Quinn kneeling on the floor.

“It’s all right,” Grim said, “come in and close the door. We have something to tell you.”

Chapter 15

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