Lace and Sin (Sinners Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Lace and Sin (Sinners Series Book 1)
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“Carter…I told you, I’m no good for relationships.”


“You said you didn’t have time for them, different
things Kayla.” I try to tug my hand from his but he just holds on tighter -
“I’m just trying to understand you that’s all.”


“Please don’t. This isn’t going to work if you’re
trying to understand me. How’s about we just go with the flow, have fun, you


He quirks his dark brow at me and smiles playfully “So
what are you saying?”


“You know the friends-with-benefits kind of thing.
That’s all I can really offer you right now” I shrug, as if this plan isn’t
turning my insides into some weird twisted version of liquid desire.


“I guess I’d be a sucker not to accept right?” he
chuckles, and it seems to ease some of my tension that built up over the last
five minutes.


We turn and walk into an entrance of an apartment
building. The foyer is massive with a man sitting behind a concierge desk.
“Afternoon Mr Monroe” the doorman says cheerily and Carter gives him a curt nod
in return.


We walk through the lobby and into an elevator in
silence, his hand still holding mine gently. I gave up trying to pull free
before we even got inside the foyer. I turn my head slightly and watch him,
noting his chest rise and fall with each breath - “Why are we going up?”


His only response is a cheeky grin before the elevator
stops on the penthouse floor, and I whistle lightly in awe, “Penthouse?”


He just shrugs and let’s my hand go to enter a code
for the main door. They click and he pushes the handle, opening the door wide
and stepping inside. He takes a few steps before he notices me still standing
in the doorway, and motions lazily with his finger for me to come closer, while
the other hand loosens his tie.
that’s a sexy sight.


Now that I’m actually here, I’m kind of nervous. I’m
not some Virgin Mary or anything but, it’s just him, he’s just this crazy
mystery right now and it’s kind of frustrating. Why me? Why is he so interested
in me?


He walks back towards the doorway and hooks his finger
into the waist band of my tights, then pulls me against him roughly. His arm
wraps around my waist, and then he just looks down at me, small smile playing
at the corners of his lips.


“I didn’t picture you as the shy type.”


“I’m not shy - I’m just contemplating whether I want
to drag you into my messed up life, even like this.”


“What’s there to lose?”


“Your life” I answer seriously.


“I can’t ask for you to elaborate can I, not part of
the deal, right?” he chuckles, finding my words amusing


“Need to know basis type of relationship” I giggle.


“It’s a risk I’m willing to take then darlin" he
says, and his lips press down on mine. At first he’s kind of gentle, a sweet,
soft type of kiss. But when I open my mouth for him it stirs something in us
both. Our hands turn frantic - mine yanking his shirt out of his pants, and
then literally ripping it open, buttons scattering across his white tiled


“Sorry, I’ll buy you a new shirt” I say slightly
muffled against his lips with a grin.


“I don’t care about the fucking shirt, Kayla” he says
softly, his breath coming out more rapid as he picks me up and wraps my legs
around his waist. He takes a few steps, shuts the door and then presses me
against it, all with me still wrapped around him like a pretzel.


My lips are against his bare tattooed chest, kissing
up and along his neck as his hands reach down to the hem of my top, and yank it
up and over my head. He throws it to the floor then gently pulls on my hair
tie, letting my long, dark hair fall down around my chest.


I'm already panting and breathless as my lips kiss
every inch they can reach of him. I don't even notice when he starts moving and
walking us through his lounge room, down a hallway, and then he kicks a door
open gently. I’m sure he has a nice apartment, but I just don’t have the
slightest interest right now in checking it out.


I pull away from him slightly and look around the
bedroom though, noting how dark it is. It’s fairly simple with nothing on the
walls, apart from one feature wall that's painted what appears to be a deep, dark
blue. His bed is a giant king size, modern, black leather frame with a cross
stitch pattern on the bed head, and grey sheets loose on the bed.


He tosses me down on the bed and I laugh as I bounce
lightly on the mattress. He's already started to unbutton his pants but I stop
him momentarily.


"Hey Carter, can you just promise me one


He eyes me curiously for a moment and then nods,
"Depends what it is you want?" he grins cheekily.


"Promise me this won’t turn into something more.”


He's silent for a moment and it’s a little too dark in
his bedroom with his blinds down for me to see his face clearly. All I can see
is his eyes are down to the floor and his bottom lip is between his teeth,
biting gently.




"Okay" he finally says after what feels like
an eternity. Not quite happy with his answer because he didn't actually promise
me anything, but I decide to ignore it for now not wanting to ruin the moment.
I pat the bed next to me as he continues unbuckling his pants, and then watch
hungrily as they slide down his legs, ending up on his bedroom floor. The big
question of briefs or boxers is answered for me as I stare down at his very
impressive hard on.


"You're a mystery you know that?" he says as
he takes hold of one of my ankles and starts kissing down my leg. I wriggle,
trying to get out of his hold because his soft stubble is tickling me and
making me laugh. He keeps going though, not even remotely disturbed by my
futile attempts of struggling free. His fingers hook into the top of my tights
and he slowly starts to pull them down my legs, his eyes on mine the whole time
like a hunter watching its prey. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I like
that look in his eyes.


"Undressing you is kind of like unwrapping a
highly anticipated Christmas present" he says as he bends down and brushes
his lips along my stomach - cheesy, but I’m finding it strangely sweet. Usually
I don’t do the sweet thing, but I’m letting him get away with it. I twist my
fingers through his hair, which I've wanted to do ever since I saw him that
first day in the office. I tug gently and he growls as his lips finally reach
my neck, at the same time pulling my sports bra up. I sit up for a second so he
can take it off completely, and then watch as his eyes roam down my body.


"You wear this kind of underwear when you're
running?" he asks with amusement, as he snaps my lace underwear against my
hip. I laugh because it's stupid, I just like lace underwear, makes me feel
sexy even if I'm the only one that sees it.


"What’s so funny? Underwear isn't in the ‘don't
need to know’ category."


"I just like lace, nothing more to it. Luckily,
otherwise your Christmas present would have ugly granny panties on" I


"I don't care about the packaging, I just care
what’s underneath it" he says as his fingers slide under the top of my
underwear and he slips them down my legs. He sits back a little and I watch as
his eyes wander down my bare body, and surprisingly I'm not ashamed in front of
him. I reach out and pull on the waist band of his briefs, letting them snap
back against his skin loudly. We both chuckle lightly.


We’re uncoordinated, messy, and impatient but both
just as eager for wherever this is heading towards. I watch the way his arms
move as he skims his hands along my thighs. He’s very attentive to every part
of me that I didn’t even realise wanted or needed attention. His fingers slide
against my skin as if trying to commit every detail to memory.


I watch his face as he concentrates on the path he’s
taking down my skin, and note how tired he actually looks. He still looks
gorgeous don’t get me wrong, but I see the dark circles around his eyes as if
he hasn’t slept for days, and the stubble is more noticeable than usual.


Now that he’s almost completely bare in front of me I
see every inch of coloured skin, decorated by different pieces of work that
cover one entire arm and span across the top of his chest, and partially up his
neck. Jesus Christ this guy is a walking, talking version of what turns me on,
of what I want and realise I need. He’d be the type to accept me and all my


I shake my head, because I don’t need to be thinking
about all that and sit up. He leans back on his heels as I move closer, and
press my palm flat against his chest to push him back. He falls backwards with
a soft bounce on the mattress and grabs my hips, pulling me down against him
with a huge smirk on his face.


My hair brushes against him as it hangs, and my
necklace dangles from my neck, barely brushing his chest but enough to make him
realise it’s there. He looks at it curiously for a second and twists his finger
around the chain. He slides it down to reach the charm that’s dangling, and by
charm I mean something that’s far from it.


“Is this a bullet? As in…a real bullet?”


He holds my gaze momentarily, and I just shrug not
wanting to explain. He nods once and sighs – “Need to know stuff…I get it”, he
closes his eyes and when he opens them he asks with a smirk, “What exactly am I
getting into with you?”


“Trouble…lots of trouble.”


His response is a deep, rumbling laugh, and then he
rolls us over. He brushes some hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear.
Either he’s not as bothered by what I’m saying, or he thinks I’m joking.


“Aww how gentle and sweet of you Carter” I say in a super
sweet and sugary tone as I giggle.


“Right…you don’t like sweet and gentle do you” he says
as his lips graze along my cheek and down my neck, before biting down - fucking
hard I might add.


A moan escapes my lips at the slight pain, and I can
feel his lips pull up into a smile against my skin. His hands skim down the
length of my body, and I gasp as he grabs a hold of my thigh and tugs it up.


I automatically wrap the other leg around his waist
too, as his fingers lightly trace along my stomach, before reaching down and
grabbing his cock. He slides it against my opening and grins when he feels just
how wet I am.


“Fuck” he says, and I don’t answer. Is that a good
fuck, or a bad fuck?


“Condom…top drawer” he growls, and then leans down,
licking and kissing down my chest, toying with one of my nipples. He bites down
gently and I reach out blindly to my side, trying to find the damn top drawer.
Just a few inches further.


Me wriggling around and reaching for the drawers makes
me rub up against him in the most delicious way, making us both impatient.
Where the fuck are these condoms dammit!


I finally find the drawer without looking and yank it
open, diving in and trying to find a condom quickly.


He pulls back from his slow devouring of my nipples,
and smirks at me when he sees me fiddling with the condom wrapper. I bite into
it impatiently and rip it open, then reach down to slide it on, his eyes on
mine the whole time.


He leans down closer against me and slides his hand
through my hair, before grabbing a handful – not causing pain, but just enough
to let me know he’s not being gentle with me.


Before I can say something witty he thrusts into me,
making me whimper with the pleasure it automatically gives me. He seals his
lips to mine as he continues to move inside me, slow at first, but then he
starts to move harder and faster. I rake my fingers down his back, and feel his
muscles flexing with every movement as he gets deeper.


“Oh God, Carter” I manage to get out between each
breath, and then gasp as he nips my ear with his teeth. He leans up on his
forearms and keeps driving himself harder into me, this time watching me,
watching the way my body moves beneath his, searching my face for ...for what?


It feels slightly intimate the way he’s looking at me,
so I turn my head into the pillow and close my eyes tight. I feel his warmth,
his body slick against my own as he hits an incredibly good spot.

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