Lady Alexandra's Lover (10 page)

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Authors: Helen Hardt

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

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Confessions of Lady Prudence
by Madame O

y skin was so tight
, my nerves so tingly. I eased Hattie’s drawers over her hips and then disposed of mine as well. She had a triangle of honey-blond curls over her mound, and I ached to run my fingers through their softness.

Instead, I pressed against her in a soft hug and whispered, “Would you lie with me on my bed? Kiss me some more?”

She nodded hesitantly.

I took her hands, and together we lay down atop my quilt. I took her into my arms and pressed my mouth to hers. She opened for me quickly, thrust her tongue into my mouth. Pure heaven, Amelia, kissing her. She might not have had much experience, but kissing came very naturally to her.

We ate at each other’s mouths, sighing, moaning, swirling our tongues around each other’s, sucking and licking. My quim grew wetter and wetter, and my nipples hardened again, aching for her twisting fingertips. She hadn’t yet tasted my nipples, but I could no longer stay away from the sweet heaven that beckoned me.

I broke our kiss with a loud smack. “Hattie?”

“Yes, my lady?”

“I should like very much to kiss you…

“Like what? My cheek?”

I gave her cheek a playful peck, laughing. “Silly. No. Your cunny. That beautiful heaven between your legs. I should very much like to kiss it the way I was kissing your mouth.”

“My lady, that cannot possibly be…”

“Be what? Any fun?” I let out a giggle. “I assure you it is wonderful.”

“But why would you want to do that? There are much better places to kiss me.”

“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?” I slid downward on the bed and spread her lovely long legs. Her cunt glistened with nectar, and my own pussy throbbed.

I fingered her delicate folds. I tentatively licked her slit from bottom to top.

“Oh!” She gasped and squeezed her thighs against my face.

“Relax, love.” I pushed her thighs apart again. “You taste like springtime. May I please kiss your beautiful cunny?”

Chapter 10

van widened
his eyes as he read through the page. Such outrageous titles!

Life Among the She-Devils.

The Libidinous Adventures of Miss Constance Cooke.

Confessions of Lady Prudence.

A House Party at the Estate of Lord and Lady Peacock.

Under each title were a few sentences leaning toward the erotic, though not quite obscene. This was a sample, after all.

And down at the bottom, where it always appeared on work printed at his business, was the seal.

Evan shook his head. Whoever was behind this didn’t get any points for intelligence. Any worker worth his salt who wanted to print something in secret would have removed the seal. This “free sample” had definitely come from his printing house. He shoved the paper back in his pocket and raked his fingers through his hair, which was thankfully clean now. He left the hall and started back toward his hotel.

He would deal with this on the morrow.

lly felt
tons better the next day. After a hearty breakfast and a walk about the grounds, she retired to her chamber for a long hot soak in the tub. Afterward, she dressed in a pink afternoon gown, descended for a light luncheon with Sophie, and then retired to the front parlor with a thick novel. Just as she was engrossed in a spicy scene, the parlor door opened.

“Lady Alexandra, you have a visitor,” Graves said.

Well, at least it wouldn’t be Mr. Landon. “Who is it, Graves?”

“Mr. Nathan Landon, my lady.”

Her stomach lurched. Had he come to tell her good-bye? That had to be it. Why would he come back here wanting more of her after he had seen her at her absolute worst? Perhaps she should refuse to receive him. That would make it easier. At least she wouldn’t have to listen to his rejection.

“I’m afraid I’m not receiving today, Graves. Tell him to send me a written message, and I shall respond in kind.”

“As you wish, my lady.” Graves left, closing the door behind him.

Ally’s nerves skittered. Goodness, just when she was enjoying a restful afternoon. Sophie had gone to her chamber for an afternoon nap, so Ally was basically alone in the large house but for the servants. She hadn’t seen Evan all day. Perhaps he was in Bath on business.

She looked up as the parlor door opened once again.

“My lady, beg pardon,” Graves said, “but Mr. Landon insists upon seeing you. He is being quite persistent. I thought it best to ask again before I had him thrown out.”

What on earth could this be about? She didn’t want him thrown out, so she had no choice. “Fine. Send him in, Graves. But he won’t be staying long.”

Mr. Landon strutted into the parlor, proud as a peacock and dressed in dark green velvet. “My lady, I was fraught with disappointment when you chose not to receive me today.”

“Well, it appears I have received you nonetheless, so no need for disappointment,” she said.

“I wish to see how you are recovering from your carriage accident. I’ve been in a constant state of worry over it.”

She warmed a bit. Perhaps he did still care for her, despite her frazzled appearance the previous day. On the other hand, he was probably just being gentlemanly. Whatever the reason, she must be a good hostess.

“Mr. Landon, it’s a pleasure to see you as always. Thank you for your concern, but I assure you I am completely fine. Just a few bumps and bruises. Our poor coachman did not fare nearly as well. He was thrown and killed on impact. I’m thankful Lord Evan and I were inside the coach. It clearly saved our lives.”

“I am so sorry this horrible incident has befallen you. May I sit?”

“Of course.” Ally nodded to the settee across from where she was sitting.

Mr. Landon instead crossed the room and took a seat next to Ally on the divan. She shuddered for a moment at his closeness. But the quiver was different than what she was used to around Mr. Landon. She trembled not from arousal, but from… Was it fear? Of course not. She had been with Mr. Landon many times before. And she certainly wasn’t feeling the rapid heartbeat of fear or the instinct to run screaming. Since she couldn’t quite put her finger on what she was feeling, she chose to ignore it.

“I’m so pleased to see that you have recovered.” Mr. Landon took her hand and lightly brushed his lips over it.

“As you can see, I’m no worse for the wear.” Ally smiled shakily.

Mr. Landon continued to kiss the top of her hand, moving to her wrist and then to her forearm as he rained the gentle kisses over her skin. She gasped, waiting for the goose bumps that usually accompanied his kisses.

They failed to erupt.

Mr. Landon looked up when she drew her hand away.

“My lady, I will be leaving for London tomorrow. I’m planning to attend the remaining balls of the season. I hope very much that I shall see you at one or more of them.”

“Sir, I do believe my stepbrother, sister, and I will be making the trip. I do so look forward to a dance with you.”

“As do I, my beautiful lady.” He took her hand once more and drew it to his lips. Instead of pressing gentle kisses onto her palm, this time he pulled her toward him, caught her in an embrace, and kissed her lips, sliding his tongue along the seam.

She and Mr. Landon had kissed on many occasions, and Ally had never hesitated to open to him. His kisses were smooth and succulent like a fine wine. But what she craved now were Evan’s kisses. His kisses were rough and passionate, raw with power and desire, not so much like a fine wine but more like a hearty Scotch whiskey, that although smooth, burned one’s throat. They were hard and drugging and took all one’s energy, but they were the best experience in the world. Ally would never stop craving Evan’s kisses.

Yet Mr. Landon was the man she intended to marry. So she opened her mouth and accepted his tongue. The kiss was acceptable. More than acceptable, really, considering her experience. In fact, only three days hence, she had considered his kisses perfect.

Mr. Landon broke away from her lips and kissed her neck, sucking on her pulse point and gliding his tongue over the contours of her neck and shoulder. He grazed over the top of her sleeve, baring more skin and pressing his lips upon it. The experience was pleasant, and yes, it even felt good. And since this was the man she intended to spend her life with, she wanted to experience more. He moved his mouth from her shoulder, down her décolletage, and to the top of her bosom.

“Oh, Lady Alexandra, how beautiful you are,” he said against her skin. “I hunger for you, my darling. Might you grant me one small favor?”

Ally sucked in a breath, and her nipples hardened as she thought of Evan tugging and kissing them. She longed to feel that intensity again. No reason existed to believe that it could only be felt with Evan.

“Mr. Landon…”

“Please, my darling, Nathan.”

Odd, that she still thought of him as Mr. Landon after all this time. He had told her on many occasions to call him by his Christian name, but it had never felt right to Ally. She nearly laughed aloud at the thought. Here, sitting beside her, kissing the tops of her breasts, was the man she intended to marry, and she had never called him by his Christian name. She let out a soft chuckle.

“Is something funny, my lady?”

“No, of course not…Nathan.” She gently cleared her throat. “What favor do you ask of me?”

“Just a glance at your lovely breasts, my lady. I’ve dreamed so long of seeing the beauty you hide beneath your garments.”

Oh, she was tempted. But for Sophie, she was alone in the house. Graves and the others wouldn’t dare barge in. But Evan… If he were home, he would not hesitate. He felt responsible for her. She hadn’t seen him all day, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t here.

“I don’t dare, sir. My stepbrother might—”

“Lord Evan is in the city today,” Mr. Landon said. “I saw him taking breakfast at the Grand House several hours ago.”

Breakfast at a hotel? He had spent the night out? A dull thud landed in Ally’s belly. She swiftly pushed it away. What did she care? He could break his fast anywhere. He was certainly no concern of hers.

“He may still be there, for all I know,” Ally said. “But I can’t take the chance. He might have come home after you saw him and could walk in on us at any moment.”

“Darling Alexandra, your decision pains me. But alas, I am a patient man, and I can wait to sample your lovely jewels. However, I cannot wait forever.” He rose.

Was that some sort of ultimatum? It did not sit well with Ally. She had to work with haste to get him to marry her before he grew tired of waiting.

“Sir, I will be at least one of the balls. If you will wait for me, I promise you will not be disappointed.”

“I do look forward to that with bated breath, my lady.” Mr. Landon bowed and saw himself out of the parlor.

Ally let out a sigh. She’d made up her mind months ago that she would marry Mr. Landon. And if she had to give him a taste of her nipples, she would do so, but not in this house. She would do so at a ball, out on the terrace in a dark corner. In fact, she would let him do whatever he wanted. She just had to make sure someone was watching.

She adjusted the sleeves of her dress and picked up her novel. A few moments later, Sophie entered.

Ally looked up. “Did you enjoy your nap, Sophie?”

Sophie’s eyes looked sunken and sad. “Not especially.”

“Is something the matter, Sophie?”

“Oh goodness, nothing to get me so upset. After all you and Evan went through over the past couple of days, I feel like a shallow ninny for being bothered by anything.”

“You could never be shallow, Sophie dear.” Ally patted the seat next to her. “Come and tell me what is bothering you.”

Sophie sat down, wringing her hands. “Lord Van Arden stopped by to call on me while you and Evan were gone.”

“Yes? Were you not happy to see him?”

Sophie shook her head and sniffled. “Of course I was happy to see him. The problem is he was not exactly thrilled to see me.”

“Then why on earth did he come here?”

“It’s all so silly really. He came to tell me that he would no longer be coming by. He has fallen in love with a common woman.”

Ire pulsed through Alexandra. “How dare he? That little snake.”

Sophie sniffed. “Oh, Ally, it’s not his fault he fell in love with someone else. I do wish I had kissed him though. I know I said I would never allow any liberties, but a girl gets curious. And who knows when I will get another opportunity? Gentlemen aren’t exactly lining up for my favors. I fear I will end up like Mother, twenty-five and no prospects due to my timid nature. I don’t want to be forced into marriage the way she was.”

Ally embraced her sister in a tight hug. “You are only twenty-three. Not twenty-five. And you know very well Mother and the earl would never force you into anything. She wants better for us.”

Sophie pulled out of Ally’s embrace. She grabbed a handkerchief out of her pocket and wiped her eyes and nose. “I know Van Arden wasn’t the catch of the season, but he was a nice man, a gentle man, and I know he would never have hurt me.”

“It seems to me he
hurt you,” Ally said.

“I meant physically. The way our father hurt Mama.”

Ally nodded. “Unfortunately, there are all kinds of hurt, Sophie. I wish I could shield you from all of it.”

Sophie gulped. “You shield me from enough of it, dear sister. I always hated how he picked on you and hurt you. May God forgive me for not being able to stand up for you.”

“There’s nothing to forgive. The man was a tyrant. Believe me, he didn’t even hurt me after a while. You get numb to it. I almost felt powerful, to be honest. It was like I had this control over him. I could make him want to hurt me, and I had the power not to be hurt.”

“You’re so strong, Ally. I envy you.”

“You have no reason to envy me. You are beautiful and smart, and any man who doesn’t want you is an idiot.”

Sophie let out a shaky laugh. “You always could make me smile.”

“What were your feelings for Van Arden? Did you fancy yourself in love with him?”

Sophie shook her head. “If what Lily and Rose said is true, and you know without a doubt when you’re in love, no, I was not in love with Van Arden. But I was very fond of him, and I think I could have been happy as his wife.”

Despite the experiences of Lily and Rose, Alexandra still wasn’t sure she believed in love. Love had never been a requirement for her own marriage. She didn’t love Mr. Landon, and she didn’t labor under any delusion that he loved her. Sophie, though, would hold out for love. And her sister needn’t worry. Ally would have plenty of money to take care of Sophie if need be. Never would her sister be forced into a loveless and abusive marriage like their mother had been. Ally would see to that.

“He is not the last man on earth, Sophie. There are others, and the right one will find you.”

“I do hope you’re right. I couldn’t bear the thought of being forced into an unhappy marriage.”

“Sophie, I’ll say it again. Mother and the earl would never force you into anything. She knows better than anyone that spinsterhood is preferable to an abusive situation.”

“Spinsterhood? I can’t bear the thought of that either.” Sophie wiped her eyes again with her lace handkerchief. “Perhaps I should have allowed a few kisses. Van Arden was never insistent, but he did ask a couple of times.”

Ally wasn’t certain how to respond. She had done her share of kissing, but it was out of her own curiosity rather than to give the gentleman in question anything. Today she had the chance to allow Mr. Landon a few more liberties, and she had wanted to try, but her heart hadn’t really been in it. Her curiosity had been sated. She had done what she wanted and more with Evan.

“If you are not comfortable with allowing him a kiss, you did the right thing,” Ally said. “When you are ready to give a kiss, you will know, and you will be doing it for yourself, not for someone else.”

“Is that how you truly feel, Ally? Did you truly only allow Mr. Landon liberties because you wanted them?”

“Absolutely. I have the intention to marry Mr. Landon, but I myself was curious. And if my curiosity can help me show a gentleman that my treasures are worth sampling for the rest of his life, all the better. But believe me, Sophie, I wanted the liberties as much as he did.”

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