Lacrimosa (22 page)

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Authors: Christine Fonseca

BOOK: Lacrimosa
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I pace the gardens waiting for Nesy to return. She’s been gone too long already. The sun streaks across the sky. There is so little time before Azza forces a choice I can’t make.

One step. Another. And another. Each reminding me that she still isn’t back. I can’t take it anymore—can’t stand not knowing.

Did she convince the Council?

Of course not, you are a Beast.

Did she offend them in asking?

You know she did.

Is she in trouble now?

Deep trouble.
My mind folds in on itself as I reconcile the danger Nesy has placed herself in because of me.
Always because of me.
My pace increases with my agitation. I should’ve never let her go. Should’ve never started this so long ago.
My gaze catches her human form, asleep on the bench behind me. She looks peaceful. Angelic.

You have to be okay.

The Beast stirs as my mind wraps around my fear. It stabs at my heart, trying to shred my resolve.
I push it aside, focusing only on Nesy and all that she means to me. She was my past. She is my present.
But she can never be my future. Azza claimed that too long ago.
He will try to purge her from me. Torture me into forgetting about her and my love. I’ll kill him before that happens. Kill me.

The Beast fights back, struggling against my intentions.
Kill me
. The words bounce off my thoughts. It is the only way to fix this. The Beast rams against my thoughts. My vows tug at me, reminding me of the impossibility of my death. Azza will never allow it, nor will the Beast. There is only one way.


It has to be Nesy.

I’ll kill anyone else who tries, the rage more than I can control. But not her. I won’t let the Beast touch her, no matter how intense the pain. She’s the only one.

She must kill me.



Chapter 30 – Friendship Tested




My voice bounces off the chamber walls as the Sentinals fade away. I run to the door, desperate. I can’t leave. Mikayel’s barrier is too strong. Impenetrable. I’m trapped, unable to warn Aydan.

I think of the Sentinals, Briathos and Zaapiel, charging after him. Best in their class, after me. Determined. Focused. Relentless. Everything I’ve been trained to be. Everything I was.

Before Aydan.
I pace in front of the door like a caged animal. I have to escape.
My heart slams against my chest, each beat tolling the end of Aydan’s life.
The end of mine.
I scream out my frustration. What a mess everything has become—a mess I can’t fix.
“I see Mikayel didn’t like your suggestion.” Zane stands at the threshold, his arms crossed over his chest, looking smug.
“Not at all.”

“I’d say I told you so, but that seems a little harsh. Even for me.” He stares at me, an impish twinkle in his eyes. “But I can offer you another way to fix this.”

“Why would you do that? You agree with Mikayel.”

“Yeah, I do. Your first duty is to Celestium. But Gabriel sent me. He told me what you two talked about and asked me to search my heart. He said I needed to come to my own opinions about your fate.”

“Really?” I ask, my wings nervously twitching behind me. “And what did you decide?”

“I’m not ready to see my best friend cast out. Not over this. I think you should go back and fulfill your oath. Mikayel gave you three days. You have one left. Take care of this and the Council will forget everything. Don’t, and you’re as good as gone.”

I release the breath I’m holding with a sigh. Zane never ceases to surprise me.
“So, you’re going to help me escape?”
A slow smile streaks across his face. “Yeah. I’m going to help you.”
I grab my sword and prepare to break through the barrier. All I can think about is getting to Aydan in time.

“Not like that,” Zane laughs. “We aren’t busting out of here. I have something better in mind. Another conversation with Mikayel. Don’t blow it this time.”


“Just tell him you’re ready to do your job. That’s all he’s looking for.” Zane reaches his hand through the invisible barrier. “Come on.”

“Are you sure this will work? Mikayel was pretty mad,” I ask as we walk back to his study.
“It’ll work. Just focus on finishing your job, okay?”
Mikayel waits in the chamber, stoic as always. “Gabriel says you are ready to be the Sentinal I expect?”
“I am.”
“I’m not sure I can trust you now.” There is a deep sorrow in Mikayel’s eyes that takes me aback.
“Call off the other team” I say too fast. Maybe he is right not to trust me.
Zane throws me a cautioning look.
“Sir,” I add. “I will do this, Mikayel. I will vanquish him as I’ve promised.”
Mikayel draws a quick breath, considering every word. He has to believe me. I need him to trust me.
And I need to fulfill my oath. For Mikayel. For Aydan
For me.
“I will not call off the other team.”
I open my mouth to protest as Zane grabs my hand and motions for me to quiet.

Mikayel squares his shoulders, every inch of sadness replaced by resolve. “You have a day. Nothing more. Do your job. No more talk of redemption. I will not have you ruin your life for that UnHoly and the master he serves. Go and do what you must. I expect nothing less.”

Once again images of the Abyss glint through my thoughts. I swallow it all down, ignoring the bitter taste my emotions leave in my mouth. “Fine.” I acquiesce. “I’ll finish this by your deadline.”

“Thank you,” Zane adds.
“Thank Gabriel.” Mikayel turns away.
Zane raises his hands and forges open the portal. I step through, collapsing one world and entering the cathedral gardens.
I expect to see the other team, expect the battle to already be waged. But only Aydan appears before me, waiting.
“They let you leave,” he says, scooping me into a strong embrace.
“Thanks to Zane.”
Aydan nods at Zane.
Zane may be willing to help me, but Aydan will never be anything more than an Unholy in his eyes.

He ignores Aydan’s appreciation and glares at me. “Don’t make me regret this, Nes. Finish it. Now.” He fades away, leaving me with Aydan.

And the burden of what I must do.
“What was that about?” Aydan asks.
“It doesn’t matter,” My throat is dry and the words scrape against my mouth. “The Council won’t discuss your redemption.”
He wraps his hands around my waist. “I didn’t think they would.”
“Actually, it’s just Mikayel. I think the others would’ve listened. If only he wasn’t so stubborn.”

“Sounds like someone else I know.” Clouds pass through Aydan’s features. “Look, you tried and I appreciate it. But now you have to finish your task and send me to my death.” Aydan frees his hold on me and drops to his knees. “Release me from my hell, Nesy. Please.”

Tears burn my skin as they trickle down my face. I give him one last kiss, tasting his torment. I know he can taste mine.

“Please Nesy, do it. Before I change my mind.” A single tear slithers down his cheek.


Chapter 31 – Unrequited Chances




There is nothing else to say. To do.

I wrap my fingers around the hilt of my sword as my wings unfurl behind me. “I love you, Aydan.”
“I know,” he says as he closes his eyes.
I whisper the words that will banish him to the Abyss, lift my sword to his chest and thrust it forward.
My own heart rips through my body. For a moment, I can’t breathe. Can’t think. Can’t feel.
I watch the sword jab forward. Watch Aydan tighten his body, preparing for his end.
A barrier forms between us as Aydan flies away from me.
My body screams for air. My lungs fail and my mind swirls.
Aydan lands with a thud on the other side of the courtyard. He rushes for me, each step taking him further and further away.
I hear his screams. Feel my own.
My lungs struggle to draw a ragged breath—my final breath—as time seems to stop.
One second passes.
And another.
Confusion settles around me and I know I am dying. Until my lungs miraculously expand. Air fills my chest. My cells. My body.

Along with the familiar scent of rotting flesh and ash. My stomach turns, threatening to empty. A warm foul stench spreads across my back.

“You know I can’t let you do that, little Sentinal.” Azza’s voice fills me with rage.
“Azzaziel,” I growl. I spin to face him, my sword level with his neck.
“You may want to rethink your actions.”
“I doubt that,” I spit.

My mind focuses sharply on Azza. Only Azza. His skeletal frame and bat-like wings fill my senses. I feel each tiny movement, anticipating his coming actions. Just as I’ve been trained to do.

Finally, I am the Sentinal again.

Aydan lifts from his human host and runs to the barrier. Over and over he slashes it with his claws. Nothing works. The invisible wall remains.

All manner of dark creatures pour from the corners of the courtyard. The fallen. The UnHoly. The Jinn. Demons in every size and shape. They nip the air around Aydan, digging their talons and claws into his skin.

I stare at my love, unable to save him from Azza’s creatures. “What do you want, Azzaziel?”
“Your blood. And Mikayel’s.”
“That’ll never happen,” I say. “You’re no match for him.”
“Really? Is that what he tells his warriors now?”
My silence fills the space as I consider my options, Aydan’s private battle always in my sight.

“Oh, I wouldn’t try anything. You see, those creatures will do anything to keep Aydan from disrupting our little conversation.” Azza’s eyes dart from me to Aydan. “And they’ll consume him if you try to hurt me in any way.” His gaze settles on me. “I’m sure you wouldn’t want that to happen.”

Aydan continues to claw at the barrier between us. The creatures shred his arms, his legs. I cringe as his growls and shrieks split the night air. He kicks at them, throwing them off of his body. His eyes lock with mine as he fights against all that he is.

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