Laced Impulse (11 page)

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Authors: Sasha Combs

BOOK: Laced Impulse
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Your eyes... You have beautiful, beautiful green eyes.”

She leaned forward, pressing her lips above his right brow. Mot stood as still as a statue. Her warm breath shot tendrils across his face, the sensation fanning out, taking hold of his body. Something so simple as an innocent kiss had utterly shaken him off balance. Even when they’d been pretending to be lovers; Mot had had to will his body not to respond. Telling his lower half to ignore the sensation. That had been pure hell for him. Much like her kiss was currently making him feel.

When Bianca drew back, she smiled, while saying...

I love looking at you. I love the way you sway more to the left when you walk.” Bianca laughed. Obviously, in her mental fog, she’d glimpsed a picture from the past.

One day... While you walked with Vance, I thought you two would bump into each other.” Now she was giggling and he couldn’t stop himself from joining in.

So... I’m a comic. A butt of your jokes.”

She sighed heavily; angling her body closer to him.

No one affects me in the same way as you. I think about you all the time. Since meeting you...I’ve thought of no other man. Only you occupy my thoughts. It’s you Mot. Only you in my brain.”

Too much truth, he thought to himself. Too much, yet not enough. He leaned in, daring himself to learn more. Unafraid to venture further.

Why didn’t you say anything Bianca?”

How could I? You never seemed to notice me.”

But I did.” He supplied. “I noticed you and I
tell you a few things that lay heavy on my mind.”

Do tell...” She laughed seductively. One eyebrow rose, and the expression slew him.

In this moment, he should have stopped but feeling her breast press against his chest. Feeling her nearness, he wanted more of this. Whatever this was. Mot wanted to be as honest as she was.

He cleared his throat, taking in a few cleansing breaths. Telling himself, there was no harm in sharing a few of his daydreams.

Your neck...” He boldly said. Hearing his thoughts honestly spoken. This, liberated his tongue. “The slope of your neck and shoulder. It forms a delicate curve that flows down meeting your clavicle... That place... The angle is perfect for kissing. I think about that sometimes.”

He studied her face because her reaction had changed. Her response to his words affected her pupils. The large black hole narrowed, then closed to a pin point. It didn’t last long, but it had happened. It looked like recognition sparked a nerve; causing her to respond in this way. Hearing him describe her in a way that he’d never done before... His words had affected her and he wondered in what way? He was playing with fire but in these moments he didn’t care.

Bianca pulled back. Just enough to create a space between them. She lowered her head to the side; bringing her ear closer to her shoulder. That angle he’d just described. He didn’t have to form a mental picture because she was providing him with a live demonstration. She was giving him that place to plant his lips.

You mean like this...” Her sultry voice whipped the wavering right out of him. He ignored the dubiety that seeded this impossible situation. Without thinking he raised his hand; placing it where his eye had singled out one spot. Extending one lone finger, he traced a line, starting behind her earlobe, ending just below her clavicle. The moan that hummed through her lips gripped him in places that stiffened his body. He screamed in his head, telling himself to stop because if they continued; he wouldn’t have the strength to recoil his wants, or douse his surging desire. But Bianca had other things in mind. She lifted his hand to her mouth, unfolding his fingers. Choosing one, she drew it in between moistened lips. Her eyes locked with his, as she sucked then twirled her tongue around his appendage. Her head and mouth mimicked other suggestive moves. Things other women had tried, even when he’d not wanted it. But Bianca... From her he would welcome the gentle wrap of her lips; her mouth taking him in...sheathing him. Every part of his body craved to be possessed by her kisses.

Along the side of his face, sweat dripped down his temple; the feel of moisture reminded him of torture. Other parts of his body weeped, leaking pre-fluids, and warning of more to come. What was she doing to him? Why wasn’t he stopping her? This was wrong on so many levels but his ambivalence couldn’t settle on one course of action. In any other situation; had he asked her to date him, more than likely this scene would be played out. Had they met at a party, then decided to go to either of their homes... Even in those scenarios, they could have fallen into each others arms. Bianca had repeatedly said his name and she’d told him that she cared about him. She’d reach out, forcing his hand to touch hers, even after he’d pulled away. When he’d evaded her, his concerns had been due to his attempts to protect her from herself. But there was something about Sven’s explanation. Something the Swede had said. In Bianca’s mind, she was simply acting out her true feelings. She was speaking and showing him all that lay hidden inside of her brain. All along, she’d been communicating sincere heartfelt emotions. In every way, she’d said that she loved him.

Mot withdrew his finger from her mouth. He watched as her lips parted, forming a luscious circle. Everything about this situation was open to question, and that’s what befuddled him. How could he talk to her? What could he say, especially when he wanted her as much as she obviously wanted him? This was all new territory for him. He had never experienced a predicament quite like this before and he hoped this would be his last fork in the road.

You’re worried, aren’t you?” Bianca had just said the first clear sentence in hours. The words broke into his musing. He nodded, saying...

Yes... I’m worried Bianca.”

Don’t be... I want this. I want to be with you. I’ve wanted this for a very long time. I promise you... I won’t regret this tomorrow.”

Bianca...” He begged. He wanted to tell her, how could she know what she would regret. He doubted if she even knew what day it was. He questioned if she even knew that there would be a tomorrow. But when he stared into her eyes, he couldn’t bring himself to contradict her. Because truthfully, he believed that she was having a rational moment and at some point, she’d already imagined this chain of events.

Bianca...” Mot said her name in a loving way. “If we’re to be together... I want to know that you really know why we’re together.”

What makes you think that I don’t know now? I
to be with you Mot.”

My name...” He stopped himself. She knew him as an agent, and that’s all she knew about him. Then he asked himself... What does he know about her? He’d read her file. He knew about her talents and he knew Vance’s reasons for recruiting her. But what did she know about him? Nothing. He finally admitted. She didn’t even know his real name. He felt his body stiffen while grasping hold of her wrist. He uncoiled her hold, placing her arms at her side.

Bianca... When we do this... And I do think that one day, we will...” He clarified, to dismiss any doubts. “When we sleep together. I want to know that I have
of you and not just a part of you. I want to get to know you and I want you to get to know me better.”

He stood from the bed, backing away while saying...

This thing that’s between us...” He fought, trying to find the right phrase or set of words; then deciding to say what sat foremost in his mind. “It’s taught me a valuable lesson. We have chemistry Bianca. We’re attracted to one another and I don’t want to do anything that might foul that up. There’s a future for us. I think when we do sleep together, our time won’t be easily forgotten.”

Mot turned, then walked towards the door. Leaving now was the best course of action at this point because staying would spell disaster.

His hand was on the doorknob and his thoughts were on Sven and him jerking the Swede away from his inorganic pondering. He hated doing this but someone had to sit and keep watch over Bianca. Not knowing what she’d been given, Sven thought the safest course of action would be never leaving her alone. If she suddenly had a reaction, requiring swift attention; if someone was with her, her odds of survival would be greatly increased. He was pulling back on the door, when he felt her standing behind him. Every part of his body told him not to turn around. In his brain, the scream practically burst his eardrums.

She said...

The music... I now know what it is.”

Mot’s hand fell away from the knob after closing the door. He turned, dismissing every concern that troubled him.

What is it Bianca?”

Sven... It’s Sven.” she repeated. She stepped closer then added... “I also know what I want.” Bianca lifted on tiptoes. She pressed her mouth firmly on his lips, sealing her desire with a kiss. When she lowered, her words were no louder than a whisper, she said.

You... I want you Mot.” She was behaving rational again and he should have used this to his advantage, but instead, he listened; allowing her lulling voice to bathe him awash with her words.

Kiss me... Kiss me Mot.” She pressed her body close to his. He felt his hands, lifting to embrace her.

I can’t. You’re luscious Bianca. Truly. But I can’t.” He said. Countless thoughts stopped him, yet the hunger in his body begged to be fed.

Kiss me...” Her words reeked of need. He couldn’t fight this anymore and he didn’t want to walk away, all the while knowing that he yearned for her. His hands gripped her arms. Pulling her closer he said...

Kiss me.” His inflection saying that, she had to make the next move. If she wanted him, she would have to lead the way. Her final answer would be his only out. One word would direct his actions. Stay or go. He waited, hoping the response would be favorable, yet praying she would send him away. In his head, no two thoughts were alike and there was no basis for comparison. His situation was hopeless, but he couldn’t bring himself to abandon what could be his only and last chance. When all else was failing him, he rested his faith on his heart. Without a doubt, he’d always known. If he stayed with her; yielding to his desire was a foregone conclusion.

Their faces drew closer; her lifting up, while his shoulders tilted forward, lowering his head, down to her height. Bianca kissed the area beneath his chin. She rose higher, darting her tongue along his cleft, urging his lips to part. When she heard him moan, her hand rose to his head. Fingers spread wide, she raked through his hair; then she closed her hand, jerking him down with fistfuls of hair. When their lips touched, nothing in the world could have parted them.


Heat coursed throughout her body, demanding that she have more of him. She pulled back, feeling the tug of his hold. It was then that she realized how tightly he held her. His fingers dug into her arms, stilling her body and not wanting to be free of her. Her breathing was deep, bordering on panic. She couldn’t fight her state of being. Every nerve in her body shuttered with jittery expectation. Words sprung forth, doing away with any misconceptions that she may harbor doubts.

I want you.” She swallowed hard, saying... “Tell me that you want me.”

He blew out a deep breath of air; accepting that this was the end of the line.

I want you Bianca.
Dammit all to hell...I want you.
” Saying it out loud... Admitting what he desired most, it freed him in some way.

The past few times he’d seen her at The Agency; Mot had purposely diverted his gaze. More often than not, seeing her drove him to distraction, and his thoughts would inevitably stray. He tightened his hold; clinging to every second that he’d lost.

Mot guided her back, taking her over to the bed. He could feel his body warming for the challenge. When she sat down, she said...

"Here... Let me help you get undress."

In a gentle manner, he brushed her hand away. Smiling he said...

"I think I can manage." Truthfully, his need had been skyrocketing from the moment she’d first touched him. Each second, his longing mushroomed, and he didn’t know which of her sensual touches would send him hurdling over a cliff. Already the bulge of his manhood painfully ached, yearning for its release.

When Mot peeled off his shirt; along the side of his chest, a scar puckered at a right angle. An old knife wound from years long since passed. He didn't even notice it anymore but strangely she did. Eyes squinted, brows raised in question. Bianca’s fervent stare led him to what fascinated her most. She sat on her haunches impatiently waiting for his approach. The blade had sliced him from his nipple to his belt line but sadly, his foe had faired far worse than him. And it wasn't until he observed her cautious gaze he’d been reminded of the man responsible for the blemish. To temper her concern, Mot joked saying...

"If you think that looks bad, you should see the other guy."

His nonchalant manner minimized the facts by telling her an abridged version of the events. He steered clear, avoiding truths; not wanting her to know the injury had been life threatening. Why would he lessen this moment by smearing it with details of ugliness from that night? For far too long, he’d waited for this. Waited to be with her and now the time had come. When he neared her; Bianca pitched forward; balancing her weight along the edge of the mattress. Gently, her slender fingers traced the line of his scar. When she touched him, her hands were met by hard tightly coiled muscles. Anxious fingers twirled black curls of hair that covered his broad chest. Greedy eyes followed the trail of his man hair. Like soft wool, it swirled circles around his navel; tapering and dipping low beneath his belt. Slowly, her eyes had traced this path, then raised, landing back on the scar that had first held her gaze. Wet lips pressed against the area that looked the angriest. She extended her tongue; tracing the jagged line from the base, traveling upward. She used one hand for balance, while her other hand cupped the bulge in his pants. His throat caught, when her lips parted then her teeth bit down lightly on his nipple. Mot parted his legs, widening his base to prevent a fall. He sucked in air, praying that his knees wouldn't give way. He did his best, waiting for a break in her relentless onset. He'd been right to assume, at some point she would need air. The moment she lifted her head; Mot stepped back, placing himself outside of her reach. He enjoyed her passion but the night was young and well.... There were still so many things he wanted too do to her.

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