Read Lady Lyte's Little Secret Online

Authors: Deborah Hale

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Regency Romance, #Romance, #love story, #England

Lady Lyte's Little Secret (31 page)

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Oliver held out his plate. “No great ones, but a number of small ones that each build on the others, which is very gratifying. I’m working out some specialized
factory applications for the steam engine, which will save many hours of human labor and pay me quite handsomely to boot.”

Beneath the table Ivy nudged her husband’s foot. When he glanced across at her, she darted a sly smile his way. “Oliver has been intrigued by the workings of steam engines ever since we ran off to Gretna.”

It was still one of their favorite private jokes from their wedding night—how Oliver had likened the act of lovemaking to a piston and cylinder!

Her husband cleared his throat and adjusted his spectacles. Though he managed to keep a sober face and continue his conversation with Merritt, Ivy sensed that he was struggling to hold back a sheepish grin. He shot her a look that told her she would pay for her impudence in some very pleasant manner, as soon as they were alone.

Glancing to her left, Ivy saw Felicity and Rosemary with their heads together like two lovely mirror images, one dark and one golden. From what little she could pick up of their whispered discussion, it appeared to be all about babies.

Ivy had never had much patience for the subject before, but lately her feelings had begun to change. She suspected they would undergo a complete reversal the first time she held her own little one in her arms.

At last, Ivy’s gaze wandered to the head of the table, where she found her brother watching his family with quiet pride and satisfaction. An echo of those emotions stirred in her own heart. Three of the happiest married couples in the whole kingdom sat around this very table, and she’d had a hand in bringing each of them together.

When the serving platters were almost empty and
conversation had begun to ebb, Rosemary spoke up, “Don’t keep us in suspense any longer, Thorn. What’s this news you planned to tell us?”

Thorn rose from his chair. “Nothing as momentous as Oliver and Ivy’s, but I’m keen to share it with my family just the same. I thought you might like to know that I have finally succeeded in clearing all of Father’s debts and have begun to accumulate capital in my own right.”

The Temples and the Armitages cheered this news. Though her brother had made light of their situation to her and Rosemary, Ivy knew it had weighed on him.

“Thank you, thank you.” Thorn acknowledged their applause and congratulations. “Everyone else of my acquaintance probably believes I owe this renewed prosperity to my wife’s fortune.”

Felicity shook her head. No one seeing the gaze of transparent admiration she directed at her husband could doubt that Thorn had succeeded entirely by his own efforts.

“In truth,” said Thorn, “I owe far more to my wife’s confidence in my abilities than to her property. As long as we here know the rights of it, the rest of the world may think what it pleases.”

As Thorn took his seat again, Merritt Temple stood up. “I believe this calls for a toast. To my dear friend and brother, who has persevered and triumphed in his business affairs. That achievement is eclipsed only by his brilliant success in raising two dear, delightful sisters.”

“To Thorn!” They all drank to his accomplishments with a warm will.

“I hope you have not drained your cups,” said Felicity, rising from her place opposite her husband, “for
I have a toast to make, as well. Let us drink to Ivy and Oliver’s wonderful news. May they be as happy in their new family as Thorn and I have been, thanks to their efforts.”

Everyone drank to the Armitages’ happiness as eagerly as they had saluted Thorn’s newfound prosperity.

Ivy blinked back tears of joyous fulfillment even as she quipped, “With three happy marriages to my credit, you will all be relieved to hear that I plan to retire from matchmaking so as not to risk tarnishing my perfect record.”

As her family chuckled and drained their punch cups a final thought occurred to Ivy.

“At least until the next generation of Greenwoods are grown and need a little help from Auntie Cupid!”

ISBN: 978-1-4603-6039-2


Copyright © 2003 by Deborah M. Hale

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